Jessica Priest is a supporting character and former villain in the Spawn series.She is now the current She-Spawn
Jessica Priest first appeared in the Spawn movie as Jason Wynn's right hand woman. She was Jason Wynn's second Assassin, second only to Al. Unlike Al she was far more cold-blooded and was more loyal to Wynn. After Al decides to retire, Wynn has Jessica kill him. After Five years Al would return as Spawn and seek vengeance on Wynn and Jessica for causing his death. Jesssica and Spawn fought but Spawn emerged victiorous and kills Jessica Priest. In the comics Jessica has a similar background except she was far more compassionate than her movie counterpart, even saving a friend in her story, but was just as pyschotic as her movie counterpart since she was five years old. She would later grew up to be one of the top assassins in the world and served under Jason Wynn for a while and later fights Spawn. After Wynn's defeat her, Jessica went into hiding and decided to make a new Identity. She fell in love with a man named Danile Chin and would be his wife and a step mother. At some point she met Nyx and became allies with her trying to stop the supernatural from killing them. After Nyx's death her piece of symbiote became part of her and became the second She-Spawn and goes on to meet Al and help him in his quest against the force of heaven and hell.
Powers and Abilities[]
Jessica Priest was a highly skilled assassin with peak human strength, speed, and stamina. Jessica is highly acrobatic and has high reflexs. She is also a master at using guns and knifes. As a hellspawn she has increased superhuman abilites.