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I'm Ichirin, and I'm taking my sister's place guarding the treasure. I won't let any thieves in alive!
~ Ichirin Kumoi

Ichirin Kumoi is a character from Touhou serving as the midboss and boss of Undefined Fantastic Object's third stage as well as a playable character in Hopeless Masquerade. Her personality is described as straightforward and quick-thinking, allowing her to adapt to most situations with ease.

During the events of Undefined Fantastic Object, Ichirin and Unzan were acting as guards for Byakuren's ship, to keep out anyone trying to keep her from being revived. She initially thought the heroines were attempting to stop her, but upon realizing they had some parts of the treasure needed to unseal Byakuren, she assumed they were on her side and happily let them through.


  • (Touhou 12) Has light purple wavy hair and dark purple eyes. Carries a medium-sized yellow ring in her right hand. On her head, she wears a headdress similar to a Hijab or a nun's headdress. She wears a white dress with a blue trim at the bottom, and wears black shoes. She is also always seen with Unzan.
  • (Touhou 13.5) Same as above, but now she wears a red amulet and a black and yellow kesa, and her hair is a lighter shade of blue.


Ichirin is described as having a pleasant personality, but can also be tenacious at times.



  • In the demo version, Ichirin refers to someone (Byakuren?) as 姐御 (anego) and 姐さん (ane-san or nee-san). Both terms are variants on "elder sister", but these versions usually mean a female superior who is not one's real sister, such as a female gang boss.
  • Ichirin's outfit closely resembles that of a Buddhist nun's, which is appropriate, considering her ability.
  • Ichirin's inspiration may come from the second volume of Shigi san Engi. In the story, Daigo Tennou becomes dangerously ill one day, so his subjects visited Myouren to beg him to come and pray for the emperor. Myouren rejected their request for some reason but proposed that he would do it at his temple and he would inform them when he finished. After approximately three days passed, a flying stranger, Ken no Gohou (剣の御法) appeared near the court, who implied the end of Myouren's praying. After that, the emperor recovered very soon. His outfit is; a sword in one hand, numerous blades around his neck, and he flew on the wheel very similar to a dharmacakra, followed by wind or clouds. We could say that Ichirin is most derived from the dharmacakra called "hourin" (宝輪) in Japanese, which has one of the same kanji in Ichirin's name (一輪). Also, Myouren's sister, Byakuren's inspiration, gave him a cloth to wear as a gift and the cloth was stored in the Soaring Vault (Tobikura, 飛倉), the inspiration for the Palanquin Ship. These correspond to the points that Ichirin's wearing a hood and is the guardian of Palanquin Ship. Also look at these pictures.
  • There is an old Japanese tale about a tsukumogami (a youkai born from an old object attaining a spirit of its own after being around for 100 years) named Ichiren Nyuudou, which was a tsukumogami born from a Buddhist rosary. ZUN may have based this character off of the tale.
  • In an interview with ZUN, he states that Ichirin isn't the only one that can hear Unzan. Rather, he's just shy and tends to whisper, so Ichirin repeats what he said to others "Like a spokesperson".



Other Apprearances[]

Theme Music[]


Touhou Logo Heroes

Incident Solver
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sakuya Izayoi | Sanae Kochiya | Youmu Konpaku | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mima | Yuuka Kazami | Alice Margatroid | Genjii | Ruukoto | Kana Anaberal | Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno Scarlet Devil Mansion
Hong Meiling | Patchouli Knowledge | Sakuya Izayoi | Remilia Scarlet | Flandre Scarlet

Perfect Cherry Blossom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Alice Margatroid | Youmu Konpaku | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Ran Yakumo | Yukari Yakumo | Prismriver Sisters

Immaterial and Missing Power
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Suika Ibuki

Imperishable Night
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Keine Kamishirasawa | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Tewi Inaba | Eirin Yagokoro | Kaguya Houraisan | Fujiwara no Mokou

Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuuka Kazami | Aya Shameimaru | Komachi Onozuka | Eiki Shiki

Mountain of Faith
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Nitori Kawashiro | Momiji Inubashiri | Aya Shameimaru | Sanae Kochiya | Kanako Yasaka | Suwako Moriya

Subterranean Animism
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Satori Komeiji | Koishi Komeiji | Rin Kaenbyou | Utsuho Reiuji | Sanae Kochiya

Undefined Fantastic Object
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Minamitsu Murasa | Shou Toramaru | Byakuren Hijiri | Nue Houjuu

Ten Desires
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Mononobe no Futo | Toyosatomimi no Miko | Nue Houjuu | Mamizou Futatsuiwa

Hopeless Masquerade
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Hata no Kokoro | Tenshi Hinanawi | Hatate Himekaidou | Iku Nagae | Unzan

Double Dealing Character
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno | Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Urban Legend in Limbo
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Kasen Ibaraki

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sagume Kishin | Hecatia Lapislazuli

Antinomy of Common Flowers
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Unzan | Byakuren Hijiri | Mononobe no Futo

Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mayumi Joutouguu | Keiki Haniyasushin

Three Mischievous Fairies
