Jim Hopper's first appearance.
Hopper brushing his teeth.
Hopper leaving to work at his job at the Hawkins Police Department.
Hopper working at the police station.
Hopper listening to the station's secretary, Florence "Flo" give out a daily report.
"Mornings are for coffee and contemplation."
"Look, boy his age, he's probably off playing hooky."
"Well, you never know. My mom thought I was on the debate team, but I was really screwing Chrissy Carpenter in the my dad's Oldsmobile."
Hopper listening to Joyce talk about her family life.
"99 out of 100 times, kid goes missing, kid is with a parent or a relative."
"Joyce, this is Hawkins."
Hopper arriving at Hawkins Middle School to speak to Will's friends.
Hopper questioning the boys on when they last saw Will.
Hopper giving Dustin an annoyed glare.
Hopper towering over the boys after ordering them to not go searching for Will.
Hopper investigating Mirkwood Forest.
Hopper finding Will's bike.
Hopper arriving at the Byers house with Will's bike.
Hopper telling Joyce and her older son,
Jonathan how he found Will's bike.
Hopper investigating the Byers house, believing Will had come home before he disappeared.
Hopper investigating the Byers' shed.
Hopper noticing some bullets to a shotgun are missing.
When the shed's light goes out, Hopper continues investigating.
Hopper having been jump scared by one of his officers when the shed's light mysterious comes back on.
Hopper ordering his officers to round a search party for Will.
Later that night, while leading a search party, Hopper meets Will's science teacher, Scott Clarke.
Hopper and Scott talking about science.
Hopper reminiscing his deceased daughter.
Hopper thanking Scott for the talk as he goes to continue leading the search party.
Hopper arriving at the Byers to inform them that Will had not been found.
Hopper after being asked by Joyce if he would recognize his own daughter's breathing.
Hopper being asked by Hopper if he can confront his father about Will.
Hopper forbidding Jonathan from visiting his father.
Hopper and his officers continuing to search for Will in the woods.
Hopper talking to his officers.
Hopper and Callahan at Sattlers' Quarry.
Hopper telling Callahan that no one would be able to survive a jump into the quarry.
Hopper hearing on his walkie that a call at Benny's Burgers has been made.
Hopper and his officers arriving at Benny's Burgers.
Hopper and his officers finding the corpse of the restaurant owner, Benny Hammond.
Hopper suspicious of Benny Hammond's "suicide."
Hopper questioning Earl, an acquaintance of Benny's.
Hopper getting interested when Earl says there was a "boy" was at Benny's restaurant before he died.
Hopper and his officers continuing to search for Will Byers later that night.
Hopper viewing a sewer tunnel when Scott Clarke finds a piece of a hospital gown near it.
Hopper and his officers arriving at the fence surrounding Hawkins National Laboratory.
Later, Hopper wakes up in the middle of the night, having slept with a woman.
Hopper reflecting as he stands outside his trailer.
The next day, upon arriving at Hawkins Lab, Hopper persuades the guard to let him investigate the facility.
After being allowed into the lab's facility, Hopper checks a sewer tunnel near the lab.
Hopper going to stand up as the lab's head of security says there are cameras all over the facility.
"Those cameras, you keep the tapes?"
Hopper having asked the head of security if he and his officers can see the lab's security footage.
Hopper asking the head of security questions on what the lab personnel do.
(Head of security: "Space lasers?") "Ignore him."
Hopper and his officers being shown surveillance footage on the nights of November 6 and 7.
Hopper looking at the footage, becoming suspicious when he sees no rain pouring on the footage.
Hopper talking to his officers as they start to leave the facility.
Hopper being asked what he's thinking about the people working at the lab.
"I don't know. But they're lying."
Hopper arriving at the public library.
Hopper meeting the librarian, Marissa who happens to his ex-girlfriend.
Hopper awkwardly apologizing to Marissa for how he ended their relationship on bad terms.
Hopper asking for information on Hawkins National Laboratory.
Hopper asking Marissa for newspaper articles on the lab.
Hopper and Powell doing research on Hawkins lab.
Hopper doing research, learning the lab was one of the institutions to host Project MKUltra, a covert operation designed and conducted by the CIA, with the goal of developing mind-control techniques.
Hopper and Powell discussing Terry Ives and her case against Hawkins Lab, accusing them of kidnapping her baby daughter, Jane.
Hopper noting that Hawkins Lab is run by former MKUltra scientist, Dr. Martin Brenner.
Hopper annoyed with Powell when he shows no interest in what they found about the lab.
"No, this isn't hippie crap. This is CIA-sanctioned research."
Hopper recalling how Scott Clarke found the piece of a hospital gown near the pipe outside of Hawkins Lab.
"I'm not saying that there's some grand conspiracy. I'm saying-"
"Maybe Will was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he saw something that he shouldn't have."
(Powell: "It's a reach.") "It's a start."
Hopper hearing Powell receiving a transmission that the former is needed at the quarry.
Hopper and Powell leaving the library.
Hopper hurrying to his car.
Hopper going to get into his car.
Hopper about to drive off to the quarry.
Hopper driving to the quarry.
Hopper arriving at the quarry.
Hopper dismayed to see Will's body being found in the quarry.
Later, Hopper searches the Byers' house upon being told by Joyce she saw a creature inside.
After searching the house, Hopper tells Joyce that Will's body had been found in the quarry.
Hopper hearing Joyce insist who he found at the quarry wasn't Will.
Hopper and Jonathan in disbelief when Joyce explains she just spoke to Will through Christmas lights.
Hopper asking Joyce about the creature she saw.
Hopper and Jonathan listening to Joyce describe the creature as humanoid, but having no face.
Hopper trying to comfort Joyce, thinking she's acting out of grief over the recent news.
Hopper talking about how he grieved for his daughter and how he had to move on from the grief.
Hopper walking to his car after advising Joyce to go to the morgue tomorrow and get some rest.
Hopper about to drive away, leaving the Byers' house.
Hopper at the Roane County Coroner the next day.
Hopper hearing from the receptionist that the head of the coroner, Gary is not in today.
When asking who did the autopsy, Hopper hears from the receptionist that someone from State did.
Later, Hopper talks to Jonathan in the waiting room.
Hopper smiling at Jonathan.
Hopper and Jonathan seeing an infuriated Joyce refusing to sign a death certificate, saying the body she saw is not Will.
Hopper watching Jonathan follow his mom out of the morgue.
Later, Hopper meets with Gary, the local coroner.
Hopper questioning Gary who said he was kicked out of the morgue because the state police had jurisdiction to do the autopsy on Will Byers.
Hopper watching the news as he thanks Gary for answering his questions.
Hopper deciding to seek out the state trooper who found Will's body, David O'Bannon.
Hopper sitting with David O'Bannon at the local bar, Hideaway.
Hopper talking about his daughter to O'Bannon.
When O'Bannon asks what his daughter's name was, Hopper answers her name was Sarah.
Hopper and O'Bannon sharing a toast.
Hopper questioning O'Bannon.
Hopper asking O'Bannon if he was on the case of Will Byers' disappearance.
Hopper listening to O'Bannon explain how he found Will's body.
Knowing the quarry is owned by the Sattler Company and the state police have no jurisdiction there, Hopper knows O'Bannon is lying to him.
Hopper hearing O'Bannon refuse to talk or answer his questions.
Taking O'Bannon outside the bar, Hopper beats him up to get him to cooperate.
"Let's try this again. What were you doing out there? Who told you to be out there?"
Hopper interrogating O'Bannon who tells him he was ordered to be the one to discover Will's body and not let anyone get close to it.
"Who do you work for? The NSA? Hawkins Lab?"
Hopper noticing a car watching him.
Hopper running to confront the spy.
Hopper after the car and O'Bannon escape.
Later that night, Hopper returns to the morgue.
Hopper claiming to the receptionist, Patty that he left his hat at the morgue.
Hopper finding a state trooper guarding the room where Will's body is kept.
Hopper talking to the guard who isn't fooled by his lies.
Hopper after punching the guard, knocking him unconscious.
Hopper having taken the guard's keys.
Hopper going to unlock and open the door.
Hopper breaking into the morgue.
Hopper opening a refrigerated cabinet where Will's body is contained.
Hopper uncovering Will's body.
Hopper driving his car to the lab.
Hopper having gotten out of his car.
Hopper walking up to the lab's fence where he tears it open with bolt cutters.
Hopper sneaking into to the lab.
Hopper walking through the hallways of the lab.
Hopper hiding to avoid being spotted by some scientists.
Hopper finding a contaminated entrance to another hallway.
Hopper going to enter the hallway.
Hopper walking through the lab.
When confronted by the lab's head of security and a guard, Hopper tries to charm them.
After punching the head of security, Hopper takes the guard's keycard while holding him at gunpoint.
Hopper advancing towards the door while still holding the guard at gunpoint.
Upon entering a dark hallway, Hopper destroys the lock to the door to prevent anyone from following him.
Hopper investigating the lab.
Hopper walking through the lab's hallway.
Hopper finding a child's bedroom.
Hopper holding his gun as he continues to investigate the lab.
Hopper stopping at an elevator.
Hopper hearing footsteps approaching.
Hopper getting in the elevator.
Hopper exiting the elevator when it reaches the next floor.
Hopper entering the lab's basement.
Hopper entering a room with infected particles in the air.
Hopper finding a portal to an alternate dimension.
Hopper aiming his gun when he hears a noise.
Hopper about to be knocked out by some scientists who surprise attack him.
Hopper waking up the next morning in his home, next to beer cans and drugs.
Not fooled, Hopper briefly investigates outside.
Hopper checking his neck to find that he was sedated.
Hopper finding a listening bug device in a light before destroying it.
Later, a paranoid Hopper is visited by Powell and Callahan.
When his officers report that two hunters have gone missing, Hopper asks where they went hunting.
When Callahan answers near Kerley Road, Hopper realizes they disappeared in Mirkwood, the same place where Will vanished.
Hopper telling his officers not to investigate the hunters' disappearances, saying he'll handle it.
Hopper surprised when his officers report that Barbara Holland's car had been found by state troopers at a bus station in Indiana.
Hopper grinning, knowing and realizing the personnel of Hawkins Lab are truly behind the disappearances of the town's locals.
Later, Hopper calls his ex-wife, Diane.
Hopper telling Diane he'd enjoyed their years of marriage before telling her to take care of herself and her new family.
Hopper hearing his phone ring and knowing Diane is calling him, he decides not to answer it.
Later, Hopper arrives at Joyce's house.
Hopper having warned Joyce to be quiet, much to her confusion.
Hopper entering Joyce's house.
Hopper growing paranoid upon seeing Joyce's Christmas lights.
Hopper about to check all of the Christmas lights for any possible hidden microphones.
A paranoid Hopper checking Joyce's Christmas lights to see if any of them have a hidden microphone inside.
Hopper checking the last light bulb.
Hopper after checking all of the light bulbs.
"Okay. It should be okay. I can't guarantee you, but it should be okay."
(Joyce: "What the hell is going on, Hopper?") "They bugged my place."
Hopper telling Joyce how he discovered a conspiracy of the people at Hawkins Lab and now they're trailing him.
(Joyce: "You gotta explain this to me because I have no idea-") "I went to the morgue last night, Joyce."
Hopper telling Joyce that Will's body at the morgue was a fake.
"You were right. This whole time you were right."-Hopper apologizing to Joyce for not believing her.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Hopper tells Joyce what he discovered at Hawkins Lab.
Hopper explaining what he saw in the lab, including the child's room.
Hopper describing the child's drawing he saw within the room of the lab.
Hopper being shown a drawing Will made, revealing that the drawing he saw in the lab wasn't made by Will and that he is not held at the lab.
Hopper remembering and telling Joyce that Earl told him he saw a kid with a shaved head with Benny before he died.
Hopper beginning to realize that the shaved-headed kid was not Will.
Hopper showing Joyce documents on Terry Ives's case of her missing daughter.
Hopper realizing instead of looking for Will, he had been searching for Terry Ives's daughter, Jane.
The next day, Hopper writes down Terry Ives's address from an informant he's calling.
Hopper walking to Joyce's car after getting Terry Ives's address.
Hopper and Joyce about to drive to Terry Ives's house.
Hopper and Joyce arriving at Terry Ives's house.
"Hi, we're looking for Terry Ives. Is she here?"
(Becky Ives: "Who's asking?") "Hawkins police."
(Becky: "And you want to speak to my sister?") "If Terry Ives is your sister, then yeah. Yeah, we do."
Hopper and Joyce meeting Terry Ives.
Hopper and Joyce finding Terry in a catatonic state.
Later, Hopper and Joyce talk to Becky.
Hopper and Joyce listening to Becky describe what tests her sister did as an MKUltra test subject, hearing the organization wished to expand the boundaries of the human mind.
When asking to see photographs of Terry's daughter, Hopper and Joyce are surprised when Becky says that Terry miscarried when she left MKUltra.
Hopper being escorted into a nursery by Becky.
Hopper looking at a baby mobile as Becky explains Terry had built and kept the nursery up for her daughter, believing she is alive.
Hopper in deep thought when Becky explains because of the drugs Terry took at MKUltra, her daughter was born with psychic powers which was why she was abducted so she could be groomed into a weapon.
Hopper believing Jane's birth was likely covered up after Becky says hospitals have no records and claimed that Terry miscarried her child.
After talking to Becky, Hopper goes to leave the Ives' house.
Hopper in his car after leaving the Ives's house.
Hopper assuring Joyce that they will find Will.
Hopper telling Joyce they got a chance at finding Will and hopefully Terry's daughter.
Hopper using his walkie when one of his officers calls him.
Hopper surprised to hear his officer report that Jonathan has been taken to the station.
Arriving at the Hawkins PD, Hopper and Joyce find Jonathan with
Nancy Wheeler.
Hopper as Joyce asks Callahan why her son was arrested.
Hopper and Joyce demanding Jonathan's release, not caring why he was arrested.
Hopper and his officers finding dangerous equipment in the back of Jonathan's car.
(Joyce: "What is all of this?") "Why don't you ask your son, we found it in his car."
(Jonathan: "Why were you going through my car?") "Is that really a question you should be asking right now?"
When Hopper orders Jonathan to explain the use of the equipment, he hears the teenager say he won't believe him if he explains why he is using the equipment.
Hopper and Joyce learning about a monstrous alien creature Nancy and Jonathan had encountered.
Hopper exiting his office when he hears his officers arguing with a woman.
"What the hell is going on?"
Hopper seeing his officers argue with a woman named Mrs. Walsh who is infuriated that they don't believe her claims how her son, Troy got his arm broken.
"Will you please take a statement... and get her out?"-Hopper explaining he doesn't have time to handle Mrs. Walsh's claims.
Hopper hearing Troy describe the girl who broke his arm having shaved head.
Realizing the girl could be Terry Ives's long lost daughter, Hopper asks Troy to describe the girl and her hair.
(Troy: "She can do things.") "What kind of things?"
Hopper listening to Troy say the girl he encountered has telekinetic powers, causing him to realize the girl is Terry Ives's long-lost daughter.
When Troy says he always saw the girl with "losers", Hopper asks who he's referring to, which he answers Will's friends, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin.
Later, Hopper and Nancy see government agents surrounding the Wheeler house.
Hopper, Nancy, and Joyce watching the agents from across the street.
Hopper telling Nancy that the agents haven't found her brother yet by pointing up towards the sky.
Hopper and Nancy seeing a government helicopter searching for Mike.
Hopper asking Nancy where Mike could be hiding before Jonathan reveals he knows how to get in touch with Mike.
Hopper arriving at the Byers house.
"Is this gate underground?"-Hopper after the kids explain they tracked a portal to an alternate dimension called the Upside Down to Hawkins Lab.
(Eleven/El: "Yes.") "Near a large water tank?"
Hopper silent when Dustin asks how he knows about the portal until Mike quickly realizes he had seen it.
Hopper staring at
Eleven "El" after learning the portal, also known as a gate, is the same one he saw at the lab.
Everyone watching El using her powers to try and find Will and Barbara Holland.
Everyone having noticed the light flicker as El uses her powers.
Everyone sad & disappointed when El is unable to find Will or Barbara.
Hopper and the others watching Dustin call Mr. Clarke to ask how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
Hopper and the others watching Dustin claim to Mr. Clarke that the sensory deprivation tank is for "fun".
Hopper and the others watching Dustin persuade Mr. Clarke to tell him how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
Hopper hearing Joyce say she has a kiddie pool they can use for their sensory deprivation tank.
(Dustin: "Good. And we'll just need salt. Lots of it.") "How much is lots?"
Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan hearing the sensory deprivation tank requires fifteen hundred pounds of salt.
Hopper deciding to use bags of de-icing salt from the middle school for the sensory deprivation tank.
(Jonathan: "Wait, it's not going to snow next week, is it?") "Worse case, no school."
When Jonathan asks what they're going to do about the monster, Hopper orders him to not get involved.
Hopper promising Jonathan that he'll find and rescue his brother.
Hopper carrying a bag of salt.
Hopper and Jonathan dumping bags of salt into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Hopper and Joyce having helped El get into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Hopper and everyone else watching El float in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Hopper having witnessed the school gym's lights going out.
Hopper being told by Joyce and Jonathan where Will's fort, Castle Byers is located.
Hopper leaving the school building to go rescue Will from the Upside Down.
Hopper telling Joyce to stay behind when he notices her following him.
Hopper hearing how determined and willing Joyce is to rescue her son despite the dangers.
Hopper allowing Joyce to accompany him to rescue Will.
Hopper opening his car door as Joyce and Jonathan say goodbye to each other.
Hopper waiting for Joyce to get in the car so they can drive to the lab.
Hopper and Joyce going to break into the lab.
Hopper using bolt cutters to open up the lab's fence so he and Joyce can get into the facility.
Hopper and Joyce walking through the lab's grounds to the building's entrance.
Hopper and Joyce startled by a bright light.
Hopper and Joyce getting caught by the lab's guards.
Hopper and Joyce with their hands up.
Hopper and Joyce getting captured.
Hopper being tortured by the personnel of Hawkins Lab.
"I'm sorry. Did I stutter?"
Hopper in pain as he's tortured even further.
Hopper taunting his captors by listing their crimes and attempts to cover them up.
Hopper cringing in pain when he's brutally electrocuted.
The injured Hopper having been forced by his captors to stand up.
Hopper not intimidated when Agent Connie Frazier taunts him that he made a mistake coming back to the lab.
Hopper demanding his captors to let him and Joyce rescue Will while promising to not expose the lab's crimes.
Hopper glaring at Connie Frazier.
Hopper being questioned by Martin Brenner.
Hopper reluctantly making a deal with Brenner, promising to reveal Eleven's location in exchange for the boys not being harmed and being allowed to rescue Will from the Upside Down.
Hopper entering Joyce's cell after making a deal with Brenner.
Hopper and Joyce escorted by guards.
Hopper telling Joyce of the agreement he made with Brenner.
"You want Will back? This place had nothing to do with it."
"That's the deal. You got it?"
Hopper and Joyce given hazmat suits as the Upside Down's atmosphere is toxic.
Hopper and Joyce wearing hazmat suits.
Hopper and Joyce in the contaminated lab's basement.
Hopper and Joyce going to enter through the gate to the Upside Down.
Hopper and Joyce walking in the Upside Down.
Hopper telling Joyce to remain calm.
"One breath in, one breath out."
A flashback of Hopper playing with his daughter, Sara.
Hopper holding his daughter.
Hopper and his wife noticing their daughter suddenly beginning to hyperventilate.
Hopper and his wife trying to calm Sara.
Back in the present, Hopper reminds to keep breathing and stay strong.
Hopper and Joyce having exited the Upside Down's version of the lab.
Hopper and Joyce going to venture further into the Upside Down to find and rescue Will.
Hopper shining a flashlight as he ventures through the Upside Down.
Hopper and Joyce searching for Will in the Upside Down's forest.
Hopper finding a large alien egg.
Hopper finding an alternate version of Will's fort destroyed.
Hopper finding a stuffed animal amongst the wreckage of the fort.
In a flashback, Hopper reads a story to his daughter who is now bedridden and confined to a hospital.
Hopper finishing the story to Sara.
Once alone, Hopper cries over his daughter's fate, knowing she will not survive due being diagnosed with cancer.
Back in the present, Hopper decides to keep moving in order to find Will.
Hopper and Joyce hearing a noise.
Hopper and Joyce finding and walking towards an alternate version of the Byers house in the Upside Down.
Hopper having entered the alternate version of the Byers house.
Hopper walking through the hallway of the house.
Hopper and Joyce about to walk towards the front door.
Hopper and Joyce arriving at the Upside Down version of the Hawkins library.
Hopper and Joyce walking through the library.
Hopper and Joyce noticing blood on the ground.
Hopper and Joyce going to follow the trail of blood.
Hopper entering a section in the library.
Hopper shining his flashlight so he can see where he's going.
Hopper searching through the library for any signs of life.
Hopper finding the corpse of Nancy's friend, Barbara Holland.
Hopper hearing Joyce cry out Will's name.
Hopper going to help Joyce free her son when she finds her tied to the wall with a vine lodged down his throat.
Upon seeing the vine in Will's mouth, Hopper remembers Sara wearing a feeding tube when she was in the hospital.
Hopper struggling to pull the vine out of Will's mouth.
Hopper managing to pull the vine out of Will's mouth.
Hopper throwing the vine on the ground after getting the vine out of his Will's mouth.
Hopper firing his gun at the vine when it reveals itself to be a living creature.
A month later, Hopper attends a Christmas party at his job.
Hopper grabbing some food.
(Powell: "You leaving already, Chief?") "Oh, you think I actually wanted to come here? I was just hungry."
(Callahan: "That's the spirit.") "Well, your wife doesn't have time to cook for me."
Hopper being wished a merry Christmas from Flo.
Hopper leaving the party.
Hopper on the side of the road.
Hopper walking through the woods.
Hopper putting the food he got from the party, including an Eggo waffle in a box, believing El is still alive as he wants to find her.
Hopper laughing at
Murray Bauman's theory of Russian spies being in Hawkins.
When Murray indirectly mentions Eleven, Hopper decides to speak to him in his office.
Hopper listening to Murray voice his theory of possible Russians in Hawkins were the ones responsible for Barbara Holland's disappearance.
Hopper receiving a call from Flo about a new case.
Ending his meeting with Murray, Hopper advises his friend to stop investigating Barbara Holland's disappearance, due to being aware of her true fate.
Later, Hopper waits at the lab's parking lot.
Hopper meeting with Joyce and Will.
Hopper, Joyce, and Will walking to enter the lab.
Hopper seeing Dr.
Sam Owens arrive to begin his session with Will.
Hopper watching Will's session with Dr. Owens.
After Will's session, Hopper and Joyce meet with Dr. Owens in his office.
"What does this mean for the kid?"
Hopper listening to Owens describe the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Hopper and Joyce discuss whether to trust Owens as they leave the lab.
Hopper asking Joyce about her relationship with their old classmate,
Bob Newby.
"If things get worse, you call me first."
Hopper watching Joyce leave.
Before he leaves the facility, Hopper notices Dr. Owens watching him.
Hopper comparing the front yard of the Byers' house to a drawing Will made.
Inside the Byers' home, Hopper and Joyce talk about Will.
Hopper telling Joyce that Will's episodes are just flashbacks.
Hopper telling Joyce that she's going to have financial problems if she takes Will to different doctors.
Hopper discussing the kind of effects trauma has on people.
As he talks to Joyce, Hopper shares his cigarette with her.
Hopper chuckles when Joyce reacts in disgust after smoking his cigarette.
Hopper and Joyce reminiscing their trauma together.
A flashback of Hopper walking in the woods after leaving Eggos in a box.
Hopper walking through the woods.
Hopper hearing a noise right behind him.
Hopper surprised to see El alive and well.
In the present, Hopper goes to wake up El, telling her he's making a triple-decker Eggo extravaganza for breakfast.
Hopper's yummy grin as he shares an Eggo extravaganza with El.
Hopper eating breakfast with El.
Hopper asking El if she visited Mike last night through remote traveling upon noticing the TV cable leading to her room.
Hopper talking to El, reminding her it is still too dangerous for her to reunite with her friends.
Hopper promising El that once it's safe, she'll be able to reunite with Mike and the rest of her friends.
Hopper confused when El says "Friends don't lie."
Hopper listening to El remind him how many times he'd promised her when she can see her friends again.
"What is this? You counting the days now like some kind of prisoner?"
When El asks again when she can come out of hiding, Hopper does not know how to answer her question.
Hopper seeing El using her powers to cause their leftover breakfast food to spill all over his clothes.
Hopper seeing his clothes are stained.
Hopper kicking the table after El storms off into her room in anger.
In a flashback, Hopper cleans his shoes upon arriving at a cabin in the woods.
Hopper explaining to El that the cabin belonged to his grandfather.
Hopper hiding Sara's belongings.
Hopper and El looking around the cabin whom they decide to make it their home.
Hopper finding some record albums.
Hopper going to play some music on a record player.
"Alright, let's get to work."
Hopper cleaning the cabin.
Hopper screwing in locks on the cabin's front door.
Hopper watching El sweep the floor.
Hopper teaching El how to communicate in morse code.
Hopper getting some supplies.
Hopper moving a television out of the way.
Hopper creating a trip-wire that will act as security outside the cabin.
Hopper and El setting up the trip wire outside the cabin.
"Gonna make a loud noise. Like a gunfire."
Hopper and El having finished setting up the trip-wire.
Hopper telling El there's gonna be some rules while she hides with him.
"Rule number one: Always keep the curtains drawn."
"Rule number two: only open the door if you hear my secret knock."
"Rule number three: don't ever go out alone, especially not in the daylight."
"I call them the...uh... 'Don't Be Stupid Rules'."
In another flashback, Hopper lies to Eleven about her mom's fate.
Hopper listening to Owens after showing him his map of how the pumpkin field's decomposition is coming from the lab.
Hopper accusing Owens of making jokes.
"Whatever is happening, it is spreading from this place, from this lab."
Hopper hearing Owens doesn't believe his suspicions.
"What if there's a leak?"
(Owens: "A leak?") "Exactly. You're the scientist."
Hopper not convinced when Owens tells him there's nothing to worry about.
Hopper ordering Owens to run some tests on the areas he pinpointed the map.
"I keep things nice and quiet for you and you keep your sh*t out of my town."
Hopper telling Owens to convince him whether or not the lab is responsible for the fields' decomposition.
The next morning, Hopper gets ready to go to work.
Hopper approaching El's bedroom door.
Hopper trying to talk to El.
Hopper telling El he'll consider fixing the TV if she cleans up the cabin.
Hopper walking to his car.
Hopper answering his radio where Flo informs him that Joyce called the station eight times, asking for him.
Hopper arriving at the Byers' house.
(Joyce: "Where have you been?") "I overslept. What the hell is going on? It's freezing."
Hopper having been told Will has been encountering the same shadow creature from his drawing through his episodes.
Hopper hearing because Will now has a connection the creature, he knows things that the creature knows now.
"Can you describe these now-memories?"
Hopper looking concerned for Will as the boy has a hard time explaining his "now-memories."
Hopper and Joyce watching Will draw his now-memories.
Hopper and Joyce looking at the drawings of Will's now-memories.
Hopper and Joyce noticing huge black lines in the drawings.
Hopper realizing the drawings' black lines connect to each other.
Hopper pushing a table back so he and Joyce have enough room to connect the drawings.
Hopper and Joyce working together as they place the drawings on the floor.
Hopper and Joyce connecting the drawings.
Hopper and Joyce going to connect more drawings.
Hopper going to help Joyce match the drawings' black lines.
Hopper matching the black lines on the drawings.
Hopper and Joyce looking at the connected drawings after they finish putting them together.
(Joyce: "It's sort of forking and branching. Like lightning.") "You think it's that storm?"
When Joyce takes note of the drawings resembling dirt and recalls Will's explanation of his now-memories, Hopper realizes the drawings resemble the rotting of the pumpkin fields.
Arriving at Merrill's pumpkin field, Hopper takes out a shovel from the back of his truck.
Hopper looking over his shoulder.
Hopper looking for a spot to dig.
Later, Hopper has dug up a large hole in the field.
Hopper continuing to dig deeper into the soil.
Hopper seeing his shovel hitting a black gooey substance.
Seeing the substance dissolve after stabbing it with his shovel, Hopper sees the substance form into an entrance.
Hopper deciding to go down into the hole to investigate.
Hopper climbing down into the hole.
Hopper realizing he's in a dark tunnel.
Hopper exploring the tunnel.
Hopper using his flashlight as he explores the tunnel.
Hopper exploring where he discovers he's in a network of tunnels.
Hopper coughing after getting sprayed by an alien spore.
Hopper unconscious after being sprayed by the alien spore.
Hopper waking up the next morning.
Hopper seeing he's still in the tunnels.
Hopper shining his flashlight to look for the entrance he came through.
Hopper finding himself trapped in the tunnels.
Hopper holding and using a knife to cut up his sleeve.
Hopper wearing a mask made out of his shirt's sleeve.
Hopper coming across two more tunnels.
Hopper taking the left tunnel.
Hopper struggling to breath as he still tries to find a way out of the tunnels.
Hopper finding an area of debris that contains animal carcasses.