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Heroes Wiki

Jor-El Bunny is a recurring character in Looney Tunes Show. He is the father of Bugs Bunny aka Super-Rabbit and an parody of Jor-El from Superman franchise.


He is the father of Bugs Bunny (Super-Rabbit). He has grey and white hair and wears an superhero clothes. He has black eyes. He has an unnamed wife who is an superheroine.


Jor-El and his unnamed wife sent their son on Earth to be adopted by Lola's parents who raise Bugs as their son. Bugs Bunny looks like his dad and discovers his powers that makes him a super hero. Jor-El Bunny tells his son to defeat Zod Duck who was an antagonist from The Looney Tunes Show.

He appeared in first and in last episode of Looney Tunes Show (in episodes "Best Friend Redux" and "Super Rabbit". After Zod Duck and his crew are defeated, Jor-El Bunny and his son imprison Zod Duck and its crew in the Phantom Zone once and for all and offers his son to go on Earth to keep an eye on his friends.
