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Heroine Overview

Janine Melnitz is a supporting character of the Ghostbusters franchise.

She is the secretary of the titular ghost-hunting team who aids them in being informed about the various supernatural phenomena which they need to face.



While not much is known about her history, she is from Brooklyn. From the start, she treated the whole Ghostbusters Secretary thing as "only a job". However, she also is well known for her crush on Egon Spengler. Which is what brought her back in 1997 to work with the new team.

The Real Ghostbusters[]

Janine mainly worked as the secretary of the Ghostbusters. However, she became more than that while working with the team. Janine served as the Ghostbusters' link to the world outside of ghosts. She was usually the one preparing for celebrations and Halloween parties. She also took care of most bills and ordering items and Firehouse maintenance.

At one point, Janine was fed up with working behind the desk and went along with the Ghostbusters on a bust at the docks. She picked an old brass lamp as payment and accidentally released a Genie. After the ordeal was taken care of, Janine decided it was best she stick with her job as secretary. But Janine continued to work the Proton Pack over the years when the situation demanded it.


  • Due to Rick Moranis' retirement from acting, his character Louis Tully did not return like Janine did in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, thus it isn't known whether Janine and Louis continued their relationship from Ghostbusters II.


           GhostbustersTitle Heroes

Ghostbusters (original): Peter Venkman | Ray Stantz | Egon Spengler | Winston Zeddemore | Dana Barrett | Louis Tully | Janine Melnitz | Slimer | Phoebe Spengler | Trevor Spengler | Callie Spengler | Gary Grooberson | Lucky Domingo | Podcast | Nadeem Razmaadi | Hubert Wartzki | Lars Pinfield
Ghostbusters (2016): Erin Gilbert | Abby Yates | Jillian Holtzmann | Patty Tolan | Kevin Beckman
Good Ghosts: Dream Ghost | Library Ghost | The Statue of Liberty | Melody

Extreme Ghostbusters: Kylie Griffin | Edwardo Rivera | Garrett Miller | Roland Jackson

Ron Alexander

Video Games
Ghostbusters: The Video Game: The Rookie
