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Heroes Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the Justice Society from the Arrowverse. For the mainstream timeline, see Justice Society.

The Justice Society of America are supporting protagonists in Season 2 of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. They were an organization of heroes operating in 1942. According to Nate Heywood, they are the greatest secret force the United States has ever known. Throughout season 2 they were recruited by Rip Hunter into protecting pieces of the Spear of Destiny. One of its members, Amaya Jiwe joined the Legends to defeat the Legion of Doom and avenge Rex Tyler's death.


Meeting the Legends[]

The Justice Society of America approached the Legends[2] after the latter team impersonated OSS agents.[1]

When Nate Heywood attempted to clarify the situation, his grandfather Commander Steel, also known as Henry Heywood, rendered him unconscious. This sparked a conflict between the JSA and the Legends, resulting in the latter's defeat due to their inability to cooperate. The team then witnessed the captive Legends bickering among themselves. Vixen suggested disposing of them, while Rex proposed trying to gather information from them. Henry proceeded to interrogate the group, with Heywood volunteering to disclose everything. He unveiled to the JSA that they were time travelers, presenting proof such as his dog tags, passed down through generations, and intimate details from Steel's life that only he could be aware of.

The JSA released them and they explained that a future version of Rex himself told them that something bad was going to happen in 1942. Rex explained their mission to them which was stopping the plans of Baron Krieger. They then allowed the Legends to leave 1942. Later at a bar in Germany Vixen who had scouted ahead cover was blown when the Legends intervened. The rest of the JSA arrived and together the groups managed to fight off the Nazis. Claiming that they were there to rescue the JSA, on the Waiverider the group decided to work together to retrieve an artifact which Hitler desired called the Askaran Amulet: an item possessing great power that could possibly win him the war. Krieger was planning to attain the amulet during a exchange in the Faintebleau forest. The two groups then decided to attack the exchange and retrieve the amulet. During the battle however Krieger using a special serum given to him by Eobard Thawne which turns him into a hulking beast managed to defeat both the JSA and Legends and capture Ray and Vixen.

Onboard the Waverider The Legends argued with the JSA on what to do next to save their teammates. Sara and Rex in particular debated on how best to move forward: Rex wanted to go all in and strike to finish the mission, but Sara wanted to focus on saving Vixen and Ray properly. Stein ( who had appointed himself the leader of the Legends) concedes and agrees with Sara's plan. Passing the title of captain to her, allowing her to guide the teams.

The group launched an assault on the location where Vixen and Ray were being held, successfully rescuing them. In the meantime, Commander Steel and Nate were able to eliminate Krieger using an Allied artillery strike. Unfortunately, Nate sustained severe injuries during the attack due to his hemophilia, which prevented him from healing properly. Ray came to the rescue by administering a modified serum from Krieger, saving Nate's life. Afterward, they left the scene. Later on, Reverse Flash ambushed and fatally wounded Rex, stealing the Amulet. Vixen discovered Rex in his final moments, uttering the words "Time Traveler" before passing away. Devastated, Vixen channeled her grief into a desire for revenge and anger, leading her to join the Legends in pursuit of Rex's killer.

Protecting the Spear of Destiny[]

During the Cold War, President Eisenhower sent the JSA on a secret covert operation in Leipzig. The GSA was joined by Rip Hunter, the leader of the Legends the team that a decade prior. Breaking the Spear of Destiny into four parts, Rip gave them pieces of the spirit and scattered them throughout time. The JSA was disbanded after this, leaving Todd the only member who was operational by 1987.

Courtney was sent to Camelot, Dr. Midnight was sent to Chicago in 3000 and Commander Steel in Manhattan, 1965. Rex Tyler, Charles/Dr. Mid-Nite, and Henry Heywood were avenged when the Legends successfully defeated the Legion of Doom and returned 2014 Leonard Snart, Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn to their respective places.


Former Members[]

Known allies[]

Former allies[]

Known enemies[]

Former enemies[]

  • Legion of Doom
    • Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash
    • Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer
    • Damien Darhk
    • Rip Hunter (under mind alteration)
  • Nazi Germany
    • Krieger (deceased)



           Arrowverse logo Heroes

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow | John Diggle | Felicity Smoak | Thea Queen | Laurel Lance (Earth-1) | Quentin Lance | Sara Lance | Tommy Merlyn | Shado | Nyssa al Ghul | Lyla Michaels | Ray Palmer | Curtis Holt | Rene Ramirez | Rory Regan | Dinah Drake | Laurel Lance (Earth-2) | Roy Harper | Malcolm Merlyn | Slade Wilson | Helena Bertinelli | Tatsu Yamashiro | Anatoly Knyazev | Vigilante | Mari McCabe | Mia Queen | Connor Hawke | William Clayton | Zoe Ramirez | Monitor

The Flash (CW)
Barry Allen/The Flash | David Singh | Iris West-Allen | Cisco Ramon | Caitlin Snow | Joe West | Eddie Thawne | Ronnie Raymond | Martin Stein | Jefferson Jackson | Wally West | Jesse Chambers Wells | Harry Wells | Jay Garrick/The Flash | H.R Wells | Cecile Horton | Ralph Dibny | Nora West-Allen | Harrison Sherloque Wells | Leo Snart | Kamilla Hwang | Allegra Garcia | Chester P. Runk | Nash Wells | Bart Allen | Monitor | Meena Dhawan | King Shark | Harrison Wells

John Constantine | Zed Martin | Chas Chandler

Mari McCabe/Vixen

Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance/White Canary | Ray Palmer | Mick Rory | Leonard Snart | Jefferson Jackson | Martin Stein | Kendra Saunders | Carter Hall | Rip Hunter | Amaya Jiwe | Nate Heywood | Zari Tomaz | Wally West | Leo Snart | John Constantine | Ava Sharpe | Gary Green | Zari Tarazi | Behrad Tarazi | Damien Darhk | Nora Darhk | Charlie | Monitor | Esperanza Cruz

Kara Danvers/Supergirl | Alex Danvers | James Olsen | Winn Schott | Cat Grant | J'onn J'onzz | Superman | Lena Luthor | Maggie Sawyer | Mon-El | M'gann M'orzz | Imra Ardeen | Querl Dox | Nia Nal | Kelly Olsen | Lois Lane | M’yrnn J’onzz | Andrea Rojas | Monitor

Freedom Fighters
Ray Terrill/The Ray

Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning | Jennifer Pierce | Anissa Pierce | Lynn Stewart | Peter Gambi | Bill Henderson | Khalil Payne | Grace Choi | Jeremiah Holt | Brandon Marshall | TC | Gardner Grayle | Erica Moran | Hassan Shakur

Kate Kane/Batwoman | Ryan Wilder/Batwoman | Luke Fox | Mary Hamilton | Jacob Kane | Sophie Moore | Julia Pennyworth | Monitor

Superman & Lois
Clark Kent/Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons

The Flash (CBS)
The Flash | Julio Mendez (Earth-90) | Tina McGee (Earth-90)

Clark Kent (Earth-167) | Lois Lane (Earth-167) | Superman (Earth-96) | Barry Allen (unknown Earth) | Helena Kyle | Lucifer Morningstar | Ryan Choi | Stargirl | Wildcat | Hourman | Dr. Mid-Nite | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Jason Todd

A.R.G.U.S. | D.E.O. | Justice Society of America | Paragons | Team Supergirl | Team Arrow | Team Flash | Legends | Legion of Super-Heroes | Freedom Fighters
