Josette "Josie" Saltzman is a major recurring character on The Vampire Diaries, a guest character on The Originals, and a former main character on Legacies.
She is one of the twin daughters of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin, with her twin sister being Lizzie Saltzman. Following Josette's death, she was carried by Caroline Forbes through surrogacy. Her existence was first revealed by her uncle, Kai, in "Let Her Go." However, in "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime," Kai fatally stabs Jo, seemingly killing both her and the twins. In "Best Served Cold," it is revealed that the Gemini Coven transferred the twins into Caroline’s womb, and she has since been raised by both Alaric and Caroline.
She is portrayed by Lily Rose Mumford as a child in The Vampire Diaries, Bella Samman as a teenager in The Originals, and Kaylee Bryant in Legacies.
The Vampire Diaries[]
In Let Her Go, Jo initially believes she's suffering from food poisoning, but her brother reveals that she’s pregnant after she gives him her power to help him survive the consequences of a merging ritual he performed with his brother, Luke, instead of Jo.
In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Jo and Alaric begin picking out names for the baby.
In I Never Could Love Like That, Elena learns about Jo's pregnancy when Jo tells her that Kai had been imprisoned in the 1903 prison world.
In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, Jo and Bonnie are attacked by Lily during Jo's bachelorette party. As Lily is about to feed on Jo, she hears the babies' heartbeats and learns Jo is expecting twins. Jo later tells Alaric they’re having twins, and that the Gemini Coven will want them to strip Kai of his power through another twin merge.
In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, Damon reveals that Jo has died after Kai stabbed her and believes the twins were also killed.
In Best Served Cold, Valerie Tulle reveals that the twins survived Kai’s attack on Jo, as the Gemini Coven performed a spell to transfer them into another body. It’s also revealed that Caroline Forbes is now carrying the twins.
In Postcards from the Edge, it's revealed that the twins have been siphoning magic from Caroline’s body for a long time, and as they grew, they drained more and more of her magic, causing her to desiccate.
In This Woman's Work, before being born, the twins used telekinesis to delay their birth, staying attached to the magic in Caroline’s body. Bonnie and Valerie finish the job, drawing magic from Caroline’s body during a C-section, allowing them to be born. In the flash-forward, they are seen with Caroline.
In Moonlight on the Bayou, Alaric, the twins, and Caroline head to Dallas to fulfill Alaric’s promise to Jo. While at a diner, the twins begin to cry, and Caroline struggles to get Josie to sleep. After a brief conversation with Klaus, Josie falls asleep, and Klaus tells Caroline not to wake her. Later, Caroline is seen in New Orleans at St. James Infirmary searching for Klaus, only to learn he hasn’t been seen in three years.
In Requiem for a Dream, Josie, her sister, and Alaric call Caroline before bed. Josie and her sister miss Caroline, who has been on the run with Stefan Salvatore to escape Bonnie. Before they go to sleep, they say goodnight to Caroline, and Alaric takes the phone to talk to Caroline alone.
In Gods and Monsters, Alaric and Caroline decide to use Josie and Lizzie to siphon Bonnie’s spell over the Armory as Bonnie suffers from Rayna's poisonous blood. Josie and Lizzie successfully open the Armory doors, and Josie embraces her father in triumph while Caroline hugs Lizzie.
In Hello, Brother, Josie and Lizzie video call Alaric until he asks for Seline. Seline tells them to put on their swimsuits while they chat. Later, they visit Caroline at work, and Seline leaves to get a salad. Caroline mentions that Seline probably loves kale, which confuses Lizzie. Later that evening, Virginia attacks Seline, and when she attempts to kill the girls, Caroline knocks her out and finds the girls hiding in the closet, where Lizzie greets her.
In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, Josie and Lizzie fight over a tuning fork, prompting Alaric to intervene and comfort them after the vibrations disturb them.
In An Eternity of Misery, Josie and Lizzie are getting ready for bed, and Lizzie asks Seline for a bedtime story, which Josie refuses if it’s sad. Seline tells them "The Legend of Arcadius."
In Coming Home Was a Mistake, Seline takes Josie and Lizzie to the carnival, where they win a goldfish that dies. Seline explains the importance of treating the deceased with dignity and teaches the twins the Incendia spell.
In Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Caroline and Alaric issue an Amber Alert for Josie and Lizzie after Seline kidnaps them. She and Lizzie are taken to a diner and later to a motel, where Seline offers them to Arcadius. To protect the twins, Stefan offers to become Arcadius' servant, which Cade accepts.
In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Josie and Lizzie visit Caroline for Christmas, as they haven’t been with her since their dad took them to safety.
In The Lies Will Catch Up To You, Alaric brings the twins back to Mystic Falls, and they visit the Armory. He calls Caroline for parenting advice as the twins' siphoning and magic have become unstable. The girls continue coloring, levitating crayons, which worries Alaric and Caroline.
In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Josie and Lizzie hide under their bed when Kai escapes from his cell at the Armory. After Kai is subdued, they, with Bonnie’s help, lock him away in a new prison world to ensure their safety.
In We're Planning a June Wedding, Josie and Lizzie are flower girls at Stefan and Caroline’s wedding. Later, during the reception, the girls, along with Bonnie, are caught in the explosion when Kelly Donovan causes the Lockwood Mansion to explode. With Bonnie’s guidance, the girls survive, and Bonnie removes the fire to lead them to safety.
In I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie leads Josie and Lizzie out of the burned building. Alaric and Caroline are overjoyed that they were saved. They later leave Mystic Falls, stopping at the Armory, and are seen playing outside the newly established Salvatore Boarding School for supernatural children. Josie and Lizzie, along with Alaric, are later seen under the watchful eye of Jo's peaceful spirit.
The Originals[]
In The Tale of Two Wolves, Josie and Lizzie are first seen waving at Caroline as she gives a tour. Later, they discuss with their mother the idea of siphoning The Hollow out of Hope to save her life, but with conditions. They want new phones, permission to attend the Senior Solstice Dance, and Josie wants to challenge the dress code’s skirt length rule, arguing that it goes against feminist values. Before they can speak to Klaus, Alaric shoots an arrow through his chest, and the girls look on in shock. That night, they begin the spell to siphon The Hollow, transferring it from Hope into Klaus, after which Alaric takes his daughters away.
In This is the Part Where You Run, Josie is seen with her twin sister, Lizzie, as they welcome Rafael Waithe, the newest student and a recently turned werewolf, to the Salvatore School. Later, she shares a conversation with her best friend, MG, a newly turned vampire, about their shared crush on Rafael. They watch as Lizzie embarrasses herself, and Josie informs their father about her twin's breakdown. At an after-school party, Josie uses a summoning spell to bring Landon, Rafael’s best friend and foster brother, to the event. She becomes upset after seeing MG kiss her ex-girlfriend, Penelope Park. In the end, she secretly helps Hope use dark magic to locate Landon after he steals a knife.
In Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, Josie and Lizzie prepare for a football game. She’s annoyed after encountering Penelope, and both twins are upset when they learn their father won’t attend the game. Initially, the team pretends to lose to protect the school’s secret, but after Penelope and the opposing team test Lizzie’s temper, they decide to use their powers to win, with Josie being the only one protesting. After everyone agrees to avoid using magic, Josie tackles an opponent coming after her sister but honors her father's wish by using magic to sabotage her own team. Later, Josie and her father discuss the events of the day.
In We're Being Punked, Josie is forced to pick up trash around town with the rest of the team as punishment for using magic during the game and subsequent fight. Due to her tensions with Lizzie, she partners with Hope and discusses the mission to retrieve Landon and Rafael’s disappearance. They argue over their rivalry, but the conversation ends in laughter. After helping Hope with a spell, Josie senses Lizzie’s distress, and they rush back to the school. They confront a Gargoyle with their father and successfully handle the situation. Josie later criticizes her father for putting himself in danger and is seen relaxing with Lizzie and MG.
In Hope is Not the Goal, Josie secretly practices offensive magic despite the school’s ban on it. As her sister, Hope, MG, Kaleb, and Landon investigate the disappearance of two high school girls, Josie spends time with Rafael, despite the disapproval of the werewolf pack. Later, when Rafael is attacked by the pack, Josie uses magic to protect him. After he runs off, Josie finds him in the Old Mill and calms him down. The two discover Sasha, one of the missing girls, trapped in a massive web, and they get trapped too. To fend off the Arachne, Josie siphons Rafael’s werewolf magic by kissing him until help arrives. She, Lizzie, and Hope destroy the monster together. Afterward, Josie helps Rafael integrate into the pack and later argues with her father about allowing offensive magic to be taught at the school.
In Malivore, Josie catches Penelope telling other witch students not to vote for Lizzie in the honor council election. Josie confronts her, questioning if Penelope is running to spite Lizzie. Penelope jokes about their past relationship, which enrages Josie, but she continues to argue with Penelope and threatens to ruin her chances in the election. Penelope responds by claiming that Josie has a crush on her and that Lizzie is unfit for office. Later, during the voting, Penelope casts her vote and sits behind Josie, pointing and winking at her.
In Mombie Dearest, Josie has just turned sixteen and was supposed to have a birthday party with Lizzie. At the Salvatore School, Josie and Lizzie see their mother, Josette Laughlin, who has been brought back from the dead. Josie is overjoyed to reunite with her mother, but later, they discover that she has been possessed by the Necromancer, who forces Josie to bury her alive. Hope, MG, and Penelope help rescue Josie. After returning to the school, Josie’s mother asks her and Lizzie to siphon her magic to prevent her from hurting others. Josie is heartbroken to lose her mother again, even though she understands it’s for the best. Later, Josie and Penelope share a kiss.
In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Josie isn’t upset with their father for not picking them up from the airport, unlike Lizzie, who is angry about the three-hour shuttle ride. Josie brushes it off while Lizzie blames Hope. Unbeknownst to anyone, a creature from Malivore arrives and grants Lizzie’s wish that Hope had never come to the Salvatore School. In this new reality, Josie is unaware of Lizzie’s wish and continues training with Alaric. She and Lizzie defeat him in sparring, and they give a tour to a new recruit, Jed. Josie is optimistic about his potential. Later, when Lizzie spells a globe to light up whenever a new supernatural being awakens, it leads them to New Orleans, where they find Hope Mikaelson and bring her back to the school.
In this alternate reality, Josie and Lizzie attend Mystic Falls High, where Josie is popular and the cheerleader captain. Josie wants to take her relationship with her boyfriend, Connor, to the next level, but when Lizzie reveals that Connor has been seeing Dana secretly, Josie defends him. She also reveals how much she’s resented Lizzie’s ability to always win, especially in romantic pursuits. Josie admits she is done letting Lizzie control her happiness, causing a rift between the twins. Later, Lizzie accidentally exposes her magic when she loses control, but Hope, Kaleb, Jed, and Pedro intervene, taking them to the Mikaelson Boarding School. Lizzie’s subsequent wish that Hope was never born leads to an apocalyptic reality where supernaturals are hunted by Triad Industries.
In this apocalyptic reality, Lizzie learns that she killed Josie during a power struggle and later restores reality by wishing that the creature from Malivore never met her. This action reverses the changes, and Josie never dies. Lizzie and Josie then share a moment of reconciliation.
In We're Gonna Need A Spotlight, Josie, under the influence of mind-controlling slugs, sneaks off with Penelope and kisses her. They attempt to steal an urn but are stopped by Hope and Lizzie. Afterward, Josie performs a song she wrote at the talent show.
In There's a Mummy on Main Street, Josie, along with Lizzie, Hope, Kaleb, and Alaric, travels to Maple Hollows. During the trip, Josie becomes car sick and tries to stay out of the argument between Lizzie and Hope. Once there, they are tasked with investigating the hornet plague, and Josie helps protect the group from the mummy’s attacks using offensive magic. She later helps defeat the mummy with a projectile fire spell.
In Let's Just Finish the Dance, Josie helps with preparations for Miss Mystic Falls. She is disappointed when Lizzie chooses Hope to run instead of her. Later, Josie trips during a rehearsal and almost wins the title, but Penelope encourages her to believe in herself. Josie reads Penelope’s letter, which reveals that Penelope is leaving the school. Josie is hurt that Lizzie knew about this, and they have an emotional confrontation.
In I'll Tell You a Story, Josie is still upset with Lizzie and looks into The Merge, but she shuts down when Lizzie tries to help. After a confrontation, Josie reveals her resentment toward Lizzie and admits to starting the fire that caused their issues with Hope.
In There's Always a Loophole, Josie, Lizzie, and Hope are held by Triad and must cooperate to survive. Josie sacrifices herself by taking a bullet for Lizzie, but is saved by Hope’s blood. Later, Josie reveals that she stole a box from their father’s office and learns that Triad’s plan to control supernaturals was orchestrated by their father. Unbeknownst to her, Hope plans to sacrifice herself to stop Malivore, and Josie, along with everyone else, loses their memory of Hope.
In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Josie talks to Lizzie about the ongoing situation at the Salvatore School, particularly their father’s struggle after being ousted by the Honor Council. She mentions that although he isn’t doing well, he’ll eventually be okay. Lizzie then shares her findings about the ascendant, a mysterious device she and Bonnie created when they were five, although she admits the details are still unclear.
Later, Josie talks to Alaric about Malivore, with Alaric revealing that at least two people have been forgotten. Josie wonders if they would have keepsakes if it was someone they knew and inquires about the ascendant, but Alaric deflects, choosing to focus on Landon instead.
Josie briefly speaks with Lizzie again, discussing Landon. Josie reassures Lizzie that they’re just friends, but Lizzie sarcastically remarks that Penelope Park’s heart must have exploded. Lizzie asks Josie to join her and their mother on a trip to Rome, but Josie turns down the offer.
Josie assists Landon with a locator spell to find Rafael, but leaves to talk to Alaric about the ascendant before the spell gives any results. When she returns, Landon shows her the map indicating that Rafael has left the woods. He’s upset, and Josie comforts him, leading to the two sharing a kiss. Josie later reveals to Lizzie that Alaric has told her about their uncle, who’s trapped in a prison world. The two agree to leave the ascendant alone after Josie confides in Lizzie about Kai killing Jo on her wedding day.
In This Year Will Be Different, Josie and Lizzie discuss the Merge, agreeing to leave it to their parents. Josie supports Lizzie when she expresses her desire to have a year filled with new opportunities.
During class, Josie notices Landon attracting attention from another witch who is sketching him. Feeling jealous, Josie casts a spell that makes the girl’s nose bleed. She and Landon later agree to go on their first official date. Afterward, Josie feels awkward and pulls away from Landon. She admits to him that sometimes people have bad dates, but everything will be fine the next day. Josie leaves Landon in the Town Square, claiming to be ill, but later explains to him that she went along with the date even though she’s allergic to seaweed. The two work through their discomfort and find comfort in each other.
In the kitchen, Vardemus confronts Josie about the nosebleed spell, advising her to use “Chronolos” next time to delay the spell's effects. He also reveals that he’s creating an advanced curriculum for gifted students and that Josie is the first to be selected. As curfew approaches, he leaves, and Josie smiles slightly.
In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Josie attends an assembly where Vardemus announces that students may use their abilities in moderation, a change Josie fears could expose them. On the field, Josie casts a spell to enhance Landon’s skills and notices his gaze on Hope, which makes her jealous.
While taking a break, the team tries to find a replacement for Landon before returning to the field. Vardemus hands Josie a spell, and after siphoning a little from Wade, she uses it, accidentally injuring Ethan. Josie is shocked by the outcome, and when Alaric confronts Vardemus, the two schools’ teams start fighting. Later that night, Josie watches Alaric leave the school, and her nose begins to bleed, hinting that the spell has taken a toll on her.
In Since When Do You Speak Japanese?, Josie struggles with the consequences of using dark magic. Vardemus offers a solution, but Josie declines, quoting her father’s warnings against dark magic. Vardemus pushes her, explaining that Alaric suppressed their abilities for a reason and that Josie shouldn’t limit herself.
Josie later bonds with Kurutta and helps translate his history for Dorian. When they hear that the oni is trapped in Rafael, Josie makes a comment about Hope and Landon’s past. Josie then places a boundary spell to trap Landon in Alaric’s office with Kurutta.
After Landon escapes, Josie quickly blames Hope. The two do a locator spell together but grow tense when Hope reads a personal note between Josie and Landon. They eventually find Landon, but discover he is dead, and Lizzie is chained to a tree, having absorbed the oni. Josie refuses to kill Lizzie and instead uses the dark magic from the sword to expel the oni.
Josie’s struggle with dark magic leads her to seek help from Vardemus. He offers a mora miserium to counteract the magic, warning her of its permanent effects if the hourglass doesn’t shatter.
Later, Josie and Landon kiss, but Landon pulls back, stating that they’re not ready for sex. In Screw Endgame, Josie hints at spending the night with Landon, though he struggles with the idea. When they attend the 80s Decade Dance, Landon misinterprets Josie’s suggestion that they don’t have to dance and assumes it’s a metaphor for sex. Josie clears up the misunderstanding, but after the date, Landon suggests they should take the “dancing” elsewhere, leading them to Josie’s bedroom.
In the bedroom, their make-out session is interrupted when Landon leaves to find a condom. Josie, feeling hurt by discovering Landon’s old song for Hope, asks to take things slow when he returns.
In That’s Nothing I Had to Remember, Josie visits Freya Mikaelson for help with a dark magic spell. Freya initially refuses, but changes her mind when Josie admits she’s forgotten someone. The two work together to decipher a spell in one of Esther’s grimoires. After Freya takes a call, Josie finds herself gazing at photos of Hope, and Freya questions her about the person she’s forgotten. Josie blasts her with dark magic, leaves, and calls Caroline, revealing her ability to return memories, though she’s unsure if she will.
Back in Mystic Falls, Josie uses dark magic to return everyone’s memories, including those lost by Sebastian. She later discusses with Lizzie who she thinks Landon will choose, though Lizzie doesn’t answer.
In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, Josie has an awkward encounter with Hope, and the two bond over Landon’s indecision. Josie later uses a prism to connect with her subconscious and contemplates whether Landon will choose her or Hope. She decides to create a duplicate of Landon to send into Malivore instead of the real one. With Vardemus’s reluctant approval, Josie proceeds.
Later, Josie struggles with her anger towards Landon and wonders if the mora miserium is broken. Vardemus encourages her to channel her emotions, but as she does, it’s revealed that he’s Ryan Clarke. Josie passes out before she can react.
Hope later reassures Josie, and the two read Penelope Park’s diary, which leads Josie to let Hope back into the school, telling her she belongs there regardless of Landon.
In This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent, Josie is affected by Christmas cheer, and when Landon returns, he admits he still loves Hope. He leaves Josie heartbroken, and she welcomes Alaric back to his position at the school.
In I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You, Josie struggles to fix the mora miserium. She has a vision of the devastation that will occur if it breaks and is overwhelmed by dark magic. Dorian confronts her, but she brushes it off. Hope later offers to help with a spell to slow the mora miserium’s degradation.
In This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, Josie, Alaric, and Lizzie attempt to fix the mora miserium but fail. Lizzie proposes sending it to a Prison World, but Alaric refuses. Later, Alaric realizes he should trust his children more and agrees to their plan, allowing them to send the sand clock to a 2028 Prison World. However, Alyssa Chang casts a spell, sending them to the 2018 Prison World instead.
In Kai Parker Screwed Us, Josie, Lizzie, and Alaric are trapped in the Prison World. Josie and Kai form an alliance to escape, but after being deceived, Josie is left in a precarious situation, with Kai using her Bennett blood to power the ascendant.
In You Can’t Save Them All, Josie, now more powerful due to the broken mora miserium, uses dark magic to restore Jade’s humanity. She later helps save Lizzie’s life, but something is missing from her memory, leading to the discovery that Malivore consumed someone.
In There’s A Place Where The Lost Things Go, Josie is trapped in a simulation, where she is accused of murder and ultimately sacrifices herself to protect Lizzie. In the real world, Josie is overcome by a darker version of herself, trying to kill Lizzie in the simulation.
In Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself, Josie plans her birthday party and threatens to kill those closest to her unless Lizzie participates in the Merge. Lizzie flees, but Hope intervenes, and Josie battles Lizzie. Ultimately, Lizzie loses the Merge, and Hope and Landon devise a plan to restore Josie’s true self.
In Facing Darkness Is Kinda My Thing, Josie fights the darkness within her, realizing that she can be both powerful and kind, like Hope. She defeats the darkness but is warned that it will always return. Lizzie helps transfer the darkness into the Necromancer, and Josie decides to store her magic in a coin, ready to use it again when necessary.
In We're Not Worthy, Josie grapples with being an outcast among the witches, due to her past actions. The witches and most of the Salvatore School community have not forgiven her, leaving only a few willing to associate with her. When the witches, led by Alyssa Chang, start taunting her, Lizzie decides to adopt her former abusive persona in an attempt to earn their forgiveness. As part of this, Lizzie has Josie made captain of the witches for Salvatore's field day, but Josie warns her she can no longer practice magic. This leads to Josie being humiliated in front of the whole school, and she sternly tells Lizzie to stay out of her business, acknowledging that the witches have every right to be angry with her.
In Salvatore: The Musical!, Josie struggles to connect with the other students involved in the musical, organized by Landon. She tries to voice her concerns about its direction but is largely ignored. Things take a turn when Dr. Goodfellow injures Josie’s arm, intentionally excluding her from the musical to make way for Hope. Afterward, Josie talks to Jade, who heals her arm with a spell. Josie confides that she no longer feels at home at Salvatore School and is unsure if it's a place for her anymore. Jade encourages Josie to explore life outside the school, and after sharing a kiss, Jade leaves for good.
In Hold on Tight, Josie pretends to be writing a paper about the students at Mystic Falls High, but ends up opening up to Ethan about his ruined football career. When Josie apologizes, Ethan doesn't understand why, unaware that she was indirectly responsible for the accident. Later, Josie joins her father and the Salvatore School group to battle the Necromancer. Without her magic, Josie feels useless but ultimately decides to reclaim it to help. After Alyssa Chang’s defeat, Josie tells Lizzie she plans to leave the Salvatore School to live a normal life at Mystic Falls High.
In This is What It Takes, Josie wrestles with her decision to leave the Salvatore School for Mystic Falls High, but things get complicated when she meets Finch. Josie shares her fears with Finch, who reassures her that her happiness matters just as much as Lizzie's. When Josie returns home, Lizzie expresses support for Josie’s decision, even if it’s hard for her. Lizzie then shows Josie an outfit she picked out, symbolizing her embrace of Josie’s decision to step into a new phase of life.
In To Whom It May Concern, Josie starts her first day at Mystic Falls High and runs into Dorian, who has become the school’s principal. Josie mistakenly thinks the decorations on her locker are from him, but it’s actually Finch’s doing. In chemistry class, Finch offers Josie a seat beside her, and they bond over the kindness Josie has received so far. Josie is surprised when she finds a note from Lizzie encouraging her to focus on herself. Upset at realizing she hasn't thought about Lizzie, Josie leaves class. Later, at lunch, she talks to Ethan about how they both feel disconnected from their siblings. Afterward, Josie apologizes to Finch for acting weird, and Finch opens up about her own difficult past. The two relate, and Finch shares her story of emancipating herself at fourteen.
In Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right, Josie leaves the Salvatore School and finds out from a city messenger that there's a property tax lien on the school. Later, she helps MG with his cookie fundraiser and, in exchange, shares tips for baking. She heads to the garden with MG but is distracted by a study date with Finch. After a chaotic mix-up involving herbs, Josie accidentally consumes a truth-telling plant, Blue Calamus, and ends up confessing her fears about relationships. MG encourages her to face her fear of being honest. Josie later rushes to find Finch, only to learn that she’s been avoiding her. After an emotional conversation, Finch agrees to give their connection a chance.
In Long Time, No See, Josie overhears Lizzie and Hope preparing a spell and offers to help, but Lizzie shuts her down. The tension between the sisters grows. Josie and Finch discuss their conflicting ideas for their first date, and Hope interrupts, pulling Josie into her plans to help Landon. Josie struggles with Hope’s manipulation but ultimately agrees to assist. As they perform a risky spell, dark magic floods through the portal, putting them all in danger. Josie steps into the circle to help, and Landon emerges from the portal, free.
The next day, Josie receives confirmation that she is no longer tainted by dark magic and can safely return to Mystic Falls. Although she’s grateful, she decides that she must leave the Salvatore School for good. She speaks with Caroline about staying with a friend in town, and Alaric, though sad, supports her decision to seek a safer, happier life.
In Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?, Josie and MG sit together at lunch at Mystic Falls High. Ethan joins them, and they bond over their shared experiences of being outsiders. Josie begins to feel like she’s finally fitting in, but when Ethan nearly gets hit by a truck, MG uses his vampire abilities to save him. Josie and her father discuss the situation privately, and Alaric reveals that Ethan has been taking vervain, putting their secret at risk. Later, Alaric talks with Josie about her past mistakes and her decision to distance herself from magic.
In All's Well That Ends Well, Lizzie shows up at Mystic Falls High to help Josie with her romantic life, but Josie is resistant to her methods. Despite Josie’s reluctance, Lizzie helps her plan a date with Finch, guiding her through steps in a rom-com-style plan. Josie finally owns up to her feelings and asks Finch out, but Finch rejects her. Josie is disheartened but decides to let Finch be happy with someone else. Lizzie later reveals that Finch is dating someone else, and Josie feels a sense of relief that she can move on. Lizzie stays with her for the night, offering support.
In You Can’t Run From Who You Are, Josie encounters her subconscious in the form of ‘Dark Josie’ after using a prism to confront her inner thoughts. Her subconscious challenges her desires for a life without magic and monsters, reminding her that she can never truly escape her true self. Josie resists, but eventually, she admits that she’s been repressing a part of herself. The conversation is interrupted when Landon and Hope need her help, and Josie must reconcile with the complexities of her identity.
Hope has contracted a magical infection, and her astral self is trapped in a prison world. The group must find the creature that bit her in the prison world, but the school is eerily empty. They consult with Wade, who deduces that the creature is a berbalang, and warns that if Hope's condition is left unchecked, she will transform into one. Hope is already undergoing the transformation and attacks them. In a desperate bid to survive, they flee to the kitchen, but Hope breaks in and attacks Landon. Josie splits off from the group to figure out how to stop Hope's transformation, based on Wade's information. She discovers a spell in Sanskrit but doesn't remember anything from the one class she took. Using the prism, Josie taps into her subconscious and, with the page in hand, "Dark Josie" translates the spell: to stop a person from becoming a berbalang, they need a pearl-bladed weapon imbued with enchantment. Josie refuses to take back her magic, determined not to let herself fall under control again. However, she begins to realize that her darkness is already a part of her. Josie finally decides to reclaim her magic, halting Hope's transformation. With no other choice, Landon reluctantly stabs Hope with the enchanted dagger.
That night, Hope apologizes to Josie. Josie admits that, despite the battle with her darkness, it was time to face it. She reflects on how in trying to suppress her dark side, she was letting it control her, but now she understands that it's an ongoing internal battle she doesn't want to run from anymore.
In I Was Made To Love You, Lizzie magically sends Josie a letter saying she’s gone to a wellness retreat and revealing that Finch is a werewolf. Josie confronts Alaric, who had hoped to tell her himself. She also offers to help with his current issue, though Alaric hesitates, as it’s a dangerous situation. Josie insists on making her own decisions, and Alaric finally confesses that the Necromancer may be responsible for recent monster attacks. Hope and Landon saw his dead body in the prison world, so Alaric believes the Necromancer resurrected in their world instead of the prison world. Josie agrees to help and uses the Necromancer’s grimoire to perform a locator spell, finding him at a funeral home. He has amnesia and insists on being called "Ted." Though Alaric suspects a trick, Ted appears genuine. Josie shields them with a spell as Alaric prepares for further action, but Josie stops him, reminding him of his control issues. They decide to find another way.
Josie takes Ted's advice and confronts Finch. They talk things out, and Josie admits that she still has feelings for Finch. Finch reciprocates, and they agree to officially become a couple.
In This Feels A Little Cult-y, Josie, Finch, and Hope head to a wellness retreat to find Lizzie, who hasn’t been in contact for over a week. They arrive and discover Lizzie has been in touch with Hope and was expecting them. At the retreat, Hope believes it resembles a cult, and Josie questions the colored crystals the witches wear. Lizzie explains the significance of the crystals, with each color representing a different step toward enlightenment. They meet Andi, the retreat’s leader, and soon Josie and Hope fall under her spell. Lizzie manages to break free and helps Josie do the same. Together, they plan to free Hope and stop Andi. After a series of confrontations, they manage to escape and stop the ritual, but not without being blasted by the effects of the drug they were dosed with.
In A New Hope, Josie, Lizzie, and Hope wake up next to the crater of the retreat after being affected by the psychotropic drug. They share a hallucination in which Hope believes she is destined to become a tribrid and destroy Malivore. Josie encourages Hope to keep fighting, and Lizzie reassures her that they all have a better future ahead of them. Josie believes that Hope’s fate only plays out in the hallucination because she was alone in that vision, but with her friends, Hope can be whoever she wants. As they track down Andi, they find Ryan Clark, newly resurrected by Andi. Lizzie casts a sleeping spell on him and takes him back to the school, where they begin their mission to stop Malivore once and for all.
In Fate's A Bitch, Isn't It?, Josie, Lizzie, and Hope confront Ryan, but Lizzie becomes frustrated with their decision to engage with him. They are interrupted when Hope runs off with Ryan, and Josie and Lizzie are left stranded at a gas station. After a ride from Ethan, they return to the school, and Josie seeks Finch’s help in hiding supernatural artifacts from Ethan. When Finch disappears, Josie later confesses her use of black magic and the harm it caused to Ethan, but Finch reassures her and suggests looking on the brighter side of things.
Finally, in Fate's A Bitch, Isn't It?, Hope returns to the school, and the group faces off against Malivore, who has taken control of Landon’s vessel. Together, they confront the dangers ahead, now united in their purpose and resolve.
In You Have to Pick One This Time, Josie attends an emergency squad meeting with Alaric, Kaleb, Lizzie, and MG, which is interrupted by Hope. She's surprised by the barrier spell around Malivore's cage and even more so by the session they had without her. Alaric explains that it was a meeting to figure out how to deal with Malivore, and how Hope would fit into their plan. MG adds that their goal is to find Cleo, who might help them free Landon and Hope. Hope is frustrated about being excluded, but Kaleb points out it's due to her obsession with Landon. Josie agrees, stating that the barrier spell serves that purpose as well. Lizzie suggests Hope sit this one out, but a vote is taken instead.
In the library, while Josie searches for books on the Mystical Anatomy of the Human Mind, she runs into Finch, who asks about the books. Josie claims they're for a group project, but Finch presses her, pointing out that Josie often leaves out details. Josie promises she’ll make it up to her, and Finch suggests they start with their bowling date. Lizzie barges in, asking if Josie canceled her date, unaware of Finch’s presence. Lizzie thanks Finch on Josie's behalf, but Josie opts to reschedule instead of canceling.
In the gym, preparations for their plan are underway, and Josie joins Kaleb and Alaric. As Malivore warns them of walking into a mental trap, Josie remains cautious, but Kaleb and Alaric proceed. Meanwhile, Hope and MG sneak into Malivore's subconscious on their own. Josie and Lizzie remain on standby.
While on watch, Lizzie tries to get Josie to siphon from the school, but Josie refuses, frustrated with Lizzie's dismissiveness toward her relationships. The tension eases when Finch awkwardly appears, suggesting a compatibility quiz for them to all get to know each other better. Lizzie asks a few questions, some of which sync up with Finch's answers. However, Josie becomes uncomfortable when Finch reveals she’s been through heartbreak, but Finch reassures her that people grow and change together. When Finch shifts the focus of the quiz to future aspirations, the mood turns somber, and Lizzie notices Malivore awakening, realizing that Hope and MG’s secret mission has been discovered.
After an attempt to pull Hope and MG from the head dive fails, Finch offers to help, even though Josie is hesitant. Eventually, Josie locates a spell that requires siphoning from someone, not the school. Finch agrees to let them siphon from her, despite the risks. Lizzie prepares the spell, and they begin the ritual. Kaleb, Alaric, MG, and Hope are soon released from Malivore's influence.
Later, Josie finds Finch in the library, a little dazed. Finch confronts her about pushing her away and asks why she does it. Josie admits that it’s hard to change, but Finch presses her about whether she wants an easy relationship or one that’s hard but honest. Josie reluctantly chooses the latter, explaining that there are challenges, particularly with being a Gemini witch. Finch reassures her that she’s not scared and they embrace their connection. Josie opens up about missing pages from a book related to something called "The Merge."
In There's No I In Team, or Whatever, Hope gathers Kaleb, MG, Wade, and Jed to discuss Cleo's memory and how they might replicate a spell to transfer Malivore out of Landon. They agree to collaborate. Finch later offers Josie a bucket of salt and asks if she wants to visit her mom in Italy, but Josie is unsure.
Back in the great hall, Hope performs the transfusion ritual. Josie warns her to speed up, as they can't afford to wait longer. However, the ritual fails, and they’re expelled from the therapy box. Alaric and Ryan acknowledge their failure, but Hope insists they try again. Josie points out that they’re doing something wrong, and Hope needs to step back for the ritual to succeed. After some hesitation, Hope hands over control to Josie. Josie performs the spell, siphoning from Finch, and the ritual succeeds, freeing Ryan, but Malivore is still conscious. Ryan, however, loses control, throwing Jed into a wall before fleeing.
That night, Josie checks on Ethan with MG and reassures him that he’ll be okay. She heads to the Square to resolve things with Finch, who’s still struggling with the Merge. Finch reveals she doesn’t know if she can continue, despite the love between them. Josie apologizes but says she needs someone who will love her regardless of what she chooses in the future, especially given her uncertainties.
In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, Josie approaches Finch again. Finch is still unsure, but Josie reassures her that she’s committed to trying. They’re interrupted by squad business, and soon after, they discover that the creature they encountered was Blake, a missing student. They return to the school, but Hope and Alaric have a tense conversation, and MG listens in using his vampiric hearing. Josie reaches out to Dorian for help, but ultimately, she and Lizzie remain with Hope, offering their support. Hope asks for their help in reaching Rafael in the 2028 prison world.
Eventually, they pull her back, and Hope accepts their offer to spend her last day alive together. They share stories and a heartfelt moment, and Josie, Lizzie, and Hope perform a spell to plant a sapling, symbolizing new life and promise. The three share a tender moment before Hope is ready to face her fate.
Later, Josie reunites with Finch at the Old Mill. They have an emotional conversation about their relationship, and Josie admits that she needs to be surrounded by people who will support her, no matter what choices she makes. Finch reassures her that she’s there for her.
In See You On The Other Side, Josie learns from Jed about Ethan and Kaleb being enthralled by Malivore. They prepare to confront the townies and attempt to bring back Landon and Cleo. As the plan unfolds, Josie has to confront her own emotions and support Finch, as they venture into the Necromancer's grimoire to perform a dark magic spell. Finch helps her through it, even as Josie loses control, and eventually, Josie succeeds in pulling Cleo from Malivore. They celebrate the success, though Cleo remains disappointed about Landon’s fate.
Back in Josie’s room, Finch and Josie share an intimate moment as they finally confront their feelings for each other and the challenges they face. They take their relationship to the next level, symbolizing a turning point in their connection.
In Alaric's office, Lizzie skips Ms. Featherwood’s class, and Josie chastises her for it. Lizzie searches through multiple books, looking for something to help their father, arguing that people grieve in different ways. Josie reminds her that their father isn’t dead—he's in a coma, not really alive, as Lizzie puts it—and scolds Josie for missing their earlier meeting. Josie explains she was with the others, trying to figure out what to do about Hope. Lizzie is upset, feeling Josie cares more about Hope than their father, especially since Hope is the one who put him in a coma. Josie retorts that they experienced the same memories, and this isn't what their father would want. Besides, if anyone can heal him, Josie believes it's her. Despite being angry, Josie insists they can't do this without her. Lizzie, however, is adamant about putting Alaric first and will help only if she finds a spell.
After speaking with Freya, Josie tells Finch that Hope clearly doesn’t want contact with her family. Josie is trying to think like her father would in this situation. Finch attempts to comfort Josie, but she snaps, explaining that the last time she let her guard down, Alaric ended up in a coma. She apologizes, but Finch brushes it off, choosing to give her space.
Josie, MG, Kaleb, Wade, Ethan, and Jed organize a training session. MG and Josie oversee the boys as they get into position. Jed wants Kaleb to create a diversion against the fake Hope, but Kaleb insists on acting first, disregarding Jed’s plan. MG starts the trial, and Josie casts mini bursts of lightning. Wade is struck, and MG tells him to "walk it off." Jed continues pushing Kaleb to listen to instructions, but Kaleb moves on his own, getting struck next. As Kaleb evades one trap but gets fake-staked by another, the group argues, and Jed encourages Ethan to teleport behind the fake Hope. Ethan, struggling with his powers, collides with Kaleb, knocking them both down. Jed stands up for Ethan, and Kaleb, in frustration, breathes out a fireball, narrowly missing them. Kaleb storms off, and Josie suggests taking a break. Cleo enters, warning them about a potential issue with Lizzie.
Josie confronts Lizzie, who is gathering ingredients for her spell. Josie is reluctant, but Cleo was right—Lizzie found a spell in one of Alaric’s journals. Josie refuses to go through with it, insisting they aren’t murderers. Lizzie, however, is determined, arguing that they only need to find someone truly sick. She believes taking someone’s life to save their father is justified. Josie insists that Alaric wouldn't want this, but Lizzie disagrees, reminding her that there was a time when Alaric had no limits. If Josie won’t listen, Lizzie says the others won’t stop her, using the Illusion Ring to impersonate Josie and cast a sleeping spell on her.
At the hospital, Josie spots Lizzie leaving a room and collapses to the floor. Lizzie admits she almost went through with it—she found a patient on the brink of death, but his daughter reminded her of their own situation. She thought she knew what the right thing was, but without her dad to guide her, she feels lost. Josie comforts her, offering support.
Cleo is ejected from the therapy box as Lizzie and Josie enter the gym to use it. They ask for a minute alone. Finch meets Josie, who struggles with the idea of being alone. She admits she thought Lizzie had gone through with the spell and that Alaric was back, but now that Lizzie is gone too, she doesn’t know what to do. Finch assures her that she’s not the Therapy Box, but she can hold her and be whatever Josie needs.
Later, Josie and her friends regroup in the lounge. She’s been reading Alaric’s journals, discovering that Caroline once turned off her humanity too. Josie believes there are clues in the journals that could help them get Hope’s humanity back. Finch, MG, and Ethan listen as Josie explains they need to remind Hope of her family, friends, and home. They agree they must find a way to emotionally reach her, but it has to be perfect. MG suggests they seek inspiration from Cleo.
Cleo, Josie, MG, Finch, and Ethan gather in the garden, focusing on their fondest memories of Hope to find a way to bring her humanity back. While Josie and MG have ideas that require significant preparation, Ethan and Finch struggle due to their newer connections with Hope. Cleo warns them that whatever they come up with has to be fast and effective. As they prepare, a magical alarm goes off, signaling a threat. The group rushes to action.
Hope confronts them at Alaric’s weapons cabinet. She warns them she might need to kill vampires, werewolves, and witches and demands the weapons. Josie misinterprets her, thinking she’s threatening the school, but Hope clarifies she’s talking about the Triad. Josie insists they’ll help her, but only if Hope agrees to give them a chance to get her humanity back. Hope challenges them, warning they can’t stop her. Josie argues they will, and Hope agrees, giving them one shot.
Josie, MG, Finch, and Ethan gather herbs in the garden. Josie, still struggling with the pressure to save everyone, admits she can’t stay at the school. She’s asked Finch to come with her. Finch, though concerned, refuses to let Josie carry this burden alone. Meanwhile, the group faces the mounting pressure of their mission to save Hope, knowing they have one chance to reach her humanity.
In a final confrontation with Hope, Josie uses her darker self to stand up to Hope, but the emotional breakthrough doesn’t work. Hope is unyielding and manipulative, but Josie doesn’t give up. She challenges Hope to confront her humanity, exposing Hope's fear of it. Hope unleashes a spell, but Josie is undeterred. Eventually, Josie convinces Hope that she can’t outrun her trauma forever. Hope, immobilizing Josie with magic, prepares to decide what to do with her.
Inside the Therapy Box, Lizzie meets Josie and tells her she has a solution for Hope. Josie’s simulation continues, revealing Josie’s identity as a surgeon. She battles internal conflicts, her own fears, and her growing realization that she must leave the school. Josie finally chooses to escape the Therapy Box and confront her own destiny, accepting she needs to leave to save herself and Hope.
As Josie prepares to leave the school, Finch stands by her side. Josie admits she can’t stay and that Finch deserves more than the burden of always having to save everyone. Finch agrees to join her, supporting her decision. Josie’s journey is one of self-discovery, choosing to leave the school to reclaim her own life and to give Hope the chance to confront her humanity on her own terms.
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