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Go, then. There are other worlds than these
~ Jake Chambers

Jake Chambers is one of the main protagonists of the the The Dark Tower series and its movie. Originally a boy killed in a vehicular accident after being pushed into the street by Jack Mort, he ended up in Roland's realm where he dies though that death is cancelled when the gunslinger kills Jack and prevents his death from happening. Afterward, he joins Roland and his group of travelers in their quest to find the Dark Tower

He first appears as the main deuteragonist in the first book The Gunslinger and the 2017 film adaptation. In The Gunslinger, he meets Roland at the way station and joins him in his adventures until the end of the book where the gunslinger had to let him go. He is a posthumous character in The Drawing of the Three before he returns in The Waste Lands when his death is cancelled by the death of Jack Mort. He serves as a major protagonist for the rest of the series.

He was portrayed by Tom Taylor in the 2017 movie.



Jake studied at a private school during his youth while suffering from his father who had been using cocaine and abusing him. To make things worse, during a walk to school, he was pushed into oncoming traffic by the sociopathic killer, Jack Mort. Jake ended up being run over by a car and later end up in Roland's realm.

After the events of The Drawing of the Three, Jack was killed off before he could ever find Jake, resulting in his death being cancelled. In this new world, he was able to live to his teenage years though he was somewhat aware of his former fate and journey though it wasn't clear, resulting in him suffering from what appears to be a mental illness, resulting in issues from his school and father.

The Gunslinger[]

Jake was first found in the way station which Roland Deschain arrived to after his battle at Tull. He was in a horrid condition, prompting the boy to give him some water and explains his backstory which he had forgotten some parts of. The gunslinger revealed his hypnotic ability, getting info on the boy's full backstory. With that encounter done, the two go off to search for food, only to encounter a demon which Roland dispatches, ripping its jawbone.

Back at the desert, the pair are attacked by a succubus which Roland dispels with the jawbone he had taken before giving it to Jake for further protection. Said succubus becomes a lot more amicable after that hostility, revealing herself to be an oracle who the gunslinger decides to trust for some reason.

Continuing their journey, they soon saw the Man in Black, the person Roland had been hunting down all this time, at a mountain with him taunting them that at the other side of the mountain, only one of them will make it. Going through the tunnels in the mountain on a handcar, the two are chased down by a number of mutants. The tracks were damaged and unfortunately, Roland had to let Jake fall.

The Waste Lands[]

After the events of The Drawing of the Three, Jake's death in the hands of Jack Mort is cancelled, allowing him to live on to his teenage years. One day at school, he abruptly leaves his school to find a vacant lot with a rose and key on it. Said key opens a portal to Roland's realm, finding Eddie Dean and Susannah Dean trying to make the portal while Roland's sanity is deteriorating.

Doing this cured his and Roland's madness, allowing them to function again. After some catching up, Jake is invited to the group and they later continue on their journey to find the next mystical beam. On their way, they encounter an intelligent creature recognized to be a "Billy-Bumbler" whom Jake names Oy. Eventually they arrived at the city of Lud, once ancient and high tech though now a war-riddled place between two factions. While crossing a decaying bridge, the travelers wound up in an accident and while they survived, they ended up losing Jake to a gangster from the "Grays" faction named Gasher.

As Oy and Roland try and track him down in the sewers, Jake is being dragged by Gasher who begins abusing him on the way until they arrive at the gangster's base. The boy was then forced to read and solve the password, allowing him and his captor entry where they meet the Tick-Tock Man, the leader of the Grays faction.

However, none of them noticed Roland and Oy until it was too late and the two were already inside their base. The gunslinger and his companion broke in to the layer and in the chaos, Jake successfully shoots down the Tick-Tock Man though unfortunately, he ends up surviving.

Once Jake is back, the group continue their journey, arriving at an abandoned monorail. Unfortunately the AI running the place had gone insane, threatening to run them off the tracks unless they can beat it in a riddle contest. As they do so, they were able to see the outside world. A horrid apocalyptic place leading to a place called Topeka.

Wizard and Glass[]

In an attempt to beat the AI, Eddie tells it some childish jokes, befuddling the AI to the point of short-circuiting. Exiting the monorail, they soon discovered that Topeka was actually the same one as the Kansas city Topeka, taking place in a similar universe as another of Stephen King's work. After passing through a bunch of references, they decide to take a break in which Roland reveals more details of the past.

After going through the flashback, the group decide to continue their journey, discovering a green tinted town reminiscent of the Emerald City from Wizard of Oz. In one of the castles they encounter "the wizard" who was actually just a disguised Flagg. All around a loud voice belonging to the surviving Tick-Tock Man threatens the group, trying to get them to turn away.

This fails and he was quickly killed off, followed by the group turning on Flagg. The Man in Black quickly disables Roland's guns, forcing him to borrow Jake's gun. Unfortunately he still missed, allowing Flagg to escape and leave behind a mirror which reveals the day when Roland killed his mother. Despite knowing the fates of people close to the gunslinger, the group still goes along with him, continuing their journey forward.

The Wind Through the Keyhole[]

During their journey, Roland and his group had to take cover from a depression, having been warned by an elderly ferryman. During their cover, the gunslinger decides to reveal more details of his past. After a long-winded story of his past adventures against another horrific foe, the depression eventually ended and the group can continue their journey.

Wolves of the Calla[]

After escaping the depression, Eddie and Jake are sent to New York due to a dream state. While their companions are going off on another adventure, they instead meet a bookstore owner named Calvin Tower. The man apparently owned the vacant lot with the rose which led Jake to Roland's realm. Said lot is about to be bought by the mob boss that has hunted Eddie down back at The Drawing of the Three, planning on buying said lot which may result in the destruction of the realm.

Eventually, the rest of the travelers managed to join Eddie and Jake to their realm where they explain what had just happened. Jake stayed behind as Roland and Eddie battles Balazar's goons and secure their friend. After the two came back, they decide to take a break and plan for their battle against The Wolves which the rest of the travelers had heard of from the villagers they're helping.

While looking into more info on the wolves, Jake realized that the robot that had been warning the villagers is an emissary for them. Worse still, the father of one of his new friends, Benny Slightman, is giving information to said robot. Following the two, the boy ended up at a military outpost where he discovers a conspiracy in which the wolves have a surveillance system overseeing the region.

Jake reports this discovery to Roland who knew about his friendship with Benny. While he spares Mr. Slightman, Eddie blinds the robot emissary. Some time later, the gunslinger explains what he had heard from a conversation to his team, the reveal that the wolves were actually robots.

However this revelation was far worse as these wolves have the power of blatant referencing and immunity to copyright. They wear green hoods meant to resemble Dr. Doom and wield lightsabers from Star Wars. At a range they begin attacking with flying winged killer orbs resembling Golden Snitches from the Harry Potter series.

The travelers along with some warriors were able to take down the wolves with little casualties all while the children remain safe. Among those casualties however is Benny Slightman which saddened Jake. He did not have time to grieve as this battle, Mia ended up taking over Susannah's body and ran off with the other travelers failing to follow her. Worse still, the village's leader ended up discovering himself and his world to be from a book, written by Stephen King.

Song of Susannah[]

During their attempt at chasing Susannah down, the travelers ended up being separated with Jake and Oy remaining in the realm with the village leader, Father Callahan. The three followed Susannah to New York 1999 where she had been taken while also hiding the evil black ball, Black Thirteen, in a locker where it will be buried in the real world due to a disaster.

With that issue finished, the three prepare an assault on the place where Susannah is being taken captive by vampire soldiers of the Crimson King. For some reason, he had a feeling of dread on whether or not this attack will be successful. Despite this however, he still broke in along with his teammates, their weapons raised.

The Dark Tower[]

During their attack, Father Callahan was swarmed by the vampires, forcing him to kill himself instead of getting infected. His sacrifice allowed Jake and Oy to successfully take out all the vampires and survive the ordeal though in the end, they failed to prevent the birth of Mordred Deschain. Susannah managed to escape the horrifying monster, meeting with Jake and Oy back at the place they had been fighting at.

While taking a break, they are met by Roland and Eddie who had survived their ordeals. The group travel to Thunderclap in an attempt to find and free a group of psychics who are attempting to break beams supporting the Dark Tower. They meet a few of Roland's old friends and other characters from Stephen King's other works. During a fight to free the psychics, Eddie ended up getting injured severely due to a bullet to the eye. His group spent what little time they had to stay by his side and listen to his final words. Despite how painful it was, they had to go on once he died as they didn't have the time to mourn.


Jumping to 1999, Roland and Jake attempt to save Stephen King from the car accident he will suffer though this ends with the death of the latter. The gunslinger was heartbroken by this event, taking his time to bury Jake though he eventually snaps out of it and goes back to Oy.

Jake is later seen in the new world Susannah went to where he is Eddie's brother, the two having the last name "Toren". He only remembers bits of their adventures in the realm, just like the rest of the group


  • Revolvers: Jake received a revolver upon arriving at Roland's realm and is trained to use it. It is his primary weapon of choice which he used in various shootouts. Jake carries specialized cleaning tools and gun belt in order to keep these revolvers usable throughout his journey


Due to being from the real world, Jake lacks many of the supernatural abilities Roland and other denizens of the realm possesses. Despite this, he is still fully capable of defending himself from attacks through the use of his skills.

  • Marksmanship: Upon receiving his guns, Jake is trained to use them. His first use was against the Tick-Tock Man in The Waste Lands. Since then, he has gotten into shootouts and fights against a disguised Randall, the wolves, and the Crimson King's vampire army

In Other Media[]

Marvel Comics[]

Marvel Comics released the story of The Dark Tower series in comic form, telling the story of Roland's past, events of The Gunslinger, and events of The Drawing of the Three. Each of those are separated into 3 story arcs with 30, 30, 25 issues respectively. The Gunslinger and The Drawing of the Three are mostly faithful to the books they are based on with only few minor changes. However, other events that have happened before the beginning of the novel are further explored and gain extra additions.

2017 Movie[]

Jake is featured in 2017 live action movie also named The Dark Tower where he is portrayed by Tom Taylor. The movie has many issues with the most blatant being the fact that all the books and chapters were crammed up into one movie.

The movie begins with Jake getting a vision of Roland's battle with Flagg, learning of the goals and plans of the latter. These visions had been happening repeatedly, worrying his mother who believed it to be the result of trauma from the death of his father.

One day, the mother and son are approached by a group workers seemingly working for a psychiatrist ward. The group offered their services to care for Jake. Before his mother could hand him over, the boy immediately recognizes the workers as disguised monsters, prompting him to run. On the way, they come across a portal which leads him to another realm where he meets Roland Deschain.

After an introduction, the two go to a village in order to get confirmation on Jake's visions, revealing that the machine Roland is looking for is 6 months on foot to reach and in Flagg's base. Flagg on the other hand discovers the danger the teenager may bring to his plans and sends in an army of his minions to attack the duo. The gunslinger was able to easily kill off many of them though he ends up injured.

The duo decide to go to earth in order to get some medical attention for Roland while Jake learns on the location of the portal he had used previously. Once the two were finished with their issues, they decide to check on the teenager's home, finding his mother vaporized. As Jake grieves, Roland promises to avenge her death and teach him the skills of a gunslinger.

During that period, Roland at some point had to replenish his stock at a gun shop. Inside, he ends up getting attacked by Flagg. Upon recovering, he finds that Jake had been kidnapped by the Man in Black who is now back in his base. The teenager was able to warn the gunslinger of a code as he fights off henchman and eventually reach the portal in the base.

He and Flagg were sucked into the portal, ending up in New York where after a fierce fight, Roland managed to shoot down his opponent with some encouragement from Jake. With that victory, the gunslinger invites the teenager to accompany him in his journey.





External Links[]


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The Losers Club (Ben Hanscom | Beverly Marsh | Bill Denbrough | Eddie Kaspbrak | Mike Hanlon | Richie Tozier | Stan Uris) | Maturin

Paul Sheldon

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Cats (Clovis) | Sherrif Andy Simpsons | Tanya Robertson

The Body
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The Dark Tower
Roland Deschain | Jake Chambers | Eddie Dean | Susannah Dean | Oy

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Tricia MacFarland

The Green Mile
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The Tailsman

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