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Like youselves, this is the first time I've staked my life on a contest. Let's show him, those of us who are risking our lives... that the good guys always win.
~ L to Task Force members.

The Japanese Task Force are the main antagonists of the Death Note franchise.

It is an organization created by L in order to investigate events about Kira. The members of Task Force consists of several policemen from NPA and agents of L.

In order to investigate Light Yagami, L invited Light to join the Task Force. After L died, Light became the leader of the Task Force, pretending to catch Kira and using other members as his pawns. However, after Near and SPK got involved into investigating Light and contacted the Task Force, members like Aizawa and Mogi started to suspect Light and helped Near supervise him.



Police officers[]

  • Touta Matsuda
  • Shuichi Aizawa (quitted after NPA discontinued funding, rejoined when capturing Higuchi)
  • Kanzo Mogi
  • Hirokazu Ukita
  • Hideki Ide (quitted due to distrusting L, rejoined when capturing Higuchi)

L's agents[]

  • Watari † (L's butler)
  • Aiber † (consman hired by L when investigating Yotsuba)
  • Wedy † (cat-burglar hired by L when investigating Yotsuba)


  • In the 2006 movie series, a female member called Sanami is added into the team.
  • In Death Note: The Musical, Soichiro Yagami and Kanzo Mogi are the only two named member in the Task Force. Additionally, Light doesn't join in the Task Force in the musical.



Other Media[]

External Links[]


           Death Note logo Heroes

Japanese Task Force
L Lawliet | Soichiro Yagami | Touta Matsuda | Shuichi Aizawa | Kanzo Mogi | Hirokazu Ukita | Hideki Ide | Watari | Aiber | Wedy

Wammy's House
Watari | Roger Ruvie | L Lawliet | Near | Mello | Matt

Special Provision for Kira
Near | Anthony Rester | Stephen Gevanni | Halle Lidner

Rem | Raye Penber | Naomi Misora | Gelus | Taro Kagami

TV and Film Series
Light Turner | L (Death Note 2017) | L Lawliet (film series) | Naomi Misora (film series) | Sanami
