“ | Just because I'm a kittypet doesn't mean I don't have dreams of something else. I don't want to spend my whole life in the wild, but I'd like to explore beyond the fences, see how other cats live. I know every pawstep of the house-folk place and I'd like to go farther. | „ |
~ Jake wanting to go with Talltail on his quest |
Jake is a recurring character in the Warriors series, being a supporting character in Pinestar's Choice and the deuteragonist of Tallstar's Revenge. He is a kittypet and the father of Firestar, Princess, Scourge and their siblings. Before then though, he befriended ThunderClan's leader Pinestar, and met with a former WindClan warrior named Talltail, helping the latter seek revenge for the cat who he believes killed his father. Jake forms a strong bond with Talltail, but eventually the two must part ways, as the warrior returns to his Clan and Jake goes back to his owners.
Jake is a plump tabby tom with thick, silky, bright orange fur. He has distinct green eyes and a nick in one of his ears. He is noted to look almost identical to Firestar.
Pinestar's Choice[]
Oakstar orders ThunderClan to raid the twolegplace one night to stop the kittypets there from trespassing into the forest. During the raid, Oakstar's son Pinepaw encounters a kittypet named Crystal, who had previously saved him from a fox. He notices that she has three young kits - Jake, Ferris and Whiskers, with him noting that Jake has the greenest eyes he'd ever seen - and to pay her back for rescuing him, Pinepaw warns her about the raid. Crystal curls her tail around her three kittens and tells them that it's time for them to go inside, folding her tail over them to hide them when Pinepaw's mentor Mistpelt calls for him. She and her kits them head inside, with Jake turning around and thanking Pinepaw before he does so.
Several years later, after Pinestar becomes the leader of ThunderClan, he visits the twolegplace and nearly falls asleep next to the fence dividing it and the forest. He then hears a scrabbling sound from above, and looks up to see Jake staring down at him from atop the fence, asking him what he's doing there. Pinestar grumbles that he was trying to sleep, and Jake jumps down before asking if he's a Clan cat. The leader informs him that he's from ThunderClan, and Jake looks at him closely, saying he feels like they've seen each other before. Pinestar realizes he's right, as he is one of Crystal's kits, surprised the kittypet remembers him. As the two start talking about the twolegplace, Jake asks Pinestar why he isn't chasing him back over the fence like ThunderClan cats usually do, and the leader says that he doesn't think he's a threat to his Clan. Jake replies that he could be, but admits he doesn't think he'd be very good at hunting, but says he scared some rabbits once.
The two then introduce themselves, and Jake tells Pinestar that he has a cool name, and adds that his family's names are Crystal, Ferris and Whiskers, though he doesn't know where any of them live now. The reddish-brown tom says he remembers his mother, telling him about how she saved him from a fox as an apprentice. The two then say goodbye and head home, with jake saying that wild cats aren't nearly as scary as he expected, and Pinestar warning him that some of them are, telling him not to wander around the forest and just stick to the twolegplace. From then on, Pinestar begins sneaking off to the twolegplace to visit Jake whenever he isn't busy with leadership duties, and the two become good friends.
Tallstar's Revenge[]
After a rouge named Sparrow accidentally gets the WindClan warrior Sandgorse killed in a tunnel cave-in, the warrior's son Talltail leaves the Clan in search of the rouge, determined to avenge his father's death. When he gets to the twolegplace, he is cornered by a dog, and Jake shows up to save him. The two then drive the dog away, Jake recognizes that Talltail is a Clan cat, but mistakes him for a ThunderClan warrior, not knowing there are multiple Clans. He then leaves, telling Talltail to be more alert to dogs in the future.
The next day, Jake finds Talltail again after the latter gets sick from eating a poisoned rat. He gets his owner to help the black-and-white tom, faking having a stomachache to get their attention before leading them to the warrior. When Talltail wakes up in the owner's house, Jake tells him that he's safe, and explains how he got his owner to come save him. He was then taken to the vet, and once he was treated, brought into the house to recover. As jake leaves the room, he tells Talltail that his owner brought him food and water, which is safe for consumption.
Later, Jake's owners give Talltail some more cat food, and the kittypet gets him to eat it, after which the two spend the rest of the day together. After being let out of the vet carrier, Talltail hisses at Jake's owner, to which the kittypet defends them. The warrior then says it's cruel of the owner to keep him inside the house all day, but Jake once again defends them once more. He then tells the black-and-white tom how he can't understand anything his owners says, so just says yes to everything, but that he managed to teach them the word for food, which they try to mimic, though he says they have a bad accent when doing so.
Jake then asks Talltail what his Clan is like, amazed to be spending time with a real warrior. After Talltail tells him his mission of finding Sparrow, the kittypet wishes to tag along, but the WindClan cat refuses. Jake is able to convince him though, offering to guide him through the twolegplace, telling him how to get the owner to let him outside. The two then set off on their search, and along the way meet a light gray she-cat named Quince. They then come across a thunderpath, and Talltail senses a dog nearby, with Jake saying there's one round the area every time. he then tells the warrior about a loner named Jay, who knows everything about the area. While looking for this loner, they meet to aggressive rouges named Pixie and Marmalade, who take them right to Jay.
Jake insists to Jay that the two of them aren't there to start a fight, and Talltail informs the elderly she-cat that they're looking for a rouge named Sparrow. She asks why a kittypet is traveling with a Clan cat, and the warrior explains that Jake likes Clan cat, which reminds her of another kittypet named Hal who also liked them. She then tries to eat her prey, but can't due to most of her teeth having fallen out. Seeing this, Jake offers to tear it up for her, and she snaps at the rouges for not thinking of the idea sooner. Jay then reveals that she knows who Sparrow and the rouges he came to WindClan with are, as a rouge named Red had seen them before, but doesn't remember how long ago that was. Red and the other rouges give the two a rough estimate, and Jay dismisses them after thanking Jake for his help with her prey.
Soon Talltail and Jake find Sparrow and his cohorts, and when the former nearly falls off a cliff, he gets the idea of killing Sparrow by pushing him off. jake tries talking him out of it, but the warrior ignores him, inviting Sparrow to hunt near the cliff with him. He attacks and nearly kills the rouge before Sparrow reveals that he didn't abandon Sandgorse to die in the collapsing tunnels; rather, his father sacrificed himself to save him by holding up the tunnels long enough for him to escape. Realizing that his pursuit for revenge was entirely pointless, Talltail lets Sparrow live and saves him from the thunderpath, after which Jake tells him that he made the right choice. The two then say goodbye to the rouges and leave.
Once reaching WindClan, Talltail begs for Jake to go with him and join the Clan, not wanting to say goodbye. Jake declines though, saying that he isn't suited for Clan life. Talltail instead offers to go live as a kittypet with him, but the orange tom declines again, saying live in the twolegplace would make him so unhappy, which he doesn't want for the warrior. The two then tearfully part ways, with Talltail returning to WindClan while Jake returns to the twolegplace.
Pinestar's Choice (cont.)[]
After the ThunderClan warrior Moonflower dies during a raid against WindClan, Pinestar goes to confide in Jake about it, and the kittypet asks if it was really that bad while looking at him with sympathy. Pinestar nods, adding that he thought one of his warriors, Swiftbreeze, was going to kill the medicine cat Goosefeather for causing the raid. Jake remarks that she at least blamed the right cat, as Goosefeather had misinterpreted a false sign as meaning that WindClan's medicine den must be destroyed, but Pinestar retorts that he was the one responsible for leading his Clan into the battle. Jake then starts licking a tear in Pinestar's ear, reminding the reddish-brown tom that he told him a leader must trust their medicine cat, and that he still must follow the warrior code. The leader then says he doesn't know if he can trust Goosefeather anymore, suspecting him of keeping an omen secret from him, and the kittypet jokes that it might be an omen to not always listen to him.
Pinestar takes note of how curious Jake is about the Clans, and knows he isn't a threat to them, even while knowing their weaknesses. Jake then wonders if the leader had seen Talltail in the battle against WindClan, and Pinestar assureds him that the black-and-white tom didn't get hurt. Jake then says he wishes he could help his friend with the stress of his leadership, telling him that he can't save all of his cats from the dangers of Clan life. A brown tabby she-cat then shows up, introducing herself as Shanty. Jake introduces her to Pinestar, and after she talks to the Clan cat for a bit, she asks the orange tom if he heard about a fellow kittypet named Tyr having to sleep in the shed after his owners locked him out. Jake comments that he must've hated that, and explains that Tyr is a pedigree-bred burmese cat.
Pinestar looks for Jake during his following visits to the twolegplace, but is always told that he's busy spending the day with his new mate, Quince. After Shanty dies and Pinestar loses his second-to-last life, he steps down as ThunderClan's leader and leaves to become a kittypet. He finds Jake sunning himself near a thunderpath, and the orange tom offers to show him some of his new neighbors. Pinestar declines though, telling him that he's now a kittypet named Pine, and must get back to his new owners. Jake remarks that the name suits him, and welcomes Pine to his new life in the twolegplace.
The Rise of Scourge[]
Though he doesn't physically appear, his mate Quince looks fondly at a framed picture of him in her owners house. She then tells her children, Tiny, Socks and Ruby, that it's odd how none of them inherited his orange coat, but she sees his spirit in them regardless. When Tiny asks Quince what she knows about the forest, she tells him that his father told her stories of when he explored it a few times.
The Prophecies Begin[]
Into The Wild[]
Six moons before the events of the book, Jake takes another mate in Nutmeg, and together they have a litter of five: Rusty, Princess, Filou, Tommy and Luna. After Rusty joins ThunderClan and is renamed Firepaw, the former ShadowClan medicine cat Yellowfang suspects he used to be a kittypet, which he confirms, indirectly mentioning Jake and Nutmeg.
Tallstar's Revenge (cont.)[]
Many years later, after Tallstar loses his final life, Jake's spirit appears to him. Tallstar is pleasantly surprised, asking Jake what he's doing there, and the orange tom replies that though he doesn't reside in StarClan, he still wanted to be there to welcome him to the afterlife.
- On author Vitoria Holmes' Facebook, Jake's father is named Mocha, though it's unknown whether or not this information is still canon.
- Vicky has also joked that Jake's cause of death was being hit by a meteor.
- Author Kate Cary likes to think that Tallstar frequently leaves StarClan to visit Jake.
- Due to him being the father of both Quince's and Nutmeg's litters, it's a common joke in the fandom to say he's the father of every character. This was first started by the popular Warriors-centric Youtuber Moonkitti, who while doing a parody summary of The Rise of Scourge, says: "Then we get a cool fact; Jake is (Tiny's, Socks' and Ruby's) father. But this isn't surprising - Jake is everyone's father. Jake is your father."
- His absence in Scourge's manga means he most likely doesn't live with Quince. As such, it's unknown why her owners have a framed picture of him in their house.
External links[]
Jake on the Warriors Wiki
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