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Jaken is a supporting character in the anime/manga series Inuyasha. He starts as a villain but then becomes an anti-hero as the story progresses. He is an imp who is extremely loyal to Sesshōmaru.

He is voiced by Chō in the Japanese version of the anime, Don Brown from original series and currently Andrew Russell for Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon in the English version.


He is a small green imp-like demon.


He is extremely loyal to Sesshōmaru, often praising his master's greatness, although Sesshōmaru usually ignores and sometimes abuses him. Jaken himself is not especially powerful, but he wields the Staff of Two Heads, a fire-throwing staff that Sesshōmaru gives him.


The manga explains little about Jaken's past, but the anime shows that Jaken was once a lord among similar demons.

After Rin gives birth to Towa and Setsuna, Jaken is tasked with protecting them after Sesshōmaru hides them in the forest of Tree of Ages.



  • His Japanese voice actor, Chō, who also voiced Chobihige in Natsume's Book of Friends series, Brook in One Piece and Genma Saotome in Ranma ½ (2024).
  • His first English voice actor, Don Brown, who also voiced Emperor Pilaf in Dragon Ball, Brandy & Elder Ham in Hamtaro, Kibito in Dragon Ball Z.
  • His second English voice actor, Andrew Russell, who also voiced Luka Couffaine/Viperion in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

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           Inuyasha LogoHeroes

Main Heroes
Inuyasha | Kagome Higurashi | Miroku | Sango | Shippō | Kirara | Towa Higurashi | Setsuna | Moroha

Myoga | Tōtōsai | Hachiemon | Kōga | Kikyō | Kaede | Kohaku | Ginta | Hakkaku | Jinenji | Shiori | Ayame | Kin'u | Gyokuto | Hermit Sage | Tarōmaru | Water Godess | Hisui | Sesshōmaru's Mother | Tōga | Takechiyo | Riku | Rion | Rokuta | Nanasuke

Sesshōmaru's Group
Sesshōmaru | Jaken | Rin | A-Un

Akitoki Hōjō | Saya | Asagi | Moegi | Dai | Roku | Shion | Ai
