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“ | The first time I met Hawkfrost, it wasn't in the Place of No Stars; it was in a field with flowers and sunshine and stuff like that. He... he flattered me; he seemed interested in what I could do, not what my sister could do. No cat has ever treated me like that in this Clan. I'm just [Dovepaw's] shadow here. | „ |
~ Ivypaw's jealousy of her sister |
Ivypool is one of the tritagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors book franchise.
She is the sister of Dovewing, mate of Fernsong, mother of Bristlefrost, Flipclaw and Thriftear, and the current deputy of ThunderClan. She and Dovewing initially started out close, but the former soon became extremely jealous of all the attention her sister received for being a prophecy cat. This led her to training with Hawkfrost in the Dark Forest to one-up Dovewing, but she soon came to regret her decision when she learned of the Dark Forest's plans to take over the living world. She became a spy and helped fight against them, and afterwards dedicated herself to proving her loyalty to ThunderClan and repairing her relationship with her littermate. Eventually she became a mother to Fernsong's kits and was furious of Dovewing's departure to ShadowClan. Nevertheless, she grew to accept her sister's relationship with Tigerstar, and after many moons became ThunderClan's deputy following Squirrelstar's ascension to leadership. During her deputyship, she aided in helping a group of wildcats and restored the memory of the lost StormClan, all the while moving past the grief of her daughter Bristlefrost's death.
Ivypool is a slender she-cat with soft white fur. She has large patches of pale gray tabby fur and a striped silver tail, as well as dark blue eyes. Due to her training in the Dark Forest, she has many scars and her ears are torn up.
The Power of Three[]
Ivykit and Dovekit are born to Whitewing and Birchfall. When seeing the two leave the nursery for the first time, Jayfeather and Lionblaze realize that though their sister Hollyleaf wasn't apart of the "Kin of your kin" prophecy, one of the two kittens could be, as they are related to Firestar via his nephew and their grandfather Cloudtail. Knowing this, they decide to keep an eye on the two she-kits just in case.
Omen of the Stars[]
The Fourth Apprentice[]
Ivykit and Dovekit sneak into the apprentices' den to look for good spots to put their future nests. Jayfeather finds them and scolds them, and they begin excitedly explaining how they'll do everything together as apprentices. Right before their apprentice ceremonies, Whitewing tries to groom their fur. During the ceremonies, the two are then renamed Ivypaw and Dovepaw, with the former getting Cinderheart as her mentor and the latter receiving Lionblaze. Afterwards, the two are taken on a tour of ThunderClan's territory, where they see the shrinking lake caused by the recent drought. Ivypaw then finds a dead fish on the ground, and while sniffing it a RiverClan warrior named Rainstorm rushes over to her, thinking she's stealing prey. He gets stuck in the mud though, and after the patrol saves him they escort him to ThunderClan's medicine den.
Ivypaw becomes jealous of her sister when she's praised for her bountiful catches while the gray-and-white she-cat only manages to bring back a tiny shrew. When Dovepaw informs everyone that the drought is caused by beavers blocking the stream, Ivypaw tells her to stop trying to be the center of attention all the time, leaving Dovepaw speechless and downtrodden. Her jealousy gets worse when her sister is chosen to go on a quest to unblock the stream while she's left behind, pretending to be asleep to avoid having to say goodbye. She becomes more and more frustrated with her apprentice duties as the day goes on, kicking a pebble at Mousefur when the brown she-cat scolds her, to which Cinderheart scolds her as well. Her mentor then they'll be battle training later, but this does nothing to lift Ivypaw's spirits.
While teaching the apprentices about different types of herbs, Jayfeather explains how dock leaves strengthen paw pads, and Bumblepaw remarks that they'd be useful for long journeys. His comment reminds Ivypaw of the quest her sister is on, causing her envy to resurface as she snaps at him. Once Dovepaw and Lionblaze finally come home a few days later, the later looks for her sister and finds her hanging back, looking bashful. Ivypaw admits that she worried Dovepaw wouldn't miss her, but the light gray she-cat says that she did miss her all the time. After reporting what happened to Firestar, the two then go down to the lake where Dovepaw promises she won't leave Ivypaw behind again.
Fading Echoes[]
Ivypaw is woken up by Dovepaw's nightmare about the RiverClan warrior Rippletail, who had went on the journey with her and died fighting the beavers. She anxiously asks Dovepaw if she was dreaming, adding that she was twitching like a mouse in her sleep. Her sister licks the top of her head and says that it was just a bad dream, after which Ivypaw falls back asleep. That morning, Brambleclaw brings the two on a border patrol along with their mentors. On the way to the lake they begin play-fighting, and Brambleclaw scolds them as they reach the lake and see how large it's grown after the dam was destroyed. Ivypaw steps on the broken remains of Jayfeather's stick and gets a splinter in her paw, with Cinderheart taking it out as the broken stick is thrown into the lake.
Cinderheart and Lionblaze later teach their students how to climb trees, and as they practice hopping from branch to branch Ivypaw challenges her sister to see who can get to the training hollow without touching the ground. Dovepaw races her, but a branch she lands on suddenly breaks, though luckily she isn't hurt from the fall. That night, Dovepaw convinces Ivypaw to sneak into WindClan territory with her. Once they get there, Ivypaw tries stopping her from entering their camp, but Dovepaw is adamant about seeing Sedgewhisker and Whitetail. She enters the warriors' den and asks Sedgewhisker if he's ok after she found out he was attacked by a dog earlier, after which Weaselfur finds the two apprentices and wakes his Clanmates up. WindClan's leader Onestar has Breezepelt and Heathertail escort them home, after which Firestar has their mentors decide what punishment to give them for their trespassing. As the two apprentices walk away, Firestar then requests to speak to Dovepaw, making Ivypaw jealous. As punishment for sneaking into the neighboring Clan, Cinderheart and Lionblaze confine their apprentices to the camp for a week.
Ivypaw begins noticing Dovepaw is being treated differently their Clanmates, including Firestar. When bringing this up, her sister dodges her questions, irritating Ivypaw. Her jealousy towards her littermate worsens further as she feels neglected compared to her. That night, she finds her self in a lush meadow in her dreams. She's approached by a brown tabby tom with a white underbelly, who offers to show her some new hunting techniques. She eagerly says yes, failing at what he teaches her a few times before finally getting it right. She feels proud of herself when the tabby praises her, and when he asks what she thinks of her sister, she replies that Dovepaw is funny, clever, and the most courageous cat she knows. As she begins to wake up from the dream, the blue-eyed tom tells her his name is Hawkfrost.
Ivypaw wakes to find Dovepaw returning to camp, and Cinderheart then calls her over to inform her that Blossompaw, Briarpaw and Bumblepaw are all having their warrior assessments while paired with another apprentice. Ivypaw is paired with Blossompaw, who complains that she's not good at hunting and asks to go with Dovepaw instead. She's told that she can't change partners, so she angrily tells Ivypaw to stay out of her way. While hunting with Blossompaw, Ivypaw sees Hawkfrost watching her. He tells her that she's just as good a hunter as her sister, giving her the confidence to catch a squirrel with one of the techniques he showed her. Blossompaw, meanwhile, is only able to catch a blackbird and is frustrated that Ivypaw one-upped her during her own assessment.
Upon returning to camp, Ivypaw sees Dovepaw and decides to tell her about Hawkfrost, but before she can say his name Lionblaze calls his apprentice away. Ivypaw is angered by this, thinking that her sister doesn't care about her and asks if Lionblaze couldn't spare a few moments without his "precious apprentice". Dovepaw apologizes and exits the apprentice's den, and Ivypaw slumps into her nest, hoping that Hawkfrost will teach her new moves so she can prove she's the better sister. She's noticeably happier when joining her Clanmates to gather moss later, but is indifferent towards Dovepaw challenging her to a race. Whitewing then tells her daughters to work together, and Ivypaw finds Dovepaw arguing with her mentor about ShadowClan trespassing on ThunderClan territory. Upon asking why Lionblaze thought she'd know something like that, she grows irate at Dovepaw's awkward dodging of the question. She demands to know what's so complicated that she can't even tell her own littermate, accusing her of being jealous of a StarClan cat visiting her in her dreams. She then reveals her envy to her sister before leaving, and back at camp refuses to even acknowledge Dovepaw's presence.
Hawkfrost visits her again soon after, teaching her a new battle move. He tells her to jab at his tendon on the back of his joint, which she quickly gets the hang of. Hawkfrost then asks her about Dovepaw, and she gets angry at her sister once more, telling him that she almost told her about his training, but has no intent to now. He agrees with this decision, telling Ivypaw that she isn't her sister's echo and they don't have to share everything with each other. The next day, Ivypaw participates in a mock battle where she successfully uses the new move Hawkfrost taught her on Birchfall. Her peers are slightly suspicious to see her use such an advanced technique, but brush it off and get back to training when she claims that she had just gotten lucky.
At their next meeting, Hawkfrost introduces Ivypaw to a few of her fellow trainees, and then challenges her to cross a line he'd drawn in the ground. She attempts to, but he holds her off, and before she can try again a large, dark brown tabby tom approaches the two. Ivypaw recognizes him as Tigerstar, a former warrior of ThunderClan who went on to become the leader of ShadowClan in life. He claims that he's still loyal to ThunderClan, but that he took over leadership of ShadowClan because they needed him. He then informs her that ShadowClan will soon attack her own Clan, and she must convince Firestar to take back the territory he had given them several moons ago.
Upon waking, she goes right to the leader's den to tell Firestar about her dream, finding him, Brambleclaw and Graystripe in the middle of an argument. She claims that StarClan had sent her an omen in her dreams of a river of ThunderClan blood and a hollow filled with ShadowClan warriors. The three then discuss what she told them, concluding that giving the territory away might have been a bad idea and agreeing to take it back. Ivypaw and Dovepaw go to battle ShadowClan the next day, with the light gray she-cat shaking anxiously. Ivypaw is concerned for her sister, as she doesn't have the training that Hawkfrost had given her. As the battle begins, Ivypaw and Blossomfall fight Ratscar, with the former looking for her sister, worried she'll need help. She spots Dovepaw, but Starlingpaw attacks before she can go help. Tigerheart is then about to leap at her, but the two recognize each other as fellow trainees and exchange a brief nod. Dovepaw sees this and wonders how the two know each other. Soon the battle comes to a close when ShadowClan's deputy Russetfur takes one of Firestar's lives, and in turn Lionblaze kills her.
Night Whispers[]
Ivypaw helps Blossomfall back to camp after the battle, and later Jayfeather enters her dreams where he sees her in the Dark Forest, with Hawkfrost scolding her for messing up a battle move. Dovepaw overhears Jayfeather and Lionblaze talking about Ivypaw's secret, and confronts her about it the next time they go hunting together. Ivypaw hesitates before admitting that Hawkfrost has been training her, and after arguing with her sister about it she runs off in annoyance and shame. Soon after, Jayfeather has a vision of Dark Forest spirits invading ThunderClan, killing everyone but Ivypaw.
On her next visit to the Place of No Stars, Mapleshade suddenly attacks and pins her down, telling her to show more respect. Hawkfrost then arrives and tells Mapleshade to let her go, with Thistleclaw and Shredtail following him. During a training session, Shredtail scratches at Ivypaw's eyes, and she becomes fearful that he almost blinded her. In the waking world meanwhile, Dovepaw hears her whimpering in her sleep and wakes her up to see that her eyes are swollen. Dovepaw insists she stop training with Dark Forest cats before she gets seriously hurt, but Ivypaw insists that Tigerstar will make her a great warrior. During the next training session, Hawkfrost has her, Shredtail, Snowtuft and Hollowpaw practice fighting in the water. She struggles however, and upon waking up she and her mother both discover she's bleeding. She's taken to the medicine den despite trying to claim she just had a thorn in her nest, and as Jayfeather examines her she knows that he knows where her injuries are from.
Later, while out hunting, Ivypaw reveals to her sister that she knows she and Tigerheart have been sneaking out at night to see each other, informing her that the ShadowClan warrior also trains with her in the Dark Forest. Dovepaw refuses to believe the latter part and runs off. When Dovepaw and Tigerheart next meet, Ivypaw follows her sister in secret and confronts the two. A ShadowClan patrol passes by just then though, and while Tigerheart hides Dovepaw in the bushes, Ivypaw is discovered and taken prisoner. She's taken to ShadowClan's camp and held there until ThunderClan gives them the herbs they need to cure their medicine cat Littlecloud of his sickness. ThunderClan relents and gives over the herbs while Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Graystripe and Brackenfur fetch the blue-eyed apprentice. To make up for the herbs that had to be given away for her, Ivypaw is then tasked with hunting the whole day.
Upon visiting the Dark Forest again, she overhears Tigerstar conversing with Tigerheart and realizes that he was lying all along about wanting to help her and ThunderClan. As she tries to wake up to escape, she runs in to Mapleshade, who wants to see the water battling moves she'd been taught. Ivypaw nearly drowns before sneaking away and waking up. Afterwards, she tells Dovepaw, Jayfeather and Lionblaze that Tigerstar had been using her and she never wants to go back to the Place of No Stars again. The two older toms suggests she be continue visiting to spy though, and while she's reluctant, she agrees to do so. Soon after, Dovepaw reveals to her that she has special powers that allow her to see and hear want others can not, and her special treatment has been because she's apart of a prophecy. Ivypaw is initially upset that her sister had kept this from her for so long, but promises to help her fight against the Dark Forest.
That night, she returns to the Dark Forest where Tigerstar has her attend a meeting. While sitting with the other trainees, she hears the Dark Forest residents announce that the battle against the living world is fast approaching, and to her horror, some of the trainees are excited to fight alongside the evil spirits. Brokenstar then calls Ivypaw over and informs her of a special mission he has for her. After having her show him her climbing and lunging skills, he tells her that she still has one more thing to do before she can fight with her "new Clan". Just then, the recently deceased Flametail emerges from the ferns, having gotten lost and wandered away from StarClan. Brokenstar orders Ivypaw to kill him, but she protests that she can't, as he's already dead. Brokenstar then informs her that it's possible for a cat to die twice, which would cause them to fade from existence. He then orders her once more to kill Flametail to prove her loyalty. Knowing that if she dies there, she'll never get to warn the Clans of what she's learned, Ivypaw resigns that she must kill Flametail and lunges at him. Tigerheart then intervenes, knocking Ivypaw away and stating he refuses to let anyone take away what's left of his brother. He convinces Brokenstar that Flametail can only mix herbs and is no threat, and the dark brown tom lets the StarClan cat escape. Tigerstar then tells Ivypaw that she's truly loyal to the Dark Forest and will stand side-by-side with them when the Great Battle comes.
Sign of the Moon[]
Ivypaw and Dovepaw pass their final assessments and become warriors, earning the names Ivypool and Dovewing. After their warriorhood vigil, Dovewing pleads with Ivypool once more to stop going to the Dark Forest, but the blue-eyed she-cat says that she can't control it, as she just ends up there every time she falls asleep.
While spying on the Dark Forest again, Ivypool has a training session with Antpelt of WindClan while Thistleclaw supervises. When she slips and falls, Antpelt waits for her to get up. Thistleclaw sees this as an act of weakness, attacking and seriously wounding Antpelt as punishment. Ivypool begs him to wake up, and he simply moans in pain as he vanishes out of the Dark Forest. Thistleclaw then states that the black-and-brown tom was a coward who got what he deserved, to which Ivypool attacks him in a rage. He insists that he won, but Mapleshade comes out of hiding and retorts that Ivypool won, telling Thistleclaw that he was cheating and should just admit defeat. Mapleshade then tells Ivypool she believes she's truly loyal to them, making the ThunderClan warrior relived that her spying wasn't discovered. She then asks when the Great Battle will be, but Mapleshade says that she doesn't know, other than it will be soon.
When Ivypool and Tigerheart meet up in the Place of No Stars, the tabby tom tells her to stop hiding and admit that what she almost did to Flametail was wrong. He continues to show hostility towards her whenever they meet, with Ivypool not attending the next Gathering because of it, and Tigerheart telling Dovewing that her sister isn't who she thinks she is. Later, the Dark Forest spirits introduce Blossomfall and Hollowpaw as new trainees. When the other trainees are ordered to fight Blossomfall, Ivypool defends her friend, reasoning that they're all Clanmates in the Dark Forest, and that it would be foolish to have a new trainee killed on her first visit. Some time after, Blossomfall reveals to Ivypool that she started training in the Dark Forest because she was jealous of all the attention her mother was giving her sister Briarlight. Ivypool is then tasked with training Hollowpaw, who started training in the Dark Forest to get strong enough to teach bullying apprentices a lesson. During a training session with him, she asks him to keep his claws sheathed so no one gets hurt.
In the world of the living, Ivypool tries speaking to Blossomfall about the Dark Forest, but the tortoiseshell avoids talking about it. She considers warning her Clanmate, but decides against it as it could expose her as a spy. Ivypool and Blossomfall later get trapped in the tunnels while exploring them. Blossomfall panics, thinking that no one will find them and they'll die down there. She then asks Ivypool if she thinks her mother Millie will miss her if she dies, venting about how guilty she feels to be jealous of her disabled sister for the attention she gets. The white-and-gray she-cat assures her that Millie would miss her dearly, and loves her just as much as she loves Briarlight. The two meet a mysterious cat (later revealed to be Fallen Leaves) soon after, asking if he know the way out. The mystery cat refuses to show them at first, but upon realizing they don't belong there explains how to get out.
The two get lost despite the stranger's instructions, before meeting yet another mysterious resident of the tunnels who offers to guide them out. When they get to camp, Thornclaw scolds the both of them, and Millie tells Blossomfall to be more careful. Ivypool tries to reassure her friend that Millie didn't mean it when she gets upset by this, but Blossomfall doesn't believe her. Later, when Firestar announces that ThunderClan will start training at night, Ivypool, Sorreltail, Lionblaze and Berrynose train with Brackenfur, Birchfall, Bumblestripe and Thornclaw as the two sides try seizing an abandoned twoleg nest. When Lionblaze asks Ivypool if she knows if any of their Clanmates are training in the Dark Forest, but Ivypool, not wanting her fellow trainees to be judged and ostracized, lies that she doesn't know because trainees are kept isolated from each other.
As Sorreltail tries a new strategy of having her and Berrynose guard the twoleg nest while Ivypool and Lionblaze keep the other team out, the golden tom takes note of the younger warrior's adeptness toward fighting in the shadows. She then helps lead her team to victory, with Lionblaze attributing it towards her Dark Forest training honing her skills and giving her the ability to fight well in the dark. When Sorreltail congratulates her teammates, Lionblaze says that it was all thanks to Ivypool.
The Forgotten Warrior[]
Ivypool and Dovewing both have trouble sleeping, the former because of her Dark Forest training and the latter because of a reoccurring nightmare where she relives seeing a Tribe cat named Swoop getting carried away by an eagle. Whitewing tries comforting her daughters, excusing them from Brambleclaw's orders for the day. She asks them what's wrong, and while Dovewing confides in her about her night terrors, Ivypool doesn't reveal her visits to the Place of No Stars.
At her next Dark Forest visit, Ivypool asks for the chance to prove she's a full Dark Forest warrior so she may fight on the front lines in the Great Battle. Hawkfrost is impressed by her bold request, and calls forward the spirit of Antpelt - who had recently died of the injuries Thistleclaw gave him and went to the Dark Forest. Brokenstar then orders the two to fight to the death, and while reluctant, Ivypool kills Antpelt and watches somberly as his spirit fades away. Brokenstar congratulates her afterwards, telling her she's a true warrior of the Dark Forest. When she wakes up in exhaustion, Dovewing asks her what's wrong, to which she replies that she's now a full Dark Forest warrior.
Suspecting that a rogue named Sol is plotting with WindClan to attack ThunderClan from the tunnels, Ivypool and Dovewing venture underground. Ivypool is a bit nervous that she'll get lost again, but reassures herself that Dovewing's special powers will guide them to safety if that happens. The two then find some WindClan cats discussing a battle plan, and as Ivypool leans in closer to listen, she knocks a pebble loose. The warriors hear the pebble hit the floor and realize they're being watched, approaching where it fell. Ivypool becomes scared and tells Dovewing to guide them out with her powers, but her sister says she doesn't know the way out. Suddenly, one of the tunnel's residents approaches the two and offers to guide them out like before, but neither she-cat trusts them. In order to gain their trust, the stranger reluctantly steps out of the shadows, revealing herself to be the presumed dead Hollyleaf. The two are shocked to find out Hollyleaf is alive, and she then reveals that she'd been the one to guide Ivypool and Blossomfall out before.
The black she-cat leads the two to the surface, and after Ivypool thanks her she informs them that Sol has in fact been planning an attack on ThunderClan for the past moon. As she hears a ThunderClan patrol approaching, Hollyleaf panics and begs the duo not to tell anyone they saw her, but before she can get back into the tunnels Lionblaze spots her and brings her back to camp. Later, a ThunderClan border patrol passes by a ShadowClan one. One of the ShadowClan cats named Dawnpelt is furious at the ThunderClan cats, believing that Jayfeather had killed Flametail, and threatens them. Ivypool doesn't take these threats seriously though, and Redwillow, a fellow Dark Forest trainee, sticks up for ThunderClan before giving a brief nod to Ivypool. Hollyleaf notices this and comments that the two seem to know each other, with the blue-eyed warrior fearful that she knows of her Dark Forest training. The black she-cat accuses her of being too close to a cat of another Clan, and Ivypool is terrified of where her suspicions may lead until Hollyleaf concludes they're in love. She warns Ivypool, not wanting any kits they could have to end up like how the green-eyed she-cat did, and Ivypool is silently relived.
Later, Ivypool is shocked when Hollyleaf admits that she had murdered her own Clanmate Ashfur, and even more shocked when she reveals that he had tried to kill four cats - including Firestar - for revenge on his ex-mate Squirrelflight. Dovewing then asks her sister if she's seen Ashfur in the Dark Forest before, but she replies that she didn't. Later, Ivypool helps in the battle against WindClan, Sol and his rogues. When Breezepelt attacks Dovewing, she drives him away, and her sister compliments her fighting skills. Soon both WindClan and the rogues are defeated and driven away.
The Last Hope[]
The next time she visits the Dark Forest, Ivypool scents blood and freezes up, remembering when she killed Antpelt, thinking that she'll never be able to wash smell of his blood off of her paws. She then sees Birchfall and Redwillow fighting and yells for them to stop, saying she smells blood and doesn't want anyone to get hurt. Redwillow then shows her the cut in his ear, and when she warns him to be careful, Hawkfrost growls that the Great Battle won't be won with claws sheathed. He then tells Ivypool that she's supposed to be teaching her fellow trainees to be real warriors, not soft Clan cats, and orders Birchfall and Redwillow to resume their training and not stop when they start to bleed as the gray-and-white she-cat worries that she's just blown her cover. After she shows Birchfall some battle techniques, Hollowflight and Blossomfall request to fight some of the Dark Forest's residents. She asks if there are any around, hoping there won't be, but to her dismay Hawkfrost confirms that there are. She then reflects on how she's become as accustomed to the sounds of cats fighting as the sound of singing birds. She asks why they aren't training with the Dark Forest residents already, and Hawkfrost replies that he wants them to learn how the other Clans fight, as they one day may fight side-by-side and will need to know their allies' moves, but Ivypool quickly notices this is a lie.
Tigerstar then appears and tells everyone that all four of the living Clans will unite when it matters most. Upon Blossomfall asking when that will be, Mapleshade shows up as well and says that when the time comes, she'll know. The tortoiseshell then asks Tigerstar if they're being trained for something special, and Ivypool lies that they aren't yet, but could be. Applefur, a ShadowClan warrior, remarks that the next time a rogue like Sol tries taking over the Clans, she'll fight on the side of ThunderClan. Ivypool sees that the other trainees believe that their training is strengthening their loyalty to their Clans, and wonders if they'll side with the Clans or the Dark Forest when the Great Battle arrives. She then hears about a meeting of only the spirits of the Dark Forest, and when she asks if she can join, Mapleshade tells her she can't al long as she resides in the world of the living. After failing to convince Hawkfrost to let her come, she instead eavesdrops onto the meeting and hears them planning out a map, but before she can learn more, Dovewing shakes her awake.
While on a patrol with Birchfall and Mousewhisker, she's told that the three of them will be meeting up with Larkwing, Furzepelt and Sunstrike of WindClan for some daylight training. She waits until the two are out of sight before looking for Foxleap and telling him that WindClan is about to invade. When she goes with Foxleap and his patrol to the WindClan border though, the moor cats deny any plans of invasion, and Foxleap glances at her. Later, when Brambleclaw tells Ivypool and Dovewing to train Cherrypaw and Molepaw for the day, with the former taking note of how tired the latter is. She later patrols with Lionblaze, where the two are shocked to learn that their Clanmate Thornclaw had recently been recruited as a Dark Forest trainee.
Much later, as the Great Battle is about to begin, Ivypool reveals to the other Clans that she's been a spy, with Birchfall looking shocked before he goes to join the Dark Forest's forces. During the Great Battle itself, she finds Blossomfall, Birchfall and Mousewhisker hiding under a bush, convincing them to help the Clans fight off the evil spirits. She then sets off to find Applefur and Breezepelt, witnessing the latter attacking his own Clanmates. She stops him, and he asks if she's crazy, fully supporting the Dark Forest. Thistleclaw then confronts her, snarling that she's a traitor. She retorts that she only came to the Place of No Stars to spy, before Thistleclaw and Snowtuft attack her, cutting up both of her ears.
Soon Hawkfrost joins in, with the three trying to make her death as slow and painful as possible. Just when Hawkfrost is about to finish her off though, Hollyleaf rushes in and begins fighting him off while Ivypool handles the other two. The three Dark Forest cats are chased off, but Hawkfrost had fatally wounded Hollyleaf by slashing her throat open. Ivypool and Tigerheart bring the dying she-cat back to ThunderClan's camp, with the white-and-gray warrior begging Leafpool and Jayfeather to save her like the black she-cat had done for her. There's nothing that can be done however, and Hollyleaf dies after saying goodbye to Leafpool. Afterwards, upon seeing an injured Hawkfrost stumbling into camp, Ivypool flings herself at him, screeching that he killed her friend. Hawkfrost, despite his wounds, pins her to the ground and says she's a traitor who deserves to die before Brambleclaw intervenes, killing his half-brother and watching him fade away.
After the battle has ended, Ivypool is one of the many cats who watches in shock as Firestar succumbs to his wounds and loses his last life, dying permanently. She mourns for Hollyleaf's loss, blaming herself for her death, but her Clanmates assure her that it wasn't her fault and Hollyleaf's sacrifice was not in vain.
Dovewing's Silence[]
During the vigils for all cats who were killed in the Great Battle, Ivypool cleans Hollyleaf's fur, picking scraps of leaves out of it. Her voice cracks as she reminds Dovewing of Hollyleaf's death, and her sister comforts her, telling her that the fallen warrior wouldn't regret sacrificing herself to save her. She stays with the green-eyed she-cat's body throughout the vigil, gently grooming her fur, and along with Dovewing, Poppyfrost and Cloudtail, carries her body away to be buried. Her sister asks if their father should join them, but she says that Birchfall knows he wouldn't be welcome after training with the Dark Forest. She remarks that he, Blossomfall, Thornclaw and Mousewhisker are all traitors to ThunderClan, as is she. Dovewing points out that they all fought against the Dark Forest thanks to Ivypool, to which she says that even so, they aren't so easily forgiven when the Great Battle resulted in so many deaths. She then shudders as she adds that she should be the one killed by Hawkfrost instead of Hollyleaf, and Dovewing responds by wrapping her tail around her littermate's flanks and telling her not to say that, and that their Clanmate died a true warrior. The two then choose a spot to bury Hollyleaf.
Two days later, Ivypool sits behind the elders' den with the rest of ThunderClan's ex-trainees, and Dovewing wonders why the cats who saw her defy Hawkfrost are treating her so differently. When the four leaders organize a meeting to decide what to do with the ex-trainees, Dovewing worries that her sister will be punished for being tricked by the Dark Forest. On the way to said meeting, Ivypool's littermate sticks close to her, silently trying to comfort her for what's about to happen, with the blue-eyed warrior fearful despite her confident demeanor. At the meeting, Dovewing urges that Ivypool tell the leader how she got recruited, and ThunderClan's new leader Bramblestar calls her forward to explain herself. She starts by saying that most of the trainees didn't get recruited because they hated their Clanmates or the warrior code, but because they just wanted to be better warriors. She adds that the Dark Forest cats had approached them individually in their dreams at first and used their insecurities to lure them in. She continues that Hawkfrost had been the one to first approach her, making her believe that training with him would make her a better warrior, and thus get the attention she was jealous of Dovewing for. But after she learned of the Dark Forest's true intents of taking over the Clans, she turned against them and became a spy. When the Great Battle came, she was able to convince everyone but Breezepelt and Redwillow to fight against the Dark Forest.
After she finishes her explanation, the leaders all agree to forgive the ex-trainees and keep them in their Clans, but have them swear an oath of loyalty. Dovewing is happy that her sister and father won't be banished, but they, along with the other recruits, are nervous as they head back home. Dovewing is angry that Ivypool has to swear an oath, as she's already proven her loyalty many times. After all five ex-trainees clumsily repeat the oath that Bramblestar had declared, some of their Clanmates are still visibly distrustful. Later, Ivypool requests to join Dovewing, Cinderheart and Lionblaze on a patrol, commenting that she'd like to warm up from the bitterly cold wind. While out hunting, she catches a squirrel and asks Dovewing how she didn't notice it with her powers. Dovewing claims that she was following a mouse's trail, to which Ivypool tensely tells her to go get it then, and the light gray she-cat wonders if her sister knows that her powers are fading.
Dovewing later invites all five ex-trainees to go hunting with her, not allowing them to be ostracized for their mistakes, with Ivypool looking at her with gratitude. As they hunt though, Cherrypaw and Molepaw report scenting a fox nearby, going to warn Bramblestar while the patrol goes to chase it out. They soon follow the fox's cries to find it with it's tail caught in a fox trap and delirious from the pain. Ivypool creeps towards it, ignoring Dovewing telling her to stop, and it lunges at her. The rest of the patrol comes to her aid, with her and Blossomfall using their training from the Place of No Stars to kill it. Once Bramblestar arrives with his own patrol, they all realize that Cherrypaw and Molepaw had deliberately sent the ex-trainees into danger. As they get back to camp, Bramblestar calls a Clan meeting where he explains what had happened and berates Molepaw and Cherrypaw for endangering their Clanmates. He then calls forward the ex-trainees and convinces the rest of the Clan that they're heroes and are to be trusted, with the two apprentices apologizing afterwards.
Crowfeather's Trial[]
When Nightcloud goes missing, a search party is sent out to find her, sneaking into ThunderClan during their search. Ivypool, leading a patrol of Bumblestripe, Poppyfrost, Seedpaw and Lilypaw, spots them despite their best attempts to hide, striding over and asking what they're doing on ThunderClan territory. Breezepelt and Bumblestripe nearly start fighting during the confrontation before the blue-eyed she-cat yells for the two to stop and separates them. After Crowfeather explains that they're searching for Nightcloud, she wishes them luck and has her patrol escort them to where they last detected the WindClan warrior's scent.
As they train Nightcloud's scent, they find fox scent mingled with it, making them worry the missing she-cat was hurt or killed by a fox. Once they reach the opposite border, Ivypool asks the WindClan cats if they're going any further, to which Breezepelt says they can't give up on their Clanmate. She dips her head with approval in her eyes, giving them permission to pass through ThunderClan again on the way back, and saying she and Bumblestripe will need to tell Bramblestar what happened. When Crowfeather suggests they tell their leader about the foxes too, she responds that they're already keeping an eye on them. As she and Bumblestripe leave, she once again wishes the neighboring cats luck on their search.
Bramblestar's Storm[]
Ivypool receives her first apprentice in Snowpaw, and later takes him out for some battle training. Later during a Gathering, she and Cherryfall start talking to Tigerheart and Ratscar, though she and the brown tabby keep conversing after their Clanmates leave. Bramblestar listens in on their conversation, hearing Tigerheart ask Ivypool where Dovewing is, and she replies with a guarded look that her sister is back in camp. When he asks if she's with Bumblestripe, Ivypool retorts that it's none of his business.
Later, Ivypool takes Snowpaw out with Whitewing, Dewpaw, Spiderleg and Amberpaw, the six of them walking along the lake's shore. When Amberpaw and Dewpaw scare Daisy, the gray-and-white warrior prompts them to apologize. Later, she asks her apprentice if he remembers the names of the cats who died in the Great Battle, and later still is impressed by the seagull Bramblestar, Sandstorm and Molewhisker come home with, commenting that it's big enough to feed the whole Clan.
While leading a patrol near WindClan, Ivypool sees Cherryfall injured and asks what happened, to which Bumblestripe explains that she fell from a tree and Bramblestar broke her fall. Surprised, she asks her leader if he's ok and doesn't believe him when he says he's fine. She then tells Cherryfall to stop trying to hide her paw, as she can see it bleeding, and when the younger warrior writes it off as just a ripped out claw, she retorts that she needs treatment. As her patrol escorts the three back to camp, Bramblestar asks if she's scented any WindClan cats, and she reports she hadn't, nor had she seen any more of seagulls.
After a flood in the warriors' den forces its inhabitants to stay in other dens, with Ivypool in the apprentices' den, she snaps at Amberpaw when the young she-cat says it's exciting to have a warrior staying with them. While trying to dry her fur, she adds that they're cold and wet, and only StarClan knows what state the camp will be in in the morning. When the whole camp later floods, Bramblestar takes Ivypool's suggestion to use the tunnels as a temporary camp. The apprentices hesitate to go inside, and Ivypool tells them to stop blocking the entrance, with Seedpaw apologizing and commenting that the rest of the apprentices are still kits. As the Clan's youth explore the tunnels, the blue-eyed she-cat warns them to not go far, and she later joins a patrol to scope out the rest of the tunnels, wary of how quiet they are.
After the recent Gathering, as Bramblestar worries about the other Clans, Dovewing notes that Ivypool learned at the Gathering that RiverClan had already moved their dens further from the lake. Later, while she and her mother give their apprentices battle training, Snowpaw starts to slip. Ivypool yowls that there's a mudslide before getting buried in it, but manages to drag herself to safety, growling that she'll never be clean again. She scolds Dewpaw when she starts flinging mud at Snowpaw, exasperated when Dewpaw cheekily retorts that they can't get any dirtier than they are now. Dovewing then tells everyone to clean off in the stream, where they catch WindClan trespassing. Wanting to see how they're crossing the stream, Bramblestar, Ivypool and Snowpaw investigate, during which the gray-and-white she-cat spots something and runs ahead, beckoning her cohorts with her tail. Following her, they see that WindClan was able to cross with a fallen tree, and she asks what they'll do. As they discuss, she remembers how Dovewing had dislodged a beaver dam from the bottom. She thinks they could do the same to the tree, but the current is too fast for them to do so. As a WindClan patrol approaches, Ivypool and her apprentice hide underwater.
Soon after, Ivypool and a kittypet named Jessy that's been staying with ThunderClan talk about how they'll move the tree, with Jessy suggesting they unclog the debris-filled river and let the current move the tree away. Doubtful, Ivypool asks where they'll stand, noting that if they stand on either side of the tree, whoever's on WindClan's side will be stuck once it washes away. Bramblestar then comes up with a plan to dislodge one side, and while Ivypool nearly falls into the river in the process, they successfully move the tree. Ivypool yowls in victory as the tree washes down the river, and Bramblestar tells her and Poppyfrost to put down scent markers so WindClan will get the message.
Later, when ShadowClan is being terrorized by hostile kittypets, Ivypool volunteers to help fight them off. Snowpaw wants to go too, but Bramblestar denies him, so his mentor comments that the battle won't be as dangerous as battles with other Clans, convincing him to let the apprentice come. On the way to ShadowClan, Ivypool and Snowpaw show their leader scattered pigeon feathers with ShadowClan's scent, remarking that they must have caught prey there. She then checks for signs of kittypets or ShadowClan warriors, but finds neither. As the Clan cats fight the kittypets, Bramblestar sees Snowpaw and his mentor coordinate an attack on either side of a kittypet named Scarlet, thinking that she taught him well. After the battle though, ShadowClan is angry at ThunderClan getting involved with their problems and sends them away, with the blue-eyed she-cat commenting that they should've waited for the neighboring Clan to ask them for help instead of just helping unprompted.
After a patrol with Ivypool reports signs of badgers in the territory, the Clan starts training to battle them. During the training, Ivypool tells the apprentices to listen to her, stating the badgers will tear them apart if they don't. She then instructs them to bite the badgers' necks and rips their eyelids with their claws. Bramblestar is surprised by her powerful tone and gruesome instructions, then remembers that she was a trainee of the Dark Forest and has seen more brutality than most cats can imagine. During the battle itself, she and Snowpaw latch onto a badger's back as she start viciously clawing at its eyes, and Bramblestar realizes with a shutter that it's a move she learned in the Dark Forest. After the battle, Ivypool's paw is bleeding and she's walking on three legs, but her leader notes that her wounds will heal in time.
While repairing the camp later, Ivypool comments that she thought Snowpaw was a brown cat for a second because of all the mud covering his fur, and that it seems like he's trying to clean the mud with just his pelt. After the former kittypet Frankie joins the Clan as an apprentice named Stormpaw, Ivypool helps teach him how to adjust to Clan life, beckoning him over and saying he can put down the first scent marker as they head out on patrol.
A Vision of Shadows[]
The Apprentice's Quest[]
Snowpaw is now a warrior named Snowbush. Later, after taking their apprentices Alderpaw and Sparkpaw out on a hunting lesson, Cherryfall and Molewhisker join up with a hunting patrol consisting of Ivypool, Birchfall and Sorrelstripe. Cherryfall and Ivypool compliment each other's groups on their hunting before they return to camp. When Sparkpaw falls out of a tree and badly wounds her foreleg, Ivypool tells her to drink some water once she's taken to the medicine den. Alderpaw then has Ivypool, Cherryfall and Hollytuft hold his sister still as he pops her dislocated shoulder back into place, surprising and impressing them with his medical skills.
Thunder and Shadow[]
A rogue named Darktail and his forces, who had recently come to the lake and begun mercilessly attacking the Clans, attack a WindClan patrol in ThunderClan's territory while Ivypool and Fernsong are out hunting nearby. Dovewing worries for her sister's safety, but Cherryfall reminds her that Ivypool had survived the Dark Forest, so she can handle a few rogues. Later, once Twigpaw reaches six moons old, Ivypool becomes her mentor. During a hunting lesson, Twigpaw messes up a pounce, but Ivypool praises her concentration and fast learning anyways. Her mentor says that it isn't a competition and she's free to learn at her own speed, but Twigpaw, believing the Clan is only keeping her because of her connection to the prophecy, replies that she has to be the best because she's special. Realizing her student never felt truly part of the Clan, Ivypool gives her a sympathetic look, stating that it must be hard to grow up without her kin, as she'd been separated from her sister by ShadowClan and no one knows who her biological parents are. She continues that it's a shame that Squirrelflight's search party to find her birth mother failed to locate her, and when Twigpaw asks if they found any trace of her, her mentor says she isn't sure, as they didn't really talk about it.
On the way back from a Gathering half a moon later, Ivypool asks Twigpaw why she's had so much trouble with her warrior training lately. When her apprentice replies that she'd been thinking of her mother, Ivypool asks Bramblestar to let the apprentice go search for her, which he agrees to. Twigpaw is then accompanied by Ivypool, Fernsong and Alderpaw on the search, and the blue-eyed warrior defends her apprentice when others are skeptical of the quest. As the group is about to leave, Ivypool is pleased that Fernsong will be joining them, the two playfully teasing each other and brushing their fur together as they head out. The following day, they find the thunderpath Alderpaw had found the two newborn kittens under, and Fernsong assures a nervous Ivypool that no monsters will veer from the path. They enter the tunnel the kits were in, but find no traces of a mother. Ivypool is sympathetic towards her apprentice's disappointment, and the four go back home. That night, Twigpaw sneaks off to ShadowClan to tell her sister Violetpaw that she believes their biological mother is dead.
The next morning, as Ivypool goes to fetch Twigpaw for the dawn patrol, she finds her student is missing, worried she might've been attacked by a fox if she went out into the woods alone. She laments that she should've kept a closer eye on her after seeing how upset she was about the failed search, her and Alderpaw reporting her disappearance to Bramblestar and Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight irritably assumes the apprentice had simply gone off to feel sorry for herself, and Ivypool defends her, asking if the ginger deputy had ever done anything like that when she was her age. Squirrelflight becomes more sympathetic to Twigpaw and sends her mentor along with Stormcloud and Hollytuft to go find her, and eventually they bring her back to camp.
When Darktail takes over ShadowClan, assimilating many of it members into his group which he names the Kin, Twigpaw worries for Violetpaw's safety. As they head to ShadowClan to check on her, Ivypool says she hopes the ShadowClan cats sheltering in ThunderClan will be able to leave soon, revealing to her apprentice that Dovewing had a relationship with Tigerheart in the past, and she's worried it could start back up again now that they're living in the same camp together. At the border, they meet with two Kin members: Darktail right-hand named Rain, and the ex-ShadowClan cat and Violetpaw's mentor Needletail. Ivypool tells them that Twigpaw has been really worried about her littermate and wanted to check on her, to which Rain growls that she should've told the young gray she-cat not to come. Ivypool responds that telling her not to come would be like telling the wind not to blow, and some things just can't be argued with. Needletail agrees to get Violetpaw, and Rain keeps an eye on the ThunderClan cats while she's away, trying to annoy them by rhetorically asking if ShadowClan was missed at the recent Gathering. Ivypool asks why they should miss rogues, and when Rain responds that they're Clan cats now, she retorts that them having control of ShadowClan's camp doesn't make them Clan cats.
Needletail returns with Violetpaw, who has a brief conversation with her sister. Twigpaw then turns to Ivypool, who asks if she's ok, but before the apprentice can respond Needletail slashes her ears and tells the two ThunderClan cats to leave. Enraged by her apprentice being attacked, Ivypool lunges for Needletail, pinning her to the ground. Her opponent wriggles free and glares at her alongside Rain, and not wanting to start a full-on fight, Ivypool and her apprentice leave.
Shattered Sky[]
Ivypool and Twigpaw aid in the Clans' battle against the Kin, with the older she-cat assuring her student she'll be alright beforehand. Twigpaw still worries for Violetpaw, and Tigerheart tells her the black-and-white she-cat will be ok, too. Seeing Ivypool flick her tail in annoyance at him, Twigpaw realizes her mentor doesn't like Tigerheart. During the battle itself, the two she-cats race into ShadowClan territory alongside Tigerheart, Dovewing and Lionblaze. The ex-ShadowClan warrior Juniperclaw attacks and quickly overpowers Twigpaw, but her mentor knocks him away and scares him off. She then fights three Kin members with Dovewing and Lionblaze, and saves her apprentice again when the young she-cat is attacked by Yarrowleaf. She's about to pounce on Yarrowleaf before Tigerheart stops her, letting the ex-ShadowClan warrior get away. This angers Ivypool, who tells the brown tabby tom that Yarrowleaf isn't his Clanmate anymore, though their argument is interrupted when Mistystar is being attacked and they rush to help her. Soon, the Clan cats are forced to retreat when WindClan's sudden withdrawal from the battle leaves them overwhelmed.
Back in ThunderClan's camp, Ivypool irritably watches Dovewing and Tigerheart sit together before getting into an argument with the latter over whether they should attack the Kin again. Later, Alderheart calls a Clan meeting where he reveals he's had a vision of the once lost fifth Clan SkyClan seeking refuge at a barn, and Twigpaw and Violetpaw's kin may be among them. Dovewing and Tigerheart wish to go find them, but Ivypool argues that while she wants to find Twigpaw's family as well, they should focus on defeating the Kin before they take over ThunderClan too. When the topic of SkyClan originally being driven out of the forest is brought up, she reasons that all the cats responsible for that are now dead, and the current Clans aren't responsible for SkyClan's past. With many cats agreeing with her statements, Bramblestar decides not to send a search party. Twigpaw feels betrayed by this, and Ivypool tries to apologize to her after the meeting, but the apprentice simply walks away from her.
The next day, after Purdy dies and the Clan grieves for him, Alderheart announces that Twigpaw has gone missing. This makes Ivypool distraught, blaming herself for her student's disappearance, saying she should've known Twigpaw would react that way about her arguing against finding SkyClan. After Dovewing, Tigerheart and Molewhisker return from their search empty-pawed, instead reporting that they found blood and fur on the thunderpath and believes she was run over by a monster, Ivypool's guilt and grief only worsen. She laments that she knows her apprentice wanted to go find SkyClan, admitting that her reason for trying to talk her out of it was stupid. She then looks to Dovewing, and something flashes in her eyes as she sees Tigerheart rest his tail over her sister's back. Assuming she's dead, the Clan later holds a funeral for Twigpaw, where Ivypool notes how eager to learn the apprentice was, and she would've been a fine warrior.
Later, Ivypool, Alderheart, Sparkpelt and Lionblaze all try to sneak the ShadowClan prisoners out of the Kin's camp. They meet up with Violetpaw, who snuck out Oakfur and Ratscar, and the blue-eyed warrior gives the two some mice to eat. As they escort the elders to ThunderClan's camp for refuge, two Kin members named Roach and Loki spot them, with Ivypool, Lionblaze and Sparkpelt fighting them while Alderheart and Violetpaw flee with the elders. When Twigpaw eventually comes back to the lake with SkyClan in tow, Ivypool and the rest of the Clan cats are relived to see she's ok, and later the gray-and-white warrior participates in the battle to drive out the Kin once and for all.
During a bonus scene set before Twigpaw's disappearance, Dovewing confronts her sister for arguing against sending a search party for SkyClan, to which she repeats her point about not sending cats away while the Kin is still a threat. She adds that the quest would've gotten Twigpaw's hopes for finding her family up, which Ivypool didn't want shattered all over again if they weren't found. Dovewing retorts that she just made her apprentice upset, and her littermate snaps back that it's none of the green-eyed she-cat's business, adding that she should worry about ThunderClan rather than one of their guests, referring to Tigerheart. Ivypool continues that Dovewing should be able to find everything she needs in ThunderClan, and her littermate guesses that one of the reasons she didn't support the search for SkyClan was because she didn't want her going with Tigerheart.
Darkest Night[]
While on a hunting patrol, Ivypool hears Sparkpelt complain about how many cats are sheltering in ThunderClan in the wake of the Kin's defeat, and she and Fernsong point out how ShadowClan had already gone home a few days ago. Fernsong worries if they'll have enough fresh-kill for everyone, but Ivypool assures him that they will, as not only had Bramblestar sent out five hunting patrols, the RiverClan cats are fishing for themselves as well. Back in camp, as cats complain about SkyClan staying in ThunderClan camp and not hunting their own food, Ivypool defends them, stating that they were supposed to be resting from their long journey from their old home as Jayfeather had said. When some of her Clanmates wonder if the cats of SkyClan might actually be rogues, the gray-and-white she-cat reminds them that StarClan guided them to the lake and question if they're doubting their ancestors.
Twigpaw is upset by what her Clanmates have to say about SkyClan, the Clan her parents were from and her father Hawkwing is currently the deputy of. Her mentor comforts her by saying she did a very brave thing by finding and bringing the Clan to the lake, and she's very proud of her, adding that it won't be easy to find room for SkyClan, but all the Clans will be stronger for it once they do. She then apologizes to Twigpaw for objecting to the search for SkyClan, admitting that she only did it so Tigerheart wouldn't go with Dovewing. She then apologizes for her actions putting her apprentice in danger as well, adding that she understands why she did it and would've done the same in her position.
That Night, Ivypool informs Twigpaw that she's told Bramblestar she thinks it's time for the apprentice's warrior assessment. The morning after the next Gathering, she holds the assessment, and when the two return to camp, she tells Alderheart and Violetpaw that Twigpaw had passed and will now become a warrior, stating her apprentice did brilliantly. However, before the warrior ceremony, Twigpaw leaves to join SkyClan with Violetpaw so the two may be with their father, which shocks the Clan.
Half a moon later, as Ivypool sits with her new mate Fernsong, who suggests they start a family together. Ivypool responds that she isn't ready yet, as she doesn't want to give up warrior duties to sit in the nursery all day for the next six moons. Fernsong points out that she won't have to stay the whole time, as once the kits don't need milk anymore they can take turns raising them. She's surprised by this idea, as tom usually don't raise kits, but Fernsong replies that he could do a good job taking care of them too. Nuzzling his ear affectionately, Ivypool says she'll consider it after leaf-bare passes.
Later, Twigpaw runs collides with her old mentor when crossing the border while pursing a squirrel. She apologizes and says hello, but Ivypool only eyes her warily, and when Twigpaw asks what's wrong she rants about the apprentice she spent moons training running off to another Clan right before her ceremony, adding that she misses the green-eyed she-cat and is annoyed that SkyClan hasn't made her a warrior yet. Twigpaw then says she saw Dovewing discussing ShadowClan's worsening condition with Tigerheart in secret, and Ivypool growls that her sister should be more concerned with what's going on in ThunderClan. The apprentice asks if she's worried her littermate will leave for ShadowClan, and she retorts that Dovewing wouldn't leave ThunderClan after all she's risked for them. Thornclaw then calls his Clanmate over, and the two say goodbye before the older she-cat walks off.
Tigerheart's Shadow[]
Due to her meetings with Tigerheart, Dovewing's relationship with Ivypool has deteriorated significantly, with the green-eyed warrior not even telling her sister she's pregnant with the tabby tom's kits, fearing Ivypool is now going out of her way to avoid her. When Dovewing considers Leaving ThunderClan altogether, Tigerheart speaks with Ivypool to convince her sister to stay. Calling out her name, Ivypool aggressively demands he tell her what he's doing on ThunderClan territory, and when he says he wants to talk to her, she rhetorically asks if he's mistaking her for her sister. She then says Twigpaw told her about his and Dovewing's secret meetings, adding that he could get her into huge trouble with their forbidden romance. Tigerheart retorts that they're meeting because they're in love, to which Ivypool asks if he think that will make everything turn out ok.
Tigerheart then tells Ivypool to stop shutting Dovewing out, as the pale gray she-cat needs someone to confide in, and she retorts that he just wants her to approve of her sister's actions so she won't feel guilty about breaking the code to meet with him. When the tabby tom asks if she even cares about her littermate, she snarls that he's the one who doesn't care, as if he did, he'd stop seeing her. When Tigerheart once more asks her to talk to Dovewing, Ivypool states that she will once their relationship is over, stalking off.
After Dovewing does go through with leaving ThunderClan, Ivypool goes to ShadowClan to search for her. Her and Tigerheart then meet in private, where she growls that she knows he came to lie to her again and claim he doesn't know where Dovewing has gone or why. The brown tabby warrior admits he knew Dovewing would leave, but adds that he tried to stop her, tracking her as far as the thunderpath but losing her scent afterwards. An enraged Ivypool snarls that she doesn't want her sister all alone out there, and if the ShadowClan tom really cared about her, he would've followed after her. Tigerheart is about to argue, but the gray-patched she-cat scratches his muzzle, calling him a fox-hearted coward and saying Dovewing deserved better than him before storming off.
A Vision of Shadows (cont.)[]
Darkest Night (cont.)[]
Following Dovewing's disappearance, Ivypool goes to SkyClan with Fernsong, Lionblaze and Thornclaw to ask if they'd seen her. The Clan's leader Leafstar asks her cats if there's been any sign of the ThunderClan warrior in their land, and Sandynose reports that nobody's noticed anything. Ivypool, doubting this answer, glares at Twigpaw, who then admits to seeing Dovewing and Tigerheart meeting up. After she gets in trouble with Sandynose for not saying anything sooner, the apprentice wonders if Ivypool intended for it to happen. Leafstar then asks the gray-patched she-cat if she'd questioned Tigerheart about her sister, and she replies that she did, but he claimed not to know anything of it. The SkyClan leader allows the ThunderClan cats to search her territory for their missing Clanmate, so long as they leave by sunset, and Ivypool thanks her.
Despite their best efforts though, none of the cats are able to find Dovewing, and Lionblaze and Thornclaw tell the rest of the Clan about her meetings with Tigerheart. Ivypool comments that they must find her, though both golden toms ignore her. She then nervously asks Fernsong if the Clan thinks her littermate is a traitor, and he assures her they don't, since she had helped fight the Dark Forest. Ivypool then says worriedly that she hopes Dovewing is safe.
When it begins to rain heavily, Ivypool suggests evacuating the camp, remembering how a similar rain storm made a beech tree crash into camp in the past. A few seconds later a large piece of rock breaks off from a cliff face and nearly crushes Ivypool and Fernsong, the former immediately calling for everyone to evacuate. She and her mate then carry Blossomfall and Thornclaw's two sons, Stemkit and Shellkit, out of camp, before the blue-eyed warrior goes to SkyClan alongside Bumblestripe and Cinderheart to tell them what happened and ask for some herbs, as the rock side had destroyed most of theirs. Leafstar has some of her warriors help the ThunderClan cats gather new herbs, which Ivypool is grateful for. While gathering herbs together, she hears Twigpaw's new mentor note that his apprentice still needs training, to which she expresses surprise that the young she-cat still has anything left to learn.
Later, during the next Gathering, Rowanstar announces that Tigerheart has gone missing as well. Hearing this, Ivypool shrinks in on her self, and Alderheart guesses she's realized he and Dovewing have run away together.
River of Fire[]
Ivypool is now pregnant with her and Fernsong's kits, moving into the nursery. When Twigpaw returns to ThunderClan, this time with the ex-SkyClan apprentice Finpaw in tow, Bramblestar assigns Sparkpelt as her new mentor, as Ivypool's pregnancy prevents her from continuing her teaching. A few moons later, Ivypool goes into labor on the night of a Gathering, leaving only Jayfeather there to help her while Alderheart is away. She gives birth to a pale gray she-kit, a brown tabby tom and a dark gray she-kit. While talking to a kittypet sheltering in ThunderClan named Velvet, Alderheart mentions how no one expected Ivypool to give birth the night of a Gathering, and how Jayfeather wasn't happy about it when he was just recovering from his illness, the ginger tom hoping he didn't spread the sickness to her or any of her kits.
Alderheart later goes to check on Ivypool, who he finds snuggling with her kits as Fernsong watches. She then tells the medicine cat that she's named the pale gray she-kit Bristlekit, the brown tabby tom Flipkit and the dark gray she-kit Thriftkit. Alderheart says the kittens are beautiful and asks if they're being fed enough, to which Ivypool jokes that they hardly ever seem to stop feeding with affection in her eyes. She then adds that she was so angry when Dovewing left, but now that she has her own kits, she knows what's really important. Alderheart replies that her sister likely had a good reason for leaving, and she responds sadly that the reason is probably Tigerheart. She continues that Dovewing has been gone so long that she's accepted it, but confirms she still misses her when the medicine cat asks, hoping to see her again someday.
After Twigpaw passes her warrior assessment, Ivypool and Lilyheart congratulate her, and the two cheer as she earns the warrior name Twigbranch. After learning that Tigerheart has returned with the missing ShadowClan cats, Ivypool approaches and asks if Dovewing is with him, but they ignore her in favor of announcing that Tigerheart has died. After Tigerheart is revived by StarClan and becomes Tigerstar, Dovewing is about to go to ShadowClan with him before Alderheart tells her that Ivypool now has kits, and she and ThunderClan would like to see her again.
Dovewing visits ThunderClan, with Ivypool, Whitewing and Birchfall all rushing to see her and bombarding her with questions. Ivypool's litter then joins their mother, and a shocked Dovewing asks if they're hers, which her sister confirms. Ivypool then finds out that Dovewing has had kits of her own with Tigerstar, introducing her to a dark gray tabby tom named Shadowkit, a brown tabby she-kit named Lightkit, and a gray tabby she-kit named Pouncekit. Lightkit notes that Ivypool's litter is small, and her mother explains that they were born a few days ago, and that Ivypool is their aunt, and the two litters are cousins. However, the good mood is immediately lost when Dovewing reveals her intent to move to ShadowClan to be with Tigerstar, with Ivypool furiously turning away and taking her kittens with her. Dovewing looks back at Ivypool one last time before she departs for ShadowClan, but her sister doesn't return her gaze.
The Raging Storm[]
When Dovewing comes to visit ThunderClan again and goes to see her sister, Ivypool stays in the back of the nursery, looking at her uneasily and not greeting her when she approaches. Dovewing keeps looking at her hopefully, but her sister doesn't respond, so she eventually asks if she'll come greet her. She adds that she hoped Ivypool would understand she made the best choice she could, and the gray-and-white warrior finally gets up and presses her nose to her littermate's cheek. She responds that she understands why Dovewing made the decision she did, but that it's strange to have their litters growing up in different Clans and not really getting to know each other, asking how Shadowkit, Lightkit and Pouncekit are doing. After Dovewing leaves, Flipkit asks if they can go live in ShadowClan too. His mother hushes him, looking around nervously to see if anyone is listening, then tells him not to say anything like that again, adding that cats are supposed to by loyal to the Clans they were born in.
Later, as Ivypool bathes Bristlekit, Daisy worries that Tigerstar might kill Alderheart if he fails to cure Puddleshine. Bristlekit responds that Tigerstar might be evil like his grandfather, the first Tigerstar, who she'd heard about from Graystripe's stories. Ivypool assures her that the current Tigerstar isn't like the first one, and her daughter asks her how she knows, to which she says Graystripe likes to exaggerate his stories while glancing uneasily at Daisy. Twigbranch comes over and asks what's going on, to which Ivypool finishes bathing Bristlekit and tells her to go play with her siblings, before she and Daisy explain how Alderheart has gone to ShadowClan to try and cure Puddleshine's silverthorn poisoning. The cream-colored she-cat is worried about Alderheart's safety, but Ivypool assures her that Bramblestar wouldn't have let him go if he wasn't sure he'd be ok.
Ivypool then continues that she doubts Tigerstar truly believes his accusation of the ginger tom trying to poison Puddleshine with seedless deathberries, and just wanted him to come to ShadowClan so the Clan would have a medicine cat while theirs is sick, adding that the leader didn't just politely asks Bramblestar to let his son come because he likes to feel in charge. She then hears her kits arguing and is about to get up to stop them, but Twigbranch says she'll handle it so the older she-cat can have a break. Ivypool thanks her, and tells her not to let the kittens wear her out. Once Alderheart cures Puddleshine and returns to ThunderClan, Ivypool's kits rush over to greet him. Their mother tells them to come back into the nursery, worried they'll get sick from being out in the rain. Later, as the kits play outside, they ignore her when she tells them to come in, so she picks Bristlekit up by the scruff and carries her in herself, with her other two kits following.
Squirrelflight's Hope[]
Ivypool's kits are now warrior apprentices named Bristlepaw, Flippaw and Thriftpaw, while their mother has returned to being a warrior. Later, Ivypool hunts near the WindClan border with Squirrelflight, Finleap and Twigbranch, where they catch Breezepelt trespassing. After reporting this to Bramblestar, Ivypool notices Thriftpaw showing signs of the illness that had been plaguing ThunderClan recently, becoming incredibly worried. She tries to stay by Thriftpaw's side in the medicine den, but Jayfeather stops her. Squirrelflight then has Ivypool join her on a patrol to see if the Sisters - a group of roaming she-cats with spiritual powers - know anything about a cure. When they're told the cure is dandelion roots, the blue-eyed warrior is relived to know her daughter will be ok. When Sparkpelt's mate dies of the illness and her son Flickerkit is stillborn, Ivypool and the rest of her family attend their funerals.
Spotfur's Rebellion[]
Ivypool and Fernsong converse in the nursery during a rain storm, when Bramblestar evacuates the camp for risk of flooding. She, Fernsong and Daisy cox the three kits out of the nursery, but Flipkit get separated in the chaos of the evacuation. Terrified for her son's safety, Ivypool runs through the forest in a panic, calling out his name. To her relief, Spotpaw is keeping Flipkit safe, nuzzling him while thanking the apprentice. She then shows Spotpaw where ThunderClan's temporary camp is while they're waiting out the storm before returning Flipkit to his father and sisters.
The Broken Code[]
Lost Stars[]
As Bristlepaw gets ready for an assessment, Ivypool greets her and tells her it's time to start. Later, right before her warrior assessment, Ivypool and Fernsong wish their daughter luck, congratulating her when she passes and becomes a warrior named Bristlefrost. After her first successful hunt, Bristlefrost shares a mouse with her mother. After overhearing Squirrelflight snap at the medicine cats for not being able to cure the increasingly ailing Bramblestar, Ivypool offers her daughter comfort before going to sit with the ginger she-cat, trying to coax her into eating, which she'd been neglecting to do while stressing out over her mate's condition.
When Tigerstar comes into camp, saying that his medicine cat apprentice son Shadowpaw received a message from StarClan to cure Bramblestar by burying him in snow, Ivypool accuses the ShadowClan leader of telling Shadowpaw to fake a message to get Bramblestar killed. After Squirrelflight turns the two away, Ivypool once again tries and fails to get her deputy to eat. Once Squirrelflight and the ThunderClan medicine cats finally let Shadowpaw try his idea, Bramblestar ends up dying of hypothermia and doesn't revive. As his body is carried into camp for the vigil, Ivypool and Fernsong watch sorrowfully. When Bramblestar seems to revive though, Ivypool exclaims that StarClan never left them.
The Silent Thaw[]
Ivypool and Fernsong are cleaning the warriors' den by tearing off peices of withered bracken on the outside. When Squirrelflight start organizing two more hunting patrols, the two of them offer to join one.
Veil of Shadows[]
When Bramblestar - who had been getting increasingly strict and hostile concerning the warrior code ever since losing his first life - exiles Jayfeather and Lionblaze for being half-Clan, he assigns Flipclaw as Alderheart's new apprentice to replace the former in the medicine den, causing to Ivypool cry out in disbelief. Later, as the leader is about to banish Alderheart as well for talking back to him, Ivypool protests that the Clan will have no more medicine cat without him. Bramblestar retorts that they'll still have Flipclaw before banishing three more cats. Later, Bristlefrost debates whether or not she should tell her mom about the group of rebels made up of the banished Clan cats, glancing at her nervously. Later still, as Sparkpelt is exiled, Bristlefrost sees her parents exchange a worried look and realizes they won't leave the Clan without their children.
Darkness Within[]
After Bramblestar is revealed to be possessed by Ashfur and is imprisoned, the exiled ThunderClan cats return home, where Squirrelflight takes over as leader for the time being, with Lionblaze as her deputy. Ivypool then watches in dismay as Thornclaw challenges Squirrelflight's leadership, pointing out how many of Firestar's kin are in positions of power in ThunderClan, sparking an argument with Lionblaze. She exchanges an uncertain glance with Bumblestripe when Thornclaw denies causing a stir because he wanted to be deputy himself.
Later, when Graystripe decides to go for a wander, stating that ThunderClan isn't the Clan he knew anymore, he's joined by Flipclaw, Flywhisker, Snaptooth and Thornclaw. Ivypool confronts Flipclaw before the group departs, stating that he can't abandon his Clan when they need him. She fails to convince him to stay though, and is even more distraught when he says he can't promise her he'll come back. As the group leaves, Bristlefrost runs up to her trembling mom and presses their sides together to comfort her.
The Place of No Stars[]
A moon after leaving, Flipclaw finally returns to ThunderClan, where his family rushes to greet him warmly. Ivypool purrs that she's so happy to have him back, worried that he may never come home. Flipclaw then tells them about his adventure, with Ivypool becoming concerned when he brings up getting trapped under a rockslide while visiting the Tribe. ThunderClan is shocked when he reveals that Snaptooth and Flywhisker had left to become kittypets, but the gray-and-white warrior assures her son that no one is blaming him for their choice.
Soon after, Lionblaze storms into camp, announcing that Ashfur had escaped his prison in ShadowClan and Squirrelflight had gone missing, accusing the latter of helping the former escape. Ivypool defends Squirrelflight by pointing out that she only prevented the other Clan from killing Ashfur to keep Bramblestar's body alive. As Lionblaze rants about Shadowsight for helping Ashfur possess the leader in the first place, Ivypool asks if he's saying they should kill the medicine cat. As the Clan questions Lionblaze's leadership skills, some of them suggest Ivypool be the substitute leader instead.
Once Rootspring follows Ashfur and Squirrelflight, witnessing the former drag the latter into the Dark Forest, he too gets kidnaped by a brainwashed Willowshine and trapped there. Bristlefrost finds out and goes after him, with Ivypool and Graystripe come to check on her, with her mother saying that she and Fernsong were worried about her. Bristlefrost then takes Ivypool aside and tells her that she's already visited the Dark Forest once, shocking the older she-cat. Bristlefrost elaborates that she only went there once in her dreams, and only for a few seconds, asking how to stay there for longer. After hesitating for a moment, Ivypool offers to go there in her daughter's stead, saying she knows the realm better. When the younger she-cat protests, her mom says the Dark Forest is no place for a young warrior, but her daughter doesn't relent.
Ivypool gives her a long, sad look, realizing she can't stop Bristlefrost, and is frustrated when her kit says she has to go find Rootspring, saying she already had to deal with er sister being in a half-Clan relationship. Bristlefrost retorts that she knows she and Rootspring can't be mates, but she can't just leave him in the Dark Forest. Calming down, Ivypool commends her daughter's bravery, then explains that she entered the Dark Forest by thinking dark thoughts as she fell asleep, namely her jealousy of Dovepaw, and it got easier over time because of her fear of getting in trouble.
Bristlefrost says she was so brave to go there every night as an apprentice, but her mom shushes her as Graystripe comes near, not wanting him to hear her plan in case he forbade her from going. Graystripe had already heard though, and gives the young warrior permission to do whatever she needs to. As the two older warriors leave, Ivypool assures her kit that she's brave and capable, while also warning her to take care.
A Light in the Mist[]
Shadowsight, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar escape the Dark Forest to see a bunch of cats from all Clans surrounding the Moonpool, with Ivypool being among them. When they argue about whether or not Bramblestar was tainted from his time in the Dark Forest, the gray-and-white she-cat points out that she wasn't tainted from her own time there. Upon learning that Bristlefrost and Rootspring are still trapped, Ivypool frets over her kit's safety. As the cats talk about how the Dark Forest is being devoured by fog and dark water, Tigerstar suggests that it might be for the best to just let it disappear. Ivypool is furious at this, pointing out that he's only saying that because his own kit Shadowsight is safe, but Bristlefrost and Rootspring are still in danger.
Tree then gives a speech to the leaders to send warriors into the Dark Forest to help defeat Ashfur, with Ivypool backing him up and pointing out how Bristlefrost had gone there to save Rootspring. She adds that she'll never abandon anyone in there, especially not her own kit. She volunteers to go as ThunderClan's representative, but Bramblestar stops her, and ultimately Graystripe is sent in alongside Mistystar, Crowfeather, Shadowsight and Violetshine.
Once Ashfur is defeated and the connection between StarClan, the Dark Forest and the living world is restored, the living cats emerge the Moonpool - all except for Bristlefrost. A trembling Ivypool asks if she had been killed in the battle, saying that her daughter's body had vanished into thin air when she looked away for a second. Mistystar then reveals that Bristlefrost had sacrificed herself to drown Ashfur in the waters of the Dark Forest, with her spirit fading away in the process. Devastated, Ivypool sits in silence for a while before brokenly saying that they don't even have a body to bury. Rootspring, going through just as much grief as her, tries to comfort Ivypool by telling her that her daughter was a hero who's sacrifice saved all the Clans. Ivypool only responds that it can't be true while staring blanky at the surface of the Moonpool, as if waiting for Bristlefrost to emerge.
At the next Gathering, as Bramblestar commemorates those who lost their lives to Ashfur, Ivypool stares at him with eyes full of grief when he mentions Bristlefrost, with Fernsong pressing against her comfortingly. After the leaders finish speaking, Ivypool and Fernsong approach Rootspring, asking him to try summoning their daughter's spirit. The blue-eyed she-cat says she knows that cats who die in the Dark Forest are gone forever, but tells herself that Bristlefrost must still exist somewhere. Knowing he can't refuse the mourning parents, Rootspring tries to summon her, only to fail as he'd expected. Fernsong accepts that Bristlefrost truly is gone, and Ivypool responds that she'll live on in their hearts, her tone sounding more like a question than a statement. Her mate affirms that their daughter will live on in their hearts, which comforts her. She then thanks Rootspring for trying to summon her before Fernsong leads her away.
A Starless Clan[]
As ThunderClan's senior warriors discuss the revised warrior code, they mention if the code should really allow leaders to be voted out after they had been approved of by StarClan. Ivypool states that the Clan would've been more than happy to vote out Ashfur, and when Birchfall responds that he wasn't officially made leader by StarClan, she retorts that their ancestors had given Brokenstar and the first Tigerstar nine lives in the past. Later, Ivypool invites Rootspring to sit with her at the next Gathering, the two having bonded over their shared grief for Bristlefrost.
When Bramblestar decides to step down and have Squirrelflight take his place as leader, the green-eyed she-cat chooses Ivypool as her deputy. ThunderClan cheers their new deputy's name in response, and Squirrelflight gives Ivypool her first task: to organize three trials that the ex-ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam must pass to join ThunderClan.
When Squirrelflight, Bramblestar, Alderheart and Nightheart head to the Moonpool that night for the leadership ceremony, Ivypool looks after the Clan in their absence, anxiously sitting atop the Highrock during the night. While the four are gone, Sunbeam's mother Berryheart bursts into camp, angrily demanding that she come back to ShadowClan. Finchlight and Sparkpelt stand up for Sunbeam, causing Berryheart to start threatening them, after which Ivypool intervenes and warns the black-and-white she-cat to watch what she says about ThunderClan in the middle of their camp. She then has Sorrelstripe and Flipclaw escort the ShadowClan warrior away, and gives Sunbeam a distraction from her mother's outburst by having her gather herbs with Myrtlebloom.
The next day, Ivypool starts Sunbeam's first trial, instructing her to teach Spotfur's litter Bristlekit, Graykit and Stemkit how to hunt so the deputy may assess how she'd be as a mentor. After the brown-and-white she-cat succeeds in getting the three kittens to work together to catch several peices of prey, Ivypool praises her and announces that she passed. Squirrelflight later returns, revealing that she is now Squirrelstar, and makes Ivypool the official ThunderClan deputy, saying she'll hold the ceremony later.
During a meeting to resolve the conflict between ShadowClan and the currently leaderless RiverClan, Squirrelstar, Ivypool and Brambleclaw attend to represent ThunderClan. Afterwards, Ivypool and Sunbeam meet with Dovewing and Sparrowtail at the border between their Clans to discuss the issue further, with Ivypool wanting Dovewing to convince Tigerstar to leave RiverClan alone, asking if she knows why the leader is so determined to control them. This angers Dovewing, who states that Tigerstar is only trying to help keep RiverClan organized until they can find a leader, refusing to talk to him about it and accusing her sister of trying to manipulate her into manipulating him. Ivypool retorts that she's not trying to manipulate anyone, but fails to change Dovewing's mind on the matter.
Later, Ivypool starts Sunbeam's second trial, tasking her with helping Alderheart, Cherryfall and Bayshine move a boulder away from the edge of ThunderClan's camp before it falls in. The four succeed, but Sunbeam gets into an argument with Cherryfall, who suggests evacuating the camp and pushing the boulder in instead. Nonetheless the deputy passes her, commenting that the important thing is that she got her job done, and it isn't possible to appease every cat. Her third and final task is to find three different areas in ThunderClan territory by following clues, and once she passes, Ivypool deems her an official warrior of ThunderClan.
When RiverClan's new medicine cat Podlight announces at the Gathering that StarClan has chosen Splashtail to lead, Ivypool questions why their ancestors would choose a full-grown cat like Podlight to become a medicine cat in the first place. When Mothwing defends him, Ivypool sits back down, nodding in acceptance. The next morning, the deputy finds Nightheart in camp after being missing for a long time, and brings him to the leader's den so he may tell Squirrelstar about his journey with Frostpaw. As he tells the two about finding the Cats of the Park, Ivypool is interested to learn that Riverstar, founder of RiverClan, used to be a Park cat, though dismisses the Park cats as kittypets when he says they eat twoleg food. Ivypool is skeptical of Waffle and Wasp, who Park cats who followed Nightheart back, wanting to join a Clan, asking if he brought two kittypets into the Clan.
As Nightheart then tells the two that Splashtail had killed Reedwhisker to become leader of RiverClan, which Frostpaw had found out from visions while meditating, the leader and deputy both get worried, the latter noting that trouble in RiverClan will soon spread to the other Clans as well. Squirrelstar hopes that StarClan will deny Splashtail nine lives and expose him as a fraud, but Ivypool replies that evil cats like Brokenstar and the first Tigerstar had been given lives in the past. She also raise concerns that Splashtail might just lie about getting nine lives anyways, urging her leader to act on the situation, but Squirrelstar is hesitant to interfere with RiverClan's affairs.
Later, as Waffle and Wasp listen to ThunderClan's elders tell stories of their Clan, Brackenfur mentions how Ivypool became a spy against the Dark Forest she trained with, and Cloudtail praises his granddaughter's courage. As a violent storm brews, the deputy tells everyone to shelter in their dens, ordering Sunbeam to make sure the elders do so. Frostpaw then arrives in camp, saying that WindClan is in danger from the storm, Squirrelstar and Ivypool question her, but allow Nightheart and Sunbeam to go to WindClan with her. After the storm, the RiverClan warriors bring Wasp back to ThunderClan when he tries to join their Clan, with Ivypool, Shellfur and Stormcloud escorting the visitors home.
Ivypool's Heart[]
As the sun starts to rise, Ivypool and Rootspring meet up to mourn Bristlefrost's death together, the gray-and-white she-cat reflecting on how becoming deputy didn't help ease her grief, and how she'll never get to see her in StarClan. When Whistlepaw gets a vision of a group of cats at the sun-drown-place and a message that a debt must be repaid. The Clan decide to all send a cat to accompany her on the journey to a mountain in the shape of a fox head that she saw in the vision, with Ivypool, Dovewing and Rootspring volunteering. Splashtail refuses to send any RiverClan cats though, so the recently banished Icewing goes instead.
As the cats travel, Dovewing takes notice of her sister's grief and presses for her to talk about it, empathizing with her since she had recently lost her son Rowankit to greencough. Dovewing's continued insistence causes Ivypool to snap that she couldn't understand how she feels, as she'll one day see Rowankit again in StarClan, but Bristlefrost is gone forever. Ivypool regrets yelling at her, and Dovewing is shocked by her anger, but then responds that she's right, as she doesn't understand what it's like to never see a child again. Overhearing their conversation, Icewing then sympathizes with Ivypool, saying that she lost her son Beetlewhisker forever when Brokenstar killed him in the Dark Forest, and adds that helping her Clanmates has helped keep his memory alive, which soothes the ThunderClan warrior a bit.
While hunting near a barn later, Ivypool, Dovewing and Rootspring are confronted by three kittypets named Zeke, Pumpernickel and Curry, who get dogs to attack them. The three escape, with Ivypool laughing about the encounter, only to abruptly stop when she worries if she's violating her daughter's memory by having fun. The next day, as the group decides to seek out the Sisters in case they can help, they find two toms once part of the Sisters named Slate and Beech, who agree to take them to the group of wandering she-cats. While passing by the barn though, the dogs return, and the cats must fight them off. As one of the dogs attacks Slate, Ivypool's grief and frustration from the past few moons manifests in her using the moves she'd been taught in the Dark Forest to attack it, which Icewing notices and recognizes.
Once reaching the Sisters, the Clan cats speak to Snow about their mission. Learning of the deaths of Graystripe and Bristlefrost to Ashfur, the Sisters then perform a ceremony to briefly summon their spirits, but fail to summon the faded she-cat. The next day, Snow gives them directions to the fox-head mountain, and Ivypool hears her trying to get Rootspring to move on from Bristlefrost's death as the Clan cats depart. Three days later, Whistlepaw has another vision of a white feather, which the group finds is a sign to follow seagulls to the sun-drown-place. After hiding from seagulls in a cave and then fleeing from the rising tide, the cats come across a strange-smelling twoleg nest that they explore the next day, finding it to be full of odd animals. They're shocked to find they can communicate with two wildcats, who introduce themselves as Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap, explaining that they were separated from a group of wildcats.
Recognizing the symbol Whistlepaw saw in her vision that she draws as the symbol of StormClan, and the curious Clan cats about the Star Tree, where they can reach their ancestors much like the Moonpool. Ivypool urges the two wildcats to escape, but the two are reluctant, as Stalk Purr is pregnant and they want to wait until the kittens are born. Wanting to know more about StormClan, they find the Star Tree, which Ivypool, Rootspring and Whistlepaw enter, finding themselves in the realm of the wildcats' ancestors. There, a cat named Galestar greets them and reveals she's one of the co-founders of StormClan. She explains how she was the leader of WindClan and had fallen in love with Stripestar, leader of ThunderClan, and the two merged their Clans so they could be together. The other Clans didn't approve however, so StormClan went to find a new home, but over time memebers of the Clan either died or returned to the forest. Galestar and her kits were then separated from her Clan in a storm, and she was taken in by the wildcats, where her bloodline lived on.
Galestar then states that the Clan cats must repay the debt she owes to the wildcats by rescuing Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap and bringing them back home. Returning to the twoleg nest, they convince the two wildcats to come with them, releasing all the other animals in the process. A few days later, as they head towards the wildcat group's home, Ivypool confides in Stalk Purr about Bristlefrost. The wildcat tells her the Clans may not know everything about the afterlife, believing that faded cats are all around them, and the deputy feels a newfound gratitude for knowing Bristlefrost. Two days later, as Stalk Purr gives birth, Dovewing somberly remembers Rowankit, and her sister comforts her.
After the Clan cats all have a dream of RiverClan's camp being desolate and Frostpaw dying, Icewing becomes increadibly anxious to return home, so she and Ivypool decide to make the remaining journey go faster by going ahead of the group and finding the wildcats while the kittens are being nursed. Once they get to the wildcats, they tell their story to the elders Prowl Sleek, Spring Stalk and Hunt Growl. The elders don't belive them though, since Galestar felt abandoned by the Clans. Foxes then attack the group, and Ivypool and Icewing help fight them off, earning the elders' trust. They're then brought to a special log to ride across the River of Spirits with, and realizing they can reach StarClan from there, they get Galestar to come with them to restore the forgotten spirits of StormClan. Once they get to StarClan, the three are greeted by Thunderstar, Mistystar, Tallstar, Riverstar, Ferncloud and Rowankit. As Galestar tells the story of StormClan, the Clan's faded spirits reappear, and she reunites with Stripestar.
Back in the living world, some of the wildcats escort Ivypool and Icewing back to their group, where the gray-and-white she-cat tells Dovewing that she saw Rowankit in StarClan. After their kits are named, Stalk Purr and Tumble Leap thank the Clan cats as the other wildcats return home with them. The Clan cats then start heading back to the lake, hoping it isn't too late to help RiverClan. As the group rests for the night, Ivypool and Rootspring both dream of Bristlefrost, who promises them that she'll always be with them. The next day, the Clan cats spot a beautiful white stag near a stream, with both Ivypool and Rootspring realizing it's a sign from Bristlefrost. Rootspring then admits that he's ready to find a new mate, and Ivypool feels happy at the thought of returning to ThunderClan, now knowing her daughter will always be with her.
- Ivypool was named after Ivy Poole, the daughter of one of author Victoria Holmes' friends.
- She occasionally purrs in her sleep.
- Author Kate Cary prefers Ivypool over Dovewing, as she likes her "slightly sourer" attitude.
- Kate has confirmed that Ivypool will go to StarClan when she dies.
- Kate also denied that neither Ivypool nor Hawkfrost ever felt anything romantic towards each other.
- She was mistakenly described as having green eyes on page 45 of Night Whispers.
External links[]
Ivypool on the Warriors Wiki
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