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Shields. Jack Shields.
~ Jack Shields' introducing himself.

Jack Shields is a minor character in the LEGO Nexo Knights TV series. He is a secret agent and a member of the Knighton Royal Spy Academy. He once trained Clay Moorington to become a spy and infiltrate the Stone Monster ranks.

He was voiced by Ian Hanlin.


Jack Shields has black hair and eyebrows, as well as pronounced cheekbones visible on his face. He wears a white overshirt with a black bowtie and a black suit with red lines over it.



At some point, Jack Shields became a secret agent for Knighton government, eventually becoming recognized for his skills to the point of being called the king's "number one super spy".

Nexo Knights[]

When Clay, still a living stone statue, was to be sent on an undercover mission, Jack Shields agreed to train him in espionage and took him to the Royal Spy Academy. When the other Nexo Knights tried to follow the two, he stopped them, as he didn't want them to see "cool secret stuff" at the academy, which would stop being that if they saw it. Robin, however, still followed them in secret.

At the academy, Jack Shields began training Clay to properly use gadgets, avoid attacks, and even woo women. At last, the knight was deemed ready for his mission. When Clay ended up in danger, Jack Shields informed the Nexo Knights of it and let them stage a rescue operation. After Clay was saved, he admitted that the operation was Robin's idea rather than his.

Jack Shields is seen among those celebrating Monstrox's defeat in the final episode.


  • He has a habit of sneaking up behind people before introducing himself.
  • He is a parody of James Bond, and thus shares a number of traits with the character:
    • The way he introduces himself is the same as Bond does in a number of films.
    • While James Bond is British, Jack Shields is one of the few Nexo Knights characters to speak with a British accent.
    • During the training session, Shields is shown teaching Clay to woo women, a reference to James Bond's characterization as a womanizer.


           Nexo KnightsHeroes

Nexo Knights
Aaron Fox | Axl | Clay Moorington | Lance Richmond | Macy Halbert | Merlok 2.0
Knighton Royal Family
King Halbert | Queen Halbert | Macy Halbert
Knights' Academy
Staff: Merlok 2.0 | Principal Brickland | Sir Griffiths
Students: Ava Prentis | Fletcher Bowman | Izzy Richmond | Robin Underwood
Merry Mechs
Dennis | Robot Hoodlum
Jack Shields | Jestro | King's Guard | Lava Monsters | Ned Knightly | NK-422 | Order of the Eight | Rogul | Squirebots

See Also
Lego Heroes
