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~ Jeffy's catchphrase
~ Jeffy's other catchphrase for showing approval

Jeffy is the deuteragonist of the SML YouTube series and is the adoptive son of Marvin and Rose.

He is voiced by Lance Thirtyacre, who also plays many other characters such as Jackie Chu in the same series.


On August 21, 2004, Jeffy was born to Nancy and Jacques Pierre François in a porta potty on 7 Jeffy Street in Paris, France. At one point, along with Nancy and presumably Jacques, Jeffy moved to Pensacola, Florida in the United States. He was constantly abused by Nancy for no apparent reason.

Jeffy first appears in Mario The Babysitter after Mario wakes up and had a kid dropped off at his house named Jeffy.


In 2016, Jeffy was shown be a dimwitted kid who loved putting things (particularly pencils) in his nose.


Jeffy is a tall humanoid puppet with blue eyes facing away from each-other, a black unibrow, 2 buck teeth, a round nose with a pencil in his right nostril and messy brown hair. For attire he notably wears a yellow T-shirt with his name written on it has a blue bicycle helmet and wears navy blue shorts alongside a white diaper and black and white Adidas shoes



  • In Jeffy’s Shirt and Jeffy’s Parents, it was revealed his disowned mother Nancy wrote his name in scribble on his shirt so he will remember his name and realized his scribbled name was dried off from the laundry while covered in mud, Jeffy won’t remember his name if it is not labeled on his shirt.
  • Jeffy is always thought to be the main protagonist of SML since his debut in “Mario the Babysitter”.
  • Jeffy has intellectual disability.

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           SML Logo Heroes

Main characters
Marvin | Jeffy | Rose | Junior | Cody | Joseph | Brooklyn T. Guy
Supporting Characters
Chef Pee Pee | Penelope | Karen | Braxton | Simmons | Jackie Chu | Ya Boy Duggie | Lil' T | Susan Smith | Judge Pooby | Charleyyy | Craig the Devil | Chief | Chef Poo Poo |
Brooklyn T. Guy's Son | Scooter
Foxy the Pirate | Vegeta
