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Heroes Wiki

Karla is a minor character in We Bare Bears, appearing in the episode "The Island". At some point, she got stranded on an island as a shipwrecked castaway alongside Dave, and the two have been trying to find a way off for a while when they meet the Baby Bears.

She was voiced by Felicia Day.


Karla is a thin young American woman, though she seems to be somewhat muscular from having been working day and night to escape the island. She has a light tan complexion, and long, unkempt ginger hair with a small ponytail in the back. She sports a white t-shirt and a pair of blue-gray shorts, both articles dirty, as well as white sandals with blue circles on the toe straps.


Despite her circumstances, Karla is an incredibly nurturing person. She cares deeply about the bears and acts as a mother figure to them. She was also initially kind to Dave, though she immediately shredded this quality after learning of his true nature. Karla is also protective and truly heroic, willing to defend the bears from their enemies.


            We Bare Bears Logo / We Baby Bears logo Heroes

The Bears
Grizzly Bear | Panda Bear | Ice Bear

Charlie | Chloe Park | Darrell Saragosa | Lucy

San Francisco Police Department
Officer Murphy

Park Rangers
Ranger Tabes | The Poppy Rangers | Ranger Martinez | Ranger Con Rangers

Crowbar Jones | Pando | Sam Spider Spade | Unica | Pirate Parrot Polly | Ursa Major | Little Buck

Yana | Lady Lima | The Box | Master Cheddar | Karla | Yuri | Fireman
