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Jade Tusk is a major character in the Amazon Prime series Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 1 and a major protagonist in Season 2.

She is Jindiao's right-hand woman, apprentice, and leader of the Deer Monks, who also serve him. However, after her redemption during Jindiao's defeat, Jade Tusk became an close ally to the Pandas as well as a mentor to Xiao.

She is voiced by Cherise Boothe.


Jade Tusk is a brave warrior who used to help Jindiao, her former leader. But, when Jindiao told Jade outright that her latter's loyalty meant nothing to the former, it was ultimately the reason why Jade switched sides and even gave back the Spirit Urn to the pandas. After the events of Season 1, she started to train her monks and teach them how to fight for themselves. She told the princess to light a candle in her window if she ever needed help. This is proven in the episode Bridge Over Troubled Lava when she came to rescue the princess when she was locked in her room.

Powers and Abilities[]

After learning kung fu at a young age from Jindiao, Jade Tusk became skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in the use of ranged weapons.

External Links[]

           KungFuPandaTitle Heroes

Main Characters
Po | Shifu | Furious Five (Tigress, Monkey, Viper, Crane, & Mantis)

Kung Fu Panda: † Oogway | Mr. Ping | Zeng | Vachir
Kung Fu Panda 2: † Shen's Parents | Soothsayer | † Thundering Rhino | Storming Ox | Croc | † Po's mother
Kung Fu Panda 3: Li Shan | Mei Mei | Grandma Panda | Lei Lei | Bao | Hom-Lee | Big Fun | Dim and Sum
Kung Fu Panda 4: Zhen | Han | Fish

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness: Chao | Peng | Lian | Yan Fan | Lu Kang | Constable Hu
Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny: Nu Hai | Jing | Fan Tong | Bunnidharma | Zhizhu |Jade Tusk | Blue Dragon | Black Tortoise | Red Phoenix | White Tiger | Xiao | Sun Wukong | Qilin)
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Wandering Blade
