Full Name
James Olsen Jr.
Superman: The Animated Series
Photographer for Daily Planet
Powers / Skills
Photographic skills
Working with Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
Taking photos.
To help keep Metropolis safe (succeeded) .
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Lex Luthor
Darkseid Metallo Toyman The Parasite Granny Goodness Other enemies
Type of Hero
James "Jimmy" Olsen, Jr. is the tritagonist of Superman: The Animated Series .
He works as a cub reporter and photographer for the Daily Planet and often works alongside Clark Kent and Lois Lane .
He was voiced by David Kaufman, who also voiced Danny Phantom and Dexter Douglas from Freakazoid! .
History [ ]
Jimmy first met Clark Kent at the Daily Planet and the two start to form a friendship. He also first meets Superman when the latter was captured by Parasite to drain his powers. Jimmy was able to track him down by realizing he flew to the S.T.A.R. Labs boiler room. When Jimmy arrived there, he found Superman imprisoned and quickly freed him and Superman successfully defeats Parasite.
He also met Supergirl who was under the guise of "Kara" who joins him in the Intergang investigation. They both find the Intergang's hideout, but both get captured by Granny Goodness who was using an asteroid magnet to crash a comet to earth. Fortunately, Superman and Supergirl were able to stop the comet from crashing into earth, saving the day.
In "Superman's Pal", While Superman stops Angela Chen's helicopter from crashing, Jimmy helps the crew get out of the helicopter to safety. He refuses an interview from Angela Chen and wouldn't call himself a close friend of Superman. Later, he gets captured by Metallo and gets saved by Superman and Jimmy helps Superman defeat Metallo. Superman gives Jimmy a watch with the press of a button that emits a signal that Superman can hear anywhere on earth.
Navigation [ ]
Superman |
Supergirl |
Superboy |
Power Girl |
Kent Family
Lois Lane |
Jon Kent |
Jonathan Kent |
Martha Kent
Jor-El |
Lara Lor-Von |
Zor-El |
Alura In-Ze |
Lor-Zod |
Supporting Characters
Batman |
Bizarro |
Wonder Woman |
Nightwing |
Damian Wayne |
Tim Drake |
Lana Lang |
Jimmy Olsen |
Perry White |
Pete Ross |
Cat Grant |
Chuck Riggs |
Sam Lane |
Lucy Lane |
Bibbo Bibbowski |
Maggie Sawyer |
Mr. Mxyzptlk |
Dan Turpin |
Lobo |
Lex Luthor |
Livewire |
Lori Lemaris |
Maxima |
Parasite |
Roberta Lee |
Saturn Girl |
Natasha Irons |
Superboy-Prime |
Otho-Ra |
Osul-Ra |
Teen Titans |
Tommy Lee |
President Superman |
Justice League
Krypto the Superdog |
Streaky the Supercat |
Comet the Super-Horse
Theatrical Movies
Superman (1978) : Superman
Supergirl (1984) : Supergirl
Superman Returns : Superman | Lois Lane
Man of Steel : Superman | Lois Lane | Jor-El | Calvin Swanwick | Colonel Nathan Hardy
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice : Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | Alfred Pennyworth | Lois Lane | Calvin Swanwick | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg
DC League of Super-Pets : Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane
Direct-to-video Movies
Superman: Doomsday : Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies : Superman | Batman | Power Girl | Captain Atom | Captain Marvel | Amanda Waller | Black Lightning | Toyman III | Starfire | Hawkman | Lois Lane
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse : Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Big Barda | Harbinger
All-Star Superman : Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Atlas | Samson
Superman vs. The Elite : Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Vera Lynn Black
Superman: Unbound : Superman | Lois Lane | Supergirl | Jimmy Olsen | Zor-El | Alura In-Ze
The Death Of Superman : Superman | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman , Aquaman , Cyborg , The Flash , Green Lantern , Hawkman , Martian Manhunter , & Wonder Woman ) | Jimmy Olsen
Reign Of The Supermen : Superman | Superboy | Steel | Eradicator | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman , Aquaman , Cyborg , The Flash , Green Lantern , Hawkman , Martian Manhunter , & Wonder Woman ) | Jimmy Olsen | Chloe Sullivan
Superman: Man of Tomorrow : Superman | Lois Lane | Martian Manhunter
Superman: The Animated Series : Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Aquaman | Orion | Steel
Smallville : Clark Kent | Lana Lang | Chloe Sullivan | Lois Lane | Oliver Queen | Kara Kent | Tess Mercer | Whitney Fordman
Krypto the Superdog : Krypto the Superdog | Streaky the Supercat | Comet the Super-Horse | Hot Dog
Superman & Lois : Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons
My Adventures with Superman : Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Martha Kent | Jonathan Kent | Jor-El | Newskid Legion (Flip Johnson ) | Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Sam Lane | League of Lois Lanes (Jalana Olsen ) | Steel
Also See
Justice League Heroes | DC Multiverse Heroes