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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

You must REALLY want to die.
~ Jin Kisaragi

Jin Kisaragi is the deuteragonist of the Blazblue franchise. He is the brother of Ragna the Bloodedge and Saya, and a Major and 4th Thaumaturgist Squadron Commander of the Novus Orbis Librarium.

He is voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara in Japanese and David Vincent in English (who also voiced Senketsu and Li Xingke from Code Geass). As a child, he is voiced by Wendee Lee in English.


Major Jin Kisaragi is one of the elite commanding officers of the NOL. Known famously as the "Hero of Ikaruga", Jin is aloof, cold, arrogant, borderline sociopathic, and teeters on the edge of insanity, with a disturbing and almost incestuous fixation upon his brother. Despite all this, he genuinely earned his status, and is respected among the NOL's ranks, even though his own opinion of the organization is dubious at best. Jin also has an irrational hatred for his subordinate, Noel Vermillion. His sword, Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa, is a katana with a blade made of pure ice; it's one of the Nox Nyctores, an Evil Weapon that both rekindles his lost memories, turning him insane and inspires homicidal fury around Ragna and Noel.

Ragna got fed up with his especially needy attitude as a kid, and when Ragna ignored him in favor of Saya (whom Noel resembles, which is why he hates her), Jin's slow path to insanity began. He apparently began having visions of the future, which may or may not have been induced by Terumi or Yukianesa, and as Terumi assaulted the church, he possessed Jin, told him that Ragna will be responsible of the world's destruction, and made Jin cut off Ragna's arm. Terumi then ran off with Saya and Jin, wiped Jin's memory of the incident, and Jin never saw Saya again. He was later adopted into the noble Kisaragi house, joined the academy, and quickly rose up the ranks; after graduating, he's quickly appointed to the fields to deal with Ikaruga Civil War, and afterwards was given the Major rank. When he heard Ragna had been sighted in Kagutsuchi, he actively disobeys the Library's orders and hunts him down by himself. Ultimately becoming a Fallen Hero as seen by many, although in terms of the story (particularly the sequels) he's slowly becoming a true hero.


Jin is a slim yet muscular young man with fair skin, short, blond hair, and green eyes.

He wears the blue uniform of the NOL infantry division. His uniform consists of a sleeveless blue coat with red lining and gold trimmings, a sleeveless white tunic secured at the waist with three black belts, and underneath everything a black form-fitting, full-length bodysuit with long sleeves. He wears a pair of thick, long, white gloves folded over just below his elbows. Detached, long blue strips of cloth are attached to his coat by a pair of large silver buttons near his shoulders. They end in black triangles with a single gold stripe on the outside, while the inside remains completely blue. These sleeves reach down to his knees and also have large pauldrons. Jin also wears the standard blue NOL infantry boots, which bear gold trimmings, a gold cross along the tongue of the boots, and silver metal toes.


To most, Jin is apathetic, cold, distant, and aloof, barely showing any emotion to anyone. He is much more complex than most would initially think thanks to years of influence under Yukianesa and Order. He has a deep brotherly love for his brother Ragna, a love that both aforementioned factors manipulated into something twisted and corrupted; when around Ragna, Jin would enter a state of psychosis. It was only when Jin began to control both Yukianesa and the Power of Order that he was able to quell the psychosis. Regardless, the influence of Order, in conjunction with Jin's own philosophies, leads him into conflict with Ragna.

Another person that Jin has a strong attachment to is his childhood friend Tsubaki Yayoi - the two of them will do nearly anything for one another and she is one of a few people that truly understands him. In the timeline where Jin became Hakumen, Tsubaki's death haunted and wracked him with guilt for nearly 100 years. His most complicated relationship is with Noel Vermillion, someone who he despises for looking like his sister. As time goes on, however, he begins to become softer towards her.


  • Jin is a very elegant and intelligent character, but he is very cold and hostile towards others. However, he can be very affectionate when it comes to Ragna. This caused the fanon to label him as a tsundere (a person who is initially cold and hostile towards another person (as well as sadistic), but beginning to show their warm side over time).
    • Arc System Works has recently released a Fan CD called "BlazBlue: Fan Disc Tsundere CD", with Jin as one of the two hosts.
    • Jin's seiyū, Tetsuya Kakihara, jokingly said in an interview, that Jin is actually not a tsundere, but a yandere. Though it could be stated that he can be a bit of both. However, he may also be a kūdere.
  • Intriguingly, when Ragna ends his Astral Finish he unfolds a black/red demonic wing from his left side. When Jin ends his Astral Finish, he unfolds a blue/yellow angelic wing from his right side.
  • Over the course of the events in Continuum Shift, Jin is revealed to slowly embrace a similar sense of justice and destiny with his alternate-self, going so far that he claims to be "The cold steel, which will restore balance to the world"; he also begins using an "Empty Air Array" stance as one of his Distortion Drives, and (much to Kokonoe's annoyance) starts to speak way too often.
  • Jin along with Ragna, Hazama, Rachel, Hakumen and Platinum the Trinity; is featured as a "Playable Character" in the MMO Action Game, Lost Saga.
  • In a DLC for Calamity Trigger, Jin gains Ky Kiske's color palette of blue and white. This returns as DLC for Continuum Shift, in addition to a Robo-Ky palette (with a metallic blue tone for the skin).
  • One of Jin's attacks, Musō Senshōzan, has been dubbed Ice Car by fans, and is commonly used in fan-comics, possibly due to the radio drama, where Jin makes the sounds of a car driving off at one point. Said attack creates a large icicle which Jin can use to ride across the screen, as well as hit opponents with it.
    • Jin's constant use of the word nii-san (brother in Japanese) and his fan-dubbed move Ice Car have caused fans come up with a joke going "What is Jin's favorite type of car? - A Nissan!", Nissan actually being a motor company.
  • Jin's birthday falls on Valentine's Day. In contrast to his birthday, Tsubaki's is White Day (14 March). It is ironic since he outwardly expresses hate and indifference towards sentiments like love. (Though, it is subtly expressed that he harbors such feelings for Tsubaki in Continuum Shift.)
  • In Ragna's story, Jin attempts to save him from Nu-13, but in his story it was revealed that he wants to save him so he can kill Ragna with his own hands.
  • Jin's unlimited form allows his ice attacks to be used at their full potential, with his D attacks being buffed incredibly and having new properties. Many of his special attacks also hit multiple times, increasing his damage. His Distortion Drive, Tōga Hyōjin, launches two ice waves instead of one, the animation of the second ice wave's launching is the same Jin have while using Rehhyō, Using Hiyoku Getsumei will deal more damage,adding a mini-version of Yukikaze, while Kokūjin: Yukikaze will happen even if it doesn't block.
  • Jin, along with Litchi, Noel and Tsubaki are the only characters in the series to use their clothing to strike their opponent.
  • Jin is also the only character so far in BlazBlue to sport EX moves (moves that require half of what's need to perform a normal super). These come in the form of Hishōgeki, Musō Tosshōgeki, and Hirensō. Hizangeki is his most recent addition in Chronophantasma.
  • According to Ragna's story mode in Calamity Trigger, when Jin was younger he had a fear of the moon "falling".
    • Jin tries to run away from the moon in the bad ending of his story "Decision", if the player loses against Rachel.
    • When Tsubaki asked Jin whether he likes the moon, he answered that he hates the moon.
    • It's actually quite ironic that one of Jin's Distortion Drives, Hiyoku Getsumei, means "Ice Winged Moon Howl". Though to possibly inverse that, the move is aimed upward (as if Jin has the moon in his sight), possibly relating to the concept of "Fighting Fire with Fire."
  • While it's clearly stated that Jin hated Saya, in Nu-13's Story Mode, when Nu first encounters Jin, he treats her kindly and states that he was worried about both her and Ragna. When he hears that her name is Nu, however, he reverts back to being cold, indicating that he may have been confusing her with Saya. Also, in the Wheel of Fortune Drama CD, they can be seen happily playing with one another. This may indicate that he does not hate Saya, his sister, of which all Murakumo Units are based on.
    • He also hates Noel because she has a strong resemblance of Saya (since she's a replica of her).
  • In most of Jin's omake appearances, he often tries to freeze people due to harsh comments, and in the Japanese scripts, he makes a reference to the Japanese name of his Astral Heat.
  • Jin is the only one who, between him, Ragna, and Saya, still has his blonde hair. However, as Hakumen, his hair has turned white/gray.
  • Due to the fact Kisaragi is his adoptive last name, Jin's full birth name remains unknown. The same applies to Ragna and Saya.
  • Much like the Murakumo Units, Hakumen and Jin have the same input for their Astral Heats.
  • Jin's power seems to vary differently in different media. In the Drama CD The Wheel of Fortune, he's much weaker than Ragna, but in the game, the two seems to be equal (Ragna is a little stronger, though it is also implied that he holds back whenever he fights against Jin) and in the Chemical Complex manga, Ragna has to activate the Azure Grimoire to defeat Jin.
  • Jin is a playable character in the MOBA game; Chaos Heroes Online. Other characters include Ragna, Noel and Rachel.

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BBTAG Logo Heroes

Ragna the Bloodedge | Jin Kisaragi | Noel Vermillion | Rachel Alucard | Iron Tager | Hakumen | Makoto Nanaya | Platinum the Trinity | Izayoi | Celica A. Mercury | Nine the Phantom | Naoto Kurogane | Es | Mai Natsume | Jubei

Persona 4 Arena
Yu Narukami | Yosuke Hanamura | Chie Satonaka | Yukiko Amagi | Kanji Tatsumi | Teddie | Naoto Shirogane | Mitsuru Kirijo | Akihiko Sanada | Aigis | Elizabeth | Labrys

Under Night In-Birth
Hyde Kido | Linne | Waldstein | Carmine | Gordeau | Orie Ballardiae | Vatista | Seth | Yuzuriha | Mika |

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long

Heart Aino | Yumi | Akatsuki
