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Irmo the Vala of Dreams & Desires

Irmo is a major protagonist in The Silmarillion. He is the Master of Visions and Dreams. Originally named Irmo [ˈirmo], but referred to more commonly as Lórien [ˈloːrien], after his dwelling place. I Irmo and Mandos are the Fëanturi, masters of spirits. Irmo, the younger, is the master of visions and dreams. His gardens in the land of the Valar, where he dwells with his spouse Estë, are the fairest place in the world and are filled with many spirits. All those who dwell in Valinor find rest and refreshment at the fountain of Irmo and Estë. Since he is the master of dreams, he and his servants are well-aware of the hopes and dreams of the children of Eru. Olórin, or Gandalf, prior to his assignment by Manwë to a role as one of the Istari, was a Maia long taught in the gardens of Irmo.


           Middle earth sbg-1-1024x257 Heroes

Thorin and Company
Gandalf | Bilbo Baggins | Thorin Oakenshield | Fíli and Kíli | Dwalin | Balin | Óin | Glóin | Dori | Nori | Ori | Bifur | Bofur | Bombur

Fellowship of the Ring
Gandalf | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Peregrin Took | Meriadoc Brandybuck | Aragorn | Legolas | Gimli | Boromir

Manwë | Ulmo | Aulë | Oromë | Mandos | Irmo | Tulkas | Varda | Yavanna | Nienna

Gandalf | Radagast | Morinehtar & Rómestámo

Aragorn | Boromir | Faramir | Isildur | Baranor | Théoden | Éowyn | Éomer | Bard the Bowman | Bain | Sigrid | Húrin | Túrin Turambar| Beren | Beorn | Grimbeorn

Legolas | Elrond | Arwen Undómiel | Lúthien | Galadriel | Celebrimbor | Eltariel | Thranduil | Turgon | Eärendil | Ecthelion of the Fountain | Glorfindel

Thorin Oakenshield | Fíli and Kíli | Dwalin | Balin | Óin | Glóin | Dori | Nori | Ori | Bifur | Bofur | Bombur | Dáin Ironfoot | Gimli

Bilbo Baggins | Frodo Baggins | Samwise Gamgee | Peregrin Took | Meriadoc Brandybuck | Sméagol

Eru Ilúvatar | Gwaihir | Tom Bombadil | Treebeard | Goldberry

Alternate Continuities
Peter Jackson
Baranor | Bilbo Baggins | Celebrimbor | Gandalf | Bard the Bowman | Thorin Oakenshield | Eltariel | Fíli | Kíli | Ratbag | Talion | Tauriel | Torvin

The Rings of Power
Galadriel | Elrond | Arondir

Animated Films
Gandalf | Helm Hammerhand | Hèra | Fréaláf Hildeson | Haleth | Háma

Gene Deitch
Bilbo Baggins
