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Jack is a Cook and a minor character in The Maze Runner film series.

He is the best friend and fellow Glader of Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, and Frypan and the enemy and former best friend of Gally.

Jack is portrayed by Bryce Romero.


The Maze Runner[]

Jack is first seen at the beginning of the movie, when Thomas comes up in the Box. He laughs at him with the other Gladers when the latter falls down after running. He is also seen in background when Thomas fights with Gally.

Later, Jack participates in Ben's banishment and mourns his death. Jack is also seen running with Thomas when the Grievers attack on the Glade and hides in a field with him and the other Gladers. He saw Zart being grabbed by one of the monsters and survives this attack. The following day, Gally, having taken command, decides to offer Thomas and Teresa to the Grievers, thinking that these human losses will stop. Jack hesitates when Teresa tells them that killing them will do nothing.

When Thomas rebels along with Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff, he convinces several Gladers to follow him out of the Maze, including Jack, and Jack seems to have convinced a Glader (Peter) to go along with Thomas, as Peter was a builder probably loyal to Gally, and seemed like he wanted to stay, Jack convincing him to go indirectly caused his death. while Gally chooses to stay in the Glade. The group then runs to the Grievers' hideout to start a final fight.

Jeff and two Gladers die, but Jack and the others survive. Jack is later seen in the laboratory of WCKD and observes the message of Dr. Ava Paige, which simulates her death.

This is where Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears and shoots Chuck in the chest before he seems to die too (after Minho threw a spear at him that non-fatally impaled him in the chest). While Jack and the group mourn the death of the child, soldiers in black arrive in the lab and take them out.

They are taken into a helicopter for the Scorch, and Jack is seen sitting behind Newt.

The Scorch Trials[]

In the second film, Jack is the only Glader to follow the heroes until his death. He is first seen running to WCKD's facility with the other Gladers during the Cranks' attack.

He is staying with his friends in a dormitory and ignores that the men who work in the building are in cahoots with Ava Paige. Later, when Thomas finds out the truth, he leads out Jack and the Gladers out of the facility (along with Aris, a boy he met earlier). The group then runs into the desert in the middle of the night and finds refuge in an abandoned mall.

As they separate to find what may be necessary to survive, the group is attacked and chased by Cranks.

In front of an escalator, Jack waits for everyone to climb before going there and then disappears. Nobody mention him and he is not seen again.


  • Jack actually died during the Crank chase in the mall, but the scene was deleted. When he waits in front of the escalator, a Crank jumps on Frypan and Jack takes him off his friend. However, another Crank gets Jack and another one fails to make him fall of the escalator. Jack then yells to help and Frypan rushes to help him. Unfortunately, one last Crank jumps on Jack and he falls to his presumed death.

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