Jonathan's first appearance.
Jonathan with his mother,
Jonathan grabbing breakfast plates.
Jonathan setting the table as his mom asks where Will is.
Jonathan saying he doesn't know where his brother,
Will is.
"He was at the Wheeler's all day yesterday."
Jonathan disappointed as his mom goes to call the Wheeler family.
Jonathan growing concerned when his mom hears from Mrs. Wheeler that Will did not spend the night at her house.
Later, Jonathan tries to search for Will in the forest.
Jonathan making missing posters for Will as Joyce attempts to call his father.
"Mom, calm down."-Jonathan seeing his mom growing frustrated.
Jonathan seeing the police arrive.
Jonathan and Joyce seeing Chief
Jim Hopper arrive with Will's bike.
Jonathan hearing the cops explain where they found his brother's bike.
Later, that night, Jonathan and Joyce sit in the living room, working on missing posters for Will.
Jonathan hearing his mom apologize for not paying attention to him more.
Jonathan crying, revealing he blames himself for Will's disappearance.
Jonathan being comforted by his mom.
Jonathan assured by his mom that it wasn't his fault that Will disappeared.
Jonathan hearing his mom believe Will is still with him, despite being gone.
Jonathan listening to his mom assure him.
Jonathan looking down as Joyce picks out a picture for Will's missing posters.
Jonathan and Joyce crying over Will.
Jonathan watching his mom answer the phone when it rings.
When the phone suddenly gets electrocuted and destroyed, Jonathan tries to use it to no avail.
Jonathan seeing his mom sob hysterically as she says she heard Will over the phone.
Jonathan comforting his mom.
"Can you trace whoever made the call?"
Jonathan watching his mom arguing with Chief Hopper.
Jonathan talking to Chief Hopper.
Jonathan asking Hopper if he can confront his father in Indianapolis.
Jonathan being denied by Hopper in going to see his father.
At school, Jonathan puts up a missing poster for Will.
Jonathan talking to Nancy who assures him that his brother is fine.
Jonathan standing alone in the school hallway.
Instead of joining his peers to class, Jonathan leaves school to go visit his father.
Jonathan driving his car.
A flashback of Jonathan and Will listening to the Clash.
Jonathan closing the door upon hearing his parents arguing outside.
Jonathan looking down, knowing his parents' marriage is falling apart.
Jonathan asking Will about their dad and if he enjoys the activities he has him tag along with.
Jonathan and Will continuing to listen to the Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go.
Jonathan arriving at Indianapolis.
Jonathan arriving at the house of his ex-father, Lonnie Byers.
Jonathan peeking through the front door's window.
Jonathan being greeted by father's new girlfriend.
Jonathan barging into his father's house.
Jonathan searching for his dad.
Jonathan meeting with his father.
Jonathan being shown Lonnie's car as he walks towards it.
Jonathan looking for Will in car trunk.
Jonathan looking at Lonnie who callously tells him that Will is not with him.
Jonathan arguing with his father for not calling his mom back to confirm that Will isn't with him.
Jonathan irritated with his father's carelessness.
Jonathan not believing Lonnie's claims that he wants to live with him.
Jonathan annoyed with his father.
Jonathan silent when his father asks if his mom knows he came to see him.
Jonathan hearing his dad judge his mom to be a bad parent.
Jonathan about to get something out of his bag.
"In case you forgot what he looks like."-Jonathan giving a missing poster to Lonnie.
Jonathan leaving, disgusted with his father's carelessness.
After returning to Hawkins, Jonathan opens his car's trunk once he arrives at Mirkwood.
Armed with his camera, Jonathan investigates Mirkwood.
Hiding amongst some bushes, Jonathan takes photos of Steve's party and of Nancy.
Jonathan watching the party.
Jonathan fixing his camera.
Jonathan noticing that Barbara Holland has suddenly vanished into thin air.
Jonathan waking up the next morning.
Jonathan finding his mom in Will's room surrounded by lamps.
Jonathan confused when Joyce says Will is "speaking" through the lights.
Jonathan not believing his mom.
Jonathan gently reminding his mom that the police are looking for Will.
At school, Jonathan walks by the cafeteria.
Jonathan working on his photos in a darkroom.
Jonathan hanging up his photos as one of his classmates, Nicole spots them.
Later, Jonathan walks to the school parking lot.
"What's going on here?"-Jonathan being confronted by Steve and his friends.
Jonathan being demanded by Steve to hand over his photos as Nicole told him about them.
Jonathan seeing Steve and his friends having grabbed a hold of his bag.
Jonathan watching the bullies go through his photos.
"I was looking for my brother."-Jonathan trying to explain himself.
Jonathan seeing Nancy arrive at the scene.
Jonathan feeling bad as Nancy looks through the photos too.
Jonathan being bullied by Steve who accuses him of being a pervert.
Jonathan watching Steve rip his photos apart.
Jonathan seeing Steve hold his camera.
Jonathan watching Steve purposely break his camera.
Jonathan seeing his camera destroyed.
Jonathan being mocked by Steve's friend, Tommy Hagan.
Jonathan sadly looking at Nancy who takes one of his ripped up photos.
Jonathan sitting alone in the parking lot, having to rummage through his damaged camera and photos.
Later, at night, as Jonathan heads home, he finds his mom looking scared.
Jonathan embracing his mom.
Later, Jonathan and Hopper are in disbelief when Joyce explains she just spoke to Will through Christmas lights.
Jonathan and Hopper listening to Joyce also explain she saw a creature after talking to Will.
Jonathan in disbelief when his mom describes the creature as humanoid, but having no face.
Jonathan trying to sleep as he wears earphones on his head.
Jonathan waking up his mom the next morning.
Jonathan telling his mom they have to go to the coroner to identify Will's body.
Jonathan and Joyce at the morgue.
After seeing Will's body, Jonathan talks to Hopper in the waiting room.
Jonathan smiling at Hopper.
Jonathan and Hopper seeing an infuriated Joyce refusing to sign a death certificate, saying the body she saw is not Will.
Jonathan finding his mom walking by herself.
Jonathan running to catch up with his mom.
Jonathan being told by his mom to go home.
"No! This is not an okay time for you to shut down!"
"Let me get this straight. That's not Will's body because he's in the lights and there's a monster in the wall. Do you even hear yourself?!"
An angry Jonathan shedding a tear as his mom insists that Will is still alive.
Later, at a funeral home, Jonathan looks over different coffins to prepare for Will's funeral.
Jonathan surprised to see Nancy at the funeral home.
Jonathan walking up to Nancy.
Jonathan nervously greeting Nancy who asks if they can talk.
Jonathan and Nancy sitting in a hallway where he is shown a photograph of Barb that he took on the night of Steve's party.
"I wasn't using a wide angle."-Jonathan discussing what happened as he took the photo of Barb.
Jonathan listening to Nancy explain she went back to Steve's house to investigate Barb's disappearance where she saw a strange man.
Jonathan as Nancy prepares to leave, apologizing for talking nonsense.
When asking Nancy what the man looked like, Jonathan asks if the man didn't have a face, which surprises her.
Later, Jonathan and Nancy work in a darkroom to bring color to a photograph.
(Nancy: "How long does this take?") "Not long."
Jonathan hearing Nancy strike a conversation with him.
"I guess I'd rather observe people than..."
Jonathan and Nancy starting to bond.
When Nancy asks what he saw in her when he took a photo of her at Steve's party, Jonathan starts feeling ashamed again.
Jonathan apologizing to Nancy for taking the picture of her.
Jonathan and Nancy noticing the photograph showing a monstrous humanoid which Nancy recognizes as the one she saw in Steve's backyard.
Jonathan recount his mom claiming that the body found at Sattlers' Quarry was not his brother's.
Jonathan realizing his mom was right about Will still being alive.
Jonathan and Nancy looking at each other as they realize Will and Barbara are alive and have been taken by the monstrous creature.
Jonathan returning home where he finds his parents sitting together.
Jonathan noticing something on the wall.
Jonathan finding a hole in the wall.
Jonathan asking his mom about the creature, only to be shut down by his father.
Jonathan and Lonnie talking in private.
Jonathan listening to his father accuse him of making his mother go crazy.
Jonathan sarcastically thanking his father when he says he came to help his mother grieve for Will.
Jonathan ordered by Lonnie to take down his Evil Dead poster, deeming it inappropriate.
Jonathan watching Lonnie leave his room.
The next morning, Jonathan gets ready to go to Will's "funeral".
After the funeral, Jonathan and Nancy go over a map of Hawkins.
Jonathan and Nancy going over the map, pinpointing the monster's sightings and where Will disappeared.
"It's all within a mile."
Jonathan being asked by Nancy if he wants to go looking for the monster.
"We might not find anything."
Jonathan hearing Nancy point out and ask if they find the monster, what should they do.
Jonathan picking the lock of a glove compartment in a car.
Jonathan in the car as Nancy keeps watch.
Jonathan finding a gun in the glove compartment.
Jonathan hiding the gun and some bullets in his jacket as Nancy expresses his plan is terrible.
"You can tell someone, but they're not gonna believe you."
Jonathan aiming his gun in the woods.
Jonathan having missed hitting a can with his gun.
When Nancy arrives, Jonathan jokes he was firing at the space between the cans.
"Have you ever shot a gun before?"
Jonathan telling Nancy of a hunting trip he took with his father one time where he cried after killing a rabbit.
Jonathan talking about his parents, believing they did love each other at some point.
Jonathan going to give his gun to Nancy when she asks if she can try shooting.
Jonathan hearing Nancy talk about her parents.
"Must have married for some reason."
Jonathan impressed when Nancy manages to fire a bullet at a can.
Later, Jonathan and Nancy walk through the woods together.
"I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else."
"But in that moment, it looked like you were alone and I thought you were. You know you could just be yourself."
Jonathan hearing Nancy angrily insist she's not trying to be someone else.
Jonathan and Nancy starting to argue about Steve.
"I don't like most people."
Jonathan hearing Nancy say she thought he was more than the pretentious creep everyone at school thought he was.
Jonathan telling Nancy he thought she was more than a suburban girl rebelling against her parents.
Jonathan going to walk away after arguing with Nancy.
Jonathan searching for Nancy.
Jonathan hearing a noise as he searches for Nancy.
Jonathan desperately trying to find Nancy.
(Nancy: "Jonathan!") "Nancy!"
Jonathan quickly turning around when he hears Nancy cry out for help.
Jonathan running through the woods.
Jonathan about to come to a stop when he hears the source of Nancy's cries.
Jonathan stopping in front of the tree.
Jonathan going to shine his flashlight at the tree to examine it.
Jonathan shocked to see a portal in the tree.
Jonathan walking closer to the tree to examine the portal.
Jonathan inspecting the portal in the tree.
Jonathan kneeling down closer to the portal.
Jonathan getting closer to the portal to see if Nancy's in it.
Jonathan having fallen to the ground in fright when a hand suddenly comes out of the portal.
Jonathan hearing Nancy's voice coming out of the tree, realizing she's in the portal.
Jonathan having grabbed Nancy's hand to help her get out of the portal.
Jonathan pulling Nancy out of the tree through the portal.
Jonathan using his strength to pull Nancy out of the portal.
Jonathan having saved Nancy from being trapped in an alternate dimension.
Jonathan and Nancy on the ground.
Jonathan embracing a sobbing Nancy.
Jonathan being embraced by Nancy after being rescued.
Jonathan hugging Nancy as he watches the portal close.
Jonathan back at the Wheeler house with Nancy as they are unknowingly watched by Steve.
Jonathan seeing Nancy return after taking a shower.
"Is this okay? I found it in the closet."
Jonathan offering to go home, but Nancy says she doesn't want to be alone.
(Nancy: "Do you want to be alone?") "No."
Jonathan getting ready to go to sleep.
Jonathan lying down on the floor.
Jonathan hearing Nancy ask him to come lie with her.
Jonathan going to lay with Nancy.
Jonathan lying down next to Nancy.
Jonathan asking Nancy if she wants the lights on, which she says yes.
Jonathan trying to reassure Nancy that the monster can't get them as they're safe, but she isn't sure about that.
Jonathan and Nancy lying in bed together as they slowly fall asleep.
Jonathan shopping at a hunting store.
Jonathan and Nancy finding bear traps.
Jonathan and Nancy going to buy their supplies.
"And a pack of thirty-eights."
Jonathan hearing Nancy explain to the store owner they're going "monster hunting".
Jonathan and Nancy leaving the store after buying their supplies.
"Monster hunting?"-Jonathan amused as he smirks at the term "monster hunting".
Jonathan listening to Nancy recount a time she went shopping with Barb.
Jonathan and Nancy smiling at each other after Nancy jokingly remarks he's weird.
Jonathan and Nancy confused when a classmate of theirs drives by, mockingly saying how excited he is to see Nancy's "movie".
Jonathan going to follow Nancy when she runs off.
Jonathan and Nancy running throughout town.
Jonathan and Nancy seeing abusive graffitied slurs that label Nancy as a slut.
Jonathan finding Nancy with Steve's gang in an alleyway.
Jonathan arriving to see Steve's gang bullying Nancy as they were the ones who wrote the abusive graffiti about her.
Jonathan witnessing Nancy realize Steve had came to her house last night and saw her with him.
Jonathan watching Nancy trying to tell Steve that they are not in a relationship.
Jonathan hearing Tommy insult him and Nancy in a crude manner.
Jonathan seeing Nancy unable to explain to Steve what they were actually doing and what they have encountered yesterday.
Jonathan turning to leave with Nancy.
Jonathan hearing Steve beginning to insult him.
Jonathan hearing Steve call him a screw-up like his father.
Jonathan trying to ignore Steve as he continues bullying him.
Jonathan being told by Nancy to ignore Steve.
Jonathan hearing Steve make fun of Will.
Jonathan getting angry as Steve insults his family.
Having enough of Steve's insults, an enraged Jonathan goes to punch him in the face.
Jonathan having punched Steve, much to Tommy, Carol, and Nicole's shock.
Jonathan seeing an angry Steve going to charge at him.
Jonathan getting pushed down onto the ground.
Jonathan getting up after kicking Steve.
Jonathan going to punch Steve again.
Jonathan being blocked by Tommy before he is told by Steve to not get involved in their fight.
Jonathan about to throw another punch at Steve as he continues fighting him.
Jonathan continuing to punch Steve where he eventually gains the upper hand.
An angry Jonathan going to beat up Steve.
Jonathan beating up Steve as Nancy tries to inform him the cops have arrived.
Jonathan about to angrily push Tommy away when he tries to pull him off of Steve.
Jonathan accidentally elbowing one of the cops, Officer Callahan as he continues beating up Steve.
Jonathan being grabbed by another cop, Officer Powell, allowing Steve and his friends to run off.
Jonathan being detained by Officer Powell.
Jonathan getting arrested for accidentally hitting Officer Callahan during his fight with Steve.
Jonathan at the Hawkins Police Station.
Jonathan as Nancy goes to sit next to him.
Jonathan hearing Nancy say she found some ice.
Jonathan having injured head be tended to by Nancy.
Jonathan and Nancy staring silently at each other as they recover from their confrontation with Steve and his friends.
Jonathan seeing his mom arrive at the station.
Jonathan unable to explain himself to his concerned mother.
Jonathan and Nancy as his mom looks through the box of their monster hunting gear.
"Why were you going through my car?"
Jonathan telling Hopper he won't believe him if he explained what the equipment is for.
Jonathan staring at Hopper who insists that he "try" him as he questions him.
Jonathan and Nancy telling Hopper and Joyce about the monster and their encounters with it.
Outside Hopper's office, Jonathan and Joyce speak to each other in the hallway.
Jonathan explaining and apologizing to his mom for not believing her and not telling her about the monster earlier.
"I thought I could save Will. I still do."
Jonathan shamefully looking down as his mom reprimands him.
Jonathan looking at his mom after she assures him that he's not alone in dealing with problems or situations.
Jonathan embracing his mom.
Jonathan reconciling with his mom.
Jonathan and Joyce hearing an angry woman talking to some police officers.
Jonathan and Joyce watching Hopper going to see what's going with his officers.
Needing to rescue Nancy's brother
Mike from government agents, Jonathan, knowing how Will talks to his friends, says there is a way to contact Mike.
Jonathan and Nancy arriving at his house.
Jonathan entering his house.
Jonathan opening the door to Will's room.
Jonathan in Will's bedroom.
Jonathan searching for his brother's walkie that he uses to talk to his friends before his mom is able to find it.
Jonathan, Joyce and Nancy listening to the kids explain Will and Barbara are trapped in an alternate dimension called the Upside Down.
Jonathan, Joyce, and Nancy confused on how the kids found a gate to the Upside Down until they explain the portal's electromagnetic field affecting their compasses.
Jonathan as his mom asks
Eleven "El" if she can use her powers to contact Will.
Jonathan and Joyce staring at El.
Jonathan and Joyce seeing El's willing to help find Will.
Jonathan as Nancy asks El if she can find Barbara also.
Everyone watching El using her powers to try and find Will and Barbara Holland.
Everyone having noticed the light flicker as El uses her powers.
Everyone sad & disappointed when El is unable to find Will or Barbara.
Jonathan and the others watching Dustin call Mr. Clarke to ask how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan and the others watching Dustin persuade Mr. Clarke to tell him how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan hearing his mom confirm to Dustin that she still has a kiddie pool which they can use for their sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan, Nancy, Joyce, and Hopper hearing the sensory deprivation tank requires fifteen hundred pounds of salt.
Jonathan, Nancy, Joyce, and Hopper trying to think of where to get salt for the sensory deprivation tank.
"Wait, it's not going to snow next week is it?"-Jonathan taking bags of salt from the middle school's outdoor shed.
"Even if we find Will in there, what are we going to do about that thing?"
(Hopper: "We're not going to do anything." I don't want you anywhere near this. Your mom's been through enough already.") "He's my brother!"
Jonathan having heard Hopper promise that he'll rescue and find his brother in the Upside Down.
Jonathan going to continue piling bags of salt.
Jonathan and Hopper dumping bags of salt into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan going to dump another bag of salt.
Jonathan dumping another bag of salt into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan and everyone else watching El float in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Jonathan, Mike, Nancy, and Joyce witnessing the school gym's lights going out.
Jonathan finding Nancy sitting by herself in the hallway.
Jonathan sitting next to Nancy to comfort her over Barb's death.
Jonathan and Nancy sitting together.
Jonathan hearing Nancy point out that Hopper and Joyce will be in danger from the monster as they rescue Will.
"You still wanna try it out?"
Jonathan willing to help Nancy kill the monster in order to avenge Barb.
Jonathan sneaking into the police station.
Jonathan sneaking into Hopper's office.
Jonathan taking back his equipment.
Jonathan and Joyce telling Hopper where Castle Byers is located.
Jonathan and Joyce going to follow Hopper when he starts to leave.
Jonathan watching his mom insist to Hopper she's coming along with him to rescue Will.
Jonathan being told by his mom that he can't come with her and Hopper as she wants him to stay safe and watch over the kids.
Jonathan and Joyce embracing each other before they part ways.
Jonathan being told by his mom to stay safe.
Jonathan watching his mom leave with Hopper.
Jonathan watching Hopper and Joyce leave to go rescue Will from the Upside Down.
Jonathan alone in the school parking lot after Hopper and Joyce leave.
Jonathan and Nancy having returned to his house.
Jonathan and Nancy deciding to set up a trap for the Demogorgon.
Jonathan fixing the Christmas lights' bulbs.
Jonathan and Nancy setting up their trap.
Jonathan and Nancy working together to set up their trap.
Jonathan getting ready to fight the monster.
Jonathan and Nancy setting and opening up a bear trap.
Jonathan having created a spiked bat.
Jonathan and Nancy finishing their trap.
Jonathan after finishing the trap.
Jonathan and Nancy having finished setting up their trap.
Jonathan about to cut his hand in order to lure the Demogorgon into the trap.
(Nancy: "Do you hear that?") "It's just the wind."
Jonathan staring at Nancy, sharing a moment with her.
Jonathan and Nancy startled when they hear a knock on the door, hearing Steve outside.
Jonathan not happy to see Steve when he makes his way into his house.
"You need to get out of here, man!"
Jonathan seeing Nancy aiming a gun at Steve, ordering him to leave.
Jonathan noticing the lights beginning to flicker.
Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve seeing the lights flicker, detecting the monster's presence.
Jonathan watching Nancy fire her gun at the Demogorgon.
Jonathan about to scoop up Nancy so they can get to safety.
"Shut up!"-Nancy and Jonathan to a panicking Steve.
Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve hide from the Demogorgon.
Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve see the Demogorgon is gone.
Jonathan and Nancy sneaking out to look for the monster.
Jonathan looking for the monster as Steve follows him and Nancy.
Jonathan entering the living room.
Jonathan finding no sign of the monster.
Jonathan ready to fight the monster when the lights start flickering again.
Jonathan being pinned down by the monster.
Jonathan scared as the monster prepares to eat him.
Jonathan being saved when Nancy fires her gun at the monster.
Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve watching the Demogorgon burn after lighting it on fire when it steps on the bear trap.
Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy seeing the Demogorgon is gone, but not dead.
Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy seeing the lights flickering.
The teens staying alert and ready for the Demogorgon to reappear and attack again.
Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy following the lights.
Jonathan, Steve, and Nancy noticing the lights are not beginning rapidly like they did before the monster appeared.
Jonathan realizing his mom is traveling in the Upside Down.
Jonathan emotional to discover his mom's presence in the Upside Down through the lights.
Jonathan and Nancy walking out of the front door.
Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve standing on the front porch as they watch the outside lamppost flicker.
"I don't think that's the monster."
Sometime later, Jonathan and his mom sit at the hospital where they see Will waking up.
Jonathan and Joyce happy to see Will awake as they sit next to his bedside.
Jonathan crying tears of joy as he's happy to see his brother again.
"We brought you some stuff. So you don't get bored."
Will holding and giving Will a new mixtape.
"Have you guys been playing games all day, or just farting?"-Jonathan at the Wheeler house a month later.
Jonathan signaling Will that it is time to go home.
Jonathan and Will wishing Mrs. Wheeler a Merry Christmas.
Jonathan and Will seeing Nancy approaching them.
Jonathan being given a Christmas present from Nancy.
Jonathan surprised while also feeling bad for not getting Nancy a present.
Jonathan being told by Nancy that it's more than just a present.
Jonathan receiving a kiss on the cheek from Nancy.
Jonathan and Will getting in the car.
(Will: "Can I open it?") "Yeah, sure."
Jonathan smiling when he sees his present is a new camera.
Jonathan going to drive off, leaving the Wheelers' house.
Later, at home, Jonathan uses his new camera to take pictures.
"Be careful. You'll break it."
Jonathan walking behind a sofa.
Jonathan entering the dining room.
Jonathan taking pictures of his mom preparing their Christmas dinner.
Jonathan hearing his mom complain about the food.
Jonathan and his family sitting at the dinner table.
Jonathan listening to his brother theorize one of his Christmas presents being an Atari.
Jonathan and Joyce at the table as Will excuses himself to go wash his hands.
Jonathan and Joyce at the table as Will returns from the bathroom.
Jonathan and his family eating dinner and celebrating Christmas together.