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Heroes Wiki

We are messengers from the Dragon Palace. We swim in the sky only to warn of a certain disaster. The scarlet mist is a mist of temperament. The scarlet sky is a sign of the disaster to come. The scarlet clouds shall shake the earth. We swim to convey these things.
~ Iku Nagae

Iku Nagae is a heroic female youkai from Touhou who serves as the messenger of the Dragon Palace. Her job is to observe the daily mood of the earth's atmosphere. She somewhat questions why humans and youkai fight/duel as a part of their daily life. During the events of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody she finds out that a strong earthquake is going to occur in Gensokyo, so she decides to warn the residents. Afterwards, Yukari tells her that the culprit is hiding in the Hakurei Shrine. She then goes back to the shrine and finds Tenshi, who has just inserted a keystone to prevent the earthquake. Iku questions this and thinks of Tenshi as having been "spoiled a bit too much", so she decides to punish her.


Iku has red eyes and short violet blue hair. She wears a white and red shirt, a long black skirt, and a hat with a red bow and two long ribbons extending out. She has a white and red shawl entwined along her arms and blouse. Both the shawl and the shirt glows in scarlet color.



  • Iku's spellcard declaration pose and some alternate special move poses closely resemble John Travolta's dancing pose from the disco movie Saturday Night Fever, which many doujin work make fun of by linking her to disco dancing. To a lesser extent, they also resemble Bass's lightning attack pose from the game Mega Man & Bass, as well as the start-up of super robot Great Mazinger's move, Thunder Break.
  • In Touhou Hisoutensoku, Iku seems to have an alternate color palettes that resembles the fan-made character Maybell.
  • Iku's dress resembles that of a Spanish Flamenco dancer, and her movements and poses look a bit like dancing. However, her profile states that it's a special dress, granting the owner the ability to fly. Maybe it's a reference to some dances, where it looks like the dancer is flying.
  • Her profile suggests that she is a Youkai of oarfishes. In Japanese, oarfishes are called "Ryūgū-no-tsukai" (リュウグウノツカイ or 竜宮の使い in Kanji), which literally means "messenger from the Dragon's Palace". In this case, a dragon is considered as a god of water. Her shawls (and probably the long ribbons on her hat) are apparently modeled after the shape of oarfishes, which have thin, elongated bodies and red fins.



Other Apearances[]


Theme Music[]


Touhou Logo Heroes

Incident Solver
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sakuya Izayoi | Sanae Kochiya | Youmu Konpaku | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mima | Yuuka Kazami | Alice Margatroid | Genjii | Ruukoto | Kana Anaberal | Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno Scarlet Devil Mansion
Hong Meiling | Patchouli Knowledge | Sakuya Izayoi | Remilia Scarlet | Flandre Scarlet

Perfect Cherry Blossom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Alice Margatroid | Youmu Konpaku | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Ran Yakumo | Yukari Yakumo | Prismriver Sisters

Immaterial and Missing Power
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Suika Ibuki

Imperishable Night
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Keine Kamishirasawa | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Tewi Inaba | Eirin Yagokoro | Kaguya Houraisan | Fujiwara no Mokou

Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuuka Kazami | Aya Shameimaru | Komachi Onozuka | Eiki Shiki

Mountain of Faith
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Nitori Kawashiro | Momiji Inubashiri | Aya Shameimaru | Sanae Kochiya | Kanako Yasaka | Suwako Moriya

Subterranean Animism
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Satori Komeiji | Koishi Komeiji | Rin Kaenbyou | Utsuho Reiuji | Sanae Kochiya

Undefined Fantastic Object
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Minamitsu Murasa | Shou Toramaru | Byakuren Hijiri | Nue Houjuu

Ten Desires
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Mononobe no Futo | Toyosatomimi no Miko | Nue Houjuu | Mamizou Futatsuiwa

Hopeless Masquerade
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Hata no Kokoro | Tenshi Hinanawi | Hatate Himekaidou | Iku Nagae | Unzan

Double Dealing Character
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno | Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Urban Legend in Limbo
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Kasen Ibaraki

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sagume Kishin | Hecatia Lapislazuli

Antinomy of Common Flowers
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Unzan | Byakuren Hijiri | Mononobe no Futo

Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mayumi Joutouguu | Keiki Haniyasushin

Three Mischievous Fairies
