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Idola Avorn/Yihdra Arvoln is the deuteragonist of the adventure fantasy manga and anime series The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World.

She is voiced by Konomi Inagaki in Japanese.


Idola is a young woman with long hair of dark purple and red eyes. As a witch, she wears a traditional witch's hat, dark purple with gold trim, adorned with a large red ribbon tied around it. Her outfit consists of a revealing, dark purple ensemble with gold accents, including a short skirt and a cropped top that shows her midriff. She has a long, flowing cape at her back and a pair of thigh-high boots.


At first she is introduced as a serious girl, distrustful of others and rather temperamental who has no tolerance for useless adventurers, until she meets Tougo and demonstrates his combat skills by fighting her golem and defeating him in the process, being stunned to see the boy's skill level and his “transformation”, although she also finds him a pain in the ass because of how confident and determined he is, along with Tougo's Ranger skills and the “ridiculous” names of his powers, despite these characteristics that irritate her about him, she gives him the thumbs up and introduces herself to him.

Later it is revealed that, under that outer layer of explosive emotions and little trust in new people, Idola is actually kind-hearted, brave and quite optimistic, her greatest dream is to return the role of royal scepter (the title given to the magicians in her world) to her family, after her whole family was expelled from the capital because of the death of her father in combat, because with the magic of that, she intends to grant happiness to the inhabitants of the entire kingdom; thinking that Tougo was going to make fun of her dream, she is shocked to notice that he actually admires and supports her.

As the series progresses, she ends up getting used to Tougo's attitudes and becomes quite fond of him, so much that she ends up developing love feelings towards him, but she ends up hiding them so he does not suspect; she does not tolerate anyone speaking ill of her deceased father, every time someone does so, she punishes them with her magic.


           Red Ranger Adventurer Logo Heroes

Tougo Asagaki | Idola Avom | Teltina Liz Wagrel Alvarost | Rosie Mist | Raniya | Nagare Banjoji | Shuji Kataoka | Emily Tobihoshi | Tsukasa Aizawa
