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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Bernie Hayes: That's- Robo-Godzilla!
Josh Valentine: Oh, no, that's...that's Mechagodzilla.
~ Josh regarding Mechagodzilla to Bernie upon seeing the robot activated.

Joshua "Josh" Valentine is a major character in the 2021 monster film, Godzilla vs. Kong.

He is a friend of Madison who aids her and Bernie Hayes to investigate the source of Godzilla's erratic behavior and clear his name.

He is portrayed by Julian Dennison, who also played Russell Collins in Deadpool 2.


Godzilla vs. Kong[]

Josh is first seen arriving at Madison's house in his brother's van, somewhat reluctant in aiding her investigation on Godzilla's change of behavior. They manage to track down the conspiracy theorist Bernie Hayes through his numerous purchases of bleaches, and Bernie agrees to help them since he also believes that there is a connection between Godzilla and the Apex Cybernetics facilities he was attacking.

As the group begins their search, Josh is openly critical of Bernie, deriding him as a crazed conspiracy theorist. Nevertheless, he comes along for the ride as they penetrate Sublevel 33 of the Apex facility and discover Skullcrawler eggs, before ending up a transport vessel bound for Hong Kong. In the Hong Kong facility, they discover what Bernie calls a "robo-Godzilla," but which Josh calls "Mechagodzilla." The group is eventually caught and brought before Walter Simmons, the head of Apex. They then witness him being killed by his own creation, which goes out of control and then attacks Godzilla.

Madison suggests that they need to warn Monarch about what his happening, but Josh says that they could try it to stop it themselves. He accesses the computer terminal, saying that if he can figure out the password, he can shut it down. It soon transpires, however, that Josh is not very adept, as the system simply buzzes in error at his attempt. Bernie asks if it's a password, but he admits that he's just used to pirating movies online. "Okay, go to settings," suggests Bernie. As Josh continues to try and fail to access the system, Bernie replies that he thought he was a hacker and he admits to simply having taken a course in HTML in summer camp. Bernie suggests trying "QWERTY," but this attempt only results in a security lockout.

Bernie then declares that it's bottoms-up, pulling out the flask he keeps as a memento of his lost wife, Sara Hayes. He comments that "If you've never had a drink before, now's the time..." and Josh seizes the flask, declaring "Drink. Drink!" He pours the contents of the flask on the control terminal, leading Bernie to furiously confront him about making him die sober. His idea, however, turns out to be a good one, as the control terminal briefly shorts out, shorting out Mechagodzilla with it. This temporary interruption allows Godzilla, and Kong, who has joined the fight, to get the upper-hand and destroy Mechagodzilla. Afterwards, Josh watches in awe with the group as Godzilla and Kong acknowledge each other before Godzilla retreats back into the sea.


Josh is something of an aficionado when it comes to lore regarding Godzilla. Nevertheless, he is a reluctant adventurer and finds it difficult to trust those outside the mainstream, taking to heart the assemblies he has heard. He is not afraid to express his doubts out loud and believes what he sees with his eyes. Nevertheless, there are times when he can prove surprisingly smart and street-wise, such as recognizing a shopkeeper who is motivated by money and knows more than he is telling.




Madison Russell[]

Madison is Josh's friend though it's unclear if she's his only friend. Josh and Madison would sometime hang out and go to school, sometimes he's reluctant to do with Madison that can be dangerous.

Bernie Hayes[]


Mark Russell[]




Walter Simmons[]



To be added


           MonsterVerse Logo Heroes

Godzilla | King Kong | Mothra
Dagon | Behemoth | Methuselah | Na Kika | Shimo | Suko | Great Apes
Rodan | Queen MUTO
Creatures of Skull Island
Dog | Hawk

Ishiro Serizawa | Vivienne Graham | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | William Randa | Houston Brooks | San Lin | Mark Russell | Emma Russell | Sam Coleman | Ilene Chen | Ling Chen | Rick Stanton | Nathan Lind | Ilene Andrews | Trapper Beasley | Guillerman | Aaron Brooks | Eiji Serizawa | Lee Shaw | Tim | Duvall | Dr. Barnes | Keiko Randa | Hiroshi Randa | Natalia Verdugo | Mikael | Hampton
Diane Foster | Jackson Barnes | Lauren Griffin | Anthony Martinez

Sky Devils
Jack Chapman | Earl Cole | Reg Slivko | Glenn Mills | Joe Reles

Ford Brody | Elle Brody | Joseph Brody | Sandra Brody | William Stenz | Victor Nieves | Steve Woodward | Hank Marlow | Madison Russell | Jia | Josh Valentine | Bernie Hayes | Admiral Wilcox | Audrey Burns | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Hiro | Boomer | Wells | Island Girl | Cate Randa | Kentaro Randa | May Olowe-Hewitt | General Puckett | Du-Ho | Iwi Queen | David Martin

           Godzillalogo Heroes

Anguirus | Amano Shiratori | Baragon | Behemoth | Captain Haruo Sakaki | Daisuke Serizawa | Daigoro | Dr. Ishiro Serizawa | Emma Russell | Fairy Mothra | Ford Brody | Godzilla (Showa | 2002/Rulers of Earth | Final Wars | MonsterVerse) | Godzilla Junior | Gorosaurus | Ghogo | Zilla | Hank Marlow | James Conrad | Jet Jaguar | Kenji Noda | King Caesar | King Ghidorah | King Kong (Showa | MonsterVerse) | Koichi Shikishima | Kumonga | Madison Russell | Manda | Mark Russell | Mason Weaver | M.O.G.U.E.R.A. | Methuselah | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla (1993 | Kiryu | Anime) | Miana and Maina | Miki Saegusa | Minilla | Mothra (MonsterVerse) | Mothra Leo | Niko Tatopoulos | Noriko Oishi | Primitive Mothra | Queen MUTO | Rodan (MonsterVerse) | Sanda | Scylla | Seiji Akitsu | Shiro Mizushima | Shobijin | Sosaku Tachibana | Steve Martin | Tatsuo Hotta | Titanosaurus | Utsuno Ikusagami | Varan

Godzilla (Showa | Hanna Barbera) | Godman | Godzooky | Greenman | Niko Tatopoulos | Zilla Junior | Zone Fighter | Torema | Beisuke Jinguji | Lucas | Misato Jinguji | Mei Kamino | Yun Arikawa | Jet Jaguar (Godzilla Singular Point)

Video Games
Anguirus | Godzilla (Super Godzilla) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus

Comics and Manga
Godzilla (2002/Rulers of Earth | MonsterVerse | Death May Die) | King Kong (MonsterVerse) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus


           King-kong-1933-movie-logo Heroes

King Kong (1933) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Son of Kong - King Kong | Little Kong | Carl Denham |Captain Englehorn
King Kong vs. Godzilla - King Kong | Godzilla
King Kong Escapes - King Kong | Susan Watson | Carl Nelson | Jiro Nomura
King Kong (1976) - King Kong | Jack Prescott | Dwan
King Kong Lives - King Kong | Lady Kong | Hank Mitchell | Dr. Amy Franklin | Baby Kong
The Mighty Kong - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
King Kong (2005) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Kong: Skull Island - King Kong | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | San Lin | Hank Marlow | Houston Brooks | William Randa
Godzilla vs. Kong - Godzilla | King Kong | Mark Russell | Madison Russell | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Nathan Lind | Bernie Hayes | Josh Valentine
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - Godzilla | King Kong | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Trapper | Bernie Hayes | Suko | Mothra | Shimo | Great Ape Clan | Iwi Queen

TV Shows
The King Kong Show - King Kong | Professor Bond | Susan Bond | Bobby Bond | Captain Englehorn
Kong: The Animated Series - King Kong | Jason Jenkins | Lua | Eric "Tann" Tanenbaum | Dr. Lorna Jenkins
Kong: King of the Apes - King Kong | Lucas Remy | Doug "Jonesy" Jones | Amy Quon | Danny Quon | Anita | Franciska | Chatter | Dr. Leo Remy | Lucky Liger | Lady Liger | Decker | Zippi | Apex | Mummo
Skull Island - King Kong | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Island Girl | Dog | Hawk
