“ | The goddess Ishtar has come in response to your summons. As the Goddess of Beauty, I rule over Venus, but also govern fertility, war, and destruction, so you had best respect me deeply... ... Huh? Long time no see? What are you talking about? I have never seen you before in my life... I don't know you...but... ...Well, I suppose you're not bad for a human, if a bit sassy. |
„ |
~ Ishtar, upon being summoned. |
“ | You win this time, Lord Fujimaru! I accept your proposal! | „ |
~ Ishtar |
Ishtar (イシュタル, Ishutaru) is a major character in Fate/Grand Order, playing a pivotal role in Seventh Singularity: Babylonia chapter and a minor role in Final Singularity: Solomon chapter. She is a Archer-Class Psuedo Servant who made a temporary contract with Ritsuka Fujimaru, as well as Rider-Class Servant with her summer outfit. She is a Mesopotamian goddess of beauty, fertility, and war. She was said to be the most loved, yet most spoiled by the gods. In this form she has not manifested as the goddess Ishtar, but as a pseudo-Servant with the body of Rin Tohsaka with a similar wavelength to her own as a vessel.
She is voiced by Kana Ueda in Japanese and Mela Lee in English anime adaptation, both of whom have voiced Rin Tohsaka and Ereshkigal in the same series and Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue series.
The physical appearance in this form is not her actual appearance, but she took a body possession of Rin Tohsaka. In this form, Ishtar has red eyes and long black hair tied up into twin tails with two black ribbons. On top of her head is a black and gold tiara, along with a golden neck brace and matching "O" shaped earrings. Unlike her sister, Ereshkigal, Ishtar retains Rin's black hair.
Her usual outfit is very revealing, with her top being a white bra that is outlined with gold and exposes a bit of cleavage along with her lower back and stomach. On her bottom is a jeweled black-gold thong. She also wears a black stocking on her right leg that has golden ornaments, with her left ankle having a golden bracelet. Her left arm is outfitted with a black and gold glove that covers her forearm, while her right arm has a golden bracelet around her upper-arm. Her summer outfit ironically is less revealing than her usual one, as her pink sweater covered her entire stomach.
Ishtar is very arrogant and egotistical, she behaves without paying any regard to the possessed human, but her nature is receiving a big influence from the human that was possessed. Originally, Ishtar is both deeply compassionate and cruel, but because the personality of the possessed human is more virtuous, her cruelty has retreated to the bottom of her heart, and her good side appears to have come out ahead of it.
She proposed to Gilgamesh because she fell in love with him, but he quickly refused because he knew that Ishtar was a whimsical and cruel witch who rendered men useless. Ishtar, enraged by Gilgamesh's insults, clung to her father, the god Anu, in tears and asked for the release of the greatest of Divine Beasts, the "Bull of Heaven", onto the Earth for her revenge. Against this Divine Beast none could match, Gilgamesh and Enkidu worked together to stand against it and repelled it splendidly. Once again, the goddess lost face. However, her rage had not lessened, and she requested death for either of the two of them from the gods because it was a sin for one with a human body to kill the beast of the gods. Ishtar's wish was granted, and one of the two, Enkidu, who was created by the gods, was unable to defy that decree, slowly weakened, and died.
Skills and Abilities[]
- Flight
- Boat of Heaven Maanna: Both an airship and an enormous bow.
- Noble Phantasm - An Gal Ta Kigal Šè: Ishtar would warp to Venus and take possession of its concept by means of management rights, loading it like a bullet and firing it from Maanna’s magazine as a conceptual planet.
- She was designed by Shidzuki Morii.
External Links[]
- Ishtar on the TYPE-MOON Wiki
- Ishtar on the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
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