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Huh? Why am I crying? Rishia... I'm sorry... for everything.
~ Itsuki after his change of heart.

Itsuki Kawasumi, often known as the Bow Hero is one of the main characters of the Rising of the Shield franchise. He serves as the main antagonist of the twelfth volume of the light novel. Kawasumi also also appears in the spin-off series The Reprise of the Spear Hero, which is based in an alternate timeline, where he also takes Motoyasu Kitamura's place as the antagonistic hero and Malty's puppet.

Itsuki was originally a 17-year-old high school student from an alternate version of Japan. This Japan had some degree of magic. One day, after walking home from school, Itsuki was hit by a speeding truck, which apparently killed him.

He soon woke up in a fantasy world. Kawasumi had been summoned alongside three other Japanese men from different versions of Japan to save the world from the Waves of Calamity. These four men (including Kawasumi) received a Legendary weapon each, becoming the Four Legendary Heroes who were destined to protect the fantasy world. Itsuki was given the Legendary Bow, making him the Bow Hero.

In the anime, Itsuki is voiced by Yoshitaka Yamaya in Japanese and Eric Scott Kimerer in English.


Itsuki is a seventeen year old teenager of Japanese ethnicity who stands at 4'9". He has green eyes and short curly blonde hair.

Itsuki was initially summoned wearing a school uniform, with a green blazer but quickly traded this in for light armor. Wearing white underlayers, his overclothes are brown, with metal shoulder and hip guards. He also wears a green traveling cloak.



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