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Shit, the situation isn't going to unfuck itself.
~ James in Zero Hour.

James Walker is the main protagonist of Gameloft's 2011 mobile title Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation and a supporting character in Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour. He is a member of Anvil 1, who is present as the most prominent figure during the Fallen Nation incident.

He is voiced by Billy Bob Thompson in Zero Hour.


Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation[]

Operation Blockbuster[]

James Walker, a member of the USA Army Force Phantom, first appears in a helicopter with Pvt. Kelly and Pvt. Colt. Their mission is to extract valuable information from the KPR. They are attacked by KPR soldiers on the rooftop but manage to kill them. They rappel into the NSA building, fight hostile troops, and defend the intel. As they reach the extraction zone, their helicopter is shot down, killing Kelly, Colt, and the pilot. Walker, who still has the intel, supports Anvil 1 troopers in clearing out hostiles.

After being buried under rubble, Walker regroups with Cpt. Turner. They fight through Los Angeles, destroy a tank, and make their way into a building. They contact command but are attacked by a KPR chopper. Walker and Turner jump down the building, ambush KPR soldiers, and clear out hostiles in a theater. They defend their position until an enemy tank arrives, and Foster helps with an air strike. They are successfully extracted in a helicopter.

Thunder Hill[]

Cpl. Walker and Anvil 1 are deployed to Mount Lee to take out AA Batteries. After being bombarded by mortars, Walker and Turner destroy the first AA and continue to the second. They find Mendoza and Hall fighting the KPR and join them. Walker destroys the AA, allowing an air strike. Hall is killed, and the team continues the mission. They retake the local radio tower but are forced to maintain their position. Turner is killed by an explosion, but Walker and Mendoza are saved by Pvt. Torres and other Anvil 1 men. Walker is transferred to Phantom Unit, led by Sgt. Downs.

Hostile Territories[]

After being transferred to Phantom Unit, Downs and Walker are sent to Alaska after Razor Squad goes missing. Their helicopter is shot down, and Walker loses consciousness. He wakes up to find KPR troops holding Downs hostage. Walker kills the soldiers and rescues Downs.


Walker is imprisoned when Downs beats two guards and frees him. They recover their gear and learn the KPR are launching missiles at U.S. cities. They disable the first missile and stop the second mid-flight. At the third silo, Popovich locks the control room, but they clear it and plant C4 on the missile.

After recovering from the blast, Walker sees Popovich beating up Downs. He sneaks up and try to stab Popovich, and the two have a scuffle. With a swift move, Walker stabs Popovich in the neck, and promptly pushes him, impaling Popovich on a steel bar from a broken radio mast. While helicopters arrive to pick them up, Downs considers the beverage options available in Korea.

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour[]



  • In Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation, Walker has eliminated three high ranked members of the KPR Alliance being Cpt. Sung, General Tong, and General Popovich.
  • Walker and Anderson are the only playable characters to become a NPC.
  • In Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour, he shares the same head model as Downs, but with a different haircut.
  • Walker shares the same voice actor with Bull.