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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Kareem Saïd (pronounced sai-EED) is a character played by British Actor Eamonn Walker on the American show show Oz. He is a devout Muslim and Black nationalist who was imprisoned for blowing up a white owned warehouse. Saïd immediately took charge of the Muslim prisoners, who sometimes chafed at both his extreme moral code and his apparent violations of those same standards. Saïd is one of the most powerful prisoners in Oz with considerable influence and control of a large portion of the inmate population.


Saïd is one of the very few characters who might be considered truly "good" or even heroic by comparison. Saïd sticks his neck out for Poet, Keane, Omar, Beecher, Hill, and other prisoners in ways that rarely benefit him directly and sometimes create friction with the other Muslims. Saïd is also far more likely to reach for non-violent conflict solutions than most of the other characters, including the prison staff. Despite this, he's still perfectly capable of violence when he finds other methods lacking. Saïd also focuses on providing legal and spiritual aid to the prisoners. While he's committed to his ideals and will fight for other prisoners even at cost to himself, he's also capable of fighting against his enemies just as fiercely.

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