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Hero Overview

Jillian Russell-Wilcox is a supporting character in the television Series Family Guy. She is Brian Griffin's ex girlfriend who he fell in love with until Stewie Griffin made him break up with her.


She used to be married to Derek Wilcox until Diane Simmons turned evil and killed Derek and hit him with a Golden Globes award statue which that made Jillian cry that she lost her husband and now she is back to being single again. She appears also in "Valentine's Day in Quahog", where she and the other ex-girlfriends of Brian is finally able to forgive him. Jillian appears also at the Brian's Funeral.

In "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)", she and Peter become good friends after Brian ditches Jillian to have some time by himself. It is during this time with Peter, that she decided her and Brian should move in together. Brian agrees, and finds it going great until he discovers he is unable to pay their rent. Stewie shows up at Brian's door with wad of cash, offering to pay their rent if Brian lets Stewie stay with him and Jillian for a while.

It is revealed to Jillian by Stewie that he was paying their rent while she and Brian were having sex. After Brian tells Jillian he didn't really want to move in at first she tearfully runs away. Brian later confronts Jillian and confesses his love only to find out she's dating Adam West living with him at her old apartment, breaking up their relationship.


Jillian is a American adult caucasian woman in her 20s with a slim hourglass figure and has long, waist-length blonde hair. She has white eyes with black pupils and long, thin eyelashes and she wears a light blue one-shoulder tank top with light brown pants with a matching light brown belt with gold buckle and she wears red slip-on chunky platform high heel sandals with two dark yellow strings and she wears a red choker and golden bracelets on both of her wrists, for makeup, Jillian wears light brown eyeshadow.


  • Jillian Russell Wilcox appeared also in new Family Guy opening.
  • She also appears in Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff.
  • Jillian has bulimia.


          1200px-Family Guy Logo.svg Heroes

Griffin Family
Peter Griffin | Lois Griffin | Meg Griffin | Stewie Griffin | Brian Griffin | Chris Griffin | Vinny Griffin | Chip Griffin
Other Members
Cleveland Brown | Glenn Quagmire | Joe Swanson

Swanson Family
Joe Swanson | Kevin Swanson

Brown-Tubbs Family
Cleveland Brown | Cleveland Brown Jr. | Donna Tubbs | Rallo Tubbs | Roberta Tubbs

Recurring Characters
Glenn Quagmire | Mayor Adam West | Mayor Wild West | Bruce | Tricia Takanawa | Tim the Bear | Lester Krinklesac | Holt Richter | Evil Monkey | Death’s Dog | Elle Hitler

Guest Star Characters
Ida Davis | Darth Stewie | Bert and Sheila | Brooke Roberts | Mickey Mouse | Bob Belcher | Jillian Russell-Wilcox | Homer Simpson
