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Jamie James is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Skye) of the Canadian animated sitcom Carl2. He is Carl Crashman's best friend.

He was voiced by Jordan Francis.


Jamie James is shown carrying around a camcorder which he shoots random videos with to make his documentaries, such as Carl's skateboarding tricks. He is also the only other person to know about C2 but hasn't told anyone about it as he keeps it a secret. He usually uses gangster words like "homie". He is often seen with Carl in situations that he finds himself in.


Jamie James is a black African-American male. In Season 1, he wore a blue T-shirt over a white shirt and a blue visor. In Season 2, he now wears a yellow T-shirt over a white shirt and an upside-down white visor.


           Carl-Squared-logo-300x146-removebg-preview Heroes

Carl Crashman | C2 | Chloe Crashman | Janet Crashman | Barney Crashman | Jamie James | Skye Flower Blue | Principal Powers
