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Javier Escuella (1873-1911) is a major antagonist of the 2010 action-adventure video game Red Dead Redemption and a major character in its 2018 prequel, Red Dead Redemption II.

He is a former member of the Van der Linde gang alongside John Marston. Javier is responsible for defending Bill Williamson in Mexico. He is noted as one as one of the few Mexican characters that speaks English without a strong accent.

With the addition of myths and Mavericks DLC pack, is also Multiplayer character that can be selected in the section of the Outfitter.

He was voiced by Antonio Jaramillo in Red Dead Redemption and Gabriel Sloyer Red Dead Redemption II.


Javier Escuella was born in Nuevo Paraiso and was once a Mexican bounty hunter. According to Allende, Javier's Fahter was a drunkard that worked on Agustin's uncle's land. After spending some time in America, Escuella became a member of the Van der Linde gang. When the gang was disbanded after Dutch Van Der Linde went insane in 1899, Javier took it easy and returned to Mexico to work as a hitman for Allende. John Marston is then forced to pursue him in 1911 along with Javier's friend Bill Williamson.


  • During the Stand-Off with Arthur and John, Dutch, Bill, and Micah, all pointed their weapons at them, except Javier, who pointed his at the sky.


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           Official Red Dead logo Heroes

Red Dead Revolver
Red Harlow

Red Dead Redemption
John Marston | Abigail Roberts | Jack Marston | Uncle | Bonnie MacFarlane | Leigh Johnson | Landon Ricketts | Luisa Fortuna

Red Dead Redemption II
Van der Linde gang
Arthur Morgan | Dutch Van Der Linde | Hosea Matthews | John Marston | Abigail Roberts | Bill Williamson | Javier Escuella | Lenny Summers | Sean MacGuire | Charles Smith | Sadie Adler | Susan Grimshaw | Karen Jones | Molly O'Shea | Tilly Jackson | Simon Pearson | Orville Swanson | Josiah Trelawny | Kieran Duffy

Wapiti Indians
Rains Fall | Eagle Flies

Guarma Rebels
Hercule Fontaine | Leon Fuentes

Lyndon Monroe | Thaddeus Waxman

Red Dead Online
Protagonist (Red Dead Online) | Jessica LeClerk | Horley
