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Heroes Wiki

What the f**k is going on with this ship? Because, I gotta be honest, it feels like there's some, like... like, evil, like literal evil going on down there.
~ Julia.
It was insane. It was like traveling through time.
~ Julia.

Julia is one of the five main protagonists of the first installment of Supermassive Games' The Dark Pictures Anthology Series, Man of Medan. She is the younger sister of Conrad and the girlfriend/fiancé of Alex

Julia is voiced and motion-captured by Arielle Palik, who also portrays Renee Pacheco in Imposters.


Julia was born at the end of the 20th century, and along with her older brother Conrad, came from a rich family in the East Coast of the United States. She enrolled at Ivy League University, where she soon met and started dating a guy named Alex. They decided to spend the summer on a dive trip in the South Pacific Ocean as they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and could also introduce each other to their brothers, Brad and Conrad.

On June 20, 2019, Julia, along with her brother Conrad, Julia's boyfriend Alex, and Alex's brother Brad went on a summer vacation to French Polynesia. With the help of Fliss, skipper of the Duke of Milan which they would stay in for the trip, Julia would have a trip of a lifetime with her soulmate. When the pirates kidnap her as well as the other protagonists, she is taken to the SS Ourang Medan and will have to rely on herself as well as her friends and brother in order to escape the ship and survive the pirates, particularly Olson.


Julia is excited and reckless.

Julia is a cheerful person. However, she is shown to be scared very easily while on the abandoned freighter.


  • Julia's death is guaranteed early in the game if she doesn't decompress while diving and drinking beer, causing her to get decompression sickness and the end and die from it.
  • Julia's hallucination is a sneering double Alex.