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Heroes Wiki

Johnny Lightfoot is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Knuckles) of Sonic the Comic comic book series. He was a Mobian rabbit and a founding member of the Freedom Fighters, fighting against many forces of evil.


Originally, Johnny looked identical to a regular Pocky, being a grey-furred bipedal rabbit. Later on, he became taller and started wearing clothes, usually a jed jacket over a white t-shirt and blue jeans.


At some point before Robotnik's takeover, Johnny Lightfoot joined Sonic's Freedom Fighters team. During a visit to the Special Zone, he, Sonic, Tails and Porker Lewis were sent six month into the future by Omni-Viewer at Robotnik's request, allowing the evil doctor to take over Mobius. Nevertheless, the Freedom Fighters did not intend to let him rule unopposed, and waged a war against his Badnik armies.

Johnny took part in many of the Freedom Fighters' missions, including rescuing Amy Rose from the Egg Fortress and fighting Commander Brutus.

At some point, he was captured by Agent X, a resident of the Shadow Dimension, who then assumed his identity and spied on the Freedom Fighters on behalf of Robotnik. He planned to transport all Mobians into the Shadow Dimension so that shadows could take over Mobius. This plan was ultimately foiled by Sonic and the real Johnny.

When Grimer released Chaos, the Freedom Fighters fought him. During the fight, the Freedom Fighters' device broke, and Johnny leaped in to fix it despite the danger it posed. This allowed Chaos to lethally injure him before the device temporarily dissipated his body. Johnny's death left a big impression on Sonic, as he blamed himself for it, and this experience taught him to value his surviving friends more.


Johnny was an overall affable and reasonable guy, loyal to his friends and ready to risk or even sacrifice his life for the greater good.


  • Nigel Kitching originally planned for Johnny to have a crush on Amy, which, despite a few hints in early issues, ultimately went nowhere, while Lew Stringer's original plans for the "Agent X" arc were for Agent X to actually be Johnny who turned evil due to growing tired of fighting.
  • Originally, Nigel Kitching claimed that he killed off Johnny because he saw him as "dull", but later clarified that he didn't hate the character, and simply wanted to make a story where one of the heroes dies.


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Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Johnny Lightfoot | Kintobor Computer | Miles "Tails" Prower | Porker Lewis | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Sonic the Hedgehog | Tekno the Canary
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chamelion | Mighty the Armadillo | Omni-Viewer | Vector the Crocodile
Echidna Empire
Guardian Robots | Knuckles the Echidna | Pochacamac | Tikal
Blockhead Bill | Bravehog | Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Ebony | Hercules | Lieutenant Furor | Morain | Norris Wimple | Society Max | Tuftee the Squirrel

Household Keepers
Amy Rose | Commander Steele | Silver the Hedgehog
The Ultimax
Holly Thumpfoot | Miles "Tails" Prower | Theo
Bob the Plax | Niya the Gorilla | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Tekno the Canary
Blaze the Cat | Cedric the Elephant | Charles' Grandfather | Iggy the Mouse | Lumina Flowlight | Marine the Raccoon | Sally Acorn | Shadow II | St. George | Sticks the Badger | Tweet Titans

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
