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Kahhori is the main protagonist of "What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?" and the deuteragonist of “What If… Strange Supreme Intervened?”, the sixth and eighth episodes respectively of Season 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe animated anthology Disney+ series What If...?. She returns as a major character in the last two episodes of Season 3.

She is a young Mohawk woman who discovered the Tesseract transformed a lake in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy into a gateway to the stars, leading her on a quest to discover her true power.

She is voiced by Devery Jacobs.



Kahhori fell into the Tesseract-imbued waters of the Forbidden Lake and was transported to the Sky World, where she gained supernatural abilities. With the help of Atahraks and the Sky World inhabitants, Kahhori traveled back to her home and managed to save her people from the Spanish Empire and confronted Queen Isabella I herself.

Captured by Doctor Strange[]

Persuaded by Doctor Strange that one of the "universe killers" that he had captured managed to escape, Captain Carter arrived in a universe where HYDRA won World War II. She eventually found Kahhori and the two fought until Kahhori convinced Carter that Doctor Strange was lying to her. Realizing that Kahhori was found by Carter, Strange teleported both of them back to the Sanctum Infinitum.

Battle at the Sanctum Infinitum[]

Learning from Kahhori that Doctor Strange wanted to feed "universe killers" and heroes to the Forge in order to resurrect his universe and his lover Christine Palmer, Captain Carter freed Strange's poisoners and escaped with Kahhori in the chaos. While running through the Sanctum Infinitum, Kahhori and Carter encountered Wanda Maximoff who was commanding an army of zombies. Kahhori attacked Scarlet Witch and sent Scarlet Witch back to her universe before helping Carter fight the zombies. Hela then took control of the army of zombies and prepared to fight Kahhori and Carter before Surtur arrived. Kahhori and Carter escaped while Hela fought Surtur and were confronted by Thanos who tried to fight Carter before he was killed by Erik Killmonger who possessed the Infinity Stones. Carter told Kahhori that they needed Killmonger's Infinity Armor to stand a chance against Strange and Kahhori used her powers to remove Killmonger from his armor. They then realized that Strange had started the Forge and headed there to stop him. Kahhori fought Strange with her powers while Carter used the Infinity Armor. When he opened portals to sacrifice all of the surviving prisoners to the Forge, Kahhori attempted to use her powers to send them back to their universes. Strange broke her concentration by attacking her with one of his spells. In order to help Kahhori and Carter, Hela, Thor, Xu Wenwu, Hulk, and other prisoners gave Kahhori and Carter their weapons to use against Strange. Kahhori and Carter then broke free from Strange's attack and Kahhori sent the prisoners back to their universes. Kahhori and Carter managed to defeat Strange with the weapons from the prisoners and the Infinity Stones. Strange chose to stop himself once and for all and sacrificed himself to destroy the Forge. Carter was saved from the Sanctum Infinitum by The Watcher who told her that he also saved Kahhori and sent her back to her universe.


Kahhori is a sweet and dutiful young woman who wants to protect her people. However she can be quite a deadly force to be reckoned with, as she is more than willing to use lethal force on the Spanish even killing the Conquistador herself and burning down his fleet and even arrives in Spain to force Queen Isabella's compliance in her bid for peace. Kahhori inspired the denizens of Sky World to leave their arcadia, fought off an invading Spanish armada and then leads a team of envoys of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy to broker peace with the Spanish Empire. When Supreme Strange tries enacting his master plan, she is the one who tells Peggy of his true purpose and the two of them work together to thwart him, with her attempts of rescuing his prisoners inspiring them to give them their enchanted weaponry to better even the odds.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Cosmic Enhancement: After falling into the Forbidden Lake enhanced by the Tesseract, Kahhori gained cosmic powers after she was was exposed to the Space Stone's energy.
    • Enhanced Strength: To be added
    • Enhanced Durability: To be added
    • Enhanced Speed: To be added
    • Enhanced Agility: To be added
    • Enhanced Stamina: To be added
    • Enhanced Reflexes: To be added
    • Accelerated Healing Factor: To be added
    • Longevity: To be added
    • Cosmic Energy Manipulation: To be added
      • Energy Projection: To be added
      • Force-Field Generation: To be added
      • Telekinesis: To be added
      • Portal Creation: To be added
      • Elemental Manipulation: To be added


  • Unlike all Marvel Cinematic Universe characters who had comic book counterparts, Kahhori is a completely original character from the MCU with no comic book counterpart.
  • Kahhori can speak multiple languages, likely in part to the space stone giving her more "space" in her mind to process language.
  • She has fought zombies before Strange Supreme sent Captain Carter after her.

External Links[]


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Heroes

Stark Industries
Iron Man | Pepper Potts | Happy Hogan | J.A.R.V.I.S. | Edwin Jarvis | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | E.D.I.T.H. | Karen

United States Armed Forces
War Machine | Thunderbolt Ross | Captain America | Winter Soldier | Abraham Erskine | Falcon | Jack Thompson | Daniel Sousa | Roger Dooley | Everett Ross | U.S. Agent | Battlestar | Joaquín Torres | Isaiah Bradley

Nick Fury | Phil Coulson | Maria Hill | Sharon Carter | Hawkeye | Black Widow | Peggy Carter | Chester Phillips | Howard Stark | Captain America | Melinda May | Quake | Leo Fitz | Mockingbird | Jemma Simmons | Lance Hunter | Alphonso Mackenzie | Yo-Yo Rodriguez | Robert Gonzales | Deathlok | Lincoln Campbell | Joey Gutierrez | Lash | Jimmy Woo | Rick Mason | Deke Shaw | Antoine Triplett | Eric Koenig | Billy Koenig | Sam Koenig | L.T. Koenig | James Davis | Piper | Patriot | Phil Coulson (Chronicom LMD) | Daniel Sousa | Kora

Culver University
Hulk | Betty Ross | Roger Harrington | Jane Foster | Darcy Lewis | Erik Selvig

Thor Odinson | Odin Borson | Frigga | Bor Burison | Sif | Heimdall | Valkyrie | Skurge | Axl Heimdallson
Warriors Three: Volstagg | Fandral | Hogun

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson

Howling Commandos
Captain America | Winter Soldier | Dum Dum Dugan | Gabe Jones | James Montgomery Falsworth | Jim Morita | Jacques Dernier

The Avengers
Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Vision | War Machine | Falcon | Spider-Man | Captain Marvel | Nebula | Rocket Raccoon | Okoye | Ant-Man

Guardians of the Galaxy
Rocket Raccoon | Groot | Kraglin Obfonteri | Cosmo | Adam Warlock | Phyla | Blurp
Former Members: Star-Lord | Gamora | Drax the Destroyer | Mantis | Yondu Udonta | Nebula | Thor Odinson

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Stakar Ogord | Martinex T'Naga | Charlie-27 | Aleta Ogord | Mainframe | Krugarr
Alternate Timeline: Thanos | Korath the Pursuer | Taserface | Gamora

Nova Corps
Rhomann Dey | Irani Rael | Garthan Saal

The Defenders
Daredevil | Jessica Jones | Luke Cage | Iron Fist

PYM Tech/X-Con Security Consultants
Ant-Man | Wasp | Stature | Hank Pym | Janet Van Dyne | Luis | Dave | Ant-thony | Kurt Goreshter

The Golden Tribe: Bashenga | T'Chaka | Ramonda | T'Challa (Black Panther) | Shuri (Black Panther)
Dora Milaje: Okoye | Ayo | Aneka
Others: Nakia | M'Baku | Zuri

Midtown School of Science and Technology
Spider-Man | Michelle Jones | Ned Leeds | Roger Harrington

Masters of the Mystic Arts
Doctor Strange | Ancient One | Wong | Karl Mordo | Sara Wolfe | Rintrah | America Chavez

The Revengers/Sakaaran Rebellion
Thor Odinson | Loki Laufeyson | Hulk | Valkyrie | Korg | Miek

House of Agon
Black Bolt | Medusa | Triton | Karnak | Gorgon | Crystal | Lockjaw

Alex Wilder | Chase Stein | Molly Hernandez | Nico Minoru | Karolina Dean | Gert Yorkes | Old Lace

Talos | Soren | Norex | G'iah

Maria Rambeau | Monica Rambeau

Nick Fury | Monica Rambeau

Time Variance Authority
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Mobius M. Mobius | Hunter B-15 | Hunter C-20 | Casey | Ouroboros

Red Room
Black Widow | Yelena Belova | Red Guardian | Melina Vostokoff

Ta Lo Armed Forces
Shang-Chi | Katy Chen | Xialing | Ying Nan | Trevor Slattery | Guang Bo

The Eternals
Sersi | Ikaris | Kingo | Sprite | Phastos | Makkari | Druig | Gilgamesh | Ajak | Thena | Starfox

Moon Knight | Scarlet Scarab

Freedom Fighters
Jentorra | Veb | Quaz | Xolum | Broccoli Man

The Marvels
Captain Marvel | Ms. Marvel | Monica Rambeau

Guardians of the Multiverse
The Watcher | Captain Carter (Earth-82111) | Star-Lord (T'Challa) | Party Thor | Gamora (Daughter of Thanos) | Black Widow (Ultron's Timeline) | Strange Supreme

Christine Palmer | Professor X | Captain Carter | Black Bolt | Captain Marvel | Doctor Strange | Baron Mordo | Mr. Fantastic

Wolverine | Colossus | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Yukio

Deadpool | Wolverine | X-23 | Human Torch | Blade | Gambit | Elektra

Deadpool's variants
Dogpool | Nicepool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Classic Loki | Kid Loki | Alligator Loki

Spider-Man's variants
Spider-Man (Earth-96283) | Spider-Man (Earth-120703) | Spider-Man (Zombie Apocalypse)

Nebula's variants
Lady Nebula | Nebula (Nova Corps)

Scarlet Witch's variants
Scarlet Witch (Earth-838) | Scarlet Witch (1602)

Defender Strange | Leo Fitz | Chase Stein | Doctor Octopus | Eddie Brock/Venom | Peter W. | Vanessa Carysle | Dopinder | Blind Al | Shatterstar | HYDRA Stomper | Iron Man (Sakaar) | Victor Timely | Peter Quill | Hope Van Dyne | Hank Pym | Goliath | Freak (Happy Hogan) | Black Widow | Hela | Xu Wenwu | Rogers Hood | Tony Stark (1602) | Ant-Man (1602) | Winter Soldier (1602) | Hulk (1602) | Nick Fury (1602) | Binary

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Informant | Ho Yinsen | Leonard Samson
Phase 2
Harley Keener | Maya Hansen | Howard the Duck | Helen Cho | Jim Paxton |
Phase 3
May Parker | Christine Palmer | Eitri | Mar-Vell | Goose | Morgan Stark
Phase 4
Billy Maximoff | Tommy Maximoff | Global Repatriation Council | Throg | Jon Jon | Ying Li | Great Protector | Morris | Cagliostro | Black Knight | Pip the Troll | Blade | Kate Bishop | Lucky | Echo | Jack Duquesne | Khonshu | Taweret | Clea | Bruno Carrelli | Nakia Bahadir | Zoe Zimmer | Red Dagger | Waleed | Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder | Love | She-Hulk | Nikki Ramos | Emil Blonsky | Skaar | K.E.V.I.N. | Werewolf by Night | Elsa Bloodstone | Man-Thing | Ironheart | Kevin Bacon
Phase 5
M.O.D.O.K. | Lylla | Teefs | Floor | Sonya Falsworth | Prince Yan | Kahhori | Atahraks | Jiayi

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Glenn Talbot | Ghost Rider | Johnny Blaze | Melinda May (LMD) | Grant Ward (Framework) | Antoine Triplett (Framework) | Enoch | Flint | Jaco | Foggy Nelson | Karen Page | Paul Lantom | Brett Mahoney | Claire Temple | Ben Urich | Mitchell Ellison | Stick | Marci Stahl | Trish Walker | Will Simpson | The Punisher | Elektra | Misty Knight | Colleen Wing | Ward Meachum | Louise Fisher | Auran | Micro | Dinah Madani | Noah | Maggie Grace | Ray Nadeem | Xavin | Erik Gelden | Daimon Helstrom | Ana Helstrom | Cloak & Dagger | Brigid O'Reilly | Mayhem

           What If... Logo Transparent Heroes

TV Show
Season 1
Guardians of the Multiverse (Uatu the Watcher | Captain Carter | Star-Lord (T'Challa) | Party Thor | Gamora (Daughter of Thanos) | Black Widow (Ultron's Timeline) | Strange Supreme) | HYDRA Stomper | Iron Man (Sakaar) | Spider-Man (Zombie Apocalypse) | Lady Nebula | Ravager Thanos | Ravager Korath
Season 2
Nebula (Nova Corps) | Groot Korg Howard the Duck | Peter Quill | Hope Van Dyne | Avengers | Hank Pym | Goliath | Freak (Happy Hogan) | Black Widow | Kahhori | Atahraks | Hela | Xu Wenwu | Jiayi | Rogers Hood | Tony Stark (1602) | Ant-Man (1602) | Winter Soldier (1602) | Hulk (1602) | Nick Fury (1602) | Scarlet Witch (1602)
Season 3
Mega Hulk | Mech Avengers (Sam Wilson | Monica Rambeau) | Kingo | Goliath | Ranger Morales | Howard the Duck | Darcy the Duck | Alliance | Riri Williams | Shang Chi | Hawkeye | Kwai Jun-Fan | Byrdie the Duck | Storm | Ultron 2.0

See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Heroes | Spider-Man Heroes | Doctor Strange Heroes
