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Jellymon is Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai's partner and one of the main protagonists in the anime Digimon Ghost Game. She can digivolve to her champion form, TeslaJellymon and ultimate form, Thetismon.

She is voiced by Yū Shimamura in the Japanese version.


Jellymon is a Digimon resembling a jellyfish.


She is strong-willed like a queen, and competitive by nature, she finds human activity amusing, often trying to participate as if playing a game. Scaring Kiyoshiro is also one of Jellymon's favorite pastimes. She is direct and carefree to the point of not caring about the consequences of her actions.


In Divine Anger,

In The Cursed Song,

In Birds,

In Nightly Procession of Monsters,

In Warped Time,

In Game of Death,

In Kamaitachi,

In Chain Letter,

In Executioner,

In Zashiki-warashi,

In The Fortuneteller's Manor,

In The Maneater's Forest,

In Icy Hell,

In The Land of Children,

In The Witching Hour,

In Prison of Fire,

In Nightmare,

In Moaning Bug,

In Twisted Love,

In The Crimson Banquet, Jellymon arrives and then Gammamon and Jellymon digivolves to their Champion forms to fight Myotismon, but were no match for him because they were overpowered by Myotismon's bats.

In Cannibal Mansion,

In Monster's Beauty Serum,

In Face Taker,

In Monster Pollen, when Kiyoshiro got bitten by KoDokugumon and Jellymon digivolve to TeslaJellymon to battled Toropiamon but were no match for him.

In Bad Friend,

In Killer Blade,

In Who Are You?,

In Whispers of the Dead,

In Wall Crawlers,

In Werewolf,

In Labyrinth of Grief,

In Herd of the Dead,

In The Diviner,

In Contagion Island,

In Spiral Beach,

In Clown,

In Human Hunter,



  • Her Japanese voice actress, Yū Shimamura, also voiced Offmon in Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters,
  • She is the first female Digimon main protagonist partnered with a male character.

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          Digimon Logo Heroes

Digimon Adventure
Main Protagonist: DigiDestined | Tai Kamiya | Sora Takenouchi | Matt Ishida | Izzy Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Joe Kido | T.K. Takaishi | Kari Kamiya | Agumon | Biyomon | Gabumon | Tentomon | Palmon | Gomamon | Patamon | Salamon

Digivolution: Botamon | Koromon | Greymon | MetalGreymon | WarGreymon | Omnimon | Agumon (Bond of Bravery) | Nyokimon | Yokomon | Birdramon | Garudamon | Phoenixmon | Tsunomon | Garurumon | WereGarurumon | MetalGarurumon | Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) | Pabumon | Motimon | Kabuterimon | MegaKabuterimon | HerculesKabuterimon | Tanemon | Togemon | Lillymon | Rosemon | Bukamon | Ikkakumon | Zudomon | Vikemon | Poyomon | Tokomon | Angemon | MagnaAngemon | Seraphimon | Pegasusmon | Nyaromon | Gatomon | Angewomon | Magnadramon | Nefertimon

Allies: Yuuko Kamiya | Hiroaki Ishida | Nancy Takaishi | Toshiko Takenouchi | Haruhiko Takenouchi | Masami Izumi | Kae Izumi | Jim Kido | Leomon (SaberLeomon) | Elecmon | Andromon | Gennai | Wizardmon | Digitamamon | Whamon | Gotsumon & Pumpkinmon | Piximon | Deramon | Gekomon | Otamamon | Monzaemon | Sukamon | Chuumon | Flymon | Lilithmon | King Drasil | Greymon (Species) | Garurumon (Species) | Kabuterimon (Species) | Homeostasis

Digimon Adventure 02
Main Protagonist: Davis Motomiya | Yolei Inoue | Cody Hida | Ken Ichijoji | Veemon | Hawkmon | Armadillomon | Wormmon

Digivolution: Nyokimon | DemiVeemon | Flamedramon | Raidramon | Magnamon | ExVeemon | Paildramon | Imperialdramon | Poromon | Halsemon | Shurimon | Aquilamon | Silphymon | Upamon | Digmon | Submarimon | Ankylomon | Shakkoumon | Minomon | Stingmon

Allies: BlackWarGreymon | Deputymon | Azulongmon | Catherine Deneuve | Floramon | Michael | Betamon (Seadramon) | Derek | Crabmon (Coelamon) | Dien | Gorillamon | Lou | Tortomon | Yue Hong | Apemon | Poi Brothers | Syakomon | Mina | Meramon | Rosa | Gotsumon (Monochromon) | Anna | Unimon | Yuri | Kuwagamon | Sonya | Snimon | Maria | Centarumon | Phil | Flarerizamon | Steve | Dolphmon | Frigimon | Tatum | Airdramon | Tyrannomon (Species) | Chikara Hida | T.K.'s Son | Mimi Tachikawa's Son | Ken and Yolei's Son | Cody Hida's Daughter

Digimon Tamers
Main Protagonist: Takato Matsuki | Rika Nonaka | Henry Wong | Jeri Katou | Kazu Shioda | Kenta Kitagawa | Suzie Wong | Ai | Mako | Ryo Akiyama | Guilmon | Grani | Renamon | Terriermon | Leomon | Guardromon | MarineAngemon | Lopmon | Impmon | Cyberdramon | Calumon

Digivolution: Growlmon | WarGrowlmon | Gallantmon | Kyubimon | Taomon | Sakuyamon | Gargomon | Rapidmon | MegaGargomon | Andromon | Antylamon | Beelzemon | Justimon

Allies: Riley Ohtori | Alice McCoy (Digimon Tamers) | Dobermon | Divermon | Azulongmon | Ebonwumon | Zhuqiaomon | GranKuwagamon | Gryphonmon | DigiGnomes | Tamers

Digimon Frontier
Main Protagonist: Takuya Kanbara | Koji Minamoto | Zoe Orimoto | Tommy Himi | J.P. Shibayama | Koichi Kimura | Bokomon | Neemon

Spirit Evolution: Agunimon | BurningGreymon | Aldamon | EmperorGreymon | Susanoomon | Lobomon | KendoGarurumon | Beowolfmon | MagnaGarurumon | Kazemon | Zephyrmon | Kumamon | Korikakkumon | Beetlemon | MetalKabuterimon | Loweemon | JagerLoweemon

Allies: Patamon (Seraphimon) | Salamon (Ophanimon) | Lopmon (Cherubimon)| Swanmon | Oryxmon | AncientGreymon | AncientGarurumon | AncientBeetlemon | AncientKazemon | AncientMegatheriummon | AncientWisemon | AncientVolcanomon | AncientTroiamon | AncientMermaimon | AncientSphinxmon | Datamon | Zanbamon | Gryphonmon | Pteramon | Mercurymon | JetSilphymon | GranKuwagamon | Gryphonmon | Grumblemon | Ten Legendary Warriors | Celestial Digimon

Digimon Data Squad
Main Protagonist: Marcus Damon | Thomas H. Norstein | Yoshino Fujieda | Keenan Crier | Agumon | Gaomon | Lalamon | Falcomon

Digivolution: GeoGreymon | RizeGreymon | ShineGreymon | Gaogamon | MachGaogamon | MirageGaogamon | Sunflowmon | Lilamon | Rosemon | Peckmon | Crowmon | Ravemon | Reppamon | Chirinmon | Kentaurosmon | KnightChessmon (Black) | RookChessmon | KnightChessmon (White) | BishopChessmon | Gwappamon | Shawjamon | Aquilamon | Garudamon

Allies: Digimon Royal Knights | Richard Sampson | Miki Kurosaki | Megumi Shirakawa | Homer Yushima | Kristy Damon | Spencer Damon | Kudamon | PawnChessmon (Black) | PawnChessmon (White) | Kamemon | Biyomon | BanchoLeomon | Cherrymon | Tamers

Digimon Fusion
Main Protagonist: Mikey Kudo | Angie Hinomoto | Jeremy Tsurgi | Christopher Aonuma | Nene Amano | Tagiru Akashi | Ewan Amano | Airu Suzaki | Shoutmon | Ballistamon | Dorulumon | Starmons | Cutemon | Greymon | MailBirdramon | Sparrowmon | Monitamon | Gumdramon | Damemon

Digivolution: OmniShoutmon | Shoutmon X2 | Shoutmon X3 | Shoutmon X4 | MetalGreymon | ZekeGreymon | Arresterdramon | Tuwarmon

Allies: Old Clock Shop Man | Fusion Fighters | Beelzemon | Mervamon | Dracomon | Cyberdramon | Deckerdramon | Dondokomon | Chibitortomon | Wisemon | Jijimon | Puppetmon | Gumdramon | Damemon | Beastmon | Knightmon and PawnChessmon | Clockmon | BlueMeramon | Grademon

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Protagonist: Haru Shinkai | Gatchmon | Torajirou Asuka | Musimon | Eri Karan | Dokamon | Rei Katsura | Hackmon | Yūjin Ōzora | Offmon

Allies: Ai Kashiki | Hajime Katsura | Bootmon | Agumon

Digimon Adventure: (2020 Series)
Main Protagonist: Taichi Yagami | Sora Takenouchi | Yamato Ishida | Koshiro Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Joe Kido | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Agumon | Biyomon | Gabumon | Tentomon | Palmon | Gomamon | Patamon | Gatomon

Digivolution: Greymon | MetalGreymon | WarGreymon | BlitzGreymon | Omnimon | Birdramon | Garudamon | Phoenixmon | Garurumon | WereGarurumon | MetalGarurumon | CresGarurumon | Kabuterimon | MegaKabuterimon | HerculesKabuterimon | Togemon | Lillymon | Rosemon | Ponchomon | Ikkakumon | Zudomon | Vikemon | Angemon | MagnaAngemon | Seraphimon | Pegasusmon | Goldramon | Angewomon | Magnadramon | Ophanimon

Allies: Leomon | Komondomon | Golemon | Lopmon | Nohemon | Cutemon | Junkmon | Wisemon | Garbagemon | Blossomon | Nanimon | Kabukimon | ShogunGekomon | Gekomon | Dondokomon | Muchomon | Strabimon | Lunamon

Digimon Ghost Game
Main Protagonist: Hiro Amanokawa | Ruli Tsukiyono | Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai | Gammamon | Angoramon | Jellymon

Digivolution: BetelGammamon | KausGammamon | WezenGammamon | Canoweissmon | Siriusmon | SymbareAngoramon | Lamortmon | Diarbbitmon | TeslaJellymon | Thetismon | Amphimon

Allies: Clockmon | Bokomon | Tapirmon | Floramon | Muchomon | Reppamon | Monzaemon | Piximon | Espimon | Airdramon | Ryudamon | Tamers


Digimon Adventure
Willis | Terriermon (Gargomon & Rapidmon) | Meiko Mochizuki | Meicoomon | Daigo Nishijima | Bearmon (Baihumon) | Maki Himekawa | Tapirmon (Megadramon) | Hackmon (Jesmon) | Kyotaro Yamada | Lui Ohwada
Digimon Tamers
Omnimon | Minami Uehara | Seasarmon
Digimon Frontier
Bearmon | Kotemon | Dinohymon
Digimon Data Squad
Digital Monster X-Evolution
Dorumon | Alphamon | Omnimon

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer
Taichi Yagami | Zeromaru
Digimon Liberator
Shoto Kazama | Pteromon


Digimon World

Digimon World Dawn/Dusk
Koh | Sayo | Coronamon | Lunamon

Digimon World Re:Digitize
Taiga | Niko Petorofu

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Mastemon | Fei Wong Tomoe Ignacio

Digimon Survive
Takuma Momozuka | Agumon | Shuuji Kayama | Lopmon
