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Jerry Citizen (aslo know as Judge J.O.R.T.S. which stands for Justice, Order, Righteousness, Tenacity and Shorts) is the titular deuteragonist of the episode "The Jarring Jerkiness of Judge J.O.R.T.S" in The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants.


Jerry has a much different personality than the typical teacher in Jerome Horwitz Elementary. Instead of being a child-hating, despicable person, he's a clumsy, awkward guy you just can't help but feel bad for.

One of his most noticeable traits include his enthusiastic though sometimes dramatic reactions, hence leading to a common phrase he shouts: "WHY??"

When something doesn't go as planned for him, he tends to put himself down in a dramatic way. George and Harold almost stopped feeling bad for him because of this, and straight up told him he wasn't cut out to be a superhero. However, they immediately felt bad for him again when he burst out in tears upon hearing that statement.


Jerry appears with a brown tie yellow shirt blue shorts and shoes.



  • He is the first character who only appear once and had never return in the future epsiode.


           Captain underpants logo Heroes

George Beard (Yesterday, Old) | Harold Hutchins (Yesterday, Old) | Melvin Sneedly (Mel-evator) | The M.I.S.F.A.R.T.S (George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang (Aternate Timeline, Adult), Dressy Killman, Bo Hweemuth, Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi, Stanley Peet, Jessica Gordon, Sophie One, Other Sophie)

Benjamin Krupp (Old, Alternate Timeline) | Kenny Brian Meaner | Toilette Ree | Jerry Citizen

Sulu | Crackers | Tony, Orlando and Dawn | Great-Granny Girdle and Boxer Boy | The Incredible Robo-Plunger | Cavemen | Gaylord Sneedly | Cindy Sneedly

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Diddlysaurus | The Society of Robes | Cash Networth | Bigfoot | Creeply Rattlechains | Viper Chai | Moxie Swaggerman | Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons | Cosmicops | Livmen | Santa Claus | The Tolietastics

Ook and Gluk
Ook Shadowski and Gluk Jones | Lily | Master Wong | Lan Wong | Mog-Mog

See Also
Dog Man Heroes
