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Isran is the stoic leader and founder of the modern Dawnguard. He also serves as a master skill trainer in Heavy Armor and will offer his services to the Dragonborn if they join the Dawnguard.

He is voiced by James Lewis.


He was previously a member of the Vigilants of Stendarr years ago after witnessing his family's death at the hands of Molag Bal Vampire cultists, alongside Celann. Dissatisfied with the order, and the fact the Vigil found his methods "extreme," they both left to form their own partnership. It didn't last long, as Celann began to disagree with some of Isran's methods. In 4E 201, after a recent spate of vampire attacks, Isran went on to revive an ancient order of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard. He re-established its headquarters in Fort Dawnguard, a massive fortress deep within the Velothi Mountains and rallied new recruits in order to combat the undead menace.


When the Dragonborn goes to Join the Dawnguard isran and Celann meet both the Dragonborn and Agmaer and induct them into the group.After a plea from Tolan, Isran sends the Dragonborn to investigate what the vampires who attacked the Hall of the Vigilant were looking for within Dimhollow Crypt.When The Dragoborn returns he is Furious at the Dragonborn's compassion to Serana and delivering an Elder Scroll to the Vampires, Isran orders the Dragonborn to make amends and recruit two of his old colleagues to their cause: Sorine Jurard and Gunmar. When they return to Fort Dawnguard, Isran checks to make sure they haven't contracted Sanguinare Vampiris, then lets them into the fort.Isran brings the player to reunite with Serana, who has fled from her father, Harkon. While disgusted at her presence, Isran is interested to hear about a Moth Priest in Skyrim and could help them understand the Tyranny of the Sun that Serana mentions. He sends the Dragonborn to retrieve Dexion Evicus to help read Serana's Scroll and see if it provides any details that could aid the Dawnguard against Harkon.

After the Dragonborn retrieves Auriel's Bow, leaving him amazed that they have the object that Lord Harkon seeks to complete the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy, Isran rallies the Dawnguard to prepare for the final assault against Harkon and his court at Castle Volkihar,Once joined by the Dragonborn and Serana, they attack the castle and eliminate all of Harkon's court members,After Harkon is slain, Isran thanks Serana for her help, showing newfound respect for Harkon's daughter. He offers the Dragonborn a chance to return to Fort Dawnguard to continue working with the Dawnguard to weed out other vampires around Skyrim, knowing that Auriel's Bow is in good hands.

If the Dragonborn sided with the Vampires he is one of the many targets the dragonborn is sent to kill.


Isran has a strong sense of righteousness and in addition believes it is his duty to protect Skyrim from vampires. However, he tends to prioritize killing vampires over most other things, and would even put the lives of innocents at stake in order to aid his cause. Even though he is not from Skyrim, he is proud to live there as heard through his battle cries. Despite no longer being a Vigilant, he still believes in Stendarr. He has quite a cold demeanor initially, perhaps the only trait he shares with his counterpart, Harkon. His unfriendliness goes to new extremes when Serana is among the Dawnguard; he talks to her in harsh tones and constantly refers to her as 'it', even to her face. However, towards the end of the main questline, Isran refers to Serana by her name, rather than 'it', and goes as far to thank her for helping kill Harkon, even showing sympathy to her considering the loss of her father. According to him, his hatred of vampires is what keeps him strong; that, and constant vigilance. Compared to Gunmar who also lost his family to vampires, his drive to purge the land of vampires is not out of protecting people from the vampire menace but out of pure hate. Despite these negative traits, he is still compassionate and forgiving, as he did not gloat about his dire predictions coming true to Vigilant Tolan.

He is so tense and alert that he belittles the Dragonborn for sleeping, claiming it to be a weakness. The Dawnguard's leader is perfectly content expecting the worst to happen. However, while others mocked him, he read the signs and was able to take the right measures.

Isran apparently has a consistent habit of falling-out with people and holding grudges. The Vigil let him go after he proved too "extreme." Celann explains that he was never happy with Isran's rough and violent methods, and broke off their partnership. Florentius, the priest of Arkay, never got on with him either. However, Isran is not so petty as to stay mad at people in times of need. To the surprise of his old colleagues, he recruits them to help the Dawnguard. In his own gruff manner, he continued to care for these people too. Upon hearing of Keeper Carcette and the other Vigilants' deaths, he shows sorrow and compassion for their losses. If anything, it gives him more fuel for his obsession: to exterminate all Vampires.


This article contains content derived from the "Isran" article on the Elder Scrolls Wiki, licensed under CC-BY-SA.


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