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Heroes Wiki

Ivan Whisky (Russian: Иван Виски) aka Cyborg 001 is a major protagonist in the Cyborg 009 franchise. He is the first model in the Black Ghost organization's 00 Cyborg line of cyborg soldiers, possessing immensely powerful psychic powers, though he often has to rest after he exerts them.

Despite having the body of an infant, Ivan is the most intelligent of the 00 Cyborgs and acts as their strategist as well as a secondary mentor to the team.

In the Japanese version, he was voiced by the late Fuyumi Shiraishi, Kana Ueda in the (2001) series, Sakiko Tamagawa in the movie and Haruka Shiraishi in the reboot.

In the English version, he was voiced by the late Mary Malone, Robert Martin Klein in the (2001) series, Stephanie Sheh in the movie and Christine Marie Cabanos in the reboot.


Born in Russia, Ivan's father Gamo Whisky was a scientist for the war profiteering organization Black Ghost. After Ivan was diagnosed with an unknown fatal illness, Gamo began experimenting on him day and night to find a cure, ignoring the objections of his wife Erica. Experimenting on Ivan soon developed into an obsession for him, and his continued alterations to Ivan's mental state led to the infant developing immense psychic powers. Having forgotten his original motives for his experiments, Gamo turned Ivan over to other Black Ghost scientists for continued experimentation while he left to pursue other research for Black Ghost.

With assistance from a defecting Black Ghost scientist named Dr. Isaac Gilmore, 001 was able to escape Black Ghost alongside the eight other models of the 00 Cyborg line. Hijacking a Black Ghost prototype ship which they named the Dolphin, 001 and the 00 Cyborgs began their campaign to rid the world of Black Ghost and thwart their warmongering schemes.

