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Jaimito (in the original Jaimito, el cartero or Don Jaimito) (in Portuguese: Jaiminho, o Carteiro) is a major character in the Mexican series El Chavo del Ocho.

He was created in 1979, by Chespirito, to replace Ramón Valdéz and Carlos Villagrán in the program, after they left. Jaimito was played by the late actor Raúl "Chato" Padilla (1918-1994). In the animated series, he is voiced by Leonardo García (up to the sixth season) and the late Héctor Miranda (since the sixth season).


Jaimito is an elderly postman, who is already in a lot of life today (and works more with youth than with youth).

Always carrying your gray bike bag as this will not count on pedaling and if couriers they will fire you.

He always wears a gray mailman's uniform, a cap of the same color and a green scarf around his neck.

He also likes to brag about what a conqueror he was in his youth, in his unknown hometown of Tangamandápio, which he says is not on the map, but is the size of New York.

After being introduced to the public in 1979, the character leaves the series in 1981, as Ramón Valdéz returns as Don Ramón.

In 1982, Valdéz leaves the series for the second time and Jaimito returns, now to live in the village, in apartment 24, the house at the top of the stairs, which once belonged to Dona Edwiges and also to Paty and Gloria.

Despite being very old, he is the target of the songs of Doña Nieves and Dona Clotilde. He is also a great friend and companion of Chavo. Sometimes, he gets angry and hits Chavo. Whenever a delivery goes, he asks the person to get her letter in the bag, if he tries not to do it, he implies that it is because he wants to "avoid fatigue".

In the classic season of the series credit you find him in a few, it is possible that the character appears more frequently in the seasons from 1982 to 1992. In the cartoon, the character appears as much as in the original series, but interacting with characters like Quico and Don Ramón, as well as in the Chavo comic book (published by Editora Globo).

In an unprecedented episode in Brazil, tired of seeing Chavo being humiliated by others, he writes a letter, saying he is a father, and the "reason" for having abandoned him, who was now extremely rich and would come back to get him, changing his thinking to attitude of others with Chavo, proving that there are interests.

His full name is Jaime Garabito.

Relationship with other characters[]

  • Chavo - Similar to the relationship that Chavo has with his Ramón, but unlike this one, Jaimito doesn't hit Chavo, but at Clube do Chaves, he rarely hits him.
  • Chilindrina - A neutral relationship, but like all adults, Chiquinha also puts nicknames and plays with him.
  • Doña Nieves - An almost love relationship, although he runs away from it, as it doesn't interest him.
  • Doña Florinda - Dona Florinda's relationship with Jaiminho is neutral, despite the fact that she considers Jaiminho a riffraff like Don Ramón.
  • Doña Clotilde - Corresponds to the affection she has for him, but when she exaggerates, he also starts running away from her, as Ramon did.
  • Señor Barriga - Jaimito's relationship with Mr. Barriga is similar to Don Ramon's. In the Chespirito Program phase, the postman sometimes does not pay the rent to Mr. Barriga.
  • Profesor Jirafales - A relationship of almost good friends, but like his Ramón, sometimes Jaimito irritates the professor, due to the fact that he is lazy.
  • Don Ramón - The two only know each other in the drawing of Chavo, and both are lazy guys who owe Seu Barriga 14 months of rent, which makes the two allies in the capote.



          El Chavo (simple logo).svg Heroes

Main Protagonists
Chavo | Quico | Chilindrina | Ñoño | Popis | Paty | Godínez | Señor Barriga | Don Ramón | Doña Florinda | Doña Clotilde | Profesor Jirafales | Jaimito | Doña Nieves
