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Penny, your shell is part of your heritage; it comes from your ancestors.
~ Judith in "The Transformation."

Judith Fitzgerald is a minor character in The Amazing World of Gumball. She is the matriarch of the Fitzgerald family, but unlike her husband, Judith approves of Gumball and Penny's relationship.

She is voiced by Maria Teresa Creasey.


Judith is a taller anthropomorphic peanut with smaller antlers than her daughter, Penny. She wears gray cowboy boots.


Judith seems to be extremely generous, as she is willing to give Gumball and Darwin a stack of money, her boots, her ring, and even her kidney. She also approves Gumball and Penny's relationship, meaning she is open-minded.

In "The Transformation," she has a sadistic side when she threatens Gumball to have Penny go back into her shell by making a cookie of Gumball getting torn in half.

According to Penny in "The Romantic," she is inept and dumb at technology, as she once took a broken mouse to the vet, or when her laptop wasn't working, she sprayed it with insecticide.


Oh, my gosh! [Runs off only to come back and take Hobo's hat] They might need this, as well. [Runs off again only to come back and take Hobo's wallet] And this. [Approaches Gumball and Darwin, who are no longer in a bad mood] Please take these. [Takes off boots] And these. [Takes off ring] And this. Oh! [Takes kidney out] [Wheezes] And this.

Gumball: I’m pretty sure you’re gonna need that kidney.
Maybe. [Falls down]

~ Judith in "The Gripes."
Let’s do a charity calendar!
~ Judith suggesting a charity calendar.
Oh, try not to worry too much. Just follow your heart and say what you want to say. I know you will make the right decision.
~ Judith to Gumball.
[Speaking in a sinister tone and a creepy face] Oh, just a little accident in the kitchen.

Gumball: [Takes a piece] O-kay. [Eats it nervously]
Good boy. Bye now. [Turns around slowly and walks away]

~ Judith threatening Gumball.
Maybe we just need to agree to disagree.
~ Judith's last words in the series.


  • She is the only member of the Fitzgerald family whose name doesn't start with the letter "P."
  • Her first appearance is ironically "The DVD" before her daughter, Penny.

External Links[]

Judith Fitzgerald on the The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki


           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Heroes

Watterson Family
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Richard Watterson | Joanna Watterson | Louie Watterson

Fitzgerald Family
Penny Fitzgerald | Polly Fitzgerald | Patrick Fitzgerald | Judith Fitzgerald

Robinson Family
Gaylord Robinson | Rocky Robinson

Banana Family
Banana Joe | Banana Barbara

Wilson Family
Tobias Wilson | Rachel Wilson

Yoshida Family
Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida

Jötunheim Family
Hector Jötunheim | Mrs. Jötunheim

Elmore Junior High Students and Staff Members
Carrie Krueger | Leslie | Sarah G. Lato | Bobert 6B | Teri | Molly Collins | Alan Keane | Carmen Verde | Idaho | Sussie | Juke | Anton | Clayton | Billy Parham | Clare Cooper | Nigel Brown | Steve Small | Joan Markham | Moonchild Corneille

Elmore Citizens
Larry Needlemeyer | Donut Cop | Gary Hedges | Marvin Finklehimer | Mike the Microphone Guy | Pest Controller

Santa Claus | Sluzzle Dude | Chimera | New Bobert | Cartax
