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Looks like there's nothing but weird people around here.
~ Kana Anaberal

Kana Anaberal is a poltergeist that was produced by a mentally unstable girl. She may be looking for a different place to haunt.


  • (Touhou 3) Wears a blue and white maid uniform with a frilled white apron, a red ribbon, and a wide-brim hat with a red ribbon on it. Has yellow eyes and blond hair.
  • (Alternate outfit) Same as above except her maid uniform is red instead of blue and both ribbons on her are violet.


  • Kana appears on the cover of Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream along with all the other characters in that game.
  • ZUN's comments on Shuusou Gyoku's music suggest that Kana's name is a pun on Cape Canaveral.
  • Kana is also a popular Japanese girl name which literally means 'one who is powerful'
  • According to her ending in Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, Kana may currently be haunting the Hakurei Shrine.
  • She and Mugetsu look very similar.
  • When ZUN was once commenting on Anaberal's Theme, he said that before drawing Kana, he always noted that she is "An European girl who destroys things while holding a road sign behind her back" (from Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream Th3_08Pmd.txt). It is common to find Kana Anaberal holding a road sign or attacking somebody with it in fan art.
  • She bears a lot of resemblance to the Prismriver Sisters. Both haunt a mansion, both have little girls that created them that aren't around anymore, and both are poltergeists.



Other Appearance[]

Theme Music[]


Touhou Logo Heroes

Incident Solver
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sakuya Izayoi | Sanae Kochiya | Youmu Konpaku | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mima | Yuuka Kazami | Alice Margatroid | Genjii | Ruukoto | Kana Anaberal | Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno Scarlet Devil Mansion
Hong Meiling | Patchouli Knowledge | Sakuya Izayoi | Remilia Scarlet | Flandre Scarlet

Perfect Cherry Blossom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Alice Margatroid | Youmu Konpaku | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Ran Yakumo | Yukari Yakumo | Prismriver Sisters

Immaterial and Missing Power
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Suika Ibuki

Imperishable Night
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Keine Kamishirasawa | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Tewi Inaba | Eirin Yagokoro | Kaguya Houraisan | Fujiwara no Mokou

Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuuka Kazami | Aya Shameimaru | Komachi Onozuka | Eiki Shiki

Mountain of Faith
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Nitori Kawashiro | Momiji Inubashiri | Aya Shameimaru | Sanae Kochiya | Kanako Yasaka | Suwako Moriya

Subterranean Animism
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Satori Komeiji | Koishi Komeiji | Rin Kaenbyou | Utsuho Reiuji | Sanae Kochiya

Undefined Fantastic Object
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Minamitsu Murasa | Shou Toramaru | Byakuren Hijiri | Nue Houjuu

Ten Desires
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Mononobe no Futo | Toyosatomimi no Miko | Nue Houjuu | Mamizou Futatsuiwa

Hopeless Masquerade
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Hata no Kokoro | Tenshi Hinanawi | Hatate Himekaidou | Iku Nagae | Unzan

Double Dealing Character
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno | Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Urban Legend in Limbo
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Kasen Ibaraki

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sagume Kishin | Hecatia Lapislazuli

Antinomy of Common Flowers
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Unzan | Byakuren Hijiri | Mononobe no Futo

Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mayumi Joutouguu | Keiki Haniyasushin

Three Mischievous Fairies
