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Jeremiah (Jeremias in original) is a fictional character from the Monica' Gang comics, created by Maurício de Sousa in 1960. Jeremiah is the first black character in Monica's Gang. Jeremiah is part of the "Turma do Bermudão" that has characters like Franjinha, Titi and Manezinho. Jeremiah wears a red cap that belongs to his grandfather, which he uses to hide premature baldness.


Created in 1960, one after the first characters of Monica's Gang de Maurício de Sousa, the boy Franjinha and his dog Bidu. The character was created with characteristics of the so-called blackface, a drawing style used to portray black characters in an exaggerated way with origins in the theater, the term derives from the makeup used by Caucasian actors who played characters, something that is seen as a racist characterization. Over the years, Jeremiah lost characteristics, as well as black characters from another publication by Maurício de Sousa Produções, Turma do Pelezinho, inspired by the player Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé.

In 2009, the first album of the Mauricio de Sousa trilogy by 50 artists is released, conceived by the editor and journalist Sidney Gusman in honor of the 50 years of Mauricio de Sousa's career, in the year, Jeremias gets a solo story in the second album from the trilogy produced by comic artist André Din.

In November 2011, during the International Comics Festival held in Belo Horizonte, Sidney Gusman announced that in 2012, the "Graphic MSP" line would be launched, a series of graphic novels, different from the MSP 50 series albums, the graphic would bring closed containing 72 pages. In 2016, during the Comic Con Experience, it was announced that Jeremiah won his first solo title, a Graphic MSP by Rafael Calça (screenplay) and Jefferson Costa (drawings), two black authors. In 2017, the graphic novel title was announced, Jeremiah - Pele. Released in April 2018, the eighteenth graphic novel of the Graphic MSP line addresses a never-before-seen theme of the explorer in the character, racism and contour with the foreword by rapper Emicida. In January of the following year, another story of a black character from Monica's Gang written by Rafael Calça, this time for a monthly magazine, the character in question is Milena, the first black girl protagonist of Monica's Gang, which debuted in 2017. In honor of the comic book artist Sérgio Tiúrcio Graciano, who worked at the studio from 1966 to 2016, Jeremiah's grandfather is named Graciano.


Jeremiah is a dark-skinned, with black eyes. He wears a red cap, a gray shirt, white shorts and blue shoes. He is 10-12 years old.


Jeremiah is the son of a couple of architects,his great-great-grandfather was Jeremiah, an African prince who was captured and sent to Brazil as a slave. In Brazil, Jeremim fought for the freedom not only of himself, but of other slaves.

Other media[]

In 2019, during the Comic Con Experience, a live-action series of the character was announced.

He got a graphic novel that won the Jabuti Prize for comic books


               Monica's Gang logo Heroes

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Franklin | Blu | Ditto | Glu | Denise | Specs | Bucky | Jeremiah | Fluffy | Vanilla | Marina | Sunny | Angel | Dustine | Capitão Pitoco | Hercules | The River Mermaid

Chuck Billy 'n' Folks
Chuck Billy | Rosie Lee | Zeke

Tina's Pals
Tina | Curly

Bug-a-Booo | Lady MacDeath | Vic Vampire | Wolfgang | Moe the Mummy

The Cavern Clan
Pitheco | Tooga

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel

The Funnies

Horacio's World

The Tribe

Graphic MSP
Astronaut | General Alvez Isabel Pereira | Commander Astro | Rita

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Chubby's Gang

Chuck Billy First Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Pork Chop

Pitheco First Series
Pitheco | Tooga | Loony Lou | Ogra

Blu | Duke | Bugu | Rufius

Bug-a-Boo | Sally Soul | Vic Vampire | Frank | Moe the Mummy | Little One | Wolfgang | Lady MacDeath

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel II | Zig Zag | Ant Rita | Mc Fox | Lou Courier

Nutty Ned
Nutty Ned | The Bird

Tom Tom | Tamoyo | Papaya | Cobra Grande | Honorato

Chuck Billy Second Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Ma Dita | Rose|

Captain Fray
Captain Fray | Doctor McClean | Cremilda and Clotilde | Number Five
