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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."
Spider-Man has declared that this article is still under construction. |
“ | I wont rest until I find out what really happened in Aogashima. | „ |
~ Isamu during the Book II prolouge. |
Isamu Uchiumi is the main protagonist of the second chapter of the 2021 Roblox horror game The Mimic "Jealousy's Book" He is the younger brother of Senzai Uchiumi.
Isamu's appearance depends on the Roblox avatar; however, he is canonically male. His concept art however, shows that he has dark brown hair and eyes. He wears a blue suit with white shirt underneath with buttons. and his necktie is either a black tie or an I.D tag. His hair also appears to be wavy and wet.
Early life[]
It is shown ingame that his mother is deceased and also that him and Senzai had a rather abusive and alcoholic father. Despite Senzai being better than Isamu (as Isamu says in game), he was always favored by his father over Senzai. It is unknown if there is a reason for this.
The letter incident[]
At some point when Isamu was 16, Senzai got a letter from Masahino art university. Isamu wanted to support his brother and suggested they showed the letter to their father, Akihito. However, this infuriates Akihito and he rips the letter in two, and then proceeds to beat Senzai with a glass wine bottle as Isamu watched in fear. Sometime after that incident, Isamu saw Senzai crying in his room, Isamu then began to become worried about Senzai, however Akihito puts a hand on Isamu's shoulder to reassure him, and Isamu brushes off the incident.
Jealousy's Book[]
Jealousy: Chapter I[]
Kawasaki Ward[]
On a rainy night, Isamu goes to Kawasaki Ward to visit the body of his late older brother, he tells Senzai how it hurts to see him like this, and that he wishes he had more time to tell Senzai his regrets. He then decides to go to Aogashima (the place Senzai died) to find the truth about his brother's death.
Journey to Aogashima[]
On a small boat, Isamu heads to Aogashima island, however, once he is close to the destination an Umibozu rises up from the sea and knocks out Isamu. Some time after this Isamu is half conscious as he sees a mysterious person dragging him somewhere, Isamu loses consciousness again and wakes up in the sisters' Minka.
The Sisters' Minka[]
Isamu wakes up here, confused, and tries to find the owner of the Minka so he can leave. Whilst exploring the Minka, he walks into a room as glass falls from the room door, alerting the sisters. He then reads a book explaining the story behind Rin and Mio Tsushima, the monsters that roam the Minka. After reading the book, Isamu gets the idea to poison and feed rats to the sisters, in order to escape with ease. He then begins to find rats and poison them via the well, and then puts them under the bell and rings it, in order to make the sisters see the rat and eat it.
Chase sequence[]
As he is leaving, Mio (talking using Rin's voice) runs after Isamu, angry that he tricked to trick her with rats. The two sisters them become a giant monster who chase Isamu down the exit to the Minka, however, this plan fails, and Isamu escapes the Minka alive.
The Nure's Zone[]
Stepping into Nure's zone, Isamu sees multiple heads and becomes afraid, attempting to reassure himself they aren't human. He then gets outside and walks up the stone stairs. Here he has to hide in or behind rocks, or in the grass whenever Nagisa comes back up, if she spots Isamu, she will turn him into stone. Isamu survives this and makes his way to the caverns leading to Yoki Town.
Chase Sequence[]
As he begins to leave the Nure's zone, Nagisa sees him and chases him down the caverns, he survives this, however, and enters Yoki Town, trying to find a boat.
Yoki Town[]
In Yoki town, Isamu comes across multiple entities, the most prominent being old man Keneo, who offers to direct Isamu to a boat if he successfully steals him a Seishin orb guarded by the blind witch. During this quest, Isamu must visit each house and remember the painting inside, outside the houses, Shosai roams Yoki Town, looking for a victim to kill. Isamu comes across one house where he finds Takane inside, in order to get the last painting Isamu must paint a kanji letter correctly otherwise he will be killed by Takane. He does this successfully and uses a key he found to enter the giant house. Where the blind witch awaits. Here, Isamu has to remember all the paintings he saw previously and light the candles in front of said paintings. If he lights the wrong candle all of them will go out and he has to start the process again. At the same time, Tsukiya roams the house, due to her being blind, she has to listen out for Isamu's movements and breathing, despite the may obstacles, Isamu completes the puzzle and is able to steal the Seishin orb, which he gives to Keneo.
The Ship[]
Keneo sends Isamu to the ship, upon going inside, Isamu realizes he must maintain his oxygen and use the oxygen canisters when needed. On the first floor of the ship, he has to avoid Hyakume and light a candle on the first floor. He lights the many candles on the ship's 3 floors three times, and is then able to escape through the vents. However, Kyogi catches him trying to escape and says that his only choice it to take Isamu to "that place", Kyogi will then chase Isamu through the vents at full speed. Isamu out crawls Kyogi jumps down deeper into the vents. Thinking he won, he slows down for a bit, but Kyogi rushes into Isamu from the front and knocks him out, sending him to Enzukai's seal.
Enzukai's seal[]
At the seal, Isamu struggles to breathe but his "will to live sets him free", he walks forwards, seeing Enzukai who stares at Isamu, unable to attack due to the seal holding him back. Confused Isamu walks past the seal and makes his way to the deep sea.
Chapter II[]
The deep sea[]
In the deep sea, Isamu sees the same mysterious man from before and runs towards him, unaware of the fact the man is his brother, Senzai. As the man dissappears, Isamu is teleported to a zone where 2 Umibozus watch over, they will kill Isamu using the light from their eyes if they happen to spot him. Isamu survives this and progresses into the palace.
The palace[]
Trying to understand what is going on, Isamu begins to theorize if his experiences are simply a dream, or a mimic of his reality. However, he reminds himself he needs to look for the mysterious man and heads towards the upstairs of the castle. Here he finds a Jikiniki, eating away at a dead animal's body. He crawls on the floor making as little noise as he can and opens the door, only to find more Jikinikis eating, he survives this area and heads into the meat restaurant.
The meat restaurant[]
Upon walking through the doors, he sees Nuppepo who tasks him to finding 6 pieces of meat, saying that he (Isamu) will need it for later. Whilst doing this, Isamu has to evade Kuishinibo, a large gluttonous monster that will rush towards Isamu upon spotting him, wanting to devour the detective. After escaping Kuishinibo's wrath and giving the meat to Nuppepo, Nuppepo opens the gate which allows Isamu to escape the restaurant.
Chase sequence[]
Whilst exiting, a pack of Gashadokuros breaks through the giant doors and pursue Isamu, however, Isamu escapes this encounter alive and makes his way further into Enzukai's dimension.
The underwater city[]
Here, there is not threat to Isamu other than the risk of falling of the edge and dying, Isamu pulls all the levers scattered around the area, opening the door to the foggy cavern which he finds his way into.
The foggy cavern[]
Isamu once again sees the Jikinikis, devouring a dead body of an animal, he has to solve 2 somewhat simple math puzzles to open the door to the kitchen, all while crawling on the floor to stop the Jikinikis from hearing him. He does this successfully and enters the giant kitchen.
The kitchen[]
In the kitchen, Isamu sees Nuppepo and the Kaonashis once again, here Nuppepo tells Isamu to cook for Zuboshi- the great Ushi-Oni. Isamu exclaims that he has never cooked before but Nuppepo ignores this. Here, Isamu cooks multiple different meals for Zuboshi in an attempt to avoid being eaten by the monster. However, Zuboshi is still not satisfied and chases Isamu out of the kitchen, attempting to devour him. Isamu survives this and makes his way to red light green light.
Red light, green light[]
In this section, Teiryu will sit in the middle of the playing field, head down. When a ding noise plays Isamu must stop moving. Teiryu will lift her head up to listen out for any movement, due to this section being a cursed zone, Isamu is unable to run and has to be tactical in order to win. He then makes his way up to the tower.
The Tower[]
In this section, Isamu has to complete multiple memory puzzles in the tower. Whenever he hears a loud creaking noises he has to make his way to the nearest wooden box (he cannot sprint as this is a cursed zone) and hide as Ryoshi checks each floor of the tower looking for the detective. After completing all memory puzzles a door at the top of the tower will open, which teleports Isamu to the playground.
The playground[]
Hide and seek[]
When he enters the playground, Chihiro will spot him and happily call him a "new friend" telling him that if he plays a game of hide and seek with her, she will help him escape the playground. She also warns him that he must "find her before mother finds him". During this segment, Isamu searches the playground in order to find Chihiro, hiding in lockers whenever Kurayami (mother) is nearby, after finding Chihiro for the 3rd time a door rises up from the ground to take Isamu to the stop it slender phase.
Stop it slender[]
In this phase Isamu is taken to a darker, more eerie version of the playground. Here he has to find 6 pages (all illustrating the backstory of Chihiro) and look away whenever Kurayami appears Infront of him (similar to stop it slender). After exploring the playground and finding all 6 notes, Isamu is teleported to The Ship.
The Ship[]
Battle with Nagisa[]
After finishing phase II of the playground, Pon Pon (Chihiro's pet bake-kujira) helps Isamu escape by launching him onto a giant ship, however, Nagisa returns, thirsty for blood. The two have an intense battle where Isamu shoots the snake with the ship's canons. After numerous shots with canon balls Nagisa is finally defeated and falls back into the water.
Isamu the serpent slayer[]
Thinking he won, Isamu says "guess that snake wasn't so tough after all" right before he hears a rumbling sound. Nagisa's corpse floats back up and out comes her second form- the sea serpent. Isamu uses a cutlass to slash the sea serpent and kill her. After numerous lacerations the sea serpent falls back into the water and Nagisa is finally dead.
Isamu's fate[]
After his battle with the sea serpent, Isamu hears running behind him only to get knocked out by the mysterious man from earlier. He wakes up in Enzukai's lair where the mysterious man reveals himself to be his older brother, Senzai. Senzai then insults Isamu, calling him pathetic and introducing him to his "god" Enzukai. Enzukai pulls Isamu towards him using telekinesis and rips his heart out killing him. Isamu then awakes in Jigoku (hell).
Chapter III[]
Entrance to Jigoku[]
Isamu awakes in Jigoku, twitching violently and catching his breath, he walks forwards to meet Gozu and Mezu, the gatekeepers to hell. Gozu intends to devour Isamu but Mezu says that Isamu is "special" and that they should give him to the old man, Isamu faints subsequently.
Keneo's Minka[]
After fainting, Isamu wakes up in Keneo's minka where he speaks to Keneo who says that Isamu shouldn't be in hell, but also doesn't belong in heaven. Isamu now has to find 4 hearts around the Minka, when going to one of the hearts, a shinchu attacks him and he must fend it off. He then places all the hearts on the hands, opening a door.
Chase sequence[]
Going through the door, Isamu comes across a white orb, when near the orb for too long it will turn red and a red circle will appear on the floor, spawning in Nejibishoma. The Minka transforms into multiple hallways that Isamu needs to get through in order to escape Nejibishoma. He survives this, and heads down into the flesh cave.
The flesh cave[]
After escaping Neji for the first time, he goes down into the flesh cave where he realizes he needs to feed the Shokunins 2 sticks and 1 cloth, in order to make an undying torch. Whilst doing this, he evades Nejibishoma, who returns to continue his hunt for Isamu. After making one torch he light it with a purple flame and throws it at Nejibishoma, realizing the demon is still ready and willing to attack, Isamu crafts another torch, lighting it again and throwing it at Nejibishoma. This time, the demon dies and Isamu can now escape the Flesh Cave freely.
The cavern of wealth[]
After escaping the flesh cave, Isamu find himself in the cavern of wealth where Hakamori, Isamu's guide appears. The demon calls Isamu an ugly pathetic soul, which Isamu replies with "Ugly? me? says you." Hakamori then tasks Isamu to ringing all the bells and defeating the Shinchus that roam the flesh cave. Saying that upon doing this, a gate will be waiting for him alongside a special guest.
Phase I[]
Isamu does as he is told, defeating the Shinchus, completing the memory puzzles and ringing the bells. When he rings a bell a hand will stick out from underneath and attempt to kill Isamu, here he uses his stick to fend off the hand, before progressing towards the next bell. Upon ringing the fourth bell. Dodomeki herself will come out from the ground, shouting "Yield!" forcing Isamu to complete an Osu game before he can continue, Isamu completes the 2 gate puzzles and makes his way to the exit of the cavern of wealth.
Chase sequence[]
About to escape, Dodomeki pursues Isamu through the exit to the caverns, desperate to kill him. Isamu survives yet again and jumps through a hole in the floor, descending deeper into the layers of hell.
The twisted lake[]
Heading to a mimic of the Tokyo train station, Isamu is pulled into the water by Enzukai, who takes him to a raft heading towards a mimic of the Uchiumi residence. Here Enzukai insults Isamu, saying that she was the only one there for Senzai, and that Isamu was a terrible brother. Isamu must push her away when she rises up from the water otherwise he will be dragged in and killed. Enzukai gets tired of doing this and forces Isamu to live through a memory of Senzai's.
Uchiumi residence[]
Isamu, in the body of Senzai, is tasked to doing chores and praying to keep his sanity up. If his sanity gets too low a monstrous version of himself will attack and kill him, after some time a monstrous version of their father-Akihito, will come home, Isamu will then have to rush to bed without being caught. Akihito will check on Isamu (Senzai) and if he doesn't control his breathing correctly he will die. After the first night, Isamu will complete 2 more night and upon completing the 3rd night he will relive a memory of Akihito calling Senzai a disgrace and dragging him to another room in the house, likely to beat him.
The train station[]
Here Isamu reflects on the memory he experienced, and feels sorry for not knowing what was happening. He then grabs a crowbar and makes his way to the main area of the train station, upon boarding the train, he sees Evil God's hands. A deep voice will then speak as the train monster advances towards Isamu, Isamu manages to break out of the train in time.
Boogeyman's lair[]
Here, Isamu meets Hakamori once again, who tasks him to finding the larvaes and feeding them to Nurikabe, making sure to avoid Bugi and the mannequins. Despite the large amount of enemies, Isamu manages to feed both larvaes to Nurikabe, making the giant creature move out of the way, allowing Isamu to go into the goop river.
The goop river[]
Here, Isamu must make it to the other side whilst avoiding the living mud pile that lurks the river, he uses mattresses and small hills (for lack of words) to avoid the monster. He eventually makes it to the other side of the river and progress into the next layer of hell.
Yurei's Mori[]
I Spy[]
Isamu goes into the more meeting Hakamori again for the 3rd time, she tells him that this is the last layer before he meets the dealer and that he must steal Yurei's treasure in order to continue his path, the mannequins return to aid Yurei in killing Isamu. He goes into the first house and finds the assigned items, and then does the same with the other 2 houses, making sure to avoid the mannequins.
Yurei's boss fight[]
After doing the last I Spy game, Yurei will step out from a tree and speak about how "over and over again, humans find ways to be parasites" and that she will eradicate Isamu's soul in order to serve a greater purpose, likely for her own needs. This begins a boss fight with Yurei where Isamu picks up katanas to throw at the demon, after doing this numerous time Yurei will drop to the floor. She speaks about how "humans will never change" and that they're "selfish people", after saying this she descends into the floor and a tree rises up in her place, taking Isamu to the deepest layer of Jigoku.
Shinigami's lair[]
After escaping Yurei's Mori, Isamu progresses into the deepest layer of hell-Shinigami's lair. He meets Shinigami, the dealer and also the previous ruler of hell. He makes a deal with Shinigami, who says that if Isamu survives his trial, he will bring him back to life temporarily, if Isamu loses the trial, his soul will belong to Shinigami and the deal will be cut off.
Chase scene[]
Shinigami will then chase Isamu through the deepest layer of Jigoku, using his scythe to aid him in getting closer to the detective. As Isamu gets closer to the exit to hell Shinigami will be on top of a now much bigger Hakamori, trying his best to catch Isamu. Isamu makes it to the exit in time and wakes up back at Kawasaki ward.
Kawasaki ward[]
After escaping hell, Isamu finds himself back in Tokyo. Except this time, Tokyo is destroyed, buildings burning and people screaming. He looks up into the sky only to see Enzukai transforming into their second form. In the end credits card Enzukai and the Kiiroibara cult can be seen destroying Tokyo together, the chapter ends there. (More will be added when Jealousy's Chapter 4 releases).
Jealousy's Chapter I[]
“ | It hurts to see you like this brother, I wish I had a little more time to tell you my regrets...... I won't rest until I find out what really happened on Aogashima | „ |
~ Isamu to Senzai's body |
“ | The moon looks a little strange tonight... I should be arriving pretty soon. Good god man, that thing doesn't look too friendly... | „ |
~ Isamu on his journey to Aogashima |
“ | How did I end up in a minka? I don't even know where my boat is now. And w-what could've that thing back there possibly be? A whale? At least my limbs are still intact. Perhaps I can look around to ask the owner of this place for help. | „ |
~ Isamu in Rin and Mio's minka |
“ | This place... these things... they're surely not people. | „ |
~ Isamu after seeing the Tsurube-Otohsi's |
Jealousy's Chapter 2[]
“ | Who was that man? How did he know my name? Looks like I have other things to worry about... | „ |
~ Isamu at the start of Jealousy's Chapter 2 |
“ | I wonder if Senzai has been here before. He always did talk about another world in a far away place. I just don't understand how can this all be real? Is this perhaps a mimic of our reality? A dream? Can't back out now, I should really look for that man. | „ |
~ Isamu in the palace |
“ | Ugh, friendly or not? Guess I'll find out. | „ |
~ Isamu after seeing Nuppepo |
“ | Well, apparently everything wants to eat me here... Seems like besides the fact that monsters exist, they've also formed a cult? This is ridiculous, I must be losing my mind... Pull it together, Isamu. | „ |
~ Isamu after escaping the meat restaurant |
“ | Huh? What's going on? What!? I have never cooked before! What? What are you talking about? | „ |
~ Isamu after encountering Zuboshi in the kitchen |
“ | Ow… I thought PonPon was friendly. Looks like I conveniently landed on this big ship. So, the stories brother used to talk about were true. I can’t believe it, I should come back with a bigger investigation team. Something feels off… | „ |
~ Isamu in the ship |
- His concept art is designed by Noob_Daddae.
- He is not a member of the Masashige Family, as stated by the official developer MUCCDICH, Isamu is a different character.
- The kanji for the first name "Isamu" (勇) means "bravery". The kanji for the last name "Uchiumi" (内海) means "inside the sea".
- He is the first and currently the only protagonist to die.
- He is confirmed to have been born on July 15th, 1999, since Jealousy's Book takes place March-April of 2022, he is 22 at the time of Jealousy's Book but would be 23 when the year of 2022 ends (note that he is life temporarily, so he will likely never live to 23 years old).
- He is currently the only protagonist to have their name mentioned in-game.
External Links[]
- Isamu Uchiumi on the Mimic Wiki
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Main Characters The Masashige Family |