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Ippei Shima is a journalist for the Touto Times who meets Xavitan when he travels to the surface of Earth and one of the main supporting characters of Akumaizer 3. He is one of the Akumaizer 3's human allies and aids them in gathering information on the Akuma Clan's activities, as well as occasionally helping them fight off the A.

He was portrayed by Jiro Chiba, who also played Kazuya Taki in Kamen Rider.


Ippei Shima first learned of the Akuma Clan after his friend Jun Nagisa was nearly abducted by them, but was saved by Xavitan. After Xavitan was injured in his fight against Evil and Gabra, Ippei and her Jun took Xavitan in so he could recover. While resting, Xavitan revealed his history as a member of the Akuma Clan to Jun and Ippei and revealed his cybernetics, lamenting the fact that he had been born a demon. Hearing this, Jun placed a flower on Xavitan's chest and comforted him, saying he was nicer than a lot of humans.

While Xavitan was resting, Ippei, Jun and Mitsuhiko were all abducted by the Akuma Clan in their flying ghost ship and brought to Downworld along with other humans that had been captured to be made slaves. Luckily, they were all rescued by Xavitan and Gabra (who were later joined by Evil) and flown back to the surface of Earth.
