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The story of the Elemental Master and Ninja of Fire, Kai from the Ninjago franchise.

Early life[]

Kai Blacksmith

Kai as a Blacksmith

Kai was the first child of a blacksmith who owned the Four Weapons shop. He and his younger sister, Nya, were raised in their father's craft. Unknown to either of them, their parents were the Elemental Masters of Fire and Water. Kai inherited his father's element of Fire while Nya inherited their mother's ability of Water though they grew up completely unaware of this fact.

When his parents mysteriously disappeared and no one knew what happened to them, Kai took it upon himself to keep the family business going, vowing to surpass his father's black smith skills. Kai also took care of his sister while wondering all their life what became of their parents.

Becoming a Ninja[]

Way of the Ninja[]

One day while working, Kai explains to Nya how to properly make a sword, but becomes too impatient and thus produces a disfigured weapon. He is reminded by his sister to be more patient, but are interrupted when an old man enters the shop. The potential customer voices complaints concerning the lack of tools for Ninja, and Kai quickly shooed him away.

Shortly thereafter, Ignacia falls under attack by a sentient skeleton named Samukai and his Skeleton army. Kai attempts to defend them with samurai armor, though it proved to be slow and clunky. While he managed to defeat several skeleton foot soldiers, he was quickly subdued by Samukai. Pinned down by his armor, Kai would have fallen victim to the Skulkin General had the old man—Master Wu—not returned and saved him. However, while they were preoccupied, the skeletons kidnapped Nya and escaped to the Underworld. The young blacksmith intended to go after them, but was stopped by Wu. He explains to Kai the story of the First Spinjitzu Master and his two sons who fought over the four Golden Weapons which was used to create all of Ninjago, explaining that an honest man—Kai's father—had been entrusted with the map to their resting places. Kai is advised by Wu to become a Ninja in order to save his sister, and Kai reluctantly agrees.

Kai is taken to the Monastery of Spinjitzu in order to be trained as a Ninja and learn Spinjitzu. During his training, Kai had to learn patience and how to harness the "fire" inside of him. This training consisted of running a course before Master Wu finishes his tea. Kai accomplished this after several days and does so by knocking the teacup out of his Master's hands when he was about halfway through the course. He is then told by Wu that he had one final test the next day, and should get some sleep.

The Golden Weapon[]

Later that night, while Kai is pondering Master Wu's training while brushing his teeth, he is attacked by three black-suited Ninja. Their fight took them out to the courtyard where Kai activates the training course to even the odds. They were quickly stopped by Wu, who revealed that the three Ninja were his students as well. Wu then used Creation to give each of the Ninja a suit that matched their elemental properties, and pronounced Kai as the red Master of Fire. After Wu explained their purpose, he announced that they would now leave to claim the first Golden Weapon.

On the way there, Kai and the others explain where and how Master Wu found them. Kai reveals that he is journeying to the Underworld to save his sister, to which Jay replies "We're saving a girl? Is she hot?"

Once arriving at the Caves of Despair, Kai runs ahead of the other Ninja while Cole is still formulating a plan. The others catch up to him at Samukai's watch tower, and after Zane steals the map of Golden Weapons, Kai races ahead again. The other Ninja follow him into one of the caves and find him attempting to remove a large boulder from blocking a hidden room. They do so, and Cole reminded him that they were a team as they moved it together. Inside they find the Scythe of Quakes, and remove it from it's resting place. On their way out, Jay accidentally reveals their position to the skeleton army, and they were soon in a battle. After Jay discovered the key to unlocking his Spinjitzu, Kai and the others were quick to follow. They used it to drive off the skeleton army, after which they discovered that they had a bigger problem in the form of the weapon's guardian, the Earth Dragon. Kai happened to be holding the Scythe at the time, and decided that the only way out was to use it, contrary to Master Wu's instructions. After escaping, Kai was strictly reprimanded by Master Wu, and they went onward toward the next weapon, the Shurikens of Ice.

King of Shadows[]

While on their way to the Frozen Wasteland, the location of the Shurikens, Wu tells the Ninja about the most powerful technique in Spinjitzu, the Tornado of Creation. Kai began to attempt it, but was stopped by Master Wu, who explained that it could lead to disastrous consequences if done incorrectly.

After they succeeded in finding the Shurikens, the Ninja ascended to the Floating Ruins for the Nunchucks of Lightning. After retrieving it, they used Jay's gliders to descend into the Forest of Tranquility, where they made camp. Kai was later awoken in the middle of the night and lured to the Fire Temple by the Skulkin's master & Wu's evil older brother Garmadon, who was pretending to be his sister. Kai was forced to remove the Sword of Fire from its pedestal to cut a chain and save his sister from falling. He was then attacked and defeated by his own shadow under Garmadon's manipulation, but Master Wu arrived before the dark lord could claim the sword. Realizing it had just been a trap to lure them away from the other Ninja, the three attempted to escape but were stopped by the Fire Dragon. As a last resort, Wu sacrificed himself and ventured into the Underworld with the Sword of Fire. While his act kept the four Golden Weapons apart, Kai and Nya were still left in the hands of the Fire Dragon.

Weapons of Destiny[]

Luckily the Fire Dragon soon realized that they were simply trying to protect the weapons, and by the time the other Ninja arrived, Kai and Nya had befriended the Dragon. They assembled the other guardian dragons, and mounted them cross over into the Underworld.

Once there, the Ninja attempt to use the stalactites to sneak past the guards of the Skulkin fortress but accidentally grabbed onto the legs of a Spykor. Out of fear, Kai and the others fell to the ground outside the fortress where they were quickly surrounded by Skulkin and spykors alike. With their options limited Jay suggested they perform the Tornado of Creation and the Ninja successfully performed the technique, turning the fortress into a Ferris Wheel prison. The Ninja descended into the throne room where Master Wu was dueling Samukai for the Golden Weapons. Kai forbade the other Ninja to interfere as it was their master's fight. Wu was quickly defeated, but when Samukai took the Sword of Fire, a portal between dimensions was formed, and Samukai was destroyed. This allowed Garmadon to escape from the Underworld.

Knowing that he would one day return, Kai took the Sword of Fire and vowed to protect it, as did the others with their respective weapons.

Kai and the other Ninja returned to Four Weapons where they were reunited with Nya and assured the villagers they would be ready when Garmadon returned.

Ninjago at Peace[]

Flight of the Dragon Ninja[]

The Ninja are told to train by Master Wu, but instead opted to spend their time racing their dragons. Jay won the race, and began bragging about his skills. Kai and the others challenged him to another race over the forest and back, with the winner becoming "Dragon Master" for a month. Zane objected, feeling that the Ninja should be training, to which Kai replied that riding their dragons was a form of training.

The race begins, and Kai and Zane fly their dragons over the clouds, where they briefly dueled each other with their dragons' elemental breaths. On the home stretch, they were all neck-and-neck, but Cole won when he "activated the turbo"—a roasted chicken dangled in front of his dragon's nose. Once the others landed, Kai congratulated Cole on the win, but said that they would get him the next day. Cole reminds the others that the winner was supposed to be "Dragon Master" for a month, and Kai and the others deny ever agreeing to the bet.

The New Masters of Spinjitzu[]

One night, Nuckal and Kruncha infiltrate the Monastery of Spinjitzu to steal the Golden Weapons from the Ninja while they sleep. Although the theft went off without a hitch, Kai was awoken when the Skulkin Generals lost control of the weapons and accidentally activated the training course. Half-asleep, Kai went outside to shut the course off, irritably reminding Jay that he had to repair whatever flaw was causing it to turn itself on. With that, Kai went back to sleep, completely unaware of Kruncha and Nuckal's presence in the Monastery. They quickly return the Weapons to the Ninja with haste, and return to the Underworld.

Return to the Fire Temple[]

While taking a ride on the Fire Dragon, Kai and Nya are suddenly taken to the Fire Temple. After dismounting the Dragon, Flame led Kai to a passage connecting Ninjago to the Underworld. Kai starts planning what to do, when the ground falls out from beneath him. He finds that the Skulkin are assembling to reenter Ninjago, and get's caught in a fight. He fought back, but they picked him up, disarming him. Nya and Flame then shoot a blast of fire, whcih scares the Skulkin away and seals the passage to the Underworld.

Return of the Snakes[]

Sometime later, after spending a few days playing videogames, Kai and the others soon spring into action when they hear that Lord Garmadon was spotted in a nearby village, prompting them to fly there fast, but when they get there they simply find out it's just Garmadon's wannabe evil son Lloyd & quickly subdue him. But immediately after this, Kai had discovered that he accidentally took Wu's bag with them & find a scroll inside, and when Zane reads it, it tells of a prophecy about one Ninja among them will become someone called "the Green Ninja" that's destined to defeat "the Dark Lord", & completely convinced he's the Ninja of the prophecy, Kai & the others immediately begin training once again to see who will be the Green Ninja.

But it was during this time that Lloyd, now set on getting revenge on them, stumbles upon a tomb that imprisons the Hypnobrai, one of the 5 tribes of snake-people locked underground known as the Serpentine for trying to conquer Ninjago, & takes control of the tribe by taking over their leader's mind, forcing Kai & co. to step up their game of protecting Ninjago. Later on, Kai and his friends are lead by Zane to a secret fort Lloyd has the snakes built, & while they're successful tearing it down, one of the snakes Skales takes Lloyd hostage & he leads his tribe to destroy the monastery & fully taking command of the tribe, fortunately Kai & the gang are soon lead by Zane to a new place for them to live: a busted pirate ship abandoned in the desert known as Destiny's Bounty.

After making repairs to the Bounty to make it more livable, Kai and his team are soon forced to say goodbye to their dragons when they decide to leave to parts unknown to fully grow, soon after he soon encounters another Serpentine tribe Lloyd released known as the Fangpyres. During the fight, Kai learned to channel his sword into a vehicle for him to ride on but sees he still needs more time practicing how to control his thoughts.

After a while out at sea and still wondering who among him & his friends are gonna be the Green Ninja, Kai and his team are soon called into action when Lloyd, after being both betrayed by the Fangpyres when they team up with the Hypnobrai, frees an extremely giant snake known as Pythor, the last of the most dangerous of all the Serpentine tribes the Anacondrai, to be his newest minion. But eventually they see that Pythor is more dangerous than he appears & ditches Lloyd to do his own schemes & they capture Lloyd, where Wu opts to take Lloyd under his wing, which they proceed to do as well.

Sometime later, Kai & co. soon discover that Pythor has begun making his moves by setting his sight on opening up the last 2 Serpentine tombs, with Kai & Jay heading to the Venomari tribe to stop Pythor, but they soon find out that Pythor already beat them their along with the already freed Constrictai before escaping. With all the Serpentine tribes freed, Kai and the others soon race to Ninjago's biggest city to stop Pythor from rallying all the tribes together against the citizens of Ninjago, which they successfully do so.

Afterwards, Kai and the others soon accidentally lose Lloyd to Pythor & are soon pit in a race to stop Pythor from getting 4 unique daggers so he can use them to awaken a dangerous snake called the Great Devourer: a colossal snake that gets bigger the more it eats & whose very venom turned Garmadon evil. During which Master Wu leaves them to continue their journey without his aid and soon all of his teammates achieve their "true potential" which only fuels his drive to prove he's the Green Ninja even more, all the while Pythor is mostly successful in their race for the daggers.

Eventually Kai and the others soon reunite with Master Wu, but are shocked to discover that Garmadon (now with 4 arms & enough power to handle all 4 golden weapons) is with him, but although Kai is convinced he's playing them to get the weapons, he soon learns that he's willingly come to help save Lloyd from the Serpentine just as they head to the fire temple to retrieve the 3rd dagger. Deadset on on somehow getting the dagger in hopes of achieving his true potential & proving to destiny that he's the Green Ninja, Kai soon abandons it to save Lloyd from falling in lava, which allows him to finally achieve his true potential & get them out of the collapsing temple, & when asked how he did it, he revealed that he did it by realizing his (& his team in general) reason for training wasn't to become, but to protect the Green Ninja, making everyone realize that Lloyd is the Green Ninja, unfortunately the 3rd dagger is revealed to be still active & Pythor picks it up, now just with one dagger left to find.

After questioning a snake on where Pythor currently is, Kai and the others soon head to the mountain to try and stop Pythor from getting the last dagger with Nya and master Wu in-tow, but they are all captured as Pythor claims the final dagger but decides to stay for the night so he can let his army celebrate. Fortunately they are rescued when Garmadon (having decided to save stop the serpentine from conquering Ninjago... so he can do it) rallies up the skeletons for one last mission on his orders which allows Kai & co. to escape and take back all the daggers from the Serpentine's clutches.

With all the daggers now in their possession, Kai and his friends fly to the top of an active volcano to drop them in where they'll be destroyed, but they are ambushed by a stowaway Pythor who barely manage to escape from falling into the volcano and they soon chase Pythor across the desert as he has his men hijack a tour bus to he rides on as well as to keep him & his companions busy. However when they reach the carriage he's in, Wu releases it and he fights Pythor alone just as he arrives at the location where he'll summon the Great Devourer, but once he realizes that the snake can't be controlled, Kai & the others can only watch in horror as the Great Devourer is freed and swallows Pythor & Wu right in front of them.

After getting on the Bounty while trying to escape from it, the Devourer swallows up their ship & it nearly forces the others to call it quits, but still taking on Wu's teachings, Kai inspires them to continue fighting & together, he & his friends create a new vehicle for them to use against the snake, but it soon sets it's sights on Ninjago city but it allows Kai discover a weak spot found on the beast's forehead. Racing back to the city, Kai & his allies, along with a newly-fused version of their dragons, do what they can to stop the Devourer, but eventually he is forced to reluctantly give his fire sword, along with the other weapons, to Garmadon when he learns that only the power of all the weapons can destroy it & only he can handle all their power, on his orders, Kai & co. are able to make the Devourer stay in one place which allows Garmadon to strike it at it's weak spot & destroy it for good with Wu still alive, but it also allows Garmadon to escape with all the golden weapons in-tow.

Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Darkness Shall Rise[]

In the aftermath of the Great Devourer's defeat, Kai and his friends spent much time cleaning up the great serpent's venom from around the city.

As the Ninja adjust to their reduced powers (thanks to the loss of their Golden Weapons), their thoughts turned to finding a new home and training Lloyd for the inevitable battle with Lord Garmadon. They meet with a realtor, and she suggested they train Lloyd in the Ninja Suite, but Kai scoffed at the expense. Deciding that they needed to live in comfort before they could properly train Lloyd, the Ninja opted for the lavish suite and took up jobs around the city to pay for the rent, with Kai taking up a job as an entertainer at children's parties.

Being occupied by their new jobs, the Ninja had limited time to train Lloyd, due to being too tired once they got back from work. One day, the Serpentine suddenly rob a bank, and Kai, who was entertaining nearby, ran off the job to get there, resulting him getting fired. Kai and Zane meet Cole there, who is in the middle of being fired as a security guard, when they remember that they heard that the snakes were taking the subway.

They make their way down there, and hop onto an incoming train that is occupied by the snakes. They enter the train, and fight with the snakes as best they can without their powers. Eventually, they find that Jay is walking, albeit tied up, along the rails. They stop the train in time to save him, but allow the Serpentine to retreat.

The Ninja return to their home and find Lloyd missing. They realize that they should never have left Lloyd, and should never have taken those jobs. At that moment, Wu, Nya, and Lloyd arrive. Lloyd reveals that he wouldn't be okay if Sensei hadn't saved him. Dissatisfied with their jobs, they move into a smaller, dinkier apartment where they will be able to train Lloyd without any distractions.

Pirates Vs. Ninja[]

Kai and the other Ninja began to properly train Lloyd, though soon realized their apartment wasn't the most suitable place. Wu sent them out into the city to look for a better training ground and they soon found Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. There they asked the owner Dareth if they could share the space to which he agreed if one of them could best him in a fight. While Dareth was showing off all his animal styles, Kai used Spinjitzu to send him to the ground, thus winning the fight.

Following their first session training Lloyd in the dojo, the Ninja exited to find the city under attack by a resurrected Captain Soto & his crew of pirates. The Ninja quickly boarded a bus and raced towards the boat. After stopping by Wong's Costume to disguise themselves as pirates, Kai and the others boarded the ship and confronted Soto's crew. After a brief fight and with the help of the Ninja, the pirates were eventually subdued, but Garmadon (now armed with a fused verion of all the weapons) soon takes control of the ship & flies off.

Double Trouble[]

Jay assisted in helping Lloyd use his Green Ninja power to light a light bulb at Dareth's Mojo Dojo. Despite the Ninjas' encouragement, Lloyd fails to light a light bulb and became mad. Just then, Nya rushed into the room carrying a letter stating that Lloyd's old school, Darkley's School for Bad Boys, has changed to Darkley's School for Great Children, and that they wanted to Lloyd to receive an honorary award of excellence.

Kai and the others flew on the Ultra Dragon to the school where they are locked inside a room and discover that the students there had set it all up to get revenge on Lloyd. After very careful thinking, Kai and the Ninja escaped the 'prison' only to find that Garmadon had created evil duplicates of the Ninja, who had infiltrated the school and were attacking the students. The Ninja could not let the evil Ninja hurt anyone, so they attacked their evil counterparts. They would have been defeated if it weren't for the students coming to the rescue and confusing the evil Ninja, who let their guard down and were defeated.

Ninjaball Run[]

Kai, along with the other Ninja, compete in the Ninjaball Run to win the prize of $500 in order to save Dareth's Mojo Dojo. The Ninja race in the Ultra Sonic Raider. Lloyd flies on the Ultra Dragon so that they have a better chance of winning the race. They race through dangerous terrain, and eventually Lloyd and his dragon crash putting him out of the race.

Eventually the Ninja are soon faced with Garmadon (who also entered the race) as they race back to the finish line, but just as they manage to take the lead, Garmadon uses the Mega weapon to create a giant cliff that leaves the Ninja unable to cross it. But not wanting to finish last, Kai drives the raider directly towards the cliff right before he activates an upgrade added to it by Nya that allows it to fly, crossing the finish line just in time while Lloyd reclaims the Bounty, forcing Garmadon to flee with the serpentine.

Child's Play[]

As the Ninja are trying to train Lloyd, they find out that he was anticipating to get the new issue of the "Starfarer" comic. Nya then came in to tell them to stop Garmadon, who broke into the Museum. After stopping them from reviving a dead dinosaur that's the best at searching it's prey called the Grundle, they realized they were turned into kids. When noting the Serpentine is stealing a sarcophagus, they chased them, but noticed they're kids and that Garmadon's Mega Weapon did work. Eventually, the police came and accused them for stealing.

The Curator forgave them, asked what happened to the Grundle bones, which was missing. They explained it's been revived, but they didn't believe them, prompting them to escape by disguising themselves. They called Lloyd to meet them at Buddy's Pizza with their weapons. Lloyd then tells them he knows who can help them.

They went into a comic book store, where Lloyd introduces them to Rufus MacAllister. Rusus explained weapons are no use against the Grundle and that light, such as from an illumi sword, can defeat it. After hearing they must be won, the Ninja motivated Lloyd to enter.

Lloyd, however, lost just before the Grundle came. They tried to get the door opened, but it's jammed. They grabbed the illumiswords, but they easily broke. Wu gave them the Tomorrow's tea, but hesitated to turn Lloyd into a teen. Lloyd threw the tea for them, ultimately defeating the Grundle & making him grow older and stronger in the process.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time[]

Continuing to train a now-older Lloyd, Kai & the others soon confront Lord Garmadon when he is preparing an all-out assault, but when he escapes from their sights uses the Mega Weapon to go back in time to make sure Kai never becomes a Ninja and make it so that Lloyd would never become the green Ninja. The Ninja later find out about his plan and jump into the time-portal Garmadon created with his Mega Weapon to stop him from changing anything.

The Ninja go back in time as they fall through the portal where they find themselves in Ignacia, at the time Wu came to Kai's shop and even before Skulkins attacked the land. They catch old Wu and explained him about the situation. This time, Garmadon made sure the skeletons didn't kidnap Nya and Kai from the past had no will to become a Ninja, at present Kai's behest, Wu then leads him and Nya to the monastery. The Ninja decided to dress like skeletons and kidnap Nya so past Kai can get a reason to become the Ninja. They did that, and Garmadon took Nya to the Fire Temple. Present Kai reveals himself to his past self, and they work together to defeat Garmadon. They eventually succeed in fixing the timeline by destroying the Mega Weapon and Kai, along with other Ninja, comes back safely.

The Stone Army[]

After the Ninja reluctantly woke up for sunrise exercises, Wu told them they have to clean up the Ultra Dragon. They left Lloyd to do the job alone, but after he said it's not fair, they played a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp, with Lloyd losing. Before he started cleaning, he informed them that he lived at Darkley's School most of his life and that he doesn't remember his mother. Nya came along and told them the Museum needs their assistance.

The museum's curator showed them to the gift shop and said the Great Devourer's venom bought the Stone Warrior merchandise to life. The Ninja tried to keep it under control, but wrecked the place in the process. When the Ninja met up with Wu who was chasing after one warrior, he introduced them to Misako, Lloyd's mother. When Misako tries to explain to Lloyd why she abandoned him, the Ninja watched him as he walked away.

After finding Misako and Lloyd at a Bottomless Pit, Misako then explained to them about the full history of Ninjago's creation; after creating Ninjago, the First Spinjitzu master needed to ensure that there was balance between light & dark, but in doing so it gave birth to an extremely evil being that would be known as the Overlord, resulting in him & the first Spinjitzu Master being locked in a never-ending struggle due to both being complete equals, but when the Overlord created an army of indestructible knights to aid him in his fight, the struggling first spinjitzu master chose to split Ninjago in two with the Overlord & his army forever stuck on the opposing side, listening to story made Kai realize that the whole point of Lloyd fighting his father was to finally finish the battle left by the First Spinjitzu Master & the Overlord.

Unfortunately while they were listening to the story, some of the Devourer's venom spilled on the museum's newest Giant Stone Warrior statue which brings it to life just like the small ones & it bursts into the room they're in. Kai tries defeat it, but his katana broke and was thrown into a large vase, eventually forcing him & his allies to run from the Warrior all across the museum. Lloyd told them to distract him, to which Kai and the others agreed. They did just that, but have to run away after it broke free, & fortunately for them, Lloyd is able to defeat the stone warrior by sending it falling down the bottomless pit & Misako joins the group.

The Day Ninjago Stood Still[]

Kai helped train Lloyd to fight without using his eyes in Dareth's dojo, but they were soon interrupted by a series of earthquakes. They halted their training to tune into the news and learned that the aftershocks were getting worse. Kai immediately blamed Garmadon, though Misako pointed out that the Dark Lord would never do anything to harm his son.

The Ninja began to patrol the city for danger and even save a woman who was trapped by the collapsing street. The city soon falls under attack by more Stone warriors and Master Wu orders the Ninja to send everyone to the NGTV office tower where they can be evacuated by the Destiny's Bounty. The citizens all climb to the roof while the Ninja hold off the Stone Warriors using the Ultra Sonic Raider and the Ultra Dragon. Kai continues to help hold off the Stone Army.

The Last Voyage[]

After barely escaping the Stone Army, The Ninja sail to the Dark Island on the flightless Destiny's Bounty to a place called the "Temple of Light" where they hope to find their lost powers so they can stand a chance against the army. Along the way they run into a storm and the ship-eating Starteeth that create a colossal hole in the ship.

When the storm passes the ship, which now is missing a rudder and has a hole in the side, the ship runs ashore on an island with a prison tower & when they open it, they meet Zane's creator/father Dr. Julien. After Dr. Julien told them the Skulklin trapped him there, he agreed to help fix the Bounty. The Ninja and Dr. Julien left the prison and continued their journey to the Dark Island.

Island of Darkness[]

The Ninja finally arrive on the Island of Darkness, where the Stone Army is preparing for the final battle. The Ninja learn that the Temple of Light is where they can receive their elemental powers. In order to do this, the Ninja must use a medallion to find the temple. Later Jay was able to find the Temple of Light by aligning three lights with the holes in the medallion—the temple is at the top of the island's highest mountain.

With their new vehicles, the Ninja head for the Temple of Light, barely keeping ahead of the Stone Army. Inside the Temple, they find pictures on the walls depicting their journey from the past until the present. Further in is a great bell, hanging above a strange design on the floor bearing the Ninja's symbols. Realizing that it's the Instrument of Peace, Lloyd strikes it, causing a light to shine on him and beams of energy to reflect off crystals in the walls. Soon, the entire room is crisscrossed with beams, and one hits a pillar, making it glow brightly. At the foot of the pillar, Kai's armor transforms, and an Elemental Blade with the power of Fire appears in his hand as well as the other Ninja. As their swords manifest blades representing their respective elements, Lloyd rises into the air. The Ninja use their swords to send their elemental powers to Lloyd.

The Stone Army finally marches into the Temple, but the Ninja are more than ready for them—using their new elemental powers, they easily trounce the warriors. Kai beats up some soldiers within a ring of fire. Finally, Lloyd summons the power of the Golden Dragon, creating a brilliant light that frightens the remaining stone soldiers into retreat.

The Last Hope[]

At the beach, Dr. Julien repairs the Falcon, while the Ninja celebrate their restored powers by shooting down coconuts. The party is interrupted by Master Wu, who chastises the Ninja for their unseemly mirth; they may have the power to defeat the Stone Army, but the Celestial Clock is still counting down to the final battle between light and darkness. At that, Misako reveals a way to at least delay the battle: if the Helmet of Shadows is returned to its pedestal, the countdown might stop long enough for them to gain an advantage. Risking everything, the Ninja disguise themselves as Stone Warriors and escort Misako to Lord Garmadon's camp. As General Kozu takes Misako to his master's tent, the disguised Ninja are put to work carrying Dark Matter to the super-weapon. The weapon is surrounded by a wooden wall, but the Ninja notice one protruding detail—a very large cannon—and ponder what Garmadon plans to attack with it. Later the Ninja are, forcing them to fight their way back down to the entrance as Misako rejoins them.

The Ninja make their escape with Misako and Nya in the power drill, but the Stone Army pursues them until the Overlord reminds Lord Garmadon that the Ninja could turn the army against him if they don the Helmet. After a frantic chase that ends in the Power Drill being disabled momentarily, Garmadon goes for the kill, only for Lloyd to blast it with his powers. Lord Garmadon emerges from the wreckage, weakened and vulnerable; from the Power Drill, the Ninja encourage Lloyd to finish him off. Despite everything at stake, the Green Ninja is unable to strike the fatal blow, forcing him to jump aboard the Power Drill as the Ninja make their escape from the advancing Stone Army.

At the Celestial Clock, the Ninja meet with Master Wu and desperately look for the Helmet's pedestal with minutes to spare. As the Stone Army arrives, the Ninja find the pedestal and replace the Helmet, but it's one second too late; the countdown has ended and the final battle is upon them. As the clock fires a mighty energy flare inland, the Stone Army captures Nya and the Ninja are sent down into a crevasse. Surviving the fall, the Ninja head off to prepare for the final battle.

Return of the Overlord[]

Kai returned with the other Ninja to the beach where the Bounty was hidden and met up with Dr. Julien. As Wu and Misako attempted to raise Lloyd's spirits to face his father in the final battle, Kai pledged his fire to the Green Ninja and prepared for battle. The heroes set off to Garmadon's camp, intending to begin the final battle, but were surprised to find it deserted upon arrival. Misako quickly realized that the Stone Army intended to use the ultimate weapon on Ninjago to shift the balance and allow the Overlord to cross over, thus the Ninja followed the machine's tracks in the hopes of stopping it before it was fired.

As the Ninja ran, they recalled memories of their past adventures until they were ambushed by Nya, whom had been turned evil by Garmadon's Dark Matter. Kai urged Wu, Misako, and Lloyd to continue on ahead while he and the other Ninja fended Nya off. While at first having a hard time stopping for fear of injuring his sister, Kai quickly realized a way to trap Nya using their Elemental Powers, and before long they were on their way again.

The Ninja arrived at the beach in time to witness the Overlord take control of Garmadon's body, having fired enough Dark Matter into Ninjago to allow him to cross over. Reassuring Lloyd that they stood behind him, Kai and the other Ninja raced into battle to defeat the Stone Army. Kai used his Elemental Blade to cut one of the Stone Army's machines in half before commandeering one of Garmatron's cannons. As Lloyd faced the Overlord, Kai watched with the other Ninja as their comrade was defeated. The Overlord proceeded to open a portal to Ninjago, though it closed just as the Red Ninja attempted to pass through it.

Rise of the Spinjitzu Master[]

Just as they feel like giving up, Kai's will to continue fighting is restored when Lloyd encourages everyone else to continue on when he reminds them that they saved him from a dark path, which makes Kai determined to swim across the whole ocean to fight the Overlord before the falcon shows them something in the Temple of Light. Hitching a ride on Kai's Fire Robot, the Ninja returned to the Temple of Light, where they activated a hidden mechanism that revealed the Golden Mech. When Lloyd sat in the cockpit, his powers as the Chosen One restored the ancient machine to fighting form.

With the Ultra Dragon's arrival to the Island of Darkness, the group was able to return to Ninjago City, only to find it infected with Dark Matter and ruled by the Overlord, now restored to his monstrous true form. Despite their fighting prowess, the heroes were almost overwhelmed by the Stone Army, only to be saved when Dareth donned the Helmet of Shadows and took command of the ancient soldiers.

With the stone army out of the way, Kai and the other Ninja proceeded to help Lloyd ascend the tower but only to watch them fall victim to the Overlord's corruption. Later he distracts Nya and Lloyd was forced to limp up to the top of the tower alone, where the Overlord was waiting, & harnessing all the power he's got Lloyd ultimately succeeds in defeating the Overlord & purging all the darkness from Ninjago. In the aftermath of the Overlord's defeat, all of his creations and corruption vanished. Kai reunited with his allies in the crater left by the Garmatron's disappearance, and as a special surprise for everyone, they see that Garmadon is permanently purged from all the evil the Devourer infected him with & while he & the others let the Garmadon family have a private reunion, Kai says whatever new challenges coming in the future, he & his friends will be there to face it.


The Surge[]

Following the defeat of the Overlord, Ninjago entered an era of peace. But without an enemy to fight, the Ninja were no longer needed and thus began teaching at Master Wu's newly-built Academy. At one point, Kai was caught on video by Jay singing in the shower.

During break on a rather stressful day, Nya approached Kai and the other Ninja and informed them they had received clearance for a field trip to Borg Industries. This didn't interest the Red Ninja who believed people should be learning from the past instead of wasting time on new technology, though he boarded the bus anyway.

Upon arriving at Borg Tower, Kai became stuck between the automatic doors, freeing himself just in time to board the elevator with the other Ninja as the company's CEO Cyrus Borg had requested to see them personally. After being introduced to the inventor, Kai questioned why the tower had been built atop where the Overlord had been defeated. Borg then presented them with a statue of himself as a gift for the Ninja, but promptly pulled Kai aside and ordered the Red Ninja to protect "them" with his life.

As the Ninja left with the statue, they accidentally dropped it and discovered new gis and the Techno Blades inside. Suddenly a robotic security voice in the elevator says that they should drop the blades. The Ninja refuse, and the elevator drops toward the ground at high speed. The Ninja luckily escape into an elevator going up right next to it, and manage to get their new outfits on for battle in their escape from Borg Tower.

When they get down of the tower, Master Wu takes the Techno Blades and says that he wants Kai and Zane in the air. Kai jumps on Zane's copter and hacks an enemy airplane, making it the Kai Fighter and reaching the outer space. While he was flying, Cyrus Borg gives him a visual message saying that few weeks ago they discovered that new virus, Digital Overlord, in the industries' system. He also says that they have to bring the Techno Blades out of the city, because if he finds out that they have them, he will never let them leave. After that, Kai gets into the sky fight with virus controlled planes. In the moment they almost get destructed, Lloyd comes on the Golden Dragon, defeating the robots. As the Ninja get back into the vehicles and get on the road outside of the city, Overlord spots that Wu is getting away with the Techno Blades so he sends two copters which capture him on the building roof. However before that happened, Wu quickly dropped Techno Blades into Kai's Fighter so the Ninjas could safely get them out of the city, while Wu gets captured by Overlord's forces.

The Art of the Silent Fist[]

After escaping from New Ninjago City, the Ninja are hides their vehicles. Misako then greets them and shows them to the Monastery, but Zane offers stay behind with the Techno Blades, as Garmadon (whom is now "Master Garmadon,") forbids any weapons in his monastery. As night falls, Garmadon arrives and teaches the Ninja and his students about "the art of the silent fist." While everyone inside is practicing the technique, Zane catches P.I.X.A.L. and tie her up, then returns to the Monastery as the Ninja come out to see what is going on. Zane then uses his Techno Blade to hack P.I.X.A.L.'s systems, freeing her from the Overlord's control. Grateful to Zane for saving her, P.I.X.A.L. tells the Ninja of Master Wu.

Suddenly, P.I.X.A.L. realizes she did not come alone and Nindroids surround the place. The Ninja successfully defeat the Nindroids by trapping them into mill wheel which then roll out. However, General Cryptor destroys the Ninja's vehicles. After that, the Ninja decides to split. Jay, Zane, Cole, Kai, and Nya gets an idea to shut down the power in the city to stop virus controlling machines in the land. As night falls, they arrive to the station, but with high guard of Nindroids. They manage to get inside but can't find the way to break the power charge. When the leader of the Nindroid Cryptor sends Nindroids inside, Kai remembers Garmadon's lesson of fighting without fighting so they decide to lure Nindroids to destroy the charge which then explodes and all the power disappears, including P.I.X.A.L. who gets shut down.


The Ninja have gone to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk to look for parts that would enable Zane's hover-copter to run on solar power. While Ed, Jay, Cole, and Kai search through the junk piles, Nya transfers half of Zane's power source to P.I.X.A.L.. Unbeknownst to the Ninja, Techno Wu arrives via hover-copter and powers General Cryptor, along with a few Nindroid Warriors, using electrocobrai. After activating a few Nindroids, Min-Droid sneaks and gets access to Ed & Edna's crane. The tiny droid uses the crane and launches the truck at a garbage pile.

Kai realizes and quickly informs his friends; the Ninja perform Spinjitzu and get out of the fallen vehicle, while Ed and Edna escape using bubble jet-packs. Meanwhile Jay and Cole are captured, Kai battles Wu clanging their weapons against one another. Eventually Wu manages to fling Kai away. Nya frees Jay and Cole and they assists Kai. However, Wu traps the Ninja in a corner, but Zane and P.I.X.A.L. come with a magnified vehicle and pick up Wu since he is now part metal. The Ninja are excited, but quickly ends when the Stranger frees Wu and flies away with their via hover-copter. However, the Stranger leaves a scale behind. Nya decides to give Lloyd and Garmadon a message.

The Curse of the Golden Master[]

The Hover-copter was eventually converted to solar power, the Ninja returned to New Ninjago City with Nya and P.I.X.A.L. There, they reunited with Borg and explained their suspicions as to who stole the hard-drive containing the Overlord.

They eventually came across the Stone Army Tomb, only to find the seal had been opened. Upon confronting Skales, they learned that the Serpentine had reformed and the Snake King even had a son. The Ninja and Nya were lead to a campfire where Acidicus told them of the Curse of the Golden Master: A prophecy forseeing the rise of an evil being with powers equal to the First Spinjitzu Master & take over the world, and how they believed it was referring to Lloyd. While the Ninja discussed the curse, Nya expressed her confusion that if the Serpentine didn't take the hard-drive, who was the culprit.

Both questions had to be put on hold though, as Nindroids suddenly attacked the place, and Kai ordered the other Ninja and Nya to protect the Serpentine. The Ninja finds out that the Electrocobrai are their power source. Skales tells them at the Curse of the Golden Master is upon them, and says that they would not be able to assist the Ninja because they're choosing to stay out of the conflict. The Ninja then return to the surface.

Enter the Digiverse[]

In the top of the Borg Tower, Borg prepares the device that will lead the Ninja to the Digiverse, were the digital overlord was, a digital world where they will be able to gain access to the Tower's central computer and fight the Overlord directly. When Jay points out that the hard drive is still missing, Borg explains the device will "download" the Ninja themselves, along with the Techno Blades, into the computer where the Overlord dwells. He also explains that this is the only method to succeed, as it will be a matter of time before the Digital Overlord fully drains Lloyd's power.

Although apprehensive, the Ninja are "downloaded" successfully, and they wake up in the Digiverse. In no time, they begin mastering the advantages of the digital world, except for Kai. the Ninjas begin their trek down toward the Tower's central computer—ironically below the Tower, where the Overlord had been defeated years before. When the Overlord realizes they are close to him, he attempts to immobilize them, but fails due to P.I.X.A.L. electronically interfering from outside. He then turns the digitized New Ninjago City upside down, but the Ninja keep moving with their digitized vehicles. Kai almost died when he tries to jump off the digital Borg Tower because his vehicle disappeared, but gets rescued by Zane. Together they get to the top—that is, the bottom—of the tower and insert the Techno Blades only to find the Overlord severed the circuit to the motherboard.

The Ninja are severely beaten by the Overlord as he consumes more of Lloyd's golden power, proclaiming his becoming a true "golden master" of the real world and the digital world. Strengthened by Lloyd's proclamations that the Ninja always have each other's strengths to fight together, Ninjas fights off the Overlord's influence and turns gold and, using Lloyd's shared power, reroute the circuit to the motherboard and completely destroy the Overlord virus from the system, initiating a reboot.

Codename: Arcturus[]

At the Temple of Light, Lloyd gives up his Golden Power to restore the Ninjas' elemental powers. Meanwhile, at Borg Tower, Master Wu spots General Cryptor aboard a train heading for Ouroborus. going through a road near where Kai is.

Kai stands in a gas station flirting with a girl, when P.I.X.A.L. calls him and tells about the Nindroids approaching. He jumps into his Prototype X-1 machine car and heads to the highway. When he comes to the bridge, he accidentally fires rockets to the sky which got spotted by Pythor who was driving in a leading fuel truck with General Cryptor. He then launches Nindroid flyers to hunt him and destroy his car.

Kai successfully repels their attack, but Cryptor fires rockets at a hill above them and soon rocks that got separated from the hill fall down to his car. They block the road, but Kai and P.I.X.A.L. destroy them with rockets. To hunt down General Cryptor's truck, P.I.X.A.L. activates his interception bike which Kai is unable to control so he bumps into edge of the oil tank. He gets up to its roof and fights Nindroids, using his new fire power and Spinjitzu. This proves to be a mistake as he realizes that his fire power lit up the oil tank and that its going to explode. Soon they got to a tunnel, where the Min-Droid attacks him. The X-1 machine, remotely driven by P.I.X.A.L, accidentally scrapes an oil tank so gas starts leaking. It soon gets to flame from the sparks of p Min-Droid fighting Kai. When the fire comes to the leaking tank, the whole tank explodes but Kai jumps off to Pythor's truck and saves himself. He stays beneath his truck and hears Pythor talking to the Overlord by a radio. He tells people in Borg Industries that the Overlord is alive, but gets captured by Pythor who takes him to the lost city of Ouroboros.

By the time Zane, Cole, Jay, and Lloyd get to Ouroborus, they don't find anything new around until a huge door below them opens and they fall into an underground base where they find a huge rocket called "Arcturus." They realize that the rocket will lead Pythor and his Nindroid minions to space and reach the Golden Weapons from the star where the Mega Weapon was destroyed. Lloyd tries to stop him from lifting the rocket but Overborg stops him. With help from a freed Kai, the other Ninjas hold off the Nindroids with their new elemental powers. Pythor initiates the countdown for the rocket to launch into space, so Lloyd leads the Ninja into it just in time.

The Void[]

The Ninjas are in the Arcturus rocket as it flies through space. They make contact with Borg Tower and voice their concerns about their current predicament to Wu, Garmadon, Nya, and P.I.X.A.L.. The Ninja put the space suits just as the rocket disengages its unneeded engines. However when they climb up toward the door leading to the cockpit they are attacked by Nindroids, who fire on them with laser guns.

Following Jay's initiative of going commando and learning that their Spinjitzu does not work in zero-gravity, the others take the laser guns too so they successfully repel the attack. Soon the Arcturus enters an incoming comet's tail and is battered by massive ice meteorites.

The Arcturus rocket crashes on the comet's surface where the melted and fused forms of the Golden Weapons are located. The Nindroids and the hidden Ninja discover them as Jay excitedly finds an extraterrestrial beetle. Unfortunately, said bugs eat anything metal—a fact that reaches them from Nya too late. While the Nindroids get away with the golden mass aboard their ROV, the Ninja follow pursuit in their own while using the pursuing bugs against their robotic adversaries. The Ninja eventually succeed in taking Cryptor's ignition key to the rocket, so that they cannot leave the comet with the Golden Weapons and take them to the Overlord.

However, their victory is short-lived when they find another bug swarm among the rocket—chewed up in pieces. Seeing this as well, Cryptor and the other surviving Nindroids use their built-in boosters to fly off the comet with their golden prize. Stranded on the surface with the insects, the Ninja report to the others that they had failed and are not coming back home.

The Titanium Ninja[]

In space, the Ninja despair after repeated failed attempts to escape. However, Lloyd refuses to give up, suggesting that they use their elemental powers and everything around them to restart the ship. Heartened by Lloyd's words, the Ninja repair the ship and use Zane as a power source. Though Zane gets overheated by the strain, they manage to fly back to the Earth—to land safely, the Ninja uses a new technique: Elemental Shields.

P.I.X.A.L. uses a motorcycle to catch up with her friends, using her power to land them on their vehicles. As the Ninja reunite with their allies, Cyrus tells them that they should head for the Temple of Fortitude, a place where the Overlord and the First Spinjitzu Master battled long ago. He claims there's a shield at the place, so the Nindroids won't harm them, and there is something he wants to give them that may help them save the world.

The Ninja begin travelling to the temple, but pause when they see the Golden Master's path of destruction. Lloyd reminds his friends that the only way to save Ninjago is to reach the Temple of Fortitude, but the Overlord sees them and uses a massive Spinjitzu tornado against them. The Ninja swiftly run back, rendezvousing with Cyrus, Wu, and Garmadon. There Cyrus gives them the ultimate weapon—a pill. Borg then explains that it was no ordinary pill, it could make anyone shrink. Garmadon and Wu decides to would hit the pill straight into the Overlord's mouth. Borg gives the Ninja armor which protects them from some attacks from the Overlord.

The Ninja go into Ninjago City, when an item hurls at them but are protected since they have on the armor. Wu hits the pill, which heads straight to the Overlord's mouth, but Pythor sacrifices himself and swallows the pill instead. As a result, Pythor shrinks down to the size of a worm. The Golden Master is outraged that the Ninja try to shrink him. He obtains the Ninja with his Golden Power only to miss Zane. The Ninja of Ice tells his friends to support him one last time, and the Ninja bounce him. Although, during the process, he landed and touched the Golden Master's gold. He refused to let go, admitting the fact that Ninja never quit, which frees his friends. He remembers his past, and freezes the Overlord which also killed him and the Golden Master. The Ninja are disappointed that Zane has passed, and proceed to his funeral.

Borg makes a speech on how he thought technology was the best way to destroy problems, but instead cost more. He now names Zane the Titanium Ninja and passes the microphone to Kai. The Red Ninja claims no one knew what powered Zane, and he thought it was brotherhood, because that's how Zane powered him. Saying that Ninja never get forgotten, Kai says no matter where Zane is, he'll always be part of the team. When he finished his speech, snow began to appear.

The Tournament of Elements[]

The Invitation[]

After Zane's funeral, Kai and the others head their separate ways to deal with him now gone, his path eventually led to him becoming a wrestler, but at Lloyd's urging, he eventually decides to bounce back to being a Ninja & regroups with the others at Ninjago's number #1 noodle shop, during this they fight off a bunch of thugs but when they chase them at the back of the shop they find out they suddenly disappeared & find a note with Zane's picture on it and along with fortune cookies, read that Zane is alive, but they can only see him again unless they accept the invitation of a secret event hosted by the Noodle shop's owner Chen he calls the "Tournament of Elements" and despite their suspicions, Kai & the others decide to accept. Arriving at the docks at midnight, Kai & the others meet other fighters who have powers just like them before the ferry for them arrives where they are greeted by Chen's right-hand man Clouse, and to their surprise Garmadon decides to join them on their trip to look for Zane & to keep an eye on them, while traveling, Garmadon explains that every fighter here is an elemental master who control a specific type of element that's passed on to the next generation, while traveling, Kai falls in love for a girl named Skylor but gets into an instant rivalry with the tough elemental master of metal Karlof, whose fight with him is fortunately extinguished before it can get more intense.

Only one can remain[]

By daybreak, Kai & his friends finally arrive at their destination and they are all lead to Chen's palace, along the way Garmadon explains that the reason Chen lives here is because during the serpentine wars, he sided with the snakes in hopes to gain more power & is exiled here for the rest of his life, as well as revealing that Chen used to be his sensei while he was their age, upon being introduced to the host of the tournament & learning the rules, Kai & the other contestants are shown to their respective rooms while they stay, but almost immediately as they settle in Chen announces that the tournament begins now & Kai soon competes with the other contestants for jadeblades: tokens Chen says that'll keep them in the tournament, eventually culminating in a rematch with Karlof that he sneakily wins but sends Karlof down a trapdoor. Frightened by this, Kai & the others agree that they need to find Zane now before it could get worse, entering a hidden door in his room, Kai & his team travel around a dark corridor where they discover the hidden & real purpose of the tournament: for Chen to steal all their elemental powers for himself, after barely escaping capture from Chen's guards as well as "|the second biggest snake [Kai]'s ever seen", Kai as well as the others agree to play by Chen's rules for now until they can find Zane & stop him.


The following morning, Kai's match in the tournament officially begins as he is pitted against the elemental master of smoke Ash atop a flaming volcano, but despite his ninja & spinjitzu skills, he sees just how effective smoke is when Ash uses it to run circles around him, he is however uses it to his advantage & he successfully captures a jadeblade & move on, unfortunately Chen slowly figures out that he & his pals are onto him and changes the bracket that pits Jay & Cole against each other, which only fuels their distrust each other even more as both of them still haven't gotten over the incident with Nya. Determined to stop this from happening, Kai suggests they ask the elemental master of mind Neuro for help, who they manage to get on their side when they have him read what they learned & Kai advices him to get close to Clouse & read his mind on Chen's plan, before Cole & Jay's match, Neuro sadly tells them he hasn't found anything about to Chen's plan, but he did find something needed in Clouse's book of spells as he's also a dark wizard, eventually when the match takes place, Cole & Jay successfully work out their feelings against each other & the former decides to let Jay win.

Ninja roll[]

In the next match where Skylor is competing, Kai learns that she's the elemental master of ember which means she can copy any elemental power she touches, fueling his desire to get with her, but soon afterwards Lloyd's match begins & he's forced to go up against the elemental master of form Camille in a roller-skating match... with all the other competitors making sure he loses. With little experience in roller-skating & Lloyd really needing help, Kai opts to tell the others what Chen is up to so they can be on their side, which is enough to convince them to help Lloyd win the match & even force Chen to accept his victory.

Spy for a spy[]

After the last match for the first round is complete, during the Banquet, Kai & co. realize that Chen is working to break their alliance with other competitors which he starts by showing them the very item he's been using to steal all the losers powers: the Staff of Elements, and passing it off as the trophy, they fortunately find Nya is here to undercover and tells them that someone in their group is a spy, along with a letter from Cole that says he found Zane. Gathering everyone at Kai's room, they try to find out who the spy is, which Garmadon suggests checking their backs and the one who has a snake tattoo on their back is a spy which all comes down to the elemental master of shadow Shade and Skylor, the latter attempting to get Kai on her side by saying he didn't trust her: he stated he did and wanted the others to trust her, too, but before she did, Shadow made his escape declaring he wasn't the spy or the ninja's friend, so the Ninja and the remaining masters assume Shade is the spy.


When the next round of the tournament begins, Kai & the remaining contestants board a blimp where he learns to his horror that not only did Chen find out about his sister, but he has everyone hunt her for the prize of immediately moving on to the final round which he escalates immediately by having the floor of the blimp open up & they all parachute down with Kai barely falling into the volcano & is soon forced to find Nya alone with Skylor joining him soon after. But when they come across a lake & Skylor uses Zane's powers to freeze it, Kai discovers that she is Chen's spy, and finds an even bigger surprise is that the latter is her father, and he appears right behind him and is captured alongside all the other remaining competitors except Lloyd, who evaded capture with his dad & they soon reunite with Nya.

The forgotten element[]

Tied up & being led to the ritual chamber, a still-devastated Kai asks Skylor if making him fall for her was part of Chen's plan which shocks her just as her father saps away all their powers, but before he is taken away with the others Kai is left behind per Skylor's request so he can help them to which Chen agrees with, guided by Chen through a collection of their past adventures, Chen then reveals that the full-part of his master plan is to use all the stolen elemental powers for a spell that'll turn him & his followers into Anacondrai so he can take over Ninjago, not wanting to abandon his friends, Kai is then told by Chen that there is something about his parents not even Wu told him about, but still loyal to them, Kai pretends to join Chen's cause and waits for the right time to strike. When Lloyd arrives at the palace, a still-pretending-to-be-evil Kai sadly lures Lloyd into Chen's trap for him where the Anacondrai cultist leader easily trumps him with all the other elements, and when the ceremony to become Anacondrai begins, Kai is able to keep up his evil act long enough for Skylor, who now lost all faith in Chen, to betray him & get the staff out of his hands, once Kai gets the staff he easily fights off all the guards, but all the power in the staff is too much for him to control & soon turns evil for real, but this fortunately doesn't last long as the others have successfully broken out of their prison & lead a revolt against the cultists, & in the chaos Kai beats Chen to the staff & destroys it that returns everyone's powers which forces Chen & his remaining men to hide with Skylor now as their prisoner, & with that settled Kai & his friends happily reunite with Zane.

The day of the dragon[]

Now in control of the island, Kai & the newly-built elemental alliance destroy all the remaining vehicles under Chen's control to ensure he or his followers don't escape the island, but while they are doing that they soon get a mind-message from Skylor that says that Chen discovered another way to turn himself & his army into Anacondrai by using all the powers she absorbed & using the crystal in the caves where the one in the staff was, prompting him & the others to rescue her fast, getting to her location, Kai & Skylor are successfully able to evade Chen but are captured nonetheless by two goons & are chained up to the caves where the goons read the spell, due to Clouse being banished to a place calledthe Cursed Realm where evil souls are sent to, to complete the transformation. Despite her best attempts to fight it, Skylor along with everyone with the Anacondrai tattoo are turned into Anacondrai lookalikes with all the features to boot, Kai is still able to break out of his chains and get him & Skylor out of the caves, but while they're doing that, Kai discovers that Zane uncovered the ability to create an elemental dragon by conquering his fears, something he does as well and he then encourages everyone else to do the same & they all fly back to Ninjago to stop the cultists.

The greatest fear of all[]

Arriving to Ninjago city, Kai & the alliance discover to their surprise that they beat Chen & his army to Ninjago and quickly see that the spell is wearing off, returning to the samurai X cave to dicuss their next move & how to stop the Anacondrai, Kai & co. fly to Kryptarium prison where all the bad guys they beat are locked up, to get answers to a still mini-sized Pythor, while they're doing this, the prison is attacked by Chen's soldiers because they need the essence of a real Anacondrai, in this case an Anacondrai's sweat, to make the transformation permanent & they take Pythor hostage. Returning to the base, Kai & the others learn that Chen has begun his attack by sending noodle trucks with Cultists inside to the city, they contact their allies to stop them before their arrival but the trucks separate into going off to other directions, where Misako states there are several villages, the Ninja & Elemental Masters summon their Dragons and each pursue a truck. Kai follows one through the city and manages to damage it and capture the driver, Kai opens the truck only to find it empty as he realizes too late that Chen tricked him and his friends to split up & the fear that they put many people in danger causes them to lose control of there dragons, leaving them unable to do anything about it.

The corridor of elders[]

Taking the truck & returning to the base, Kai & the others learn that their best chance of stopping Chen & his still advancing forces is at the Corridor of Elders: the location where it's monuments are honored for their greatest ancestors, with that in mind, Kai and his friends gather all the citizens of Ninjago together to prepare one last stand against the Cultists, and once it arrives, Kai and everyone give their all against them. But in the end, it's Garmadon who saves the day by releasing the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals from the cursed realm, banishing himself there in the process, and they led by their chief Arcturus, banish all of the Cultists to the realm as well for mocking their legacy, afterwards Kai & his friends bid farewell to Skylor & the elemental masters & they watch in triumphant as a statue of Garmadon is built & declare that whatever comes next they'll be ready for it, unaware that their next challenge arrived a lot faster than they expected.


Winds of Change[]

Sometime after stopping Chen, with Garmadon gone, Kai took Lloyd under his care and promised to watch over him. He and the Ninja used their Elemental Dragons to capture a Fangfish that had been terrorizing a local village, though Kai bragged that he once had caught one twice as big. Upon returning successful to Wu's new tea shop Steep Wisdom, Kai and the others were sent by their Master into Ninjago City to advertise the new store, yet without using their powers. While they obeyed their master at first, after failing to attract anyone Kai decided at use his elemental powers to create a teapot out of fire.

All of a sudden, the Ninja unexpectedly lose their elemental abilities. They returned to Wu for answers just as the tea shop fell under attack by Lloyd who just got possessed by a vengeful spirit who has it out for Wu along with being able to control the wind so he can get the staff that belonged to his father 'cause it has a message engraved on it. Kai attempted to help Lloyd regain control of his body, but was taken away by the Ninja as the fled in the Destiny's Bounty just as the Green Ninja was starting to regain control, when they managed to escape, Wu reveals to them that the spirit that possessed Lloyd is that of his very first pupil Morro, just as he summons his own elemental dragon and chases after them.

Ghost Story[]

Morro soon caught up to them using his Elemental Dragon and while the masters of earth and lightning fended him off, Kai and Zane escorted Wu to their quarters for him to make an imprint of the staff's secret message. The ghost ninja crippled the flying vessel however and soon confronted Kai who was almost thrown out of the Bounty. He was saved by Zane, but the ship crashed in the Forest of Tranquility, afterwards Wu then revealed that the message on the staff is a map that lead to the very Tomb of the first Spinjitzu Master, & since Morro has the staff, Kai realizes they need to find the tomb first.

The Ninja made camp and Wu decides to tell them of his past with Morro: after Garmadon left to begin his training with Chen, Wu found Morro searching through his garbage for food, taking pity on the kid Wu decided to train him in the arts of Ninjutsu, doing everything he was told to & surprising him by showing him his elemental powers, but when he told Morro that he thought he was the green Ninja the power of the Ninja went straight to his head & became really rude, & when destiny proved him wrong, he decided to prove both his master & destiny wrong by finding the First Spinjitzu Master which led to him dying & sent to the Cursed Realm. That night Kai dreamt of him promising to look after Lloyd, only for the Green Ninja to be eaten by a Fangfish, he was awoken by a walloper to find that Misako has arrived and discovered that the first symbol means Airjitzu, a martial art created by the kung fu Master Yang that allows it's user to shortly take flight, but they soon learn that a bandit they have a history with named Ronin had recently stolen the only known scroll. With that set in mind the Ninja mount up on wallopers and Kai leads them towards the town of Stiix where Ronin is currently staying and keeping the scroll.

Unfortunately, their head start was lost when Kai lead them away from Stiix rather than towards it. After Zane pointed this out, Jay and Cole elected to follow Zane instead and they soon came across train tracks leading to Stiix. After nightfall, they came to a train station and stopped, intending to rest. However, they were soon beset by another ghost sent by Morro named Wrayth on a Chain Cycle and engulfed in a frenzied battle against the ghost menace. Incidentally, he defeated himself when his chain hooked on a nearby water tower and poured its contents onto himself. The Ninja were left stunned by this, but it also makes Kai discover that the way to stop a ghost is with water & also realizing that the passing train was headed to Stiix and he & the others quickly ran after it.

Stiix and Stones[]

The Ninja eventually arrived in Stiix and confronted Ronin in his shop. The thief demanded a high price for the scrolls, but due to Kai's horrible negotiating skills, it was raised even higher. To earn money, the Ninja were hired to build a dock and Kai operated the crane. Unfortunately, a fly damaged the Titanium Ninja's language database and they ended up accidentally destroying the bridge. With Zane unable to speak, Jay took charge and decided that they should simply steal the scrolls.

When they did, however, Morro and his latest summoned partner Soul Archer had arrived at the shop for the scroll and summoned more ghosts. Using the Aeroblades, they got rid of the ghosts; unfortunately, Ronin called for R.E.X. and took the scroll but didn't get far thanks to Morro. Kai chased after Morro but failed to regain the scroll. In addition, Ronin offered to help Kai out of the strangle weed in exchange for something: Kai gave him everyone's business shares of Steep Wisdom. In return, Ronin told him of an alternate way to learn Airjitzu: Master Yang's Haunted Temple.

The Temple on Haunted Hill[]

During nightfall, the Ninja sneaked into Yang's Temple in order to retrieve the Scroll of Airjitzu. After pranking Cole, the Ninja tried to warn him that a thudding sound they heard was real. The Ninja were eventually forced to avoid all the obstacles Yang threw at them, and they decided to tie themselves together to prevent themselves from running away.

The Ninja then have to chase Morro into the attic, where Yang gave them the Scroll. After realizing the sun's almost up, the Ninja fled the Temple, but was surprised to see Cole as a Ghost.


Later after meeting up with Wu & his sister Kai learns a surprising discovery that his mother was the elemental master of water & like how he inherited his powers from his dad, Nya inherited their mother's water powers, afterwards began complaining about his new Deepstone suit because it was heavy, which he believed prevented him and the others from performing Airjitzu. Wu told him that it would protect him from turning into a ghost. Sometime later, Misako discovered that the second symbol means the 2nd thing needed to find the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb is a sword called the Sword of Sanctuary as it has the ability to see your opponents next move that is currently held in another realm called the Cloud Kingdom that's accessible to a hurricane called the Blind Man's Eye which will soon pass the tallest mountain in Ninjago, the Wailing Alps & with mechs in-tow, Kai & the others traverse the mountain to beat Morro to it first.

During the march up the mountain, one of Morro's goons Soul Archer shot him in his chest, but the Master of Fire didn't turn into a ghost, once they were nearing the highest peak of the Wailing Alps to beat Morro from reaching the Cloud Kingdom, Kai was the first to successfully do Airjitzu up to the top. He was then able to encourage Cole by telling him ghosts can't die, which helped him perform Airjiztu and allow them to beat Morro into the Blind Man's Eye.

Kingdom Come[]

Upon reaching the gates of Cloud Kingdom, Kai and the other Ninja were greeted by a man named Fenwick. They were then shown inside the writing hall where the Ninja learned Ninjago along with the CLoud Kingdom are one of 16 known realms in all-creation & that the citizens of Cloud Kingdom were the writers of destiny, meaning anything they write will happen to the person they're writing about.

Fenwick proceeded to inform the Ninja that Morro sought a diamond called the Realm Crystal, an item created by the First Spinjitzu Master with the ability to open portals between the realms that is hidden in the tomb, but when they question why Morro wants the Crystal since he just wants to be the Green Ninja, Fenwick reveals that he's searching for the crystal to unleash his new master & the ruler of the cursed Realm The Preeminent, onto all the realms & take them all over, before ushering them into a building filled with toys to meet the "master writer." They quickly discovered it to be a trapped as they had been locked away with Nimbus, a terrifying creature. With Cole's ghost abilities, the Ninja managed to escaped and discovered that Fenwick was actually working for Morro.

The Ninja soon ran into Nobu who informed them where the Sword of Sanctuary was kept, though the Ninja arrived just after Morro claimed the sword. With it in hand, the ghost was able to escape from Cloud Kingdom though after an intense chase down the Wailing Alps, the Ninja emerged victor with the sword in possession.

The Crooked Path[]

When the Ninja are preparing Stepped Wisdom for a Ghost attack, Kai puts up a bucket of water on top of a door. After hearing a bell ring, Kai and the others hurled water balloons at the Postman, thinking he was a Ghost. The Postman then told them they're going out of business due to the lack of customers. They then decided not to tell Ronin so he can stay and help them.

When the Ninja were told to come in Steep Wisdom so Misako can explain the third clue, Kai asked Ronin what he's looking for, to which he said he was just sorting the tea blends. Misako and Wu told them about the three tests and that Kai reminded her earlier about a map at the back of the Scroll of Airjitzu and that the reflection on the sword just might tell them the location. They went outside to stop Ronin from stealing the sword, but was caught in the traps they had set up earlier. When they chased after him, they realized his ship was empty.

They later got a message from "Ronin" stating that the tomb was located in the Caves of Despair. They checked it out, and found the skull symbol at the entrance. They initially thought the lanterns they encountered were the first of three tests, but was proven otherwise when nothing happened. They encountered a Kethanol geyser and when Cle blocked it with a boulder, it erupted and they found themselves riding on minecarts. Before they could fall into a pit of lava, R.E.X., on autopilot, came by to save them. Ronin, on a message, said he'll let them borrow R.E.X. to travel to the real location of the tomb, under the ocean.

Grave Danger[]

Arriving at the tomb's entrance after nearly avoiding the Leviathan, and accidentally leaving their Aeroblades behind, the Ninja head inside and found themselves surrounded by sixteen doors, each with images on it. P.I.X.A.L. informed Zane they're in a zoetrope, and they have to use Spinjitzu to find the correct symbol. He did so, and they enter the door with the Yin-Yang symbol.

They entered the second test room, with Kai determined to reach the staff, activating most of the traps. Cole had the idea to jump down the hole they made, and after it works, he reluctantly followed suit.

Falling into the third test room, the Ninja, except Cole, saw their future in the wall's reflections. They spotted Morro, and Kai was able to trap him with stalactites. They solved the test by digging straight down and end up in the tomb.

Suddenly, Morro, who managed to escape Kai's trap, threatened to kill Lloyd if they don't give him the Crystal. The Ninja realized they have their powers back, but it's weak. Kai secretly burned the Crystal, Making Morro drop it into a nearby river. Lloyd attacked him, but Morro pushed him down the river, with Kai and Cole trying to save him. With Cole not being able to touch water, Kai dove in to save him, however, he was not able to grab the Crystal in time, resulting in Morro winning. When they got out of the tmb, Kai comforted Lloyd that they'll grow stronger as he recovers.

Curseworld, Part I[]

Now with his & his teams powers back, Kai and the rest of the Ninja went to Steep Wisdom to get vehicles Cyrus built. Unfortunately, Kai only got a headband due to the lack of time. However, knowing full well that Morro still has the Sword of Sanctuary & an entire army of ghosts, Kai suggests they use Nya as the key to get close to the Ghosts, to which she agrees.

Trying to distract the Ghosts, Kai poured tea on one of them, getting them to chase him. Eventually, he tries to stop Lloyd from listening to Morro when he's trying to destroy the Crystal, but failed. The Ninja were forced to watch Lloyd get captured into the Cursed Realm.

Curseworld, Part II[]

Kai tried to weaken the Preeminent by using his Fire, but she didn't budge. When Cole was about to use his Blaster Bike on the Preeminent, the Ninja kept shooting their powers at her to cover him.

Kai suggests they get closer to the Preeminent to save Lloyd, but it was no use. They have to go back to the ship. They see Lloyd come back, and had to destroy the stilts to drop the Preeminent into the sea, after which the Ghosts defended her with houses. He went closer to the Preeminent, allowing the Ninja to follow suite.

He fell into the water, but Zane told him to use his Fire on Soul Archer and together with his Ice, they were able to make water to defeat him. However, the Ghost respawned, much to their disappointment. They went back to the ship in order to defend its passengers. He watched as Nya destroy the Preeminent with her unlocked True Potential & destroy both the Preeminent and the Ghost army, afterwards with the Realm Crystal now in their possession, Kai & the others bring Lloyd back & they sail back to Ninjago city to celebrate their victory.


Sometime after stopping the Ghost invasion, Kai & the others soon rose to popularity thanks to Dareth's help, with him particularly loving the newfound fame, eventually they soon spring back into action when they learn that Clouse, now a ghost who just escaped the cursed realm, is heading somewhere & the Ninja race to stop him. Unfortunately, after making a little detour to help a fan, while they are unable to find Clouse, they learn that they were somehow framed for crimes they didn't commit, forcing them to lay low undercover.

Regrouping back at the old monastery, Kai & the others soon learn that in an effort to get revenge on them, he released an evil Djinn that have the power to grant wishes like genies, but unlike genies they twist words around to their advantages & is now on the loose. Now knowing what they're up against & knowing they can't be alone when they face him, Kai & Nya head to Jamanakai Village where Nya had hid spare bikes. Upon receiving a distress call from Zane, the two race to the Corridor of Elders, only to be ambushed and captured by Ronin, who had been paid to round up the wanted Ninja. Once all six of them had been captured, they were lead onto a bus bound for Kryptarium Prison.

While in prison, they encounter a criminal named the Mechanic who blames them for putting him behind bars because he used to work for Chen, but when lunch break starts they learn from an imprisoned Soto that the Djinn they're up against is a pirate just like named Nadakhan because he was the one trapped him, and tells them that the only way to catch a Djinn is to use the venom on an animal called a Tiger widow that is only seen on an unknown island. That night, once all the guards aren't watching them, Kai & Co. make the perfect plan of escaping the prison with Soto in-tow, once it's pulled off, Soto tells them that the way the find Tiger Widow island is hidden inside a lantern... that's onboard Nadakhan's pirate ship Misfortune's Keep, before he leaves though, he reveals that he recognized Nya, not only because of how he beat him & his crew, but because she looks exactly & completely like Delara, Nadakhan's girlfriend who is now dead.

After laying low for a while at a tavern, Kai & the others soon watch on the news that Nadakhan along with his newly reunited pirate crew have turned their ship into a flying one & they begin pillaging Ninjago city, making them rush their to protect the citizens & find the lantern onboard the ship, but in the ensuing struggle, when he & Jay get separated, Nadakhan appears & transports both himself & Kai far from the mainland. Not wanting to wish for anything, Kai tries to wish himself back, but Nadakhan takes him back to Ninjago in the past when his father was young, but not wanting to mess with time, Kai wished to be back to the time when the latter wasn't present, when girls appreciated him, etc., but because of the wish's high content, Nadakhan chose to focus on the "crazy fangirl" bit & transports Kai into an alternate reality where all of the psychotic fan girls began chasing him around which ultimately forces the Red Ninja "wish it all away", resulting in his imprisonment in the Djinn's sword. As a result, Nadakhan would use the power of his soul to begin tearing chunks out of Ninjago.

Now trapped in the sword, Kai would then be locked in by it's sleeping spell while more of his friends & allies getting locked in by Nadakhan as well as other citizens, all the while using the floating chunks of Ninjago to create his own world he calls DJINN-jago. Fortunately Kai's imprisonment in the sword would end when Jay, along with a bunch of their allies who haven't been caught, wake him up from the spell & together, they free the others from the spell as well & they reunite to stop Nadakhan for good.

After being brought up to speed over what happened while he was trapped in the sword, Kai & the others race to stop Nadakhan from marrying his sister: the reason being is that when a Djinn prince becomes king, he is bestowed with the power to grant himself INFINITE WISHES, which they fail to stop at the last second, after barely escaping the clones he made, Kai & the others team up with with two of Nadakhan's crewmates, after Nadakhan realizes that he doesn't need his crew anymore, to get him in the open so he can be hit with the tiger widow venom. After a lengthy battle, they manage to get Nadakhan blasted with the venom, tiring him out long enough for Jay to make his final wish (he already spent his first two wishes) that he's a mortal, but quickly discovers that some of the venom hit Nya which slowly kills her, stuck in a rock & a hard place, Jay takes the 3rd option & wishes Clouse never found the teapot Nadakhan was locked in to begin with, which is something the tired Djinn does & everything is set back to normal.

Dark Island Trilogy[]

Dark Island Trilogy, Part 1[]

Kai and the other Ninja were summoned to the Samurai X Cave by Master Wu, who informed them that Misako and Ronin had gone missing off the coast of the Dark Island. The Ninja quickly readied the Destiny's Bounty and they set off towards the island.

Upon nearing the island however, the Bounty encountered an unnatural storm that sent the Ninja falling from the sky. When Kai awoke, he found himself alone in the middle of a vast desert.

Dark Island Trilogy, Parts 2 & 3[]

When Kai & the others arrive at the island, they quickly learn the Clouse has somehow able to get his body back and upon gaining access to the temple of light, he slowly corrupts it and intends to spread the darkness all across the realm of Ninjago & conquer it. Fortunately the Ninja are successfully able to stop him before he could achieve his goal and in a bid of irony, Clouse is sent falling down into the underworld in defeat the same way Garmadon did when he was first turned evil and he is left at the mercy of the remaining skeletons.

Day of the Departed[]

Using their new vehicles—including the components of the Ultra Stealth Raider—the Ninja traveled to the Ninjago Museum of History on the Day of the Departed in order to acquire lanterns for the celebration. After viewing the Hall of Villainy, the Ninja split up to pay their respective requests, inadvertently leaving Cole behind. Kai and Nya traveled back to Four Weapons Blacksmith in order to commemorate their parents, and Nya questioned whether they would ever learn what really became of them. Chen and two of his Anacondrai Cultists, revived by the dark magic of Master Yang, then arrived to attack the pair, but they were able to defeat the villains and destroy them. Returning to the museum, they found their friends and learned they went through similar experiences, wondering what the cause was before Wu and Morro arrive telling them it was Yang's plan.

Seeing Morro, Kai and the Ninja armed themselves as Jay question how many other ghosts there were left with Kai stating they've stopped several others and what's one more. He is surprised when Wu tells them that Morro was there to help and the latter tells them that Yang tricked Cole into opening a rift to return to Ninjago. The Ninja soon realized they forgot about Cole and Wu orders them to ready the Bounty and head for the Temple of Airjitzu while a redeemed Morro returns to the Departed Realm.

The Ninja used the Bounty to travel to Yang's floating Temple of Airjitzu, where they are caught in a powerful storm with wind blowing their ship around. However, their timely arrival gave Cole the drive needed to win and they watch as he overpowered Yang.

Kai and the others become confused by Cole speaking to Yang telling him he needed to pass through the Rift. The Ninja watched as the Rift closes before getting caught in its shockwave, forcing them to make a crash landing on the ground of the floating Temple. Once they landed, they feared if Cole hadn't made it through the Rift in time but were overjoyed when he emerged from behind a rock, a human again. The Ninja happily hugged their friend, relieved to have him back to normal. Kai soon pointed out the restored Temple of Airjitzu and at Cole's suggestion, they make it their new base.

Later that night, they gathered around a fire with their families and friends listening to Cole's story before releasing lanterns into the sky in celebration.

The Hands of Time[]

The Hands of Time[]

After the Day of the departed fiasco is cleared up, Kai & the others help clean up the mess at the museum, during which Kai finds a picture of his & Nya's parents on one of the walls as well as one that depicts Lloyd's dad & uncle fighting a pair during the serpentine war, which confuses them. It's later explained by the local museum guide Dr. Sander Saunders that they were fighting a pair of rogue elemental masters known as the Hands of time with said ability to control time.

All of a sudden, Kai & Co. suddenly find themselves on the bounty, which Zane analyzes as it was a form of temporal displacement which originated from the old monastery, but while Kai and the others don't know the reason for it, Lloyd quickly remembers that before they went to clean the museum Master Wu told them he's going there to "finish an old fight" solo, making them prepping the bounty to fly there fast. Upon arrival, all they could find is a masked man Zane quickly identifies as Acronix, one of the hands of time, and when Jay attacks him, he shows he does live up to his powers name by moving forward immediately, during the fight, when Kai tried shooting him with a fireball, Acronix notes that he's encountered one of them before, making him realize that he knew his dad.

Soon after a long battle all over the remains of the monastery escalates, which ultimately ends with Acronix using his powers to send himself forward again out of their sights. But before they can race after him, Kai and the others discover Wu barely hanging over the ledge a branch off a cliff, they manage to get him back onto the safer ground and ask if he's okay, but all he can utter is an extremely weak "I... fear not", which greatly worries them.

The Hatching[]

After getting their sensei into a chair, Kai and the others listen to the tale of the fallen hands of time; after winning the serpentine war, Acronix alongside his twin brother Krux betrayed the elemental alliance because they think they have the most powerful element & therefore entitled to rule Ninjago, and although the alliance (Kai & Nya's parents among them) did their best to stop them, their control over time was too much for them to handle. Eventually thanks to quick thinking, Wu ordered the creation of four blades forged from chronosteel he & Garmadon used when fighting them & once the time was right, they stripped the Time twins of their time powers & subdued them with ease. But knowing the power to control time is too dangerous for anyone to control especially now that it's inside very easily hold able objects, Wu & Garmadon created a temporal Vortex that sucked the blades in where they would be scrambled throughout history, but not admitting defeat, the time twins broke free & entered the vortex to get back their stolen powers.

After hearing the story and letting Wu get some rest, the Ninja soon get word the one of the stores where Cyrus is attending is now under-attack by a mysterious snake warrior and race to stop it, upon arriving they quickly learn that it's after Cyrus so while Zane carries Cyrus away, Kai & the others deal with the snake, but quickly see just how different it is when they splatter it into smaller snakes... and then reform itself as more of them appear. Eventually as they soon get cornered by them, Jay is able to find a way to beat them by keeping them away from the armor they're wearing which works with ease, but when they rush to Zane's location to aid him & Borg, they find him shut down and Borg missing

A Time of Traitors[]

Heading to his sister's cave where she keeps her Samurai-X suit to turn Zane back on, Kai and his team are unable to learn what the helmet the snake warriors wore can do, but remembering that it's the same helmet the hands of time wore, Kai goes to the museum in hopes he'll find answers there. At the museum while busy staring at the portrait of his parents, he is started by the surprise gesture by Dr. Saunders, but he eventually discovers that he's really Krux, Acronix's brother who wasn't lost to time as he was & as a result, has gotten quite old, as well as becoming really detestful of the modern era Ninjago has become.

Taking on Krux alone in the museum, Kai soon gets a startling revelation from Krux when he reveals that his parents were "traitors" just like him & his brother and he soon engages in battle with both of the hands of time, fortunately Nya arrives to back him up & the siblings soon engage the older pair in combat. Eventually though despite their efforts, the time twins soon escape with Borg & the time blade still with them, after returning to the cave the others conclude that the time twins are working with the samurai snakes & have been taking every builder in Ninjago they could find, but Kai is still rattled about what Krux told him and begins questioning who his parents are just as Zane has finally finished rebooting & is turned back on.


Once Zane has finished rebooting, Kai and the others agree that with Master Wu still not yet recovering from his rematch with Acronix, Lloyd is going to fill his shoes. Which soon leaves them to jump into action once again once they get word from Ronin and Dareth that the snake warriors Krux & Acronix are working with have now begun collecting all scrap metal all across Ninjago.

With Nya's Samurai-X suit seemingly being one of them & Kai promising to tell her what's been on his mind lately before heading out to stop the snake warriors rampage across the land.

A Line in the Sand[]

During one of their battles with the snake warriors, Kai is able to knock out another one of the snakes helmet's off but when he looks inside of this helmet, he finds a symbol he believes he's familiar with but just can't put his finger through it. Later on Kai & his team watch as the snakes, for some reason, leaving the battlefield & time suddenly slows down for a short time, making them realize that another Time blade but with a different control over time has arrived in their time period.

Following the directions handed out by Zane, Kai and the others race to the desert where the location of the Time Blade is, entering an tough chase all across the desert. Eventually with the help from Jay, Kai & Co. are able to escape them with the second time blade in-tow, and Kai now having something to work on while waiting.

The Attack[]

Returning to the air temple with the slow-motion time blade with them, as well as getting a clue about what Krux showed them, Kai begins reading through every Ninjago history book he can find while his sister desperately searches for her stolen suit. Eventually a still-tired Wu, now with a extra-long beard gets up & prompts Kai to question about the symbol he found, and Wu realize he's familiar with it.

But just before he could tell him what it is, the Time Twins along with their snake army, which Kai soon learns from Jay are actually called Vermillion warriors, have come to take back the time blade & have brought a well-equipped attack force to get it, prompting him & the others to go on the defensive against them. During the battle, Kai & the others watch someone wearing the thief of Nya's Samurai-X suit is not with the Time twins when he/she rescues Lloyd from falling, but he/she gets taken out by them when he/she leaves, soon Wu gets into the fight & after Kai saves him, his master is about to explain what the symbol means.

But just as Wu is about to explain it, the Hands of time fly up to the monastery to take the Time blade themselves, and although Kai and the others start up a good fight against them, they ultimately fail in stopping them from taking the time blade and the worst part, the time twin's leading snake commander get the jump on them & takes Wu as their prisoner, much to their distraught.

Secrets Discovered[]

Still reeling over their defeat at the hands of time, Kai soon learns that Lloyd is planning to search for the Time twin's base which prompts him & the rest to continue searching for the museum while he & Nya stay at the bounty to try and fix the broken scanners. But not before learning from Misako that while Wu was still fighting Acronix, he was blasted with the forward time blade's powers (an attack Acronix calls "the Time Punch") which is causing him to age up faster.

While on the Bounty, Kai finally says what Krux told him before showing her the symbol on the helmet as well as telling her he finally figured out why it's familiar to him: it was the symbol of their father's work. Afterwards Kai explains the basics about a symbol on their forged weaponry to Nya and thinks that his father must have once worked for the Hands of Time. He soon tells his confused sister that Krux told him their parents were traitors and probably betrayed the Elemental Masters by forging armor for their enemies. The painting at the museum didn't show their parents, but Nya refuses to believe it before Kai bangs the console in anger. The attack causes the scanners to come back online. She soon told him to do it again, but it goes down again and the circuits immediately go on fire. As they were about to leave, Nya, still obsessed with finding Samurai X, goes to her base while Kai decided to back to his old home for clues.

Returning to his family's old Blacksmith shop, Kai finds a hidden work spot filled with all sorts of old Vermillion armor along with a very special golden double-edged sword, which all but proves that not only is Krux right, but realizing that his dad is alive. With this revelation, Kai is left frightened if he & his sister we'll "turn out evil" just like his parents & goes to Skylor for advice on how to deal with this type of stuff, as he explains what he learned to Nya as well as his fears, Skylor assures them it's not their destinies they inherit from their parents, it's their legacies, which is enough to fuel back his fire to stop the hands of time.

After they are fully assured with their destinies in life, Kai and Nya are called into action when they hear from Lloyd that he and the others, with some help from the serpentine, have found the time twins base in the swamps outside of Ninjago city, which makes them realize that's where their father is.

Pause and Effect[]

Regrouping with the others outside the base of the time twins, Lloyd gives the assignments for everyone to take down the Time Twins army, with Kai & Nya tasked with locating the time twins themselves, but Kai has his different set in mind via making his father pay for his "betrayal" rather personally, which he proceeds to do the moment he finds him, but when he shows off his elemental powers shocked father who tried to talk him down but he didn't listen to him nor his arriving sister. However, the voice is his mother Maya and he stops but still tells Nya she is guilty like their father, but their parents reveal that they were forced to work for them & they proceed to explain why they weren't present at the battle for all time as well as it's aftermath:

Realizing that the Hands of time were to difficult to stop with their power over time, Wu asked Ray & Maya to forge the Time blades, with the forging being so hard they were so tired to aid them in the battle, and after both the blades and the twins went into the time vortex, Wu saw the exact time Acronix was going to appear in, which was in the form of the modern Blimp 40 years today, making Kai realize how Wu knew when Acronix was going to return. But Ray revealed to them that not only did Krux also saw the sign while traveling the vortex, but he somehow landed immediately after the battle & now having decades to plan, he created the Sander Saunders identity & collected the vermillion eggs-the very offspring of The Great Devourer-to use as his & his brother's army, but knowing his warriors would need all sorts of equipment to aid them, he captures Ray & Maya and threatened to come after Kai & Nya if they refused, he also explains the reason for all the symbols on the armor was a sign for anyone to rescue them.

After hearing their side of the story, Kai apologizes for his earlier anger towards them but then asks what the time twins master plan is, which Ray reveals is too lead their whole army to different points in time & alter history in their favor, this is because as part of making them armor, Ray was forced to create a giant snake-like mech they call the Iron Doom with the power to travel anywhere in time as well as capable carrying millions of vermillion warriors, and Cyrus was forced to create it's power source that draws temporal energy from all the Time Blade's to make the Iron Doom fully operational. Hearing this makes Nya remember that a lot earlier they felt time temporarily stop, which makes her realize to her shock that the third Time Blade that has the power to temporarily STOP time has arrived in their era, which makes Kai realize that they just need to find the last Time Blade for their master plan to be complete, but his dad reassures him they can't find it because the last Time Blade: the power to REVERSE TIME was found directly after Krux landed after the fight & under Wu's orders, he & Maya hid it where only the combined can achieve.

But since now that Kai and Nya have inherited their parents' respective elemental powers, they are told that they must leave immediately before Krux & Acronix find out about all this and will blackmail him and his sister to retrieve the Reversal Blade for them, unfortunately for them the Hands of time along with their troops to appear and reveal they heard every word Ray told them. Things are made worse for Kai & Nya when they bring along a still rapidly-aging Wu with them as Acronix reveals to them that because the Reversal Blade has the power to reverse time, it is literally the only way to undo the effects of the Time Punch on him, which is something Kai & Nya sadly do as they alongside their parents & Wu board one of the Time Twins' blimps and fly to the Reversal Blade's location.

Out of the Fire and into the Boiling Sea[]

A little while later after traveling on the Blimp, Kai and the Blimp's occupants arrive at the place where his parents hid the Reversal Blade: a place in the ocean where a port town called Hono Mizu used to be until an undersea volcano sank the town below & gave birth to a new part of the ocean called the Boiling Sea. After arriving at the sea's very center, Kai & Nya are told to use the the sword Kai found, called the Dragon Blade, and blast both fire & water at it to give birth to a beast called the Fusion Dragon as their transport down into the Boiling Sea

Entering the Boiling Sea, Kai and his sister encounter all sorts of obstacles found across the town before finally retrieving the Reversal Blade they found in it's hiding refuge and fly back up to the surface in time, but as predicted the Hands of Time refuse to let them heal him & they attack them. During the battle, Kai remembers he still has the Reversal Blade with him & he uses it everytime Krux overcomes him so he can counter him while he rushes to cure his master of his Time Punch affliction, but when Acronix tries to attack him with the Forward Time Blade his dad takes the bullet for him but gets affected with the Time Punch as well, but then immediately after that Kai, his family & master get blasted with the pause Time Blade & thrown off the blimp as the Time Twins escape with all 4 Time Blades with them, fortunately he and Nya are able to create the Fusion Dragon & with their parents & Wu, they fly after them back to the swamp.

Unfortunately Kai and his family are unable to stop the Time Twins from getting the Iron Doom fully operational and they witness the giant snake robot open a rift in time. But to their surprise, Maya & Ray jump off the Dragon's back that gives the right amount of speed they need to follow the Time Twins' robot into the Time Rift.

Lost in Time[]

Catching up to the Iron Doom, Kai and Nya along with a still-aging Wu stow away on the robot where they secretly watch Krux and Acronix talk about something about "the battle being re-fought", where they quickly discover what it means when they finally arrive at their temporal destination. Upon arrival they discovered that they traveled back to when Wu and the elemental alliance first defeated the Hands of Time, but now that the present Time Twins are far-more prepared than their previous encounter, they sick their vermillion army on them & the alliance is quickly overwhelmed by them due to not knowing how to deal with them.

While this is happening, they are unable to pull out the Reversal Blade out of the Iron Doom's power source as an aging Wu stands up to remind them the dangers of Time Travel: in that they aren't born yet, but seeing as how the Time Twins have already altered history, Kai is able to convince his sister to joining him in aiding helping the Elemental alliance, which they do by pretending to be their parents (which the old masters somehow believe) & telling them how to stop the Vermillions and turn the tide of battle. But just as they are about to fully stop the vermillion troops, the Time Twins take full control over them and have them scramble back into snakes... so they can slither into parts of the Iron Doom & bring it to life, and with the aid of the robot, the Time Twins overpower the entire elemental alliance & knock Kai & Nya away before grabbing a young Wu & forcing him to yield to them.

As a result of this outcome, everything in the future has been reduced how the past looked like during the Time Twins era, but determined to not let this end & still needing to get the Reversal Blade, Kai & Nya call back the fusion dragon and begin giving the Iron Doom a proper fight which they have the clear advantage in thanks to their dragons ability to fly circles around the Time Twins mega robot, even getting help from the Elemental alliance. But with Wu being this close to dying, Nya jumps off the dragon to get something while leaving Kai to deal a serious blow to the Iron Doom, but when Krux becomes frustrated with his & his sister's constant meddling, Acronix suggests they use the Iron Doom to go somewhere where no one will know them & sure they'll win: far into the future, once Kai witnesses them beginning to Time travel, Kai tries to stop them, but the Fusion Dragon fades away & he falls off just as the Time Twins enter another Time Rift.

But just as Kai gives up hope, his sister surprises him with a now healed-from-the-Time-Punch Master Wu & the Reversal Blade, which hasn't been placed into the Boiling Sea yet, and with the Power to reverse time once again at his disposal, Kai reverses Time long enough to both grab his sister & master, makes sure history plays out just as it was, & follow the Time Twins into the Time rift just in Time. Once again hopping onboard the Snake mech, Kai, Nya, & Wu hijack the Time Twins cockpit and enter one final battle with them, but when are about to pass their current time, Wu (somehow) rips the Reversal Blade out of the Apparatus & sends them out of it while he deals with the Time Twins, leaving to send Kai & his sister back to their time period.

Landing back to where they first left, Kai and Nya rush to their father's aid where they reverse the Time Punch on him just as he's on the verge of death, but even though they happily celebrate their ultimate victory over the Hands of Time, they are still depressed over the loss of their master. But seeing how far he's grown, Kai allows Lloyd to become their new master, which he fully embraces, afterwards Kai and Nya are tasked with returning the Reversal Blade back to the Boiling Sea before they all go on their most difficult adventure yet: finding when Master Wu will appear & where he'll be.

Sons of Garmadon[]

The Mask of Deception[]

In the events following their victory over the Time Twins, Kai & the others travel all over Ninjago in pairs to find Wu, while Kai and Zane fought the Mechanic, P.I.X.A.L. asked them to meet with Lloyd. Zane eventually defeated him with Ice, but accidentally froze Kai in the process.

After getting unfrozen Kai regroups with the others, and Lloyd shows them the Sons of Garmadon (a biker gang that worshipped Garmadonl when he was bad) logo and said they stole a mask. Suddenly the royal master-at-arms Hutchins informed them that the mask was one of three Oni Masks and that the Emperor of Ninjago will be giving a speech. The Ninja agreed to defend the mask during his speech.

During the speech, firecrackers went off, causing the audience to panic. The Royal Family are grateful they tried to save them and they were invited inside the palace.

The Royal Family informed the Ninja as long as they have the Oni Mask, their lives are in danger. The Ninja accepted the challenge to keep them safe and were given a tour with Hutchins.

When Hutchins showed them the Oni Mask of Deception, the Ninja agreed to protect it. Kai and Nya went onto the roof and saw Hutchins suspiciously walking away from the palace. When he noticed them, he walked back inside.

The Jade Princess[]

While training, the Ninja gave Lloyd some advice on how to attract the princess Harumi, but Lloyd agreed with Nya to just be himself. While helping guard the palace, Kai informed the Postman no one's allowed in the palace and that he can deliver the mail.

When the palace exploded, the Ninja fought the Sons of Garmadon. Later, Lloyd and Harumi picked them up on the Destiny's Bounty and informed them the Emperor, Empress, and Hutchins didn't survive.

The Oni and the Dragon[]

When Lloyd and Jay came back from the shop of an old ally of Wu named Mistaké, they watched Cole karaoke at Laughy's on television. Cole was attacked by the Sons of Garmadon and when Zane didn't help, the Ninja went to help him. While they were chasing Mr. E, Lloyd realized Zane was trying to gain their trust.

Snake Jaguar[]

When Lloyd was unable to find Zane or Cole, Jay and Kai checked the other stations.

Dead Man's Squall[]

After the Ninja found Zane shut off at the bottom of a cliff, they took him back to the Bounty. They then decided to leave Ninjago since the baby is the key the the Mask of Hatred.

When P.I.X.A.L. then informed the Ninja Mr. E told the Quiet One "The trap has been set." She told the Ninja she's trying to find the location of the Quiet One, but Cole showed them the baby's blanket with the map to the third Oni Mask on it.

When P.I.X.A.L., controlled by the Quiet One, shot one of the thrusters, the Ninja fought her. Just when she went back to normal, her destroyed another, causing the Bounty to fall. Nya was able to control the rain to slow down their fall, but the Bounty was damaged.

The Quiet One[]

As they tried to fix the Bounty, the baby, who had a growth spurt, hands Jay a pair of pliers, surprising Kai and the others. Kai is shocked to see the baby drink tea, before the child said their motto: "Ninja never quit," after Jay stated he quitted. This makes them realize the baby is a regressed Master Wu, which shocks them.

The Ninja tell Nya the things the baby did and how they discovered he is Wu, she doesn't believe them until she hears the baby talk. Afterwards, questions are raised by how Wu reverted to a toddler; Nya brings up Wu being touched by the Reversal Blade before he was lost in time. Kai questions his sister who states that it could have caused him to de-age. Kai listens as Zane states if Nya is correct, the blades' effects have worn off and now Wu will keep aging until he returns to normal, eventually. The Ninja later discover Harumi is the Quiet One as the Sons of Garmadon attacked and surrounded them.

Game of Masks[]

The Ninja, now tied up in chains, try to convince the Sons of Garmadon not to resurrect Lord Garmadon, to no avail. When Killow calls for Ultra Violet, Wu hands them the keys and they start to confront the Sons of Garmadon.

During their standoff, they were reunited with Lloyd and Crabby attacked. The Sons of Garmadon leave on the Bounty and Lloyd followed them after they froze Crabby in ice. They were shocked when Lloyd was captured and Crabby started to break free.

Dread on Arrival[]

After the Ninja tamed Crabby, they rode it to the police station. They told the Commissioner the Sons of Garmadon are going to resurrect Lord Garmadon and need reinforcement.

While the police attack the Sons of Garmadon, the Ninja traverse to the Temple of Resurrection. They defeated the Sons of Garmadon and rescue Lloyd and Misako. They helped as the police arrested the Sons of Garmadon.

True Potential[]

To celebrate, the Ninja went to Laughy's to karaoke. However, the music was cut off and they watch the news about Garmadon breaking Harumi free from jail.

The Ninja went to the police station to question the Commissioner. The Commissioner confirmed he was Garmadon They watched the news again and realized Harumi and Garmadon are at Kryptarium Prison.

On the Bounty, the Ninja told Lloyd not to face his father. They later were tricked by the Green Ninja, who locked them in a room so he can go it alone.

When the Sons of Garmadon broadcasted Lloyd's fight with Garmadon, the Ninja are forced to watch.

Big Trouble, Little Ninjago[]

The Ninja went to Mistaké's tea shop in order to help Lloyd recover. However, they could lose their Elemental Powers. After thinking, he changed his mind and they all decided to help Lloyd.

They still have their Elemental Powers and Mistaké gave them tea in a bag. When the shop rumbles, they go outside to see Ninjago's citizens panicking. Nya stays with Lloyd while the other Ninja and P.I.X.A.L. go see what it is. They found The Colossus and started attacking, but were forced to hide. P.I.X.A.L. decided to distract it while the Ninja run away.

The Ninja tried to pick up Lloyd on the Bounty but instead, they only got Wu. Before the Colossus could destroye the Bounty, they used the tea Mistaké gave them, which turned out to be Traveler's Tea. They woke up in the Realm of Oni and Dragons.



Now stuck in the Realm of Oni & Dragon, Kai and the gang along with a still growing Wu spend a full week in the realm trying to gather supplies. Kai is the most worked up over the situation, as seen when he criticizes Jay for not freaking out and states him being calm is unsettling to him. Kai and Zane spend most of their time building a radio in the hopes of communicating with the realm of Ninjago to no avail.

As Kai and Zane work on the makeshift radio, they see that Jay has completely lost his grip on reality as he plays on his homemade game, which is really a piece of wood. After Zane tells them he has intercepted a transmission, they believe it's from Ninjago, however, the people on the other side state they are preparing something. Kai doesn't understand some phrases they use and Zane translates the words to him by stating that they are talking about an ambush. Hearing this, Kai realizes they are talking about them and tells the others to run away.

As the trio run, Kai makes sure to keep a lookout for the attackers before figures in the fog quickly grab each of the Ninja in chains and drag them off. Held captive, Kai and his friends are brought blindfolded into a settlement known as Dead's End by their captors, the Dragon Hunters. As they are taken inside the throne room, Kai hears Jay wonder aloud if they are playing hide and seek (blindfolded) before halting in their footsteps.

One of the Hunters dragging them attempts to push Kai to his knees, but he responds by struggling against them, to no avail, before the trio are pushed to their knees, with Zane telling the two to be careful and not to provoke them. The Hunters remove the blindfolds for them to meet their head honcho: Iron Baron, who taunts their situation before laughing with his fellow Hunters.

Iron & Stone[]

As they are held captive, Kai and the others are then questioned on who else is with them , Zane tries to deny it, but one of the hunters called Jet Jack shows them one of Wu's diapers, revealing their lie. Kai spoke up by trying to pass them off as being Jay's as he tried to lie, saying he has a weak bladder, but they don't believe them. Iron Baron accuses them of being beasts called Oni while ignoring Kai's protests.

The captured Ninja are taken into The Pit which Jay notes is an arena where they will be attacked by something. Kai and Zane note that Jay is still not in his right mind and is useless in their plight. They find they are to fight a Dragon and are told by a hunter named Chew Toy to play dead.

During the fight, Kai goes through with playing dead and the Dragon, Slab, smells him but doesn't attack. Cole and Wu get their attention and use a lever to put a chain for them to trap the Dragon. Kai then alerts Jay that the Dragon would attack him but Zane freezes it, exposing their Elemental Power to all. Iron Baron realizes his mistake of thinking they were Oni and sees they are elemental masters. He then orders his followers to hunt them as Kai tells his friends to prepare for a brawl as the Hunters surround them.

Radio Free Ninja[]

Now cornered by the Dragon Hunters, Kai and the others are ultimately forced to use their elemental powers, they use their Elemental Power to easily fend off the Hunters until one of the hunters named Heavy Metal jumps down with the Dragonbone Blade. They try to use their power on him, but as Zane points out, the blade attracts their Elemental Power. Now unable to use their power, they are chained up by Heavy Metal and put in the back of the Dieselnaut.

Held in place by the Hunters with Vengestone, Iron Baron approaches them and admits his surprise at them not being Oni, but trained in the ways of the First Spinjitzu Master. Kai is shocked by his familiarity and asks if he knew him as Baron states he knows his legends and calls him the coward who ran away to Ninjago. Kai then asks if he knows how to get them back, to which Baron responds no, but he had no interest in helping them any way. He then declares they are hunting Dragons and hopes that the catch he makes will be good.

He then turns on the machine and it releases strange energy that triggers an elemental reaction and the Ninja are subjected to a device that draws out their Elemental Power. Jay realizes that the Hunters are using them as bait since their powers attract the Dragons while noting it tickles.

Soon after, a Wind Dragon is attracted to the Ninja. Meanwhile, Cole and Wu (who are disguised as Hunters) "accidentally" knock the other Ninja off the stand. They try to rescue them, but the Ninja are immediately put back into the back of the Dieselnaut by Daddy No Legs. Now in the back of the vehicle, they are forced to sit back and watch as the Hunters reel in and eventually capture the Wind Dragon.

How to Build a Dragon[]

As he and his friends are caged by the Hunters, Kai sleeps before Jay wakes him up by telling him and Zane that he heard Lloyd's voice on the Hunters' radio. Kai questioned him if he has lost it again but after he explains they see he is still sane. As the Ninja are forced to work, they wonder about what to do as Jay suggests building a Dragon and they call it out foolish but he tells them of his plan to trick Baron into thinking the Firstbourne was attacking so they and the Dragons can escape. The Ninja like his plan and get to work by secretly gathering supplies.

Later on, the Ninja are put to work by the Iron Baron, and Jay draws the blueprint for the fake dragon in hidden. While Kai and the others assemble parts and send them off to Cole and Wu, the two of them assemble the Dragon away from the camp. Soon after, at night, Iron Baron gets ready to cook the Wind Dragon, and Kai and the others wait for Cole and Wu to "attack" the base with their creation. They are tied up and watch the skies, and then finally, with Wu controlling it, the fake dragon appears over the camp, and Zane and the others act like it is the real thing which spooks the Hunters.

While the Hunters scramble to their stations to capture it, Cole maneuvers to the others and frees them from their chains. They make their way out, and at the same time, Wu is shot out of the sky. At first, the Ninja don't see it, and see the real Firstbourne in the sky and mistake it for Wu. When they realize it's the real thing, they freak out and attempt to flee. Wu stops them and tells them that she is there to protect her Wind Dragon, but the Ninja assisted in capturing it, the only way for them to get out would be to save the Wind Dragon.

Kai and the others make their way to the Dragon, who is tied up, and get caught in a fight with the Dragon Hunters. Kai breaks off from the fight and frees the Wind Dragon. It helps the Ninja fend off the Hunters, and the Ninja also help the other imprisoned Dragons escape. But as Kai and the Ninja flee the scene, an angry Iron Baron says they are now going hunting again...for the Ninja as revenge.

The Gilded Path[]

Once they are out of the hunters reach, Kai and the others find a perfect spot to camp out for the night, but by the time they wake they find that Wu has aged up again and into his teenage years, much to their displeasure. All of a sudden Heavy Metal then finds the Ninjas' camp and makes her presence known, Heavy Metal threatens the Ninja with her weapon telling them they are her prisoners now before interrogating them on Wu truly being the son of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Despite Kai telling him not to reveal his heritage to him, Wu ultimately does so but to their surprise, Heavy Metal not only reveals that he's on their side, but he's actually a woman in disguise named Faith. When Faith asks him if he knows the location of the Dragon armor, Wu pretends to know about it to which she proceeds in helping them, hauling her vehicle, Faith decides to tell them the legend of the First Spinjitzu Master;

When the First Spinjitzu Master reached adulthood, because he had both Oni & Dragon blood running through him, he wanted nothing more than peace in his home realm and because he did not wanna pick a side, he along with Firstbourne forged both the dragon armor & sword and traveled all throughout the first realm & unite it. But as he soon sadly learned, the Oni & Dragon kinds could never find anything to bond over & when they began forcing him to choose a side, he ultimately chose to flee the realm & start a new home in the hopes of creating the dream he always wanted: a reality full of peace.

Faith then told them that before leaving, the First Spinjitzu Master left his armor behind & the mother dragon has since guarded the armor & is convinced Wu (despite not knowing himself) can find it before they are then suddenly approached by Dragon Hunters Daddy No Legs and Muzzle. With Faith by their side, Kai and the others are able to tie them up and steal their vehicles to continue their quest to the home of Firstbourne.

Two Lies, One Truth[]

While stopping for a break, Kai and the gang soon encounter another search party of the Dragon Hunters and are soon chased through the space of a giant canyon, which soon allows them to lose the Hunters, unaware that one of them planted a tracking device on their vehicle. By night time, Kai & Co. soon arrive at the borders of a fortress belonging to Oni, but to their luck, they find that there are no Oni in sight and even better, a map that leads to Firstbourne's nest.

The Weakest Link[]

On the way to the nest of Firstbourne, Kai and the other Ninja as well as Wu are soon told by Faith that if they wanna stand a chance against the Dragon mother, they're gonna need to learn how to learn how to use the Dragon chains to stop them. But while he & the others are getting the hand at it, Wu is unable to do so himself & gets frustrated, seeing this, Kai comes to his side and gives him a pep-talk that makes him continue their training.

Pretty soon Baron's hunting party finds them & Kai and the gang are soon thrown into a dangerous chase across the desert, during which the Dragon Hunter's learn of Faith's true identity & Baron learns about Wu's heritage, and now makes him their number #1 target. After a while Kai & the others soon loose control of their vehicle and successfully hijack Baron's vehicle and escape the hunters, but at the cost of Faith who got captured by Baron.

Saving Faith[]

Despite escaping the Dragon Hunters at Wu's urging, Kai and the gang go back to rescue Faith, only when they find her they find themselves caught in a trap laid by the Dragon Hunters and got captured themselves. Tied up with the others while the Dragon Hunters eat up, Kai and the others share banter with the others to keep their spirits up. He explains to Wu why this is important because it helps them keeps their hopes up.

Kai then watches as Faith reveal to the other Hunters that Iron Baron lied to them about the Oni who have been gone from the realm for centuries and tells them that he basically let all the Hunters who died to get him the Dragonbone Blade. But after Iron Baron silences any growing rebellion by threatening them, he then annoyingly orders his prisoners by turning on the elemental device by torturing them.

Fortunately for them, this causes Wu to regain all of his memories and slightly aged further into a young adult, and Kai watches in amazement as Wu breaks free of his bonds and begins to fight off the Dragon Hunters but is knocked aside. He watches as Iron Baron negotiates with Wu who accepts the offer of leading him to the armor to return to Ninjago. Kai, Faith, and the Ninja tell him not to help Baron but he tells them to believe in him and Kai is left to watch as Wu and Baron leave the area and head to Firstbourne's nest.

Lessons for a Master[]

The next day, Kai and the others alongside Faith try to break free of their bonds while the other Hunters talk amongst themselves but while they were close to succeeding they are caught by the Hunters. But to their relief, they see that the Hunters have decided to help them upon realizing Iron Baron's true colors and they all follow Wu & Baron's trail, but by the time they make it to Firstbourne's nest, they find the bridge leading there has been destroyed & are unable to help Wu.

But after a while, Kai and the others then watch Firstbourne erupt from the mountain ans seemingly attack them, but to their surprise, they find Wu, now wearing his father's armor, riding on the mother dragon which shows he has gained her loyalty, while also revealing that Iron Baron has been killed. With Iron Baron gone for good, Faith decides to stay in the realm & make it a better place asks Wu asks the Firstbourne if she will get him and his former students home which is something she agrees to do.

Calling upon four other Dragons for the Ninja to ride and with their work finally finished in the Realm of Oni and Dragons finally finished, Kai and the others ride the Dragons out of the realm and begin their long-awaited return to Ninjago.

Green Destiny[]

Flying across the Ethereal Divide back to their own realm, Kai and the others as well as the dragons helping them finally return back to Ninjago just in time to save Lloyd, Nya, & Dareth from the Sons of Garmadon; their time away left Garmadon all the time he needed to successfully take over Ninjago city, but he decides to destroy it with the Colossus after Harumi got killed from a falling building. After happily reuniting with their friends, Kai discovers that Skylor absorbed Garmadon's powers in an attempt to take control of the Colossus, but it proved to be too overwhelming for her to handle & is slowly killing her, so while Wu & Lloyd go off to confront Garmadon, Kai and the others go aid the citizens to escape before dealing with the Colossus.

When they do go against the stone giant Kai and the others soon run out of chains and wonder what to do, before the Firstbourne returns with Wu and he fires his chain gun at the behemoth and the tides just continues to turn in the Ninja's favor as their allies escape the prison and return to the city to help defeat the Colossus. Very soon, the Ninja and their allies incapacitate the Colossus using the chains, and it falls to the ground and Lloyd successfully defeats his dad which makes the Colossus crumbles apart and the ninja are victorious. In Nya's armored van, Kai tends to Skylor who wakes up after her health is restored, assuring her they have won the battle.

After Kai heads back to Borg tower they watch all the Sons of Garmadon get arrested before Lloyd arrives with his defeated father, as well as now with his powers returning & his father now powerless which he was able to do by not fighting him as he reveals that fighting him only made him stronger, with this news the ninja celebrate his restored power while Garmadon is arrested. Later on after cleaning up a part of the city Wu (now an old man again) and the rest of the city surprise Kai and the gang by throwing a celebration for them in honor of their heroic deeds.

March of the Oni[]

The Darkness Comes[]

Sometime after their win over Garmadon and the celebration, Kai helps Jay practice how to ask Nya to be his Yang but after showing him how to act with confidence, Jay dismissed the idea. Afterwards, Dareth comes in and Kai told him to keep it a secret. Nya also comes in to show them her new kimono and they all went outside to look at the new murals about all their adventures so far with Wu. Suddenly, they saw Firstbourne crash and landed near the mountain. They ran to her and saw Faith was with her and also badly injured. They brought her inside the Monastery to help her heal.

Before passing out Faith mentioned that a mysterious darkness swept over her home realm and that she barely escaped, which then makes Lloyd remember his father telling him that a similar thing is coming. Fearing this Wu looks back into a message left by his father which makes him realize one thing: the Oni have returned & are beginning to kill all life in the realms of creation needing to be prepared, the Ninja head to the newly-built Bounty and fly back to the city.

When they arrived at the city, the Ninja witness a black fog appear out of Borg tower and begin turning everything they touch into stone. They tried to fight the darkness with their powers, but it had no effect. They retreated back on the Bounty and Lloyd told them Garmadon might be able to defeat the Oni. They went to Kryptarium to release him.

Into the Breach[]

Once the Ninja are airborne again, the Ninja discussed if they could trust Garmadon. Meanwhile, he turned the engines off, and the Bounty starts plummeting toward the ground. The Ninja hanged on until Zane got to the emission switch on time.

While Lloyd followed Garmadon to the cabinet, Kai told Jay he should ask Nya to be his Yang as soon as possible. Cole joins in and tells him the same, but Zane told them they were needed on the bridge. Garmadon proceeds to tell the Ninja about how the Oni were able to enter Ninjago; they used the Realm Crystal and he would be able to go inside the dark cloud to destroy it due to being part Oni, but he would need a weapon. Lloyd then argues that they can't just let him have a weapon then let him walk away unsupervised. Since Lloyd is part Oni as well, he claimed would also survive the darkness and decided to go with him.

When they arrived at Borg Tower, the Ninja handed Garmadon a sword, but he started attacking them to activate his powers. He jumped off, and Lloyd followed. After watching Lloyd on his head cam, they heard distress calls and tried to find the source. They flew off, while P.I.X.A.L. decided to stay behind in case the two needed assistance.

While trying to find the source, the Ninja watched as Lloyd and Garmadon approaches the Crystal. But by the time Lloyd and his father arrive at the crystal's location, the black fog starts spewing out more and pretty soon, the leader and most evil of the Oni: The Omega, appears from the realm crystal and attacked them, Lloyd's head cam getting broken in the process which leaves them unable to watch over him.

The Fall[]

The Ninja found the source of the distress signal at the NGTV building. Jay and Cole went out to help the people, but once they were about to leave, Nya accidentally turned the thrusters the wrong way. This caused Cole's rope ladder to snap as the Ninja watched him fall. Kai tried to turn the ship around, but Zane convinced him otherwise.

They went to save P.I.X.A.L., Lloyd, and Garmadon as they ran out of fuel. The Ninja told them Cole fell off the Bounty, and Nya blames herself despite Jay and Kai saying it was an accident. After Garmadon told them they are wasting time mourning, he showed them the Golden Master's armor. However, everyone was upset at him and started leaving.

Nya still blamed herself while Kai tried to reassure her by telling her she's the one that makes plans for the Ninja. She then said they can go back to the Monastery of Spinjitzu to forge the armor's metal back into weapons. Despite Kai being hesitant, he agreed.


The Ninja landed near the monastery and Wu and Misako went to see them. They told the two that Cole fell into the dark clouds and destroying the Realm Crystal did nothing. However, Garmadon showed them the Golden Armor and Nya explained they might have a chance if they reforge the Golden Weapons. After Kai was done, he gave the weapons to their respective Ninja, but had to give the Scythe of Quakes to Nya. A monk then signals to the Ninja that the Oni are here, and they prepare to fight.

The Ninja began the fight them and were surprised to see Cole arrived. Nya then hands him his Scythe but they were overpowered and retreated into the monastery. They then watched as Jay asked Nya to be his Yang, to which she accepts. Lloyd then points out that they can try using the Tornado of Creation against the Oni, with no other options left, Kai and the others, alongside Wu & Garmadon, form the Tornado one last time which is so powerful that all the Oni are wiped out immediately.

With the Oni wiped out once & for all, Kai and the others briefly rest up before finally getting up in victory, however, they find Lloyd under a pile of debris and mourned, but he then suddenly wakes up and the Ninja were relieved and they go off to celebrate while Garmadon, with no idea what to do with his life now, heads off & to parts unknown. As part of their celebration over saving Ninjago once again, Kai and the gang join all their allies visited the monastery and they watch the Ninja make a new mural with their handprints.

Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]

The Fire Chapter[]

In the months following their ultimate victory over the Oni, Kai and the others truly believe that their time as protectors of Ninjago is over as there has been peace over the realm ever since, but an annoyed Master Wu thinks otherwise and Kai and the gang begin trying to think of new challenges for them to face. With that set in mind Kai & Co. head to Ninjago city in an attempt to find new dangers for them to face, but learn that like them, the police haven't found or heard of anything that spells danger, that is until they hear from the news that famed explorer Clutch Powers has recently uncovered an ancient pyramid out in the desert, prompting the ninja to go search inside it as they begin preparations for the desert.

After an intense ride across desert, the ninja are very eager to go searching the pyramid with Clutch Powers, but they sadly find to their disappoint that Clutch is no longer the hard-working adventurer he used to be as he has become nothing more than a guy who's only doing what he loved doing just to keep his credibility up, but they enter the pyramid with him regardless. Entering the pyramid, Kai and the gang traverse the inside and do their best to avoid all the traps hidden inside, when they finally reach the main chamber they spot a giant door with a puzzle showing it could open it, which his sister & Jay decide to do, but Zane found out that the pyramid's actually a prison & when Nya & Jay finish the puzzle, they accidentally release it's main prisoner - a serpentine sorceress named Aspheera who's obsessed with getting her revenge on someone she calls the "Treacherous Deceiver". While Clutch flees the scene, Kai & the gang fight her, but soon discover that she's not only a skilled sorcerer, but she to is a spinjitzu master & realizing Kai is a fire elemental, she casts a spell on him that makes her absorb his powers, which allows her to trap them in the pyramid before using her powers to reawaken numerous other dead snakes & she leads them all to Ninjago city.

After making it outside of the pyramid, Kai and the others do what they can to stop Aspheera's army's rampage, but without his powers, Kai is feeling completely useless in the crisis and decides to just sit this attack out, but after a little reminder by a big fan, Kai's fire to fight is restored and he aids the others in fighting off Aspheera's forces when they attack the museum, but not before she is able to steal a mysterious scroll that somehow makes her spinjitzu even stronger than usual. Needing to know more about what the scroll is and who is the "deceiver" Aspheera keeps rambling on about, Kai, Cole, & Jay head down into the sewers where the serpentine live to get answers from them, where they learn that the scroll she stole contains the power of "forbidden spinjitzu" as it was unstable for anyone to control, they also learn that the deceiver Aspheera's obsessed with getting revenge on was a boy she befriended but then betrayed her & got her locked away in the pyramid forever.

Believing that the treacherous deceiver could be Garmadon (for pretty obvious reasons), Kai, Cole, & Jay head back to the monastery as fast as they can to tell Wu everything they believe and assume that he knows where Garmadon might be since the Oni attack, but to their surprise, Kai and the others learn that it's not Garmadon she's out for revenge, but him. With this newfound revelation WU decides to tell the 3 and P.I.X.A.L. what went down between him & Aspheera; when his father was alive, humans & serpentine weren't allowed to cross each others lands, but he convinced his brother to come along with him into snake land despite this, where they got captured by the serpentine king back then but will be brought before their father as punishment, that is until a young Aspheera set them free only as they agreed to teach her spinjitzu, though Wu keeps his promise, she uses the power to take over her Tribe before setting her sights on the rest of the land, prompting the brothers use the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu (their dad made another one) to stop Aspheera and has since been entombed for her actions, holding a grudge about ever since.

After hearing the story, Kai and the others are all rightfully angry with him for this time causing problem for them as Aspheera's army lay siege to the monastery, Cole asked about the second Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu and using logic, P.I.X.A.L. thought the second scroll would be with an archeologist, so Cole contacted Lloyd, Zane, and Nya to find Clutch Powers, P.I.X.A.L. activated the defensive systems for the Monastery, but Aspheera banished them and Fire Fang obliterated the door causing the ninja to retreat to the hangar bay. When they realized that they couldn't escape, Kai blamed Wu for their troubles, and Cole tried to comfort him, but he walked away, when the Pyro Vipers found out their secret hideout, Wu believed he should face them alone, but Kai apologized to Wu and promised that they will face Aspheera as a team.

Eventually Kai and the others lead Aspheera's forces to the lower levels of the monastery where they all duke it out with Aspheera with each taking a turn to use the 2nd Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, but without his elemental powers the Scroll is useless in his hands, regardless they are still able to win when Zane gets the Scroll & freezes Aspheera in place, effectively stopping her army as well. But just as Zane is about to give the other Scroll back to Wu, Aspheera manages to get her arm out of the ice cube and tries to blast Wu with it, but before it hit him, Zane pushes his master of the way but it ended causing him to be hit with the blast & get seemingly destroyed, to their distraught.

As Kai and the others mourn their friends "demise" Wu arrives in the room to tell them something important he learned from Aspheera; the blast she threw wasn't meant to kill Wu... it was just to send him to a distant realm as payback for getting her locked away, hearing this makes Kai Kai & Co. thrilled to know that Zane is alive, but are scared to realize that the realm Zane got sent to in place of Wu is a place called the Never-Realm, the most distant of all the realms (barring the departed realm) & Wu is determined to go their & save Zane solo. Not wanting that to happen to him, Kai & the gang take the travelers tea from behind his back and race to the bounty to activate the tea & travel there well-prepared, but as they arrive at the the hangar bay they're spotted Wu who, not wanting them to pay for his mistakes, grabs the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu to stop them, culminating in a lengthy battle for the Traveler's Tea which ended with the ninja doing no choice but to tie Wu up and place a mouthpiece over him & with him out of the way, the ninja climb aboard the "Land Bounty" while P.I.X.A.L. stood outside and used the tea to zap the vehicle & them inside into the Never-Realm.

The Ice Chapter[]

Upon arriving in the Never-Realm, Kai and the others see nothing but snowy terrain with Zane (quite ironically considering the environment the are in) nowhere in sight, after sometime traveling the land Kai and the others soon come across people native to the realm, seeing they need a place to stay, Kai & Co. are taken to their village where they are greeted by the elder Sorla, asking her where Zane is, Sorla throws a potion into the hearth fire where they find out that Zane's location which was a Castle of Ice. But seeing this makes Sorla warn them that Zane is most likely taken captive by the Ice Emperor, the realm's tyrannical ruler and makes Sorla believe he's "lost", but Kai and the others is still determined to bring their friend back.

As Kai and the gang make preparations for their march to the Ice Castle, they soon learn from one of the villagers that someone reported their arrival to the emperor & passing them up as enemies, makes the emperor worried about his reign and sends his warriors to deal with them, regardless Kai & the gang lead the villagers to defend both themselves & the fire. When the ice warriors arrive, Kai and the others do their best to fight them off, but while the knights he fights off easily go down, he is soon cornered by a very special one named Grimfax and while his friends soon come to his aid, doesn't give up and races into the house with the fire inside and ultimately takes it out & retreats, but as the others surround the empty fireplace in defeat, Kai slowly feels his powers coming back and starts a new fire, which makes Lloyd have him & the others guard the village while he decides to go out and rescue Zane on his own.

A few days later, after Lloyd left to rescue Zane, Kai and the others do their best to protect the villagers from the Ice Emperor's forces, but when the others go off to rescue Cole when he gets into trouble, Kai is left to deal with another one of the Emperor's men, which is a ferocious Ice dragon named Boreal who easily overwhelms him due to his powers still not fully-returned yet and it freezes over the entire village just as the others get back. Seeing that the only way to save both Zane and the villagers is to take out the Emperor himself, Kai and the gang get the land bounty up-and-running and with the help of a friendly yeti they call Krag by their side, they start up the engines and head off to the Ice Emperor's castle to take him out once and for all.

Traveling across the icy terrain with ease thanks to the Bounty, Kai and the gang once again run into Boreal and after managing to incapacitate the beast, they discover it was an elemental creation, which makes Nya realize that the Ice Emperor could only be Zane, which shocked Kai and the others, he at first tries to deny it, but he realized she might be right due to the corruptive power of the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu Zane was still holding. With this newfound revelation, Kai and the gang decide to warn Lloyd but Boreal regains its conscious and attacks them again, as the Bounty gets destroyed in the ensuing battle, Kai is left dazed by the attacking Ice dragon, but as he sees his friends panicking with the approaching beast, Kai breaks Aspheera's spell on him & fully-regains his powers and destroy the dragon, allowing them to continue to the Ice castle just in time for Lloyd to not only discover who Zane is, but is able to make him remember who he is & destroy the scroll that un-freezes everyone & everything in the realm, where they & the allies Lloyd made happily reunite and celebrate their victory.

With peace to the Never-Realm once again restored, Kai returns to the Great Lake with his friends and learn there was no way to return to Ninjago. But Cole remembers something and hands gives it to Sorla, which is a Traveler's Fruit, with the fruit in their hand, the Ninja are able to make a portal back to Ninjago where they say their goodbyes to the people they made in the realm & return to Ninjago safe & sound.

Prime Empire[]

Sometime after the Never-Realm & Forbidden Spinjitzu adventure, Kai and the others soon race to stop the Mechanic and his latest scheme, it was also during this time that they learn that an old, legendary video game Prime Empire resurfaces, but players begin to disappear into the game, including Jay, who was playing with one of the consoles while they were searching for the Mechanic. Believing that the game's creator Milton could be responsible, Kai, Lloyd, Cole & Nya decide to play the game themselves to rescue Jay while Zane & P.I.X.A.L stay in the real world to find Milton and get answers from him.

When they enter the game, they come across a band of players who call themselves the League of Jay where their leader Scott explains the rules of the world within Prime Empire to them, during their search for Jay they encounter a group of evil enforcers who call themselves Red Visors, who are content with getting players, including them, eliminated. After finding Jay they soon learn that the leader of the visors as well as the game's master & final boss Unagami is purposely getting players to lose all their health so his forces can retrieve them and with help from the mechanic, he plans to open a portal to the real world and seek vengeance upon his creator for locking him away.

Now knowing what's at stake, Kai and the gang travel all over the game's world to find the three keys needed to enter Unagami's fortress, where he, Cole, & Lloyd get eliminated during their quest but despite their best efforts, Unagami and the Mechanic succeed in creating the portal to the real world where the former's army begins wrecking havoc. Fortunately Jay is able to get both him and his creator to reconcile with him and afterwards, Unagami willingly lets all his prisoners free.

Master of the Mountain[]

A little while after the Prime Empire fiasco, Kai and the gang are invited to celebrate a party at the kingdom of Shintaro, which they all agree to go because they see it as the perfect breather for them after their last adventure, where they are all welcomed with open arms by the kingdom's ruler Vangelis and his daughter Vania. But as they rest up for the night in the palace, Kai & co. discover the following morning that during the night Cole and Vania encountered a strange creature and followed it under the caves of Shintaro.

Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

When The Merge occurred, where all realms formed into one, Kai woke up on an unfamiliar island and spent weeks trying to find the monastery, managing to reunite with Lloyd. Taking the Bounty, Kai went on a journey to study the combined realms while keeping Lloyd up to date, until he stopped upon reaching the Realm of Madness, reunites with Nya and helps to defend the Craglings from dragons. Kai remained at the monastery, where he was called towards the mysterious Monastery of Imperium, where he and Nya meet up, find Zane, and help Lloyd, his students, Riyu, and Wyldfyre escape from Imperium. While searching for the Dragon Core in Wyldfyre's old home, Kai came across the Lava-tides, who were miffed by Wyldfyre's pranks, until they manage to get the core. However, Dorama managed to swap it with a fake beforehand. And while waiting for Heatwave to heal, Kai taught Wyldfyre patience, eventually taking her under his wing. After discovering the fake, Kai and Wyldfyre, along with Lloyd, Zane, and Arin return to Imperium, where they're recruited by a resistance to expose Empress Beatrix's lies before she used a weapon to create a MergeQuake storm, which Kai was sent into a rift but was brought back after Lloyd stabilized the merged realms and during one lesson, Kai discovered his and Wyldfyre's powers are different.

Sometime later Kai helped other ninja to handle Lobbo being mutated, stopping the Mechanic, and stopping the Lava-Tides from stealing dragon eggs.

Season 2[]

A year later, news of Ras in the Cloud Kingdom reached Kai and the other ninja. They went on a mission to stop him, but were defeated by Cinder. To counter Shatterspin, they learned about the Dragon Masters and headed to their dojo to request training to learn Rising Dragon, with Kai being the first to achieve it. They trained until the Blood Moon arrived. To infiltrate the Ritual of the Blood Moon, Kai, Sora, and Wyldfyre disguised themselves as Wolf Mask Warriors. However, Ras trapped Kai in the Nether-Space. Despite the ninja's efforts, Kai remained trapped with Bonzle while Nokt was freed.

For some time, Kai was trapped with Bonzle in the Nether-Space. They had to hide from the other Forbidden Five and saw them talk to an outside ally. Kai saw that he still had Riyu's scales on his outfit, which allowed him to enter into a connection with him. Thanks to the Dragon Ivory stone, and to Riyu who managed to establish a link between Nya and Kai thanks to his dragon power, Nya was able to communicate with the latter. Nya was able to use her connection with Dragon Ivory to blast the dragon horns, opening a breach in the Nether-Space, allowing Kai and Bonzle to escape. Nokt was about to attack Nya when Kai intervened, and fought against the enemy. Nokt, possessing all the powers, took the upper hand and was going to finish him off when Roby and Wyldfyre used the Elemental Cup to deprive him of his powers and return them to their original owners. The Forbidden Five, Arin, and Ras end up marooned in a different realm after the portal gate they entered was destroyed. After all this was over, Nya explained to Kai about Jay, and Kai promised to help her find him.
