“ | Every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won't have a pretty time with it. In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just be a bedtime story for their children. A myth, nothing more. | „ |
~ John Trent on the soon coming End of the World brought by the Wall of Monsters |
John Trent is the main protagonist of the John Carpenters' film In the Mouth of Madness.
He is portrayed by Sam Neill, who also played Alan Grant in the first and third Jurassic Park movies.
John is an investigator for insurance companies. His first job in the movie was proving that a man who claimed money for his shop being burned was a scam. John succeeded and his employer want to mission him for another job: find the missing horror writer, Sutter Cane. He quickly deduce that Cane is hiding himself in a non-list village in New-England and with Cane's editor, Linda Styles go search for him.
- Despite being the "hero" of the movie, John is ultimately nothing more than a character of Cane and a part of his scheme to become God.
- Tom Berenger, James Woods, Michael Keaton, Gabriel Byrne, Ray Liotta, Harrison Ford, Charlie Sheen, Nicholas Cage, Mel Gibson and the late Robin Williams were all considered for the role of John Trent before Sam Neil was cast.