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Heroes Wiki

Great job, you did it!
~ Jack Farley being proud of Mordecai and Rigby after beating Garrett Bobby Ferguson at them in the episode High Score

Jack Farley is a minor protagonist of the animated series Regular Show. He is a benevolent businessman who wishes to help Mordecai and Rigby exceed the rank of Garrett Bobby Ferguson. He makes his first appearance as the Deuteragonist in "High Score".


Jack Farley is polite, sympathetic, cheerful, kind, calm, helpful, courageous, dynamical, brave and sophisticated. He prefers to supervise his employees in a benevolent way. Since Mordecai and Rigby took the best score by playing Broken Bonez, he praised respect for Mordecai and Rigby.


He has a gray/blue suit with a red necktie. He has a white buttoned shirt underneath, and has grey/blue pants with black shoes. He also has white hair and a white mustache, but since the death of Garrett Bobby Ferguson following the record broken by Mordecai and Rigby, his body and his outfit were covered with throwing yellow juice.


Jack makes his first appearance in "High Score". It isn't clear what his occupation is, but he appears to be a businessman, possibly the owner of the coffee shop or maybe a talent agent. In the episode, he challenges Mordecai and Rigby to a game of Broken Bonez, but lost. As a result, Jack admitted that they "play better than they look" and gave the duo a card saying "Jack Farley thinks you're awesome". He was the first to admit defeat and show respect in a long line of players in this episode. He also cheered for Mordecai and Rigby when they obtained the universe high score.

He also appears in "That's My Television" as an RGB2 Fan.


  • It is unknown if Mordecai and Rigby have contacted him anytime afterwards.


          Regular show logo Heroes

Mordecai | Rigby | Benson Dunwoody | Pops Maellard | Skips | Muscle Man | Hi Five Ghost

Thomas/Nikolai | Margaret Smith | Eileen Roberts | Starla | Cloudy Jay | Mr. Maellard | Audrey | Baby Ducks | Guardians of Eternal Youth | Gary | Death | Don | Frank Smith | Denise Smith | God of Basketball | Techmo | Sensai | Dr. Reuben Langer | Pam | Chance Sureshot | Toothpick Sally | Recap Robot | Colonel Rawls | Archie the Archivist | HD DVD | Blu-Ray | Guardians of Obsolete Formats | Lemon Chef | Principal Dean | Earl

John | Mona | Andy | Jack Farley | Donny G.| Muscle Dad | Muscle Bro | Peter Hermanverfal| Santa Claus | Quips | Bruce Rock | Dave | Hecho

Park | Spark Initiative
