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Kasumi Asō

Kasumi Asō is a character from the Tokimeki Memorial videogame series. She makes her debut in Tokimeki Memorial 2.

She was voiced by Torii Misa.


Hero in childhood and Hikari Hinomoto sister who lived in the neighborhood of. This volume reunited with hero as education apprentice is appointed to the alma mater of Hibikino high school, resulting in homeroom when three years. Subject is language. Although in good-looking is a caring teacher in front of students, sometimes reveal a final true feelings in front of hero. Like Shiori Fujisaki who served as the main heroine in the previous work, because they are also limited period ideal of boys favorite is raised a high favorability, it is character capture is difficult.

As with Hikari, it is often to talk about past events in that say older sister of a childhood friend. There is only a senior in Dari frolicking in big dog stuffed but fancy shops are quite grown-up, unexpectedly and childish one side often that it can show the one side you do not show usually in waking. Some as whether this is was good for what it was to myself teacher, also sometimes suffer scene.

Her presence in the novel version, it will be a major impact on the relationship of Hikari and Takeru Iwase. Mystery in Bancho warfare to stop the movement by scolding the "persuasion of sincerity", the enemy. Libra birthday October 9, blood type A type. Height 164cm. Image color is green. Image Flower is Kasumi grass.

Official popular vote third place. However, it has opened a big water with the upper two people.
