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And now time resumes!

Karre is the main protagonist and one of the two titular characters (alongside Am) of "The Twins", an episode of the non-canon 2021 Disney+ anime anthology series Star Wars: Visions.

He was voiced by Junya Enoki in Japanese and Neil Patrick Harris in English.


He is one of two twins born into the dark side and part of T-Empire (a faction formed by remnants of the Imperial Army after the Battle of Exegol). From the moment he was born, he was prepared to sacrifice everything for the dark side together with his sister Am. They underwent Sith training which allowed them to channel Dark Side of the Force to power up a hyper cannon capable of destroying entire planets in conjunction of a special khyber crystal. The hyper cannon in question was installed on their very own Twin Star Destroyer.

However, some time prior to the day they supposedly utilized the hyper cannon at last, Karre, plagued by the vision of Am dying from doing so, resolved to defect T-Empire in a bid to prevent it.


  • According to the book "The Art of Star Wars Visions", both Am and Karre are wielders of the dark side of the Force, but are not Sith and have not been trained in the Sith traditions. They are instead clones scientifically designed to channel power.

External Links[]

  • Karre on the Star Wars Wiki


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Old Republic Era
Meetra Surik | Revan

High Republic Era
Avar Kriss | Bell Zettifar | Burryaga Agaburry | Elzar Mann | Jecki Lon | Kai Brightstar | Keeve Trennis | Lys Solay | Nubs | Oppo Rancisis | Orla Jareni | Osha Aniseya | Reath Silas | Santari Khri | Sol | Stellan Gios | Tera Sinube | Ty Yorrick | Vernestra Rwoh | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Yord Fandar | Zia Zanna

Republic Era
Aayla Secura | Adi Gallia | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Bolla Ropal | Byph | Cal Kestis | Caleb Dume | Cere Junda | Cin Drallig | Coleman Trebor | Depa Billaba | Dooku | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Even Piell | Falon Grey | Ferroda | Ganodi | Gungi | Ima-Gun Di | Jaro Tapal | Jinx | Jocasta Nu | Kalifa | Katooni | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Mavra Zane | Nahdar Vebb | O-Mer | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Oppo Rancisis | Petro | Plo Koon | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Rahm Kota | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Sifo-Dyas | Tera Sinube | Ursa Wren | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Zatt | Zett Jukassa

Rebellion Era
Ahsoka Tano | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Nari | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Quinlan Vos | Yoda

Resistance Era
Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Rey

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Galactic Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
212th Attack Battalion | 501st Legion | Clone Force 99 | Coruscant Guard | Delta Squad | Domino Squad | Ghost Company | Senate Guards | Wolfpack

Bail Organa | Finis Valorum | Jamillia | Jar Jar Binks | Kharrus | Meena Tills | Mon Mothma | Neeyutnee | Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Riyo Chuchi | Wullf Yularen

Clone Troopers
Axe | Appo | Bly | Boil | Boost | Broadside | Cody | Contrail | Crosshair | Cut Lawquane | Cutup | Denal | Deviss | Dogma | Doom | Droidbait | Echo | Fil | Fireball | Fives | Fordo | Fox | Gree | Gregor | Hardcase | Hawk | Hevy | Hound | Howzer | Hunter | Jek | Jesse | Jet | Keeli | Kix | Matchstick | Mayday | Monnk | Nemec | Odd Ball | Rex | Rys | Sinker | Stone | Tech | Thire | Thorn | Tup | Waxer | Wooley | Wolffe | Wrecker | "Retired clone trooper" | 99

Asajj Ventress | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Gial Ackbar | Gregar Typho | Hondo Ohnaka | Jaybo Hood | Julia | King Katuunko | Korkie Kryze | Lassa Rhayme | Lee-Char | Lux Bonteri | Meebur Gascon | Mon Calamari | Nossor Ri | Omega | Quarsh Panaka | Rafa Martez | Ric Olié | Roos Tarpals | Sabé | Satine Kryze | Saw Gerrera | Shmi Skywalker | Sionver Boll | Soniee | Steela Gerrera | Sugi | Tee Watt Kaa | Trace Martez | Ursa Wren | Wag Too

C-3PO | C1-10P | Professor Huyang | R2-D2 | WAC-47

The Path/Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
Ghost Crew | Phoenix Squadron | Rogue One

Ahsoka Tano | Alexsandr Kallus | Amilyn Holdo | AP-5 | Azmorigan | Bail Organa | Baze Malbus | Bistan | Bix Caleen | Bodhi Rook | Brasso | C-3PO | C1-10P | Cassian Andor | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Chirrut Îmwe | Cikatro Vizago | Cinta Kaz | Del Meeko | Enfys Nest | Evaan Verlaine | Ewoks | Ezra Bridger | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Gobi Glie | Gorn | Gregor | Haja Estree | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hondo Ohnaka | Iden Versio | Jan Dodonna | Jarek Yeager | Juno Eclipse | Jun Sato | Jyn Erso | K-2SO | Karis Nemik | Kanan Jarrus | Kawlan Roken | Ketsu Onyo | Kino Loy | Kleya Marki | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Luthen Rael | Lux Bonteri | Maarva Andor | Mart Mattin | Mon Calamari | Mon Mothma | Nien Nunb | Numa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Pao | Quinlan Vos | R2-D2 | Rahm Kota | Ryder Azadi | Raddus | Rex | Ruescott Melshi | Ryder Azadi | Sabine Wren | Sana Starros | Saw Gerrera | Tala Durith | Taramyn Barcona | Tristan Wren | Ursa Wren | Vel Sartha | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Wolffe | Yoda

B2EMO | BD-1 | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eno Cordova | Greez Dritus | Merrin |

Arhul Narra | Dash Rendar | Iella Wessiri Antilles | Jan Ors | Tycho Celchu | Winter Celchu

New Republic/Resistance
Aftab Ackbar | Amilyn Holdo | Babu Frik | BB-8 | Bo Keevil | C1-10P | C-3PO | Carson Teva | Chewbacca | Ewoks | Finn | Freya Fenris | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Griff Halloran | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hype Fazon | Iden Versio | Imanuel Doza | Jarek Yeager | Jannah | Kazuda Xiono | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Maz Kanata | Mon Mothma | Neeku Vozo | Nien Nunb | Norath Kev | Paige Tico | Poe Dameron | R2-D2 | Rey | Rose Tico | Ryder Azadi | Sidon Ithano | Tam Ryvora | Torra Doza | Venisa Doza | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Zorii Bliss

Ahsoka Tano | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cara Dune | Cobb Vanth | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Ezra Bridger | Gannis Ducain | IG-11 | Kuiil | Lina Graf | Peli Motto | Sabine Wren

Bounty Hunters/Mercenaries/Outlaws
Asajj Ventress | Boba Fett | Cara Dune | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greef Karga | Han Solo | Hondo Ohnaka | IG-11 | Lassa Rhayme | Lando Calrissian | Migs Mayfeld | Qi'ra | Sana Starros | Sugi | Zorii Bliss

Asajj Ventress | B2EMO | BD-1 | Bravo | Boba Fett's Rancor | Daughter | Father | Gabs | Her Majesty | Gorn | Greez Dritus | Grogu | Ham | Jaybo Hood | Jemboc | Kino Loy | Lizz & Koob | Maarva Andor | Merrin | Nash Durango | RJ-83 | Xanwan | Xaul

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Season One
Ronin | Jay | Geezer | K-344 | Lan | Karre | F | Lah Kara | Ethan | Juro | T0-B1 | Professor Mitaka | Tajin Crosser | Dan G'vash | Lop | TD-4 | Yasaburō | Tsubaki | Misa
Season Two
E2 | Tichina | Koten | Annisoukaline Kalfus | Kalina Kalfus | Ara | Toul | Loi'e | Hétis | Jon | Charuk | Rani | Rugal | Crux | Livy | Citizens | Aau | Abat | Kratu
