Joyce's first appearance as she searches through a sofa for her car keys.
Joyce hearing her son,
Jonathan didn't bother to wake his brother,
Will up.
Joyce finding Will's bedroom empty.
Joyce asking Jonathan where Will is.
Joyce hearing Jonathan answer he doesn't know.
Joyce upset when Jonathan says he doesn't know where Will is as he worked a late shift last night.
Joyce disappointed in Jonathan as he explains Will spent time with his friends at the Wheeler's house.
Joyce going to call the Wheeler family.
Joyce calling the Wheeler family to see if Will spent the night with them.
After calling Karen Wheeler, Joyce starts to get worried.
"I've been waiting here over an hour, Hopper!"
"He's not like you. He's not like me. He's not like...most."
Joyce smoking as she talks to Hopper.
"You said 99 out of 100. What about the other time?"
Joyce begging Hopper to find her son.
Joyce with Will in a flashback.
Later, Joyce calls her ex-husband's girlfriend, Cynthia in order to get in touch with her former husband.
Joyce frustrated after Cynthia rudely hangs up on her.
Joyce trying to get in touch with her ex-husband, Lonnie.
Joyce and Jonathan seeing Hopper arrive with Will's bike.
Joyce and Jonathan hearing the police had found Will's bike in the woods.
"I don't know I have two boys. I mean look at this place."
Later that night, Joyce and Jonathan work on missing posters for Will.
Admiring Jonathan's photographs, Joyce apologizes to her son for not paying more attention to him.
Joyce comforting Jonathan when he reveals he blames himself for Will's disappearance.
Joyce reassuring Jonathan that she feels Will in her heart even if he's not with them right now.
"Look at this one."-Joyce finding a picture of Will.
Joyce and Jonathan crying over Will.
Joyce going to answer the phone when it rings.
Joyce answering the phone.
Joyce hearing someone breathing on the other end of the phone.
Joyce surprised when she recognizes Will's breathing over the phone.
Joyce hearing a monstrous chirp over the phone.
"What have you done to my boy?!"
Joyce after the phone suddenly gets electrocuted and destroyed.
Joyce sobbing hysterically.
Joyce being comforted by Jonathan.
Joyce and Jonathan at the kitchen table the next morning.
Joyce upset to hear that Will had not been found.
Joyce and Jonathan talking to Hopper.
"You think I'm making this up?"
Joyce asking her boss for two weeks in advance.
Joyce waiting for the phone to ring.
Joyce hearing Will's voice over the phone.
Joyce breaking down when the call is cut off again.
Joyce noticing the hallway lights flickering.
Joyce as something tries to come through the wall.
Joyce watching her lights flicker and hearing "Should I Stay or Should I Go" play on the radio.
Joyce trying to talk to Will through the lights.
Joyce trying to show Jonathan that Will is talking through the lights.
"It's not the electricity."
Joyce not being believed by Jonathan.
Joyce reminded that the police is still looking for Will.
Joyce sitting alone after being told to get some rest.
Later, Joyce opens up a box full of Christmas lights.
Joyce hammering a nail above a bookshelf.
Joyce hammering nails on the walls of her house.
Joyce standing on the sofa as she goes to hammer more nails into walls.
Joyce starting to put up Christmas lights.
Joyce guiding the strand of lights.
Joyce putting up Christmas lights around her house.
After finishing up hanging the lights, Joyce realizes she needs more lights to communicate with Will.
Joyce back at Melvald's General Store.
Joyce buying more Christmas lights and another phone.
"Just ring me up, Donald."
After returning home, Joyce looks at the Christmas lights she hung up.
Joyce examining the lights.
Joyce hearing a knock on the front door.
Joyce answering the door.
Joyce meeting with her friend, Karen Wheeler.
Joyce sitting in the kitchen with Karen and her three-year old daughter, Holly.
(Karen: "How's Jonathan doing?") "You know, he's good at taking care of himself."
(Karen: "Is something the matter?") "We're having electrical problems."
Joyce being assured by Karen and her husband will help if she ever needs it.
Joyce and Karen noticing Holly is gone.
Upon finding Holly in Will's room, Joyce gives her to Karen.
Joyce thanking Karen for her hospitality before advising her she should get going after realizing Holly had seen something in Will's room.
Joyce smoking when her dog barks.
Joyce noticing the Christmas lights flickering on and off.
Seeing the lights blinking, Joyce gets an idea.
Joyce sitting in a secret cabinet, holding a ball of Christmas lights.
Joyce satisfied to see Will is able to talk to her through the lights.
Joyce communicates to Will through the Christmas lights.
Joyce painting the alphabet on a wall.
Joyce having created a makeshift Ouija board to better communicate with Will.
After being told by Will he's "right here", Joyce is then told by Will to run.
Joyce horrified to see a monstrous creature bursting through her wall.
Joyce running down the road to get away from the creature.
Joyce being stopped by Jonathan's car.
A fearful Joyce embracing Jonathan.
Later, when the police arrive at her house, Joyce is told by Hopper that Will was found dead in the quarry.
Joyce refusing to believe Will is dead due to having spoken with him.
Joyce trying to explain how she spoke with Will through the lights.
Joyce being met with disbelief looks from Hopper and Jonathan.
Joyce trying to explain the creature she saw after talking to Will.
"But it didn't have a face."
Joyce listening to Hopper trying to console her as he thinks she's acting out of grief.
Joyce begging Hopper to believe her.
Joyce alone after Hopper advises her to get some rest.
Joyce checking the walls.
Joyce sitting in the dark living room, armed with an axe.
Joyce having fallen asleep.
Joyce hearing a voice before a manifestation of Will appears before her.
Joyce startled before she snaps back to reality.
Joyce being woken up by Jonathan the next morning.
Joyce asking what time is it, which Jonathan answers they have to go to the coroner.
Joyce and Jonathan at the morgue.
"He has a birthmark on his right arm. Can you show that to me, please?"
Later, Joyce argues with the coroner, refusing to sign a death certificate.
"Look, I don't know what you think that thing is, but that is not my son."
(Hopper: "Joyce, wait-") "No!"
Joyce leaving the morgue.
Joyce walking through the town.
Joyce crossing a crosswalk as Jonathan catches up to her.
"Just go home, Jonathan."
Joyce getting into an argument with Jonathan who accuses her of going crazy and insisting Will is still alive.
"For that thing back there?"
Despite assuring she finds Will talking through the lights crazy, Joyce insists she heard him and that he's still alive.
Joyce walking away as Jonathan continues to accuse her of losing her sanity.
Upon returning home, Joyce starts playing the song "Should I Stay or Should I Go" on a radio.
Joyce waiting for Will to respond.
Joyce wanting Will talk to her in some way.
Joyce checking a light, only to see it not blinking like it was the last time Will spoke to her.
Joyce on the verge of giving up of believing Will's survival.
Joyce hearing someone knock on the wall.
Joyce hearing Will's voice within the wall.
Having ran outside, Joyce is confused to see Will is not on the other side of the wall.
After coming back inside, Joyce begins searching for Will in the wall.
Joyce ripping the wallpaper where she finds Will through a small, enclosed portal.
An overjoyed Joyce sobbing as she's happy to see Will is still alive.
Joyce talking to Will, promising him that she will find and save him.
After the portal disappears, Joyce begins destroying the wall with a sledgehammer.
Joyce having destroyed the wall.
Joyce distressed to see Will and the portal are gone.
Later, Joyce hears a car pulling up.
Joyce embracing her ex-husband when he arrives at her house.
Joyce sitting with her ex-husband, Lonnie.
"God, it's like I can't feel him anymore."
Joyce telling Lonnie not to look at her like she's crazy like everyone else has been doing.
Joyce hearing Lonnie bring up her aunt who had anxiety problems.
Joyce unsure what to say when Lonnie tells her to consider that all these encounters with Will are just fantasies.
Joyce and Lonnie drinking alcohol together.
Joyce and Lonnie sitting together as they see Jonathan return home.
Joyce explaining to Jonathan that Lonnie will be staying with them for a while.
Joyce as Lonnie tells Jonathan not to worry about the hole in the wall.
Joyce and Lonnie staring at Jonathan when he asks if the monster came back.
Joyce quiet as Jonathan asks Lonnie if they can speak in private.
The next morning, a grief-stricken Joyce sits in Will's bedroom.
Joyce being helped up by Lonnie so they can leave to go to the funeral.
In a flashback, Joyce sees Will drawing his Dungeons & Dragons character, Will the Wise.
Joyce talking to Will about his D&D character.
"Well, I don't know who's been raising you, but I'm gonna find you a new box of crayons. Cuz it looks like he's shooting cabbages."
Back in the present, Joyce sits at a table during the funeral banquet.
After the funeral, Joyce sees Lonnie seal up the hole in the wall.
Joyce noticing her lights have been taken down by Lonnie.
Joyce putting her lights back up.
Joyce hearing Lonnie reveal he had gone to the Sattler Company to check for precautions such as warning signs or fences.
Joyce starting to grow suspicious of Lonnie.
Later, while Lonnie takes a shower, Joyce goes through his stuff.
Joyce finding and reading a document she found in Lonnie's bag.
Upon reading the document to be a lawsuit to the Sattler Company, Joyce realizes Lonnie only came to sue the company and get money.
An angry Joyce confronting Lonnie after discovering his intentions.
"I can't believe I fell for this!"
Joyce and Lonnie fighting over their parenting skills.
"Where does Jonathan want to go to college?"
"NYU! He's wanted to go to NYU since he was six years old!"
Joyce telling Lonnie to get out of her house after having enough his greed and carelessness.
(Lonnie: "You need me here.") "At least I was here!"-Joyce standing up to Lonnie.
"Maybe I am a mess, maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm out of my mind!"
"But, God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die, if I think there's a chance that
Will's still out there!"
Joyce strongly believing that Will is still "out there", despite everything in the past few days.
"Get out of my house!"-Joyce losing her temper as she kicks Lonnie out of her house, officially cutting ties with him.
"Go away Lonnie!"-Joyce upon hearing a knock on her door.
Joyce furiously walking towards the front door when the knocking doesn't stop.
Joyce surprised to see Hopper outside on her front porch, holding a note saying "Don't Say Anything".
Joyce confused with Hopper telling her to be quiet.
Joyce seeing Hopper get paranoid upon noticing her Christmas lights.
Joyce watching Hopper unscrew all of the light bulbs on her Christmas lights.
Joyce watching Hopper unscrew and check the last light bulb.
After Hopper finishes unscrewing the light bulbs, Joyce asks him what is going on.
Joyce surprised and confused when Hopper explains he is being spied on by government agents.
"You gotta explain this to me because I have no idea-"
Joyce hearing Hopper reveal he broke into the morgue last night.
A stunned Joyce kneeling down when Hopper reveals he discovered Will's body to truly be a fake.
Joyce overjoyed to hear she had been right about Will still being alive.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Joyce listens to Hopper explain he investigated Hawkins National Laboratory, discovering a child's bedroom in the lab.
"How do you know it was a kid's room?"
Joyce listening to Hopper describe the child's room which contained a small bed, a stuffed animal, and a drawing.
When Hopper describes the drawing, Joyce shows him one of Will's drawings, revealing the drawing he saw in the lab wasn't drawn by Will.
Joyce listening to Hopper reveal that he questioned a man named Earl who said he spotted a kid with a shaved head with a restaurant owner named Benny Hammond before he died.
"But maybe it wasn't Will?"
Joyce listening to Hopper explain of a woman named Terry Ives claiming that her daughter, Jane was abducted, making Hopper believe he instead found traces of Terry's daughter at the lab.
The next day, Joyce accompanies Hopper to find Terry Ives.
Joyce and Hopper about to drive to Terry Ives's house after Hopper gets her address.
Joyce and Hopper arriving at Terry Ives's house.
Joyce and Hopper meeting Becky Ives.
Joyce as Hopper shows Becky his police badge.
Joyce and Hopper learning Becky is Terry's sister.
Joyce and Hopper meeting Terry Ives.
Joyce and Hopper finding Terry in a catatonic state.
Joyce and Hopper talking to Becky.
Joyce and Hopper listening to Becky describe what tests her sister did as an MKUltra test subject.
Joyce learning that MKUltra wished to expand the boundaries of the human mind.
When asking to see photographs of Terry's daughter, Joyce and Hopper are surprised when Becky says that Terry miscarried when she left MKUltra.
Joyce in a nursery that Terry had built and kept up for her daughter.
Joyce hearing Becky remark that Terry believed her daughter was born with abilities.
Joyce hearing Becky explain Terry believed her daughter was born with psychic powers and that was why her child was abducted so she could be groomed into a weapon.
Joyce looking at Terry after finishing her talk with Becky.
Joyce feeling pity for Terry, especially her tragedy and condition.
(Hopper: "Hey. We're gonna find him.") "Like how Terry found her daughter?"
Joyce listening to Hopper reassure her that they got a chance in finding Will and Terry's daughter.
Joyce surprised when Hopper gets a transmission from one of his officers, reporting Jonathan has been taken to the station.
Joyce arriving at the police station after returning to Hawkins.
"Why is he in handcuffs?"-Joyce asking why her son is in handcuffs.
Joyce demanding her son to be released from police custody.
Joyce and Hopper demanding Jonathan's release, not caring why he was arrested.
Joyce looking through a box full of dangerous equipment which Hopper said was in Jonathan's car.
Joyce and Hopper learning about a monstrous alien creature Nancy and Jonathan had encountered which is the same one Joyce had encountered as well.
Outside Hopper's office, Joyce and Jonathan speak to each other in the hallway.
Joyce reprimanding her son for putting his and Nancy's lives at risk.
(Jonathan: "I thought I could save Will. I still do.") "This is not yours to fix alone!"
"You act like you're all alone out there in the world, but you're not! You're not alone."
Joyce tearfully embracing Jonathan.
Joyce reconciling with Jonathan.
Joyce and Jonathan hearing an angry woman talking to some police officers.
Joyce and Jonathan watching Hopper going to see what's going with his officers.
Later, Joyce, Nancy, and Hopper see government agents surround the Wheeler home.
Needing to find and save Nancy's brother
Mike from the agents, Joyce and Hopper ask Nancy where Mike could be before they hear Jonathan reveal there is a way to contact Mike.
Upon returning home, Joyce finds Will's walkie so she and the others can contact Mike.
Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy listening to the kids explain Will is trapped in an alternate dimension called the Upside Down.
Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy confused on how the kids found a gate to the Upside Down until they explain the portal's electromagnetic field affecting their compasses.
"Is there any way that you can reach Will? That you can talk to him in this-"
(Eleven/El: "The Upside Down.") "Down. Yeah."
Joyce & Jonathan seeing El's willing to help find Will.
Everyone watching El using her powers to try and find Will and Barbara Holland.
Everyone having noticed the light flicker as El uses her powers.
(El: "I'm sorry.") "Wha-What's wrong? What happened?"
Everyone sad & disappointed when El is unable to find Will or Barbara.
Joyce and Mike watching El getting ready to get into the pool.
Joyce guiding El into the pool.
Joyce and Hopper having helped El get into the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Joyce and everyone else watching El float in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan, and Mike watching the school gym's light going out.
Joyce and Hopper going to break into the lab.
Joyce watching Hopper use bolt cutters to cut a hole in the lab's fence.
Joyce and Hopper walking through the lab's grounds to the building's entrance.
Joyce and Hopper startled by a bright light.
Joyce and Hopper getting caught by the lab's guards.
Joyce and Hopper with their hands up.
Joyce and Hopper getting captured.
Joyce restrained in a interrogation room after getting captured.
Joyce hearing someone enter the room.
Joyce seeing a man hide in the shadows of the room.
Joyce being questioned by the man.
Joyce hearing the man ask his questions over and over again.
Joyce being asked by the man how she managed to contact Will.
Joyce confused when the man says six.
Joyce seeing the man reveals himself as Dr. Brenner.
Joyce listening to Brenner describe the Demogorgon's behavior.
Joyce not buying Brenner's claims that he wants to help save Will.
"Stop! I know who you are. I know what you did."
Joyce admonishing Brenner for causing the Demogorgon to get loose, leaving Will to die in the Upside Down, and faking her son's death.
Joyce disgusted with Brenner trying to manipulate her after everything he's done.
Joyce angry at Brenner for his heinous deeds.
Joyce looking at the window of her cell after Brenner leaves.
Joyce relieved to see Hopper when he enters her cell.
Joyce and Hopper escorted by guards.
Joyce hearing Hopper tell her of an agreement he made with Brenner.
Joyce hearing Hopper explain the terms of his agreement with Brenner.
Joyce and Hopper walking through the lab.
Joyce and Hopper given hazmat suits as the Upside Down's atmosphere is toxic.
Joyce and Hopper wearing hazmat suits.
Joyce and Hopper in the contaminated lab's basement.
Joyce and Hopper going to enter through the gate to the Upside Down.
Joyce and Hopper walking in the Upside Down.
Joyce being told by Hopper to remain calm.
Joyce and Hopper having exited the Upside Down's version of the lab.
Joyce and Hopper going to venture further into the Upside Down to find and rescue Will.
Joyce and Hopper searching for Will in the Upside Down's forest.
Joyce walking through the forest to search for Will.
Joyce finding a pile of sticks in the forest.
Joyce walking over to the pile of sticks, recognizing them as the structure of Castle Byers.
Joyce searching for Will, seeing he's nowhere near the wreckage of his fort.
Joyce and Hopper hearing a noise.
Joyce and Hopper finding and walking towards an alternate version of the Byers house in the Upside Down.
Joyce and Hopper about to walk towards the front door after they walk through the house.
Joyce walking towards the front door.
Joyce hearing Jonathan's voice.
Joyce confused on she's able to hear Jonathan despite not seeing him anywhere in the Upside Down.
Joyce going to follow Hopper in order to continue searching for Will.
Sometime later, Joyce and Jonathan sit at the hospital where they see Will waking up.
Joyce and Jonathan happy to see Will awake as they sit next to his bedside.
Joyce smiling as she gently brushes Will's hair.
Joyce watching Jonathan give Will some stuff and a new mixtape to listen to as he recovers in the hospital.
A month later, Joyce sets up the table to celebrate Christmas with her sons.
Joyce assured by Jonathan that they'll still have a good Christmas.
Joyce and her family sitting at the dinner table.
Joyce listening to Will theorize one of his Christmas presents being an Atari.
Joyce and Jonathan amused as Will excuses himself to go wash his hands.
Joyce and Jonathan at the table as Will returns from the bathroom.
"Are you okay?"-Joyce noticing Will looking nervous.
Joyce smiling at Will when he says he's okay.
Joyce and her sons eating dinner and celebrating Christmas together.
On October 29, 1984, Joyce drops Will off at the Palace Arcade.
Joyce reminding Will to stay at the arcade and not go anywhere else until she picks him up.
Joyce watching Will leave to have fun with his friends at the arcade.
The next day, Joyce works at her job at Melvald's General Store.
Joyce sewing Will's Ghostbuster costume.
Joyce and Bob making out.
Joyce and Bob kissing and making out in the back room of Melvald's.
"Bob, I have to get back to work."
(Bob: "I feel like a teenager.") "Me too."
"Go sell your electronic thingamajigs."
Joyce and Bob bidding each other goodbye after promising to have a movie night tonight.
Joyce smiling as she watches Bob leave.
Joyce looking at Will as they drive to Hawkins Lab.
"We've talked about this. You've got to stop with the sorries."
Joyce assuring Will everything's going to be okay.
Joyce and Will meeting with Hopper at the lab's parking lot.
Joyce, Will, and Hopper walking to enter the lab.
Joyce and Hopper watching Will talk with Dr. Owens.
Joyce watching Will beginning his session with Dr. Owens.
Joyce listening to Will describe an episode he had last night.
After Will's session, Joyce and Hopper meet with Dr. Owens in his office.
Joyce as Hopper asks Owens a question.
Joyce questioning Owens on whether Will's mental state will get better or worse.
When Owens reassures he's on her side, Joyce is unsure whether to trust him or not.
Joyce and Hopper discussing whether to trust Owens as they leave the lab.
Joyce being asked by Hopper about Bob, which she answers they're doing fine.
Joyce promising Hopper to give him a call if anything gets worse.
The next morning, Joyce heads to Will's room to tell to get ready for school.
When she enters Will's room, Joyce sees he's not there.
Frantic, Joyce asks Jonathan where Will is.
Joyce finding Will in the bathroom.
Later, Joyce helps Will put on his Ghostbuster costume.
Looking for tape to fix Will's costume, Joyce a peculiar drawing of a large black, shadowy creature.
Joyce asking Will about the drawing which he claims to be a sketch for a story he's working on.
Later, Joyce watches Will getting his pictures taken by Jonathan as he wears his Halloween costume.
Joyce showing Hopper Will's drawing.
In the kitchen, Joyce talks to Hopper.
Joyce talking to Hopper about Will's episodes.
When Joyce suggests taking Will to see other doctors, Hopper objects, telling her she'll just have financial problems.
Joyce listening to Hopper describe the effects trauma has on people.
When Hopper shares his cigarette with her, Joyce reacts in disgust after smoking into it.
Joyce and Hopper reminiscing their own trauma together.
Joyce and Bob sharing a waltz.
Joyce confiding in Bob how worried she gets when Will is out of her sight.
Joyce surprised when Bob reveals he wants to move out of Hawkins.
Joyce listening to Bob's plan to move to Maine with her and her sons.
Joyce hearing Bob chuckle at his idea.
After assuring Bob, Joyce tries to explain to him that her family is not normal.
Joyce reassured by Bob her they can find a way to be normal.
Joyce and Bob's waltz interrupted when they hear the doorbell ring.
Joyce watching Bob going to greet some trick-or-treaters.
The next day, Joyce looks for her car keys under some pillows.
Joyce thanking Bob when he finds her car keys.
Joyce asking Jonathan to take Will to school today as she doesn't want to be late for work.
Joyce and her sons hearing Bob offer to take Will to school, which they accept.
Joyce giving change to a customer.
Joyce smiling warmly when she sees Bob.
Joyce and Bob sharing a kiss.
Later, Joyce checks out Will's camera.
Joyce having trouble figuring out how to watch the film from the camera.
Joyce calling Bob, asking for help on how to watch the film.
"This one just goes into the camera itself?"
After getting help from Bob, Joyce watches the tape that was filmed by Will on Halloween night.
Joyce uncomfortable to watch some bullies picking on Will.
When pausing the tape, Joyce notices some strange interference in the footage.
After getting a crayon and some paper, Joyce traces the strange silhouette on the TV screen.
Once Joyce finishes tracing the image, she is shocked to see what she's drawn.
Joyce compares her drawing to Will's, realizing the giant spider-like creature is real.
Joyce trying to call Hawkins Middle School to no avail.
Joyce driving her car to the school.
Joyce arriving at Hawkins Middle School.
Joyce checking a room, seeing no one is around.
Joyce running into Dustin.
Joyce, Dustin, and
Max Mayfield seeing Lucas rush in, saying Will is in trouble.
Joyce, Max, and Dustin finding Will and Mike out on the P.E. field.
Joyce seeing Will is in a trance.
"Sweetie, wake up. It's Mom."
Joyce gently shaking Will in an attempt to wake him up.
Joyce getting worried before Will suddenly snaps back to reality on his own.
After Will wakes up, Joyce leaves the school with her son.
After returning home, Joyce listens to Will explain his recent episode.
Showing the sketch of the shadow creature she drew, Joyce tells Will she thinks his episodes are real.
Joyce listening to Will describe his encounter with the shadow creature.
Joyce hugging a tearful and scared Will.
Joyce promising Will that she'll never let anything happen to him and she'll help him no matter what.
Later that night, Joyce and Will sleep together.
The next day, Joyce calls the police station.
Joyce telling the station's secretary she only wants to see Hopper.
Joyce after hanging up the phone.
Joyce asking Will how he's feeling.
Joyce asking Will if he's sick.
Joyce checking Will's temperature, surprised to see it is really low.
Joyce sitting at the bathtub, getting a bath ready for Will.
Joyce trying to call Hopper again.
After hanging up the phone, Joyce hears Will complain that his bath water is too hot.
"I can cool it down a little bit, but we gotta get your body temperature back up."
Joyce shocked when Will deliberately refuses to have a hot and claims "he" likes it cold, seeing a change in her son's behavior.
Joyce alone in the bathroom after Will walks away.
Joyce seeing Hopper finally arrive at her house.
Joyce entering Will's room.
Joyce and Will telling Hopper about the shadow monster.
Joyce anxious as she listens to Will describe his connection to the shadow monster to Hopper.
Joyce listening to Hopper question Will.
When Will explains he is now experiencing new memories, Joyce asks if he can describe them.
Joyce hearing Will say "growing, spreading, and killing."
Joyce holding Will when he starts crying as he doesn't know how to describe his "now-memories."
"Hey, what if you didn't have to use words?"
Joyce and Hopper watching Will draw his now-memories.
Joyce and Hopper looking at the drawings of Will's now-memories.
Joyce noticing something in the drawings.
"They connect."-Joyce realizing the drawings' black lines connect to each other.
Joyce watching Hopper pushing a table back so they have enough room to connect the drawings.
Joyce and Hopper working together as they place the drawings on the floor.
Joyce connecting the drawings.
Joyce and Hopper connecting the drawings.
Joyce getting more drawings from Will's room.
Joyce and Hopper going to connect more drawings.
Joyce working to the match the black lines on each drawing.
Joyce and Hopper looking at the connected drawings after they finish putting them together.
"It's sort of forking and branching. Like lightning."
Joyce hearing Hopper guess the drawings could be the storm Will saw.
"No, the storm is completely different. He used red."
"And this is all blue and it has some weird dirt color."
"I mean, maybe it's roots. 'Cause remember, he was saying it was spreading and..."
Joyce having heard Hopper finish her sentence by saying "killing".
Joyce watching Hopper leave as he says Will has actually been drawing vines.
Later that night, Joyce tries to call Hopper, only to hear no response from him.
Joyce looking at a scribbled drawing.
Joyce going to find a place and match for the drawing.
Joyce searching for an empty spot as she had covered her entire house with drawings.
Joyce finding an empty spot on a wall to place the drawing.
Joyce sitting on the floor the next morning.
Joyce hearing Will's voice.
Joyce seeing Will is behind her.
Joyce approached by Will and Mike.
(Will: "I saw him.") "You saw who, baby?"
Joyce confused when Will says he just saw Hopper.
Joyce hearing from Will that Hopper is in grave danger.
Joyce watching Will draw Hopper's location.
Joyce and Mike looking at Will's drawing of Hopper's location.
Joyce and Mike going to look over the drawings to see which one matches the one Will just drew.
Joyce and Mike searching in the hallway.
Joyce looking for a match to Will's drawing in the dining room.
Joyce and Mike having found an identical spot to Will's drawing.
Joyce and Mike hearing a car park outside where they see Bob has arrived.
Seeing Bob has brought some games for Will to play with, Joyce lies to her boyfriend, saying now is not a good time to see Will.
Joyce sending Bob away, promising to call him later.
Joyce having second thoughts as she remembers how good Bob is at solving puzzles.
Joyce asking Bob for his help.
Joyce, Will, and Mike showing Bob the drawings so he can help them find Hopper.
Joyce drawing a red X over Hopper's location so Bob can figure out where he is.
Joyce and Bob talking in private where she hears Bob express concern over her and Will's well-being.